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Re: Traditional Celebrations - June
6/7/2008 6:07:19 AM
Thank you!  Have a splendid day!
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Traditional Celebrations - June
6/7/2008 6:23:34 AM
Hello Christopher :-)

I'm so flattered to see your first post here.
and to
ADLANDPRO'S Community.

Let me greet you with a CART OF FLOWERS

((youtube id="E4kMf2_rRhM"))((/youtube))

accompanied by a wonderful Romanian Ballad and lots of beautiful landscapes.
The music is about ... what else could it be ... LOVE: the in loved boy is inviting his beauty to meet on the hill, near the spring in a Summer evening. His suffering of the time going by too slow :-)

Hope you enjoy your tour.
With friendship,

Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Legends of JUNE
6/21/2008 5:47:37 AM
Hello my dear friends of ROMANIA :-)

Welcome and greetings to everyone. Wish you all a wonderful Summer and weekend!

On June 24th Romanians are celebrating
Summer and Sanzienele.

As you could see from my main post there are many legends about this fest. Even one of our well-known writers and philosopher, Mircea Eliade wrote one of his novels dedicated to this event - The Forbidden Forest.
The next days I'll do my best to share a few of them with you.

One of the legends says, Sanziana was a simple, poorly dressed orphan girl. Most of the time people sent her away when they met her. Sanziana had a strong belief and love of GOD. She used to pray for a quite and better life.
Unfortunately, one day she got sick. While she was laying on her wooden sticks and grass bed, there was no one to take care or help her. ST. FRIDAY, who rewarded or punished people according to their soul, seeing the poor girl's suffer, felt so much compassion for her; so he converted her into a delicate, beautiful, tiny little flower.

This small and fragile yellow flower, have four petals arranged like a cross. This is why they say this flower brings and offer protection to everyone, being blessed by ST. Friday himself.

Let me give each and every one of you one Sanziana for your home to be protected all the year long.

With lots of friendship,

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Legends of JUNE
6/21/2008 8:51:10 AM
Hello AnaMaria!

Thank you for this nice information and for sharing the Drăgaica (Sanzienele)- The Romanian traditional Midsummer Day - Summer Solstice.

The Christian world tried to eliminate this celebration by giving the day to St John the Baptiste. As you see there are 3-4 days difference and that depends on the changes between old and new calendar. 20-21st of June is the longest night in the Northern hemisphere.

In Sweden this celebration is very highly celelbrated, I would say equal to Christmas. There are many nice legends about midsummer in Sweden. One day I will tell you one. Here is a clip from Sweden. The maypole or the cross is an inluence from Chrisitanity.

Click above

Happy Week End
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Traditional Celebrations - June
6/21/2008 12:49:47 PM
Hello Anamaria,

It's wonderful to know about your country's traditions.

Thank you for sharing.


Best regards,

