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How Do You Get Recruits?
5/18/2006 11:36:54 PM
I really need help in getting recruits and I am at a lost for how to go about it. Where do I advertise for best results? Any advice will be greatly appreciated, thanks so much, sheree
Re: How Do You Get Recruits?
5/19/2006 12:42:42 AM
Hello Sheree, Recruiting is a personal thing. How personalable and trustworthy you come across will determine how well you will recruit. The internet is very tough since we can't shake hands, look someone in the eye and greet with a smile. So, you have to start with the next best thing ... Pic and profile info, things about you and ALOT of interaction with others in forums. Not selling but interacting. Trust is the biggest recruiting tool you can have. The internet does NOT make anyone a 'overnight success'. You have to work it just like any other J O B. I will say that you can get a little lucky and find some people that need your products or services. Go to newsgroups (Google, MSN, Yahoo) and do a keyword search for what you offer. Read the groups and see if you see people in need. Join the group if YES. Interact and DO NOT SPAM the groups. As people get to know you they'll know what you are about and will buy or join when they trust and need. Hope this helps you. __________ Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Sponsor of the ABA Basketball 'Streetball' group 'Nothing But Net Entertainment' New! Bizzy Blogz Community - like MySpace An Advertising Traffic Machine
Re: How Do You Get Recruits?
5/22/2006 6:04:35 AM
Sheree In order to build a successful business you need to be on top of your game. This means attending as many of your company's meetings and always learning new tips. Personally I have been able to grow a great organisation through just using the product my company offers. It is a unique product and once people have been exposed to it they always ask where they can get, how much ,etc. Sure not all of these people join my business, actually the percentage isn't that high but the product really does sell itself. Sheree your focus should always be on solving other people's problems and helping them achieve their goals. In this way you will achieve yours. If your in a conversation with someone don't try to 'sell' your product to them. Offer people a solution to the problem they are facing. To uncover problems you will need to really talk and listen to people. Don't try and 'sell' them. Not every prospect is created equal and not everyone wants to hear your well worn spiel. I'm not a believer in the three foot rule. This is what gives Network Marketing a bad image. Sure some people may have built their fortune on it, but do you really want to annoy everyone that is within hearing distance of you. As Kenneth mentions, present a trustworthy image and always try to help other people. This with a great product will mean recruits are flocking to join you.
Re: How Do You Get Recruits?
5/29/2006 1:25:38 AM
There are tons of ways to recruit! The best way is your imagination! Do you know these packs you get at your house with all the coupons in them? Sure you do! Well, I called the company and discussed having them join my team and just put there own ad in that mailing! They did great and continue to grow with me! Joint venture is the big thing these days! Everyone is joining in with eachother abnd promoting eachothers sites. Try to find someone who is running a comapny close to yours and work together with that person or company! Cold calling leads works too, I am sure tons of people are scared to death to talk to people they don't know! Don't have a fear of rejection! Have a plan and make it a game! You are tring to bring them into something you believe in! Find a great leads company and work with the lists you get! If you want to have a successful downline, then you must show them that you are there for them and give them the tools to succeed! Have them follow what you found to work for you and share with them pitfalls too! If you would like to join my winning team, I encourage you to do so! William Connelly Director with Success University
Bill Connelly aka: CashFlowDude skype: givemesuccessonline JOIN MY TEAM TODAY
Re: How Do You Get Recruits?
5/30/2006 3:04:49 AM
Hi Sheree Keep things simple you are looking for people who want to do something positive in their lives ,who want more than the averae person. It's about building relationships and understanding people.Everyone will interperet a given book differently based on past experiences and values and this could be constanly changing .Every time i read "Think and grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill i get a different message from the chapters. What i do now is teach people how to build relationships and read people so that you only gear yourself up for positive leads. Download my free ebook and see what a difference it could make to your life
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