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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Making friends
4/21/2006 3:38:43 PM
Hi Georgios, thanks for stopping by. You are a good example of a person who "stays the course". Your consistency is paying off for you, as I see you developing good strong friendships.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Making friends
4/21/2006 3:44:12 PM
Hi Marilyn, You are dropping seeds and water every time you send us a new list of Adland people on your welcome wagon. I hope more people will participate.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Making friends
4/21/2006 3:47:30 PM
Hi Leanne, Yes, variety is the spice of life. I enjoy the variety of friends I have made here. I do not look at profiles and discount them unless there is some indication that I will be hearing about gambling or some other programs that do not agree with my life values.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Making friends
4/21/2006 3:47:49 PM
Hi Leanne, Yes, variety is the spice of life. I enjoy the variety of friends I have made here. I do not look at profiles and discount them unless there is some indication that I will be hearing about gambling or some other programs that do not agree with my life values.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Making friends
4/21/2006 3:52:54 PM
Hi Margaret, Welcome to Adlandpro and to my forum. You can read other forums I have made by clicking on my panda. That will take you to my profile. There you can click on forum and up will come my other forums. Click on any of them and there you will find some good friends of mine. You can do that for any of my visitors. That way you can find more new people and post on other forums.