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Scott Reynolds

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Re: The Power of Positive Thinking
3/21/2006 9:41:02 PM
Hi Leanne, Took me a long time to figgure that out. Still is hard to stay positive some days but the more positive you are the easyer it is to stay that way. Thanks for the post, a good boot in the butt in the right direction.
Re: The Power of Positive Thinking
3/22/2006 2:32:12 AM
Hi Scott, Me too...thanks for coming and posting! Thanks Leanne Busby Sign up for free newsletter tips and tricks for networking at home!
Kathy Kanouse

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Re: The Power of Positive Thinking
3/22/2006 8:22:31 PM
We all must have positive thinking in order to succeed in life. I wish each & everyone of us the best as we strive to be positive in our lives.
Re: The Power of Positive Thinking
4/3/2006 10:39:23 PM
Hi Kathy, Thanks for are right too! Thanks Leanne Busby Post a free ad!
Scott Reynolds

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Re: The Power of Positive Thinking
4/3/2006 11:02:09 PM
Hi Leanne, Thanks, another great, positive post!