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Re: Eye-Specialist
3/10/2006 4:23:56 AM
Hi Lanell, Thanks for visiting... :) Leanne Busby
Re: Eye-Specialist
3/10/2006 3:17:08 PM
Hi Leanne. Nice one! I'm not gonna say nothing about hair color, gender...nothing at all. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Eye-Specialist
3/10/2006 5:12:29 PM
Hi Anthony, Yeah....I'll say the same as what I said to Thanks for visiting mate! Leanne Busby
Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: Eye-Specialist
3/11/2006 3:55:16 PM
Hello Leanne, thanks for the joke funny and great way to start my day.Have a great sunday leanne and everyone over US have a great Saturday night. respectfully jeffrey OBrien