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Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
2/28/2006 5:44:05 PM
Dear Linda, I made it to page 10 or 11 on that thread. I wish I had seen it when you started it! I have been using traffic exchanges to get "hits" to my website. My purpose in this was to help my search engine rankings, as I thought the more traffic you have, the higher your search engine rankings will go. I started using the paid autosurfs, figuring I might as well get paid for what I had already been doing for free. I did get taken by a couple of companies, and put together a webpage with guidelines for using these types of sites, as well as manual or free auto surfs, with free resources to help people accomplish this. My goal was to help people avoid the mistakes I had made, protect their computer while using these programs, and to look into the backgrounds of the owners before choosing a site to join, hopefully avoiding a scam artist. I state several times on there that no autosurf is a guaranteed "income" and to never spend more than you can afford to lose. I also state it is a "great" way to earn. I feel like an idiot right now. The best I can do is keep my readers informed of the facts. And the facts are that at least most of these programs, no matter what their claims, are illegal Ponzi schemes. I think I need to spend a couple of days going through your forums in order to relearn internet marketing as well as website building. Thank you for your honest, ethical approach to these matters. Sincerely,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Lisa Westberry

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Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
2/28/2006 6:30:48 PM
Hello Peter, I know both you and Linda tried to inform allot of people about the surfing. My main reason for posting was to support you and tell you that I know you got treated very badly by people because you were trying to help. I was not aware that my word "gambling", (just making an example), would be pointed out and posted as WRONG! Ouch!! I understand what your saying though, Thank you You know I don't get into all these tech wording Forums. I know this has turned into a really big mess for everyone involved. I will hope that there will not be problems for the participants later on down the road but if there is, don't be surprised.
Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
2/28/2006 10:08:43 PM
Hi Shannon =========================================== I feel like an idiot right now. The best I can do is keep my readers informed of the facts. And the facts are that at least most of these programs, no matter what their claims, are illegal Ponzi schemes. I think I need to spend a couple of days going through your forums in order to relearn internet marketing as well as website building. =========================================== I said this in Dave Cottrell's forum and I'll say it here, too. The more of your posts that I read, the more I like you. There is no reason to feel like an idiot. We all make mistakes. We aren't born with any skills and we don't get online knowing everything. We make mistakes. We all do. What I like about you is that you listen and learn and when you've made a mistake, you say so and you keep your readers informed. I respect that. =========================================== Thank you for your honest, ethical approach to these matters. =========================================== You're very welcome. And thank you for the same. I enjoyed your blog, by the way. :) Linda
Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
2/28/2006 10:18:59 PM
Hi Lisa, We both appreciate the support that you are obviously showing. I hope that you will understand that when I posted my response to you I was doing it for the number of people that are only reading and not posting. Let's face it with only 11 to 12 posts and over 150 views a fair number of people are reading the words we each choose to use. When you made the relationship, "that's what happens when you gamnble", I felt it needed somewhat more explanation as it was not correct and let's nopt forget gambling has it's own laws and calling this gambling also makes it illegal. There are now branches of the US Federal Goverment that all of this information has been turned over to (names, addresses, banking information, amounts earned, where each individual fit into the picture and the roles they all played) and that can have some very serious effects on people, wheter they live in the USA or not. I have posted other information in forums that deals specificlly with taxes that are owed by non resident aliens of the US when they collect funds by doing business in the US. This can all become a very serious matter for people in a very short period of time. So it was for the benifit of the many and not an attepot to single out you or your comments. When we post, our words are read by many and not everyone may grasp the full effect of them. The fact is that now that the decison has been made about 12 Daily Pro and it is charged with operating an illegal Ponzi. Just by participating in it you can be found as guilty as the person operating it and face the same legal repercussions. This is not something that anyone should take lightly, unless having your bank account seized and facing a possible jail term is something people think they should take lightly. I am not saying that this is what will happen but there are many possabilites that will unfold as more of this gets uncovered. All of the surf programs will now face a much more intense look from the US Government and I am sure more charges will be laid against the different operators and participants of these schemes.
Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
2/28/2006 10:42:22 PM
Hi Mark You make some interesting points, as usual. : ) ========================================== The trouble is one of the great motivating factors in human nature is herd mentality. ... Regrettably that wish to "not get left out" is overly compelling for too many people. ========================================== This is true. We all have a need to belong to some degree. But there's another saying that relates. Birds of a feather flock together. We all need to decide if we want to hang out with people that are building something that will last, or if we want to hang out with the pipe dream crew. ========================================== The dream of instant wealth tends to cloud people's judgement. We all know that a number of people hurt by this will get sucked in to the next "BIG THING" ========================================== Yes - and they are the same folks that screamed that 12DP was innocent and it was all Stormpay's fault..... and the same folks that pass around hoaxes... and the same folks who keep wondering why nothing is working for them. One day they need to wake up and smell the coffee. I'm hoping this thread will help a few do that. ========================================== There's one lady I feel particularly sorry for. She advocated this so strongly and I believe sincerely that it will devastate her. ========================================== I try to keep a very "open" forum. People are allowed to have their own views and they don't have to agree with me or anyone else. The best example is when I suggested to Martha that she use black text on a white page and she retorted that I don't do that myself. (lol) Point being, I welcome people to speak their mind here so we can learn from each other. If we are talking about the same woman, she did not offer anyone that same option. Anyone that challenged her stance, asked a question or expressed any doubts was duly chastised - publicly - and seldom kindly. While she might be "devastated," I'm sure all the 'friends' that she brought into 12DP based on her assurances are equally devastated. Perhaps if she had not been so quick to slam people with contrary opinions, she might be in a different position today. Ego only comes before friends and profit in the dictionary.... it shouldn't in real life. Again, if we are talking about the same woman, perhaps a little humble pie is not unjustified. : ) linda

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