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Winston Scoville

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Re: Operating a Forum
2/20/2006 5:01:09 PM
========================================= Why don't you paste your web addresses in word then you can just copy and paste them in a browser if you want to check them out again. ========================================= Or rather than copy and paste it into a browser you should just be able to click on the link (depending on the version of Word) in Word itself. You can also expand on that if you wanted to and save your word document as a webpage! LOL The possiblities are endless! :-)
Cheri Merz

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Re: Operating a Forum
2/20/2006 10:02:32 PM
============================================ Or rather than copy and paste it into a browser you should just be able to click on the link (depending on the version of Word) in Word itself. You can also expand on that if you wanted to and save your word document as a webpage! LOL ============================================ RE: clicking the link, you can do the same thing from Excel. As for publishing it as a webpage, can't think why I'd want to do that, unless I had a few that would be good reciprocal links. Most of what I'm finding for my money page (where I'm concentrating) are not only competitors but the ENEMY in terms of the solutions they are advocating. We teach that those solutions are at best inefficient and usually counterproductive. Wouldn't want to send anyone there. Cheri
Winston Scoville

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Re: Operating a Forum
2/20/2006 10:32:36 PM
================================== As for publishing it as a webpage, can't think why I'd want to do that. . . ================================== Actually I didn't mean publish it to your website. (he-he) Some of the older versions of Word had some problems when clicking on a web link within a word document. The most often problem being that it caused your computer to lockup or freeze. A work around, was to save the document as a webpage instead of a Word (.doc) file.
Cheri Merz

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Re: Operating a Forum
2/20/2006 11:15:38 PM
Winston, Oh, sorry. My literal-mindedness kills the best of jokes, sometimes. Then I wonder why people don't get mine. Ah, well. I've been working non-stop for 13 hours, I think I hear calling me... Cheri
Cheri Merz

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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/23/2006 10:58:54 AM
Hey guys, I have a question about Alexa rankings and how to interpret what I see when I pull up Judy Hortin posted a thank you to an AdlandPro member who helped it here My question is, does that really work? If so, what's to keep you from reviewing your own site to bring the rankings up? If it works, we should all do it for each other, assuming it has any value, does it? I've been told the number you see is how many hits that the site has received in the last whatever amount of time, and I've also been told it's the ranking from first to last in popularity. Which is it? Does it make any difference? Is it all just a bunch of hype that we shouldn't concern ourselves with? Are we there yet? Cheri

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