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Cheryl Baxter

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Re: It's Time For The 29th Edition Of The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week!
2/6/2006 11:01:59 PM
Hi Syl, Great of you to come by and show your support to me. I am honored and accept your congrats! I wish you the best & God bless you too!!! Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Cheryl Baxter

2279 Posts
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Re: It's Time For The 29th Edition Of The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week!
2/6/2006 11:03:32 PM
Hi Syl, Great of you to come by and show your support to me. I am honored and accept your congrats! I wish you the best & God bless you too!!! Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Re: It's Time For The 29th Edition Of The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week!
2/6/2006 11:34:30 PM
Dear Cheryl, fellow Texan and friend, I have read every post in this forum to this point. (That's a lot of reading!) You certainly deserve the praise that others have posted. I, too, want to add my congratulations to you on such well-deserved recognition. Although I have known you prior to my becoming a member of the Adland community, I learned much about you from your bio in this forum. I was tempted to prepare some kind of an acrostic-type poem using POTW. However, what I wanted to say would not fit with POTW. Also, I decided that since I was not a poet, any attempt would be on the miserable side. Trivia time, readers: 1) What happened to Kermit, Texas on July 16, 1926? 2) For whom was Kermit, Texas named? Cheryl, I swear you and myself not to reveal the earth-shaking answers. Cheryl, have a great forever! (I know that you will.) Lawton
Rick Martin

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It's Time For The 29th Edition Of The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week!
2/6/2006 11:38:28 PM
Hey Cheryl, This is just awsome! You have been one of the kindest and giving persons that I have had the pleasure to have as a friend. Your giving spirit and help to others is just a joy to all at AdlandPro. This election was exciting to follow and I was behind you all the way. Enjoy your time in the spotlite. Your Friend, Rick Martin
Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Leon Horton

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Re: It's Time For The 29th Edition Of The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week!
2/7/2006 12:19:15 AM
Hi Cheryl, Ihave roots in northeastern Oklahoma and though the landscape is different, it is still basically flat. There are no sand dunes though. That was a wonderful story and you do have a great gift for your writing. CONGRATULATULATIONS! Enjoy your week in the limelight, Cheryl. Peace and prosperity to you and yours, Leon

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