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Roger Macdivitt .

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Post 1900 Peruvian art
5/11/2013 7:02:04 PM


One of the most well known of South American countries with a history of art little bettered by any nation. A country of lofty beauty and epic survival.

Since the Spanish and Portugese involvement in South American history, Peru proved, in it's case, that it is possible to encompass the incoming influences but remembered and retained so much of their own uniqueness.

Much art as recognised by the developed world is based upon European art, particularly where painting is concerned but Peru has developed a great Peruvian artistic movement since the beginning of the last century.

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Post 1900 Peruvian art
5/11/2013 7:07:53 PM

Above is the Wikipedia page for Peruvian History.

Wikipedia never claims accuracy 100% however it's page here is more than the forum owner here can supply.

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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Post 1900 Peruvian art
5/11/2013 7:25:57 PM

I make NO EXCUSE for bringing this gentleman's art here.

Love it or hate it, you have to admit that it is skillfull and intricate. Well researched and world recognised as powerful.

Who is it?

Boris Vallejo

Fantasy artist, poster designer extraordinary

Peruvian born and attracted to USA where he now lives.

I suggest that you check out his images online.

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Post 1900 Peruvian art
5/11/2013 7:28:34 PM

Many of this artists pictures feature beautiful semi-naked ladies. If it offends then don't research other works, however, I think that they are beautifully painted.

If the below image doesn't appear then click in the square.

Boris Vallejo

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Post 1900 Peruvian art
5/11/2013 7:36:51 PM


You know by now that I love colour.

This artist delivers for me.
