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Dennis Clairmont

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RE: Vote for the 346TH POTW
10/31/2012 1:12:30 PM
Yahoo Voters

We now have 50 Votes in.

Great Please Copy This Link and send it to as many friends as you can and see if you can have them vote also
Better Yet Posting it on FB,Twitter Liken and other communities would be a great help.

Thank You

Mr. D

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RE: Vote for the 346TH POTW
10/31/2012 1:56:41 PM
Barbara Delgiudice

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RE: Vote for the 346TH POTW
10/31/2012 6:53:06 PM
I voted.

Hope you feel better soon Barry!

Love and big hugs.

Barb :)
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Vote for the 346TH POTW
10/31/2012 11:00:55 PM
I hope you feel better, Barry!

Can you let us know what your medical condition is? If you want to tell us.

Hi Kathleen,

It is not very likely Barry is reading this thread. At best Barry won't be available here for some time, but he definitely needs yours and others prayers.

By the way we have a helper right now who helps with finding new candidates and with announcing the winners.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Vote for the 346TH POTW
10/31/2012 11:19:48 PM
Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for the update, I've guessed who the new helper is, sometimes attention from a friend is an obvious clue.

I will pray for Barry, it sounds very serious and I hope he gets to feeling well again soon. Here's his profile link to his photo if that helps people concentrate on sending him positive thoughts and praying for him.
