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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/3/2012 2:53:26 AM

Thank you Evelyn for your sincere reply. Like you, I too have frequently wondered if that is a good thing to do for the poor animals. Seeing them fight to gain enough strength to move their wheels is so heart-breaking... and of course more so if you feel especially compassionate to them. However, on the TV in my country I have watched some young people from a local clinic for pets treat them with so much love; their work is admirable and according to them, the dogs in that condition ultimately get to be happy again and they perfectly adapt to their new homes.

Over the years, I myself have rescued several dogs from the streets in Lima, Peru, where I live. In fact, I have adopted the three doggies that we in our home have had living with us for the past four or five years. When I adopted my second dog, Moses, he came to live in an apartment already inhabited by Paco, our first pet, who by the way had actually been given to us in adoption, though I had not rescued him personally. At the time my God-daughter Rosita, who also lives with us, wanted to "put Moses to sleep" (an euphemism for euthanizing him) saying he was in very bad shape and in addition Paco was suffering badly from jealousy, since he had been raised as an "only son" in the house. However, little by little Moses recovered and less than a year later he had turned into a beautiful, joyful dog who became best friends with Paco, who had finally accepted him as his brother. Now Rosita regrets having even suggested euthanizing him, in fact, she adores him.

Thanks again,



Miguel this is a wonderful story but I've often wondered when I see stories like this if saving an animal is always the most humane thing to do instead of euthanizing them with such severe injuries. With his back legs paralized you wonder if he can really enjoy life now, even with help from a wheel chair which he is still struggling to gain strength to use. Just a thought. Hope your week is going great. :)

Hi again Evelyn,

I hope you don't mind my posting this heart-breaking story here. I just wanted to spread word about it.

Thank you,


Children Save Tomy, Paralyzed Dog in Israel

Out of all the thousands of homeless animals in Israel a rescue group called Let the Animals Live (LAL) has helped to save, the poster pup seems to be a dog named Tomy. He was discovered living in the bushes by the side of a road in the Negev desert by a group of Bedouim children.

Tomy’s Story

For weeks, they brought him water and food but could not persuade the scared and injured dog to go to them. It is presumed he was hit by a car and crawled away seeking safety; its estimated Tomy spent 60 days there. Eventually, LAL was called to come to Tomy’s rescue. They discovered Tomy’s rear legs are paralyzed.

Once Tomy was brought to a veterinarian, he spent weeks in the intensive care unit (ICU) healing from his traumas – physical and emotional. It was determined he would need a wheelchair in order to have any self-mobility.

A boy named Jamie decided to make Tomy and his needs his personal Bar Mitzvah project. Together, LAL and Jamie raised enough money to have a special wheelchair made in the USA for Tomy. Believed to be about 10 years old, Tomy continues to work on strengthening his muscles to be able to use the wheelchair for longer time periods.

Hadar Gutman fell in love with Tomy during his lengthy ICU stay and developed a loving rapport. She became Tomy’s foster mom. Aside from lots of love, Gutman also provides acupuncture, aromatherapy and other alternative, gentle treatments to encourage healing. View some photos of Tomy and watch his video.

Next: About Let the Animals Live

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All photos used with permission of LAL

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/3/2012 12:39:46 PM

Hello Miguel, wouldn't it be wonderful if we as humans could be as accepting as many in the animal world are? Have a wonderful weekend. :)


Thank you Evelyn for your sincere reply. Like you, I too have frequently wondered if that is a good thing to do for the poor animals. Seeing them fight to gain enough strength to move their wheels is so heart-breaking... and of course more so if you feel especially compassionate to them. However, on the TV in my country I have watched some young people from a local clinic for pets treat them with so much love; their work is admirable and according to them, the dogs in that condition ultimately get to be happy again and they perfectly adapt to their new homes.

Over the years, I myself have rescued several dogs from the streets in Lima, Peru, where I live. In fact, I have adopted the three doggies that we in our home have had living with us for the past four or five years. When I adopted my second dog, Moses, he came to live in an apartment already inhabited by Paco, our first pet, who by the way had actually been given to us in adoption, though I had not rescued him personally. At the time my God-daughter Rosita, who also lives with us, wanted to "put Moses to sleep" (an euphemism for euthanizing him) saying he was in very bad shape and in addition Paco was suffering badly from jealousy, since he had been raised as an "only son" in the house. However, little by little Moses recovered and less than a year later he had turned into a beautiful, joyful dog who became best friends with Paco, who had finally accepted him as his brother. Now Rosita regrets having even suggested euthanizing him, in fact, she adores him.

Thanks again,



Miguel this is a wonderful story but I've often wondered when I see stories like this if saving an animal is always the most humane thing to do instead of euthanizing them with such severe injuries. With his back legs paralized you wonder if he can really enjoy life now, even with help from a wheel chair which he is still struggling to gain strength to use. Just a thought. Hope your week is going great. :)

Hi again Evelyn,

I hope you don't mind my posting this heart-breaking story here. I just wanted to spread word about it.

Thank you,


Children Save Tomy, Paralyzed Dog in Israel

Out of all the thousands of homeless animals in Israel a rescue group called Let the Animals Live (LAL) has helped to save, the poster pup seems to be a dog named Tomy. He was discovered living in the bushes by the side of a road in the Negev desert by a group of Bedouim children.

Tomy’s Story

For weeks, they brought him water and food but could not persuade the scared and injured dog to go to them. It is presumed he was hit by a car and crawled away seeking safety; its estimated Tomy spent 60 days there. Eventually, LAL was called to come to Tomy’s rescue. They discovered Tomy’s rear legs are paralyzed.

Once Tomy was brought to a veterinarian, he spent weeks in the intensive care unit (ICU) healing from his traumas – physical and emotional. It was determined he would need a wheelchair in order to have any self-mobility.

A boy named Jamie decided to make Tomy and his needs his personal Bar Mitzvah project. Together, LAL and Jamie raised enough money to have a special wheelchair made in the USA for Tomy. Believed to be about 10 years old, Tomy continues to work on strengthening his muscles to be able to use the wheelchair for longer time periods.

Hadar Gutman fell in love with Tomy during his lengthy ICU stay and developed a loving rapport. She became Tomy’s foster mom. Aside from lots of love, Gutman also provides acupuncture, aromatherapy and other alternative, gentle treatments to encourage healing. View some photos of Tomy and watch his video.

Next: About Let the Animals Live

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All photos used with permission of LAL

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/3/2012 12:40:50 PM
Inspirational Quote of the Day
It's better to live your own life imperfectly than to imitate someone else's perfectly.
Elizabeth Gilbert
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/3/2012 1:50:17 PM
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/3/2012 1:55:40 PM

Well the editor is screwing up big time this morning and so here is the caption for the above video:

Hi everyone, here's something I got yesterday from a good friend that should put you in a happy mood as it did me. Hope you enjoy it. :)

A Teenage band from a Japanese girl's school playing Benny Goodman.

Japanese Swing. This is good! If you are old enough you will smile, if you are young, you will love it. This is music! ! ! Whether or not you like swing music turn up your speaker and take a trip back in time.

These Japanese kids would make Benny Goodman proud!


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