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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/2/2012 5:24:24 PM
Hi again Evelyn,

I hope you don't mind my posting this heart-breaking story here. I just wanted to spread word about it.

Thank you,


Children Save Tomy, Paralyzed Dog in Israel

Out of all the thousands of homeless animals in Israel a rescue group called Let the Animals Live (LAL) has helped to save, the poster pup seems to be a dog named Tomy. He was discovered living in the bushes by the side of a road in the Negev desert by a group of Bedouim children.

Tomy’s Story

For weeks, they brought him water and food but could not persuade the scared and injured dog to go to them. It is presumed he was hit by a car and crawled away seeking safety; its estimated Tomy spent 60 days there. Eventually, LAL was called to come to Tomy’s rescue. They discovered Tomy’s rear legs are paralyzed.

Once Tomy was brought to a veterinarian, he spent weeks in the intensive care unit (ICU) healing from his traumas – physical and emotional. It was determined he would need a wheelchair in order to have any self-mobility.

A boy named Jamie decided to make Tomy and his needs his personal Bar Mitzvah project. Together, LAL and Jamie raised enough money to have a special wheelchair made in the USA for Tomy. Believed to be about 10 years old, Tomy continues to work on strengthening his muscles to be able to use the wheelchair for longer time periods.

Hadar Gutman fell in love with Tomy during his lengthy ICU stay and developed a loving rapport. She became Tomy’s foster mom. Aside from lots of love, Gutman also provides acupuncture, aromatherapy and other alternative, gentle treatments to encourage healing. View some photos of Tomy and watch his video.

Next: About Let the Animals Live

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All photos used with permission of LAL

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/3/2012 1:41:06 AM

Hi Miguel, I had but I'm sure there are many others who haven't so thanks for posting it. I've heard stories before about someone having supernatural strength when it involved someone they loved dearly and this just goes to show that this young lady loves her father dearly. :)

Hi Evelyn and friends,

You may have seen this earlier today... a daughter like there aren't many!



Woman lifts car off father, saves his life

Lauren Kornacki's quick thinking most likely saved her father's life when a car he was working on fell on him.

With more than a ton-and-a-half a BMW 525i on top of her dad, Lauren's called on her strength and smarts.

"I just lifted up kind of right here and just kind of threw it, shoved my body into it as hard as I could. And then I came back and dragged him out and started CPR," Kornacki told Fox 19.

"It flashed like, 'I'm going to lose my dad. His eyes were open; he wasn't responding to me. I knew I had to get his heart beating again, and I had to get him breathing," she told the TV station.

CNN reports that Lauren, 22 of Glen Allen, Va. is a former basketball player and is trained in CPR.

Alec Kornacki is being treated at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center. He has several broken ribs, some numbness and other fractures, according to CNN.

When his wife Liz Kornacki told him what happened, he told his daughter, "'Thank you for saving my life,' " Liz Kornacki told Fox 19.
"And she just smiled her blue-eyed smile, and that was it."

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/3/2012 1:56:32 AM

Miguel this is a wonderful story but I've often wondered when I see stories like this if saving an animal is always the most humane thing to do instead of euthanizing them with such severe injuries. With his back legs paralized you wonder if he can really enjoy life now, even with help from a wheel chair which he is still struggling to gain strength to use. Just a thought. Hope your week is going great. :)

Hi again Evelyn,

I hope you don't mind my posting this heart-breaking story here. I just wanted to spread word about it.

Thank you,


Children Save Tomy, Paralyzed Dog in Israel

Out of all the thousands of homeless animals in Israel a rescue group called Let the Animals Live (LAL) has helped to save, the poster pup seems to be a dog named Tomy. He was discovered living in the bushes by the side of a road in the Negev desert by a group of Bedouim children.

Tomy’s Story

For weeks, they brought him water and food but could not persuade the scared and injured dog to go to them. It is presumed he was hit by a car and crawled away seeking safety; its estimated Tomy spent 60 days there. Eventually, LAL was called to come to Tomy’s rescue. They discovered Tomy’s rear legs are paralyzed.

Once Tomy was brought to a veterinarian, he spent weeks in the intensive care unit (ICU) healing from his traumas – physical and emotional. It was determined he would need a wheelchair in order to have any self-mobility.

A boy named Jamie decided to make Tomy and his needs his personal Bar Mitzvah project. Together, LAL and Jamie raised enough money to have a special wheelchair made in the USA for Tomy. Believed to be about 10 years old, Tomy continues to work on strengthening his muscles to be able to use the wheelchair for longer time periods.

Hadar Gutman fell in love with Tomy during his lengthy ICU stay and developed a loving rapport. She became Tomy’s foster mom. Aside from lots of love, Gutman also provides acupuncture, aromatherapy and other alternative, gentle treatments to encourage healing. View some photos of Tomy and watch his video.

Next: About Let the Animals Live

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All photos used with permission of LAL

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/3/2012 1:57:52 AM

Stressed Out? Study Says Smile

Thursday, August 2, 2012 12:00 PM

If you're stressed out, a new study finds that you can feel better with the simple act of smiling — even if the smile is forced.

Researchers at the University of Kansas subjected college students to anxiety-inducing tasks and found that those who smiled through them appeared to have less stress.

The study, led by research psychologists Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman, is scheduled for publication in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science.

A panacea for stress?

"Age-old adages, such as 'grin and bear it,' have suggested smiling to be not only an important nonverbal indicator of happiness but also wishfully promotes smiling as a panacea for life's stressful events," Kraft said in a journal news release. "We wanted to examine whether these adages had scientific merit; whether smiling could have real health-relevant benefits."

To reach their findings, the researchers had 169 university students engage in stress-inducing tasks, such as plunging their hands into icy water. The students performed these tasks under three conditions: not smiling, being explicitly instructed to smile, and while holding chopsticks in their mouth in a way that forced the face to smile.

The study found that subjects who wore any kind of smile were less stressed during the tasks than those with neutral facial expressions.

"The next time you are stuck in traffic or are experiencing some other type of stress, you might try to hold your face in a smile for a moment," Pressman adds. "Not only will it help you 'grin and bear it' psychologically, but it might actually help your heart health as well."

The Botox effect

In a 2010 study published in the journal Psychological Science, researchers found that when they used Botox to block the muscle used for frowning, participants took longer to process a negative emotion, such as anger or sadness. The authors noted that the findings suggest the opposite may be true — that if you smile, you're more likely to see positive emotions in the world around you.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
8/3/2012 2:35:41 AM

I listen quite often to youtube videos of the James Last orchestra and here's just one I always enjoy. :)

James Last & Derek Watkins - My Way

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