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Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: Getting Ready for the 12 Days of Christmas
12/20/2011 9:15:52 AM

The Synergy of WebBizInsider with other programs!

Dec 19th 2011 at 9:45 PM ·

Hi IMfaceplate Friends,

In this series of 12 articles in 12 days before Christmas I am sharing with you the key marketing tools that I use every day. Yes, it seems like a lot but the rewards are great. I have become a credit multi-millianaire. That is good news. There is no bad news because you can do it too. For the most part it is free. You will see a lot of OTOs (One-Time-Offers) along the way. Be careful. Keep track of what you are doing. If for example you get an offer to try something for free you will probably be asked to give a credit card number. At the end of your free period they will start charging your card. Out of site....out of mind. If you are not using it the charges will mount up and it could cost you more than you are making in your marketing efforts.

Now it is also important to note that you get what you pay for. I could not earn all of the credits that I earn doing what I do as a free member of every thing. Oftentimes you get so much more as an upgraded member that it more than pays for itself, in fact often results as an extra stream of income.

All of the programs that I am sharing with you in this series I do every day. Surfing for credits is part of what I do. I share my strategies for surfing in a blog called Supper Surfing Secret Lessons.

In this article I present to you Matthew Graves WebBizInsider the first of three traffic exchanges. The other two are TopTierTraffic, and Splash Page Surfer. When you begin surfing at either TTT or WBI you will get an alert notice saying "TopTier Message Alert: Earn 20% More Credits - Just Surf WebBizInsider and TopTierTraffic Together! wil a text link for you to join the other program. I surf all 3 at the same time for the extra credits.

You also get twice the credits for each click if you are an upgraded member.

Refer Others for Credits:

Our members receive credits for helping to build their WebBizInsider downlines. Every time a new unique user views your referral page, you earn a credit. This is earned whether they signup or not! If a new member signs up under you, you receive 100 free credits. Thirdly, you earn a percentage of all the credits they earn.

Earn Credits on Automatic:

As you build your WebBizInsider downline, you earn a percentage of all the credits they earn. You earn 1 credits for every 10 pages your downline surfs.

Click Here to Join!

Join and surf all three programs and I will see you near the top of the leaderboard.

Your Final Position on Last Week's Leaderboard was # 26

You Are Currently # 21 on the Leaderboard

  • Here is Matthew's post on Facebook:
  • Matthew Graves TopTierTraffic News - Earned Downlines Assigned

    Midnight Sunday night is the time when all TopTierTraffic members who worked to earn Position Points received their Earned Downlines.

    Here are this week's highlights:
    - 55 Members received a full matrix of 1,092 Earned Downline members.
    - 167 received over 300 Earned Downline members.
    - 501 received over 100 Earned Downline members.
    - 1506 received over 39 Earned Downline members.
    - 2803 received at least 12 Earned Downline members.

    Where else can you receive 12 members in your downline for surfing only 1 page a week?

    Thanks. TopTierTraffic · · · 14 hours ago ·

    • You and Kurtis Sanders like this.
      • Kurtis Sanders Great concept. Great motivator. Thanks. 12 hours ago ·
      • Ken Wolff I don't know anywhere else where you can receive 1092 Downline Members every week by surfing and staying near the top of the leaderboard. Thanks for providing the TopTierTraffic Community! 9 hours ago ·
      • Matthew Graves Thanks Kurtis and Ken! 3 hours ago ·

Warm regards,

Ken Wolff

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
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RE: Getting Ready for the 12 Days of Christmas
12/22/2011 7:21:31 AM

Merry Christmas Gift of 10 A Day The Sweeva Way!


Hi IMfaceplateFriends,

The 1st article that I posted Oct 2nd 2010 was about the HotSpotMailer & Sweeva to the Rescue Synergy blog. In that blog I shared many of the strategies for success that I still use today. I have detailed in the 12 days before Christmas articles a number of marketing tools that have led me to become a credit multi-millionaire. I use these tools everyday ans have mastered the secret techniques to maximise the results with minimal effort, otherwise I would not be able to do all that I do.

In this article I will focus on Sweeva and the 10 a Day Plan.

Here's how it works: Browse only 10 pages every day, and your bonus increases daily.. NO LIMIT

My Daily Bonus: 1420 Do Not....I mean DO NOT miss a day because when you do you start over at 10...I have been up to 2 or 3 thousand and missed. Trust me that is an aweful feeling. But id does not take long and you are back up again. It is fun and it does not take long to do 10 pages. You can do more. I have done as many as 250. Some peeople do more.

Be sure to check it out and experience what Sweeva calls 'social browsing'. You surf with hundreds of other members, you get to rate sites as they appear and you can network with like minded individuals.

Ooops, I almost forgot you get rewarded from rating sites, viewing sites and commenting on sites. This is the easiest way to promote any site you have ever wanted too...

Enjoy it!

Ken Wolff

P.S. Oh ya, when you sign up be sure to check out the jaw dropping 'read me' file they have when you first log in. Believe me, you won't want to miss the important information about your brand new Sweeva account...


Congratulations! You've ranked up.. How far can you rank up? You're back at level 1 so you can rank up again!

Alert: 10000 credits for only $18.97! Get some today!
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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