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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/16/2015 4:21:14 AM

Message from Montague Keen 2-15-15

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica66Message from Montague Keen 2-15-15

My friends, if you are reading my words, then you are sufficiently awake to understand what I ask of you. For the Cabal to have World War III, you must understand that they cannot do this without your permission. Your SILENCE is effectively giving them permission to proceed. You know that there is a force controlling your planet, and those in power answer to it. They would never get into those positions of power unless they agreed to serve only their controllers.

Many of you have lived your lives without having to experience war and the devastation caused by it. You have recently seen evidence of the total destruction of Dresden and the slaughter of its people. This is but one example which is fresh in your minds. Many cities, all over Europe, were destroyed. Do you really want to live through such destruction, or wish it on others?

I DO NOT CONSENT, should be your mantra, every waking moment of your lives. The Cabal cannot instigate war without your consent. Talk with everyone you come into contact with, about giving consent. You might be amazed to see just how powerful you are, when you see the attempts to start a war, FAIL. When you have been successful with the prevention of a World War, then move on to the next one.

I DO NOT CONSENT TO CHEMTRAILS. Follow this one with I DO NOT CONSENT TO FLOURIDE; VACCINATIONS; DRUG-BASED MEDICINE; GM CROPS. By using your minds, you can change your lives and your world. You have the power.

Education and medication have been used against you. Look around you; some of the most powerful opponents of the Cabal did not have an education. So their minds are not controlled. David Icke left school at 15 years of age, so he could still see clearly what was happening. He could not understand why others could not see what he was seeing. David's mind was unrestricted. The education system closes minds. So it takes more effort for many people to wake up. 1% of the population is holding your world to ransom. This does not make sense. You know who they are. Why are you giving them the okay to destroy humanity and Planet Earth? Is this what you really want?

I saw Veronica watching a video called HOLOGRAPHIC-DISCLOSURE [on Youtube as well as Jean Haine's site, What's the ‘real’ Truth? ]. Please take the time to watch it, and realise what has been done to take control of the human race. Humanity DID NOT AGREE TO THIS. It was achieved while you were asleep. Now that you are awake and aware, you can say, "NO, I DO NOT GIVE CONSENT TO YOUR PLANS FOR HUMANITY!" The 99% must stand together.

Here is an example of what is done to people when they wake up and take action. The IRISH GOVERNMENT is upholding the dictates of the Cabal. It is not supporting the Irish people. This is proof positive that politicians are not in office to serve you. Read the words of Charles Stewart Parnell. He believed in Ireland and he loved and respected the Irish people.

I say to the Irish people, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. The Vatican has hidden this information from you. Pope Adrian ensured that. You are a powerful race. Do not allow the banks to defraud you.

This also applies to Greece and all the other countries which are suffering at the hands of the banks. America has a lot to answer for, as it allowed the Federal Reserve to take over the printing of money in 1913, and the whole world has suffered as a result. There was no such thing as Income Tax before 1913. It is because of the Federal Reserve that you have to pay it. The revenue goes to them. This, too, has been kept hidden from you.

The time has come to abandon political parties. Vote only for those who have your best interests at heart. Do not fall, once again, for the false promises that you hear during every election. These promises are never kept. Stop being gullible sheep.

You know in your souls what you must do. You are on Earth to rescue the planet from those who do not belong on it. They want to rid the Earth of humanity, so that they can take over and live in their original state without having to adopt human bodies like you.

I ask again that you come together and say NO. Think about it, did you give permission for chemtrails, flouride, GM crops, vaccinations, and drug-based medicine? What else will you allow before you take action? Do you know that Mr Putin does not allow chemtrails, GM food, flouride, etc. in Russia? What does that tell you?

Cancer is a man-made disease. Your suffering and your fear are ENERGY to them. Prevent cancer by taking BICARBONATE OF SODA (Baking Soda) with lemon juice and hot water, every day, and you will not get cancer. It is as simple as that. (I do it every day. My friend got rid of 5 tumors in 3 weeks using it with MMS.)

Keep away from hospitals. They believe in what they do, but they were lied to. You must take responsibility for your lives and defend yourselves. When you open your eyes, you realise just how much is stacked against you. But do not despair, as we are here to help you take back what is rightfully yours.

Repeat the following . . . I DO NOT GIVE CONSENT. Do this, over and over again, as you go through your day. Be prepared to be surprised.

Send love and light to all who need it, especially to the people of the Ukraine. If the Cabal gets its way, it could be you, tomorrow, as they will not stop at the Ukraine. You need to stand by the people of the Ukraine. Unite! Become Humanity United. Because you are awake, you can take an active part in what is happening. Use your minds, your thoughts, and your words, to SAY NO TO WAR. Be kind to each other, and help where help is needed. Together, you will create a world that is united in peace and harmony.

My love, life is not easy. It will not be much longer now before you begin to see the changes that are needed to remove the threat of war.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/16/2015 4:30:13 AM

Preston James VT 2-15-15… “Alien Agenda XIX: High-tech Soul-snatching and the long planned Final Solution”

This is a new major disclosure article (well, in my mind, at least) from Preston. One in a grand series. As with the David Wilcock recent disclosure event at Conscious Life Expo. It’s pretty long, so I’m just going to … Continue reading

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/16/2015 4:39:17 AM

“The US has Released a Bombshell”… Gordon Duff VT (and RT) 2-14-15… “Obama Leaks Israeli Nuke Violation Doc Before Bibi Visit”

I sense that this is a “Really BIG Time” revelation. The voice I heard inside myself was saying, “Wow!” Everything is coming together to a major peak, as I see it, and this may very well be a “last straw” … Continue reading

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/17/2015 12:58:09 AM
This one knotted my socks off

BONUS Document from Preston James… “COM 12 Briefing: Mind Control Operations… Aquarius Group Activities”

Although I have scanned only a small portion of this document, I feel it is a key to understanding the lengths to which the SSG (Secret Shadow Government) has gone to to a) control people and events, b) set up … Continue reading

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/23/2015 1:15:10 AM

Message from Montague Keen 2-22-15

by kauilapele


"As the light expands, it will expose those who do not belong on Earth. They will not be able to sustain their human image. Without your compliance, they cannot survive on Earth. They have reduced life on Earth to mere existence for the majority. They have ensured that everyone who exposes them is rendered penniless (without money). This is done to try to prevent you from working for the light.

"Send love and light to the people of the Ukraine. The US, the UK, and Israel, push for war. Look at all those who advocate war. WHAT IS THE COMMON DENOMINATOR. What are they all closely connected to? Who are they?

"It takes courage to stand up for truth, as there are always consequences. The Irish people continue to stand for truth and justice. They will remove all the corruption that was imposed on them. Together, they will succeed. They will show the way. The time has come to take a stand for truth, love and light. Make a conscious decision to step out of 3D thinking and living. Rise above it. Think of everything 3D as the Dark Ages. It is time to expand, and explore a future that is opening up before you. A future without war, hunger, homelessness, and all the other 'benefits' of living under the domination of the Cabal. This means rethinking everything which, up until now, you have accepted without question. Your blinkers will be removed. You may be shocked at what you will see before you. Change is in your hands. There is more than enough of everything in the world for everyone. There is no shortage of gold; it is just hidden from you. Oil is plentiful; there is no shortage."

Message from Montague Keen 2-22-15

Our Plan for the Survival of Humanity

1 The Ley Line Energy: Your assistance in releasing this energy was of the greatest importance to the planet. This must continue, you cannot afford to relax until your work is done. Please continue this valuable work.

2 We will choose seats of power. We will concentrate on sending light and love to remove all that is dark.

LONDON is the first city on which to concentrate. What I envisage is huge circles of people sending love and light to London from every country in the world. Because of the time difference, there should be a constant stream of light and love directed to London. Language is not a barrier. You are coming together as humanity, ensuring your survival. This exercise will demonstrate just how powerful you are. You will stop being victims; the Cabal needed you to believe that. Look at the methods they used to ensure that you felt helpless: chemtrails, flouride, vaccinations, drug-based medicines, etc, all designed to make you docile and helpless.

This did not work on everyone, as some began to see what was being done, and exposed it. Every day, more of you awaken, and the light in your world increases.

[Please take the time to read and digest Bradley Loves’ Everything goes into the Grids. It explains so much and it helps you to understand what you are up against.]

Humanity was lulled into a false sense of security by the Cabal. You could not imagine how controlling it was. You are finding your feet now and looking for answers. You will find them. Think for yourselves. Do not accept blindly what you are told by the media, and by governments, etc. Do your own research. You are not sheep. You are just beginning to see the control system more clearly and you feel a need to act. Releasing the corruption in London is an important step forward. The results you get in London will give you the impetus to continue, until all the corruption worldwide has been exposed and removed.

Remember to use circles of people, whenever possible, from all centres of the globe. This cannot fail. The power of your minds will amaze you. You will step into who you are: beings of light, on Earth at this time, to rescue the Earth from the Cabal.

I know the attacks from the Cabal are difficult to live with. Many of you are used by the Cabal to viciously attack those who try to expose the corruption. You need to guard against this. Refuse to allow yourself to be used by the Cabal to do their dirty work for them.

Nothing is as it seems. Always keep this in mind. Try to look with clear eyes, with honesty and compassion, at what you are up against. What was it that deliberately set out to control the minds and souls of humanity: RELIGION. They all stem from ROME, which has dominated humanity for 2000 years. It is responsible for death, destruction and the mind control of the masses. It will fall and disappear without trace. It will go down as THE BIGGEST CON IN HISTORY. The drinking of blood, the eating of flesh; this is SATANIC RITUAL. Wake up !

As the light expands, it will expose those who do not belong on Earth. They will not be able to sustain their human image. Without your compliance, they cannot survive on Earth. They have reduced life on Earth to mere existence for the majority. They have ensured that everyone who exposes them is rendered penniless (without money). This is done to try to prevent you from working for the light.

Send love and light to the people of the Ukraine. The US, the UK, and Israel, push for war. Look at all those who advocate war. WHAT IS THE COMMON DENOMINATOR. What are they all closely connected to? Who are they?

It takes courage to stand up for truth, as there are always consequences. The Irish people continue to stand for truth and justice. They will remove all the corruption that was imposed on them. Together, they will succeed. They will show the way. The time has come to take a stand for truth, love and light. Make a conscious decision to step out of 3D thinking and living. Rise above it. Think of everything 3D as the Dark Ages. It is time to expand, and explore a future that is opening up before you. A future without war, hunger, homelessness, and all the other 'benefits' of living under the domination of the Cabal. This means rethinking everything which, up until now, you have accepted without question. Your blinkers will be removed. You may be shocked at what you will see before you. Change is in your hands. There is more than enough of everything in the world for everyone. There is no shortage of gold; it is just hidden from you. Oil is plentiful; there is no shortage.

These shortages are created to keep you worried, and them in control. Food is destroyed, while many starve. This is done to control the masses. They show no compassion to humanity. They are not capable of compassion. They are not like you. If a horse is born in a pig sty, it does not make it a pig. You have endured years of indoctrination, false history, chemicals your body was not designed to cope with, and you have survived! Some of you will have difficulty accepting that it was all lies, and that the Cabal which you have served, wants to cull the population. You accepted without question, the garbage taught to you as fact, In fact, it was mind control.

I encouraged Veronica to set up Centres to help the transition and to enable you to rise to a higher dimension of life. You saw the lies and character assassination, etc, all orchestrated by the Cabal. We will set up the Centres world wide. It is part of The Great Plan. It will happen. Veronica has devoted 11 years of her life to exploring and exposing the corruption. In the process, she has lost family and friends whom she held dear. It is a difficult path, but she is on Earth to do a job, and she will not be swayed.

You do not have time to waste. The Cabal works tirelessly on their takeover of the planet. Will you join the Army of Light and work towards freeing the human race from bondage? Big questions need answers. The time to act is NOW.

My dear, please try to take a little time for yourself. Be alert at all times. Caution is needed, as these are difficult times.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.


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