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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
1/29/2015 7:15:23 PM
Wake up world. Watch and know what is really happening.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/2/2015 4:19:28 AM

Message from Montague Keen 2-1-15

by kauilapele


"You are now seeing the results of the ley line project which my dear wife began on the 2 February 2014. You are seeing the masks coming down and the cabal being exposed. Their false flag operations are no longer believed, for they cannot create fear and alarm in the awakened.

"This is all part of the awakening process. You have been suppressed for centuries and you have been taught to accept this situation without question. How many times have you heard that "this is how it is". Well, not any more. You are remembering that you are powerful beings of light and you have a voice.

"You have made great progress but still have a way to go. You have done enough to ensure that the cabal fears you. They did not think that you were intelligent enough to see through their plans. The damage they have done to the planet will have to be rectified and you will have assistance to restore it... You are refusing to be as sheep any more, grateful for the few crumbs that fall from the master's table.

"I ask, once again, that you put your energy into calling for the release of one who is being held in the United States. Details cannot be given, but trust that if it were not of the greatest importance, you would not be asked to help. All of mankind will benefit when his release occurs....

"You are winning the battle, trust me. They will not admit defeat until the last possible moment. Some of them have left the Earth already. They have accepted that they cannot defeat the 99%. Now, there is a lockdown on Earth, so they are unable to escape. They are scared of the outcome, and many will plead for mercy. Others will dissolve or ignite, depending on their origins."


Message from Montague Keen 2-1-15

You are now seeing the results of the ley line project which my dear wife began on the 2 February 2014. You are seeing the masks coming down and the cabal being exposed. Their false flag operations are no longer believed, for they cannot create fear and alarm in the awakened.

However, there are still some areas that require special effort to release the trapped energy. I ask that you concentrate your attention on the release of the ley line energy in Spain, paying special attention to Gibraltar and the ley lines which connect through the sea to Rome. I ask that special effort is put into releasing this energy for the light, so that humanity awakens to its full potential. This will remove you from the control programme that you were born into. You are only just beginning to see it.

This is all part of the awakening process. You have been suppressed for centuries and you have been taught to accept this situation without question. How many times have you heard that "this is how it is". Well, not any more. You are remembering that you are powerful beings of light and you have a voice.

The fate of Planet Earth is in your hands. Open up to the light and remove all that is corrupt and evil. Release the past and embrace the future: a future that you will create. A future where everyone lives in peace and breathes fresh air; where everyone can eat food which is fit for human consumption and drink water that is pure and free of all chemicals.

When they want to exert control over you, they just add extra flouride. This is being done to the people of Ireland, as they fear the awakening of the Irish. So the European Union has ordered extra flouride to be added to Irish water.

First, it was the Vatican which tried to destroy them. POPE ADRIAN GAVE IRELAND AND HER PEOPLE AS SLAVES TO THE BRITISH CROWN ON THE CONDITION THAT THE IRISH NEVER FIND OUT WHO THEY ARE. The Vatican sent the so-called St Patrick, to destroy any evidence of Ireland's history and to "convert" the Irish. Their history and language were stolen and it is still being used by the usurpers. The Vatican arranged and controlled what you were told was a famine. It was a Holocaust, organised and controlled by the Jesuits. The banks stepped in to destroy and exert control over the people and the country.

Just ask yourselves one question . . . WHY ? You'll be very surprised at the answer you'll find. It will explain so much that does not make sense today. You have been lied to, and your history is not at all what you have been told. This applies to every country.

Those who are on Earth, but who are not of Earth, have used every form of control to keep you in the dark. Every trick they could employ has been used. Now, they are doing all in their power to hold you in darkness for as long as possible. They have technology that you could not even dream of. But it is all worthless to them when a sufficient number of you awaken and say NO to their brutal control.

You have made great progress but still have a way to go. You have done enough to ensure that the cabal fears you. They did not think that you were intelligent enough to see through their plans. The damage they have done to the planet will have to be rectified and you will have assistance to restore it.

Understand that everything on Earth is contaminated, so that humans are under control and serve the controllers. Now, for the first time, you are taking back that control. You are refusing to be as sheep any more, grateful for the few crumbs that fall from the master's table.

You have come a long way since I was on Earth. I lived through all the terrible propaganda after World War II. Now, you know the truth about war, and why war is continually waged all over the world. It culls the population and keeps you in fear, as well as making lots of money for the bankers. War is a business; it always was, and it always will be. You do not fight for God and country; you fight for the greed of the bankers. They do not respect you. You are just cannon fodder, blinded by propaganda.

I ask, once again, that you put your energy into calling for the release of one who is being held in the United States. Details cannot be given, but trust that if it were not of the greatest importance, you would not be asked to help. All of mankind will benefit when his release occurs. Horrendous technology is being used on this innocent man. The cabal shows no mercy, so please help. Together, we can release him. He has an important mission to fulfill. This is why they took him.

Those who expose the truth are going through a tough time. Constant attacks are difficult to cope with. Your frequencies are being attacked and stolen whenever possible. Your souls are being split and stolen also. You are only beginning to learn what you are up against. These weapons are not visible; they are silent, but effective. Protect yourselves at all times. Do not take risks. Your enemies are everywhere and they have had years of practice.

You are winning the battle, trust me. They will not admit defeat until the last possible moment. Some of them have left the Earth already. They have accepted that they cannot defeat the 99%. Now, there is a lockdown on Earth, so they are unable to escape. They are scared of the outcome, and many will plead for mercy. Others will dissolve or ignite, depending on their origins.

Believe in yourselves for you have achieved a lot. You are finding your power and using it for the benefit of humanity. Share your research and help others to awaken whenever possible. See yourselves as The Army of Light, restoring peace and harmony for all.

My dear, I know you are suffering. A lot is being asked of you. But we will succeed. Our Centres will happen when enough people understand their importance and support them. Have patience, my dear. All will happen in good time. Considering what are working against, you have achieved a lot.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/9/2015 4:22:04 AM

Message from Montague Keen 2-8-15

by kauilapele


"The crisis that is being deliberately created in your world is also exposing those who do not have humanity's best interests at heart. There is no mistaking now, who is in the pay of the dark cabal. They are demanding war... Now that you are awake, you can see exactly what is happening. This scares them, as they have not had to deal with such dissent before.

"This is a critical time for you. Decisions must be made: do you do nothing and wait to be culled, or do you make a stand and support your fellow man. There is no fence to sit on. The time has come for action. You were warned, over and over again, that this time was coming.

"Do not give your consent to World War III. Nor to the invasion of other countries, no matter what you are told. The cabal cannot do it without your consent. This one FACT, puts all of you in a position of power. This information was kept hidden from you until now. When you vote, you give your power to another person, to act on your behalf. You must now withdraw that power.

"It is all coming to a head. The cabal wants a war in the Ukraine. SO THEY NEED YOU TO GIVE IT TO THEM... Send love and light to all the people and countries that suffer at the hands of the cabal."


Message from Montague Keen 2-8-15

The crisis that is being deliberately created in your world is also exposing those who do not have humanity's best interests at heart. There is no mistaking now, who is in the pay of the dark cabal. They are demanding war. I did tell you in the past that the cabal cannot exist without war. You can now plainly see how desperate they are, as they rush from one country to another, pleading for war.

Now that you are awake, you can see exactly what is happening. This scares them, as they have not had to deal with such dissent before. They do not just want war; they need war. But the innocent people of the Ukraine do not deserve what is being visited upon them. They need your support. It is Ukraine, today: it could be you, tomorrow !

The cabal wants to cull the population. They will show no mercy. They want to bring their plans to a conclusion with their New World Order, at any cost. You, mere humans, are in the way. So they want to dispose of you. I implore you, do not kill your own species to enable this cabal to take over Planet Earth. As I have pointed out many times before, they cannot do it without your assistance. This is a critical time for you. Decisions must be made: do you do nothing and wait to be culled, or do you make a stand and support your fellow man. There is no fence to sit on. The time has come for action. You were warned, over and over again, that this time was coming. Now, it is upon you, so serious decisions must be made. You have heard the LIES of the cabal throughout history. "Weapons of Mass Destruction" that NEVER EXISTED: but you fell for it.

Those who stand for TRUTH in this situation, deserve your respect. Do not watch their LIES on television or in the newspapers. You KNOW the truth which makes their lies look so pathetic. The planet and humanity need your support. You are many, they are few. Look deeply into their faces as they speak in front of the camera; it is so obvious that they are LYING. Such lies cannot be hidden in the light. Their paymasters do not like the delay, for they do not tolerate failure. So the pathetic puppets are very worried indeed . . . and so they should be !

Do not give your consent to World War III. Nor to the invasion of other countries, no matter what you are told. The cabal cannot do it without your consent. This one FACT, puts all of you in a position of power. This information was kept hidden from you until now. When you vote, you give your power to another person, to act on your behalf. You must now withdraw that power. Believe in yourselves and take back your power from the puppets of the cabal. The sooner you come together, and refuse to kill or invade other countries, the sooner peace will prevail and life on Earth will become a joy, rather than a trial of strength and a struggle to survive. When you LAUGH at the LIES of the puppets, they will know that their game is up. The survival of humanity and Planet Earth is in your hands.

In the past, you have managed to turn a blind eye to so much corruption, pedophilia, and unlawful killing, etc. The abuse of little children continued, because good men failed to protect them. You know enough now, to enable you to expose such behaviour. It is time for change. You are the people designated to bring this change about, and it will be easier than you expect.

My dear wife had another severe psychic attack as she got up this morning. It drained her energy and her eyes are very painful. This particular form of attack happens almost every day, but she continues her work. There is also a plan for her to have an "accident". Should such an incident occur, then know without doubt, that it was not an accident. The cabal really does not want you to wake up and see what they are up to. They will stop at nothing to hold on to power and continue to enjoy the fruits of your labour. They have removed all the joy from living a life on Earth. But you will come through this terrible time.

It is all coming to a head. The cabal wants a war in the Ukraine. SO THEY NEED YOU TO GIVE IT TO THEM.

Send love and light to all the people and countries that suffer at the hands of the cabal. Their chemtrails have become even more lethal, especially in America. They are killing you, every day. You may think you are falling ill;when in fact, you are being killed off. This is how bad it is. Please wake up !

Reach out to each other, and help when needed. Be ready to stand together for light and truth. Use the power of meditation, or use your thoughts, to bring about the changes necessary for humanity to step into the light. Ask for help. We, and your friends from other planets, cannot intervene unless we are invited.

It would have been my birthday, yesterday, had I survived. Veronica felt sad without me on such a day. I hold the memories of the wonderful birthdays she gave me when I was on Earth.

It is a time of great change. Each one of you, chose to be on Earth at this time, to bring about all these changes. Both sides of life will celebrate when peace and harmony are restored.

My love is with you always. Your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/9/2015 10:22:33 PM

veterans_today_banner_NEW_50veterans_today_preston_james_banner_23I saw this during the last couple days, and finally got the message to post the collection (links only) to these. Read at your discretion.

Get the Hell Out of Our Country!...

(Part I)
Now that we have the suppressed Able Danger Report that proves that WZ American-Israeli “Israeli-first Dual Citizens did the 9-11-01 attack on America, it’s time for them to leave America and take their espionage fronts like AIPAC and their phony Fiat Counterfeiting System with them.

(Part II)
Why did Congress allow Israel to hijack our NSA and direct all raw data to be downloded in Israel?

(Part III)
America has been deeply infiltrated by Malignant Babylonian Talmudic Judaic Tribalists which is part of a large Worldwide Organized Crime Cabal linked to all Mideast Wars, all Terrorism and all American economic woes.

(Part IV)
Rothschild World Zionism = Babylonian Talmudism = Kabbalism = Luciferianism = Synagogue of Satan = Worldwide Satanic Occult Network = Bolshevism = NeoBolshevism = Pernicious, Malignant Judaic Tribalism

(Part V)
It’s time for all Americans to wake up and understand that America has been infiltrated and hijacked by Israel through its espionage fronts like the AIPAC, the ADL, JINSA and the like and it’s time for all Americans to take America back and boot these Enemies Inside Our Gates out.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/10/2015 1:46:39 AM

Sputnik News 2-8-15… “EXCLUSIVE: US President Ordered Torture, Jailed CIA Agent Tells Sputnik”

by kauilapele

* Some media is not displayed in this email and must be viewed on the website.

sputnik_news_logo_204_1More exposure data, and indications that things are breaking down (aka, falling apart, coming apart, going to hell in a hand basket, going to hell in a basket ball (or make up your own).


EXCLUSIVE: US President Ordered Torture, Jailed CIA Agent Tells Sputnik

John Kiriakou is out of prison two years after his conviction under The Espionage Act. In his first exclusive interview after his release, Kiriakou talked to Sputnik about torture, prison life and whistleblower protections and how torture committed by the CIA “was official U.S. policy.”

John Kiriakou was sitting alone when he got a package he had been waiting for for some time: a copy of the Senate torture report. It would seem almost a vindication of his work to expose the crimes of the CIA.

Except he was sitting alone in a jail cell, finishing out his sentence for doing the very thing U.S. senators were being hailed for.

The report revealed, in astonishing detail, how agents waterboarded suspects, deprived them of sleep, hung them by their hands for the ceiling while naked, and even how they forced them to eat pureed food from a method now known as rectal-feeding.

Much of the evidence of those events were contained in CIA correspondence Kiriakou had access to years ago through his high-level security clearance. Some of them, he may have written. At one time, Kirakou believed that such torture was a necessary evil. That eventually changed.

Kiriakou is the only CIA employee to go to prison in connection with the agency’s torture program. His charge: Violating the Espionage Act for revealing to the media and the public that the U.S. was torturing prisoners from the War on Terror.He was just released days ago from a federal corrections facility in Loretto Pennsylvania where he was held for about two years and is now serving the remainder of his sentence at his home in Arlington, Virginia, by Washington, DC.

I Consider Myself a Patriot

Kiriakou, above all, considers himself a patriot and he always has. This patriotism led him to study Arabic, learn about the threat of terrorism and join the CIA. He earned several medals for his work there including the Counterterrorism Service Medal and the State Department's Meritorious Honor Award. Honor and sense of duty motivated him to support the government in its program of extraordinary measures.

“We were told the waterboarding was working, that it was not torture, that we were gathering actionable intelligence,” he told Sputnik. “I believed it. Everyone believed it.”

However, his sense of patriotism was also what pushed him to reveal what he came to see as crimes committed by the government against humanity.

“Several years later we came to know that wasn’t true,” he said. “We had all been lied to at the agency. Waterboarding was a terrible thing. It wasn’t good for the country. It wasn’t good policy. It was a mistake from the beginning.”

After information about waterboarding and torture started to leak and it was becoming clear to many the program had not been working, the Bush White House blamed the CIA, calling it a “rogue agency” and saying the torture was committed by “rogue agents.”

“As someone who faithfully and patriotically served in the CIA, I was offended that the White House would lie that way,” he said.

That’s when he went to the press to make clear “not only was the CIA torturing prisoners, that torture was ordered by the president and it was official U.S. government policy.”

His life changed. He was fired, friends stopped talking to him, and the FBI started investigating him — although he didn’t know it for three years.

“The FBI called me and asked if I would help on what they called a ‘counter-intelligence’ case,” he explained. “I had worked closely with the FBI for a number of years so I said sure, I’m happy to help. I went to a field office and sat with them in a conference room and it was an hour before I realized this investigation was of me not of some counterintelligence threat. That’s when I said I want to talk to an attorney.”

Kiriakou was charged with violating The Espionage Act soon after.

No Protections for Torture Whistleblowers

Many have asked why Kiriakou didn’t use internal channels or go to members of Congress to inform them about what was going on, but he did attempt to go “through the chain of command” but those channels were closed off

“Let’s say you see evidence of torture and you go to your supervisor; he’s part of the torture program,” Kiriakou explains. “You go to his superior but he’s the one who ordered the torture program. You go to the general counsel; he approved the torture program. You go to the committees; they have been briefed on the torture program and have raised no objection. Where do you go? There is no other place to go but the press.”

In 2012, President Obama appeared to start living up to his promise to protect whistleblowers in the federal government. New channels were opened up for employees of, say, the U.S. Treasury Department or major banks who see something so they can “say something.” However, the rules exempt the intelligence community.

“If you’re in national security, there’s absolutely no protection,” Kiriakou said. “You have to really give this a lot of thought before you decide to go public because everything in your life is going to change.”

Jeffrey Sterling May Not Be a Whistleblower, but He Shouldn’t Have Been Charged

Kirakou discussed also discussed the case of Jeffrey Sterling, another former CIA employee who was recently convicted of violating the Espionage Act, in this case allegedly revealing details about an operation to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program to New York Times reporter James Risen. Kirakou says that everything he has read about the case indicated that the government did not have a strong case.

“I did not see any evidence whatsoever that he had violated the law,” he said.

However, Kiriakou said the fact the case landed in the Eastern Virginia District helped the government. That federal jurisdiction “comes down like a bag of stones on members of the intelligence community charged with leaking information,” he explains, which is why the government wanted to try the case in the Eastern District despite the fact neither Sterling nor Risen lived or worked in Virginia.

Then there was the fact that, unlike Kiriakou, Sterling chose to fight the charges to begin with.

“He really believed, along with his lawyers — and he really had some of the best lawyers in DC — that if they could get in front of a jury and explain what happened surely the jury would see the light of day and acquit him,” Kiriakou explained. “He was convicted of all nine charges which convinces me that it’s true what they would say about how a jury will convict a ham sandwich.”

However, when asked if Sterling’s intentions mattered — the government has argued that Sterling merely sought retribution against an agency he believed mistreated him — he conceded that Sterling was probably not a whistleblower. Still, that didn’t mean he broke the law in the first place — especially under The Espionage Act, the same law Kiriakou was charged under.

The ‘Hammer’ of the Espionage Act

Kiriakou said the government uses The Espionage Act “like a hammer.”

“The Espionage Act was passed in 1917 to stop German saboteurs,” Kiriakou explains. “It’s antiquated. It wasn’t meant to prosecute people who talk to the press. It’s meant to prosecute people who commit treason against the United States by selling or giving classified information for gain.”

In addition, he points to the government’s practice of trumping up charges in order to coerce defendants into copping pleas. Pointing to a ProPublica study showing that the vast majority of federal defendants — even well into the 90th percentile — never go to trial because they plea out, Kirakous says the number of charges he faced compelled him to take a deal.

“This is a problem in the american judicial system. What the DOJ does is heap on so many felonies, here I was facing 45 years in prison for talking about the torture program with a reporter,” Kiriakou said. “I would have died in prison. Then the government says ‘or you can take this deal, plead guilty to one charge and only spend two years in prison.’”

Kirakou thought about his family and his five children, three of whom still live at home.

“More than 2 years my family would have been ruined,” he said. “Eventually I took the plea just to make the whole thing go away, like the other 98.2 percent of people charged in this country.”

Even Minimum-Security Prison is Hell

Kiriakou’s experiences in prison often fell between the absurd and the tragic. All of his mail was screened, whether going in or out. That went against the policy he looked up for minimum-security prisons.

“I stupidly believed I had a little bit of privacy,” he said. “They sliced open my outgoing mail, sometimes very crudely and would sometimes even photocopy it and then reseal it with tape. The regulations are very clear that when a prisoner’s outgoing mail is being reviewed, he has to be informed in a letter from the warden. I was never informed. I would hear from people with whom I was corresponding.”

He talked about asking for approval to buy extra stamps to respond to the 8,000 letters he received during the two years he was in prison. He would be told he could buy them but when he went to the commissary, he was told he didn’t have approval.

That left him with the only choice to buy them from drug dealers.

“I tried to do it the right way; I tried to play by the rules,” he said. “But they wouldn’t allow me so I did what I had to do.”

At one point, while Kiriakou was in the infirmary giving blood, an inmate in his 70s came in clutching his heart, telling the woman working in the infirmary that he was having a heart attack. He called the response “depraved indifference.”

“He was clearly in distress and certainly of the age in which heart attacks are common but her response was, ‘you’re going to have to wait until someone gets here because I’m the only one on duty,’” Kiriakou recounted. “So he sat there in that wheelchair crying and clutching his chest in the midst of a heart attack until somebody finally showed up at work and determined he was indeed having a heart attack and called to him taken to a local hospital. The sad part is that’s typical. Nobody cares about you. Nobody cares about your health. Nobody cares if you live or if you drop dead on your way to the lunch line. If you are in your 70s or you have health problems, the chances are good you’re not going to make it out alive.”

Then there was the food. Prison food is often joked about but Kiriakou explains that it was often worse than a punchline. One time he saw a box labeled “Not for human consumption — feed use only” among the ingredients being served to inmates. Many meals only consisted of carbohydrates without any other nutrition.

All this has given Kiriakou a new perspective on the US justice system which he says is in need of real reform.

"One of the things you have to get used to is that you are going to be treated like scum," he said. "You are sub-human. You are not entitled treatment as a human building. So the so-called ‘corrections officers’ are going to treat you like the scum that they think you are and you have to take it. If you resist, you can be charged with 'insolence.' And insolence can be anything. If you're charged with insolence, you can get sent to solitary and solitary is hell."


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