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Donna Zuehl

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Does anyone have information to share about Fibromyalgia?
11/19/2010 7:30:09 AM

Just wondering if anyone has information to share about fibromayalgia. I haven't read any new articles in the news lately and wonder if anyone else has or if anyone has a personal experience (not product selling, please) that they would like to share here?


Roger Bjornerud

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RE: Does anyone have information to share about Fibromyalgia?
11/19/2010 11:00:35 AM
I see Francisco is displaying his work methods again..

I think the most interesting information I have come across lately is leaky gut syndrome.
Mainly because everything we are and how we feel comes from the digestive system.
Everything we treat on the outside is just symptoms, not the cause.

Give the right fuel to your vehicle ;)
Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

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RE: Does anyone have information to share about Fibromyalgia?
11/19/2010 3:56:41 PM

Donna, a good subject. I have often times heard of it and had friends that say they have it but never really studied just what it is. I found this link to be very interesting since once I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia and was able to cure it through diet. I did not know that fibromyalgia was related to it.

Roger, you are correct in stating that diet is a way of treatment. And yes, the DJ is up to everywhere again. I would be surprised if he ever gets any suckers to sign up!

Have a great weekend.


Roger Bjornerud

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RE: Does anyone have information to share about Monitium?
11/20/2010 10:29:56 AM
Reported you for spamming Francisco.
Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Does anyone have information to share about Monitium?
11/20/2010 7:07:55 PM

Mr Spam D.J. strikes again.

Yipee. POTW?

I wonder what the P stands for?

O.K. Roger, I did the same thing.
