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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Missing (and Valuable) Painting Found in Paris
10/16/2010 1:32:44 AM
Hello Roger,

Sorry for this delayed reply.

I agree on every one of your appreciations about Boldoni's works. From his being a discovery, which he in part has also been for me - since I was already familiar with one or two of his paintings, though not quite with him - to your insightful comments on his Portrait of a Lady admiring a Fan, to those on The Laundry and View of Venice - I really share all of them.

These are two of the paintings that I remember seeing in delectation as a child. They must have been pretty popular in times of my grandparents, s
ince if I remember well, they were postcard-like stamps greatly admired by them.

Profile of a Young Woman

The Summer Stroll
Best Wishes,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

RE: Missing (and Valuable) Painting Found in Paris
11/14/2010 6:58:55 PM
Here is an extraordinary and most famous portrait of Giussepe Verdi by Boldini. Could he anticipate it would be used to illustrate countless entries in future dictionaries and cyclopedias?

Giovanni Boldini - Portrait of Giuseppe Verdi

This is another amazing portrait by him. I guess any description or commentary would be superfluous here.

Giovanni Boldini - Girl in a Black Hat

Tomorrow I hope to also post some land and seascapes by this painter who has been compared to Sargent and Bouguereau among other great artists of his time.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

NOTE: Dates of these works were not available.

Dear Miguel, it is with regret that I have missed these new paintings you posted. The one of Verdi is almost like a photograph. Yes, this artist was very good!

Thank you,


RE: Missing (and Valuable) Painting Found in Paris
11/14/2010 7:04:03 PM

What more can I say, they are all magnificent!! Yes, Roger, I can see why you could sit and stare at that one - so much detail and you can even try to read her thoughts.

This is so beautiful and she is holding a spray of lilac, oh....


Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Missing (and Valuable) Painting Found in Paris
11/14/2010 7:16:42 PM


We sometimes forget that these subjects were real people and that even though many were wealthy their lives were without many things we take for granted.

I ca feel the thought process of the artist in many of these pictures. Having just started doing life drawings i am beginning to understand how very unique every subject is and how much you need to capture to get something that does the subject justice.

Only you could pick up on the flowers. Very Sara that.


RE: Missing (and Valuable) Painting Found in Paris
11/15/2010 3:07:17 PM

Thank you Roger about the flowers. Lilac is my second favorite from wisteria and since wisteria does not grow so well here as in my homestate of Alabama and lilac does, then I am very fond of it. The fragrance is like a sweet rememberance of home.

He must have a photographic memory to get those details as well as he did. Glad you are enjoying your classes.

Beautiful art, Miguel.



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