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Bill Brown

480 Posts
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Life is a B**ch but you got to make the best of it.
8/12/2010 9:46:36 PM
Well Its Thursday night 22:37, and right now I am in hospital having had a cat scan yesterday, today they said they were analyzing the results and so I am now waiting for the results to be analyzed and talk to the consultant in the morning. (Friday)

Its going to be a major decision day as I will have to decide on having yet another bypass operation to get sufficient blood to my leg, or saying to hell with it cut the damd thing off and be done with.

Naturally until I know all the possible options and scenarios, I am left sitting here waiting and wondering.

No this is not a sick joke I am very serious I came into hospital Tuesday and I know so far I am extremely close to losing at least my left foot.

Will keep this post updated
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Life is a B**ch but you got to make the best of it.
8/12/2010 10:31:17 PM


You have my prayers and my very best wishes for a good outcome.

There are defining moments in our lives and I guess that you are facing a big one.

Please hurry and get better as soon as possible.


Bill Brown

480 Posts
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RE: Life is a B**ch but you got to make the best of it.
8/12/2010 10:44:11 PM


You have my prayers and my very best wishes for a good outcome.

There are defining moments in our lives and I guess that you are facing a big one.

Please hurry and get better as soon as possible.


The good thing is it has not come as a surprise. I have known for 7 years that is could eventually happen. So no Trauma involved as there would be if you were suddenly told out of the blue that you are very close to losing a foot or even the whole leg.
Joyce Parker Hyde

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RE: Life is a B**ch but you got to make the best of it.
8/12/2010 11:28:43 PM
I am so sorry that you have to deal with something like this, but pray for the perfect outcome.

Phillip Black

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RE: Life is a B**ch but you got to make the best of it.
8/13/2010 2:58:17 AM

Hello Bill,

I was saddened to hear of your difficulties with the blood flow in your legs. I can relate somewhat to what you're feeling, as I also have difficulties with inadequate Circulation. I will be praying for you tonight as you wait, and tomorrow morning as you meet with the Specialists. May He be with you throughout, and may your faith sustain you, comfort you, and give you peace.

I would offer this brief prayer.

O God, You alone are the Great Physician, the source of all of our health. We come before You this evening on behalf of our Brother Bill. Fill his heart with faith, and be ever near him through any times of weakness and pain. Although we know that You alone are in control, often we are apprehensive about what we may be facing. Lord, You made us, You have loved us, even unto the death of the Cross, and we know that You have provided Bill's Doctors and Nurses with all of the needed skills to perform miracles on his behalf. Sustain him by Your grace, that his strength and courage may not fail and Lord, we ask that You Heal him according to Your will. This we ask in the Holy name of Jesus. Amen.

May He Bless You & Give You Pweace,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10