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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2017 9:20:49 AM



Russian marines have practiced landing operations at its border with North Korea, following Pyongyang’s controversial missile launch test this week, the military said. Russian naval infantry servicemen and the crews of Russia’s Pacific Fleet ships Admiral Nevelskoy and Peresvet, carried out a swift, amphibious charge on a beachhead in the Primorye region, Russia’s only one to border North Korea.

The cargo and staff boarded Admiral Nevelskoy at Desantnaya Bay and simulated the landing at the Klerk training range, both of which are in Primorye, Pacific Fleet spokesman Nikolay Voskresenskiy told state-run news agency RIA Novosti. Peresvetmade its pickup elsewhere but also arrived in the area near Klerk.

The drill comes a day before the Pacific Fleet kicks off a series of training exercises in Primorye and the far more eastern Kamchatka, involving around 1,000 troops and over 150 items of equipment. The drills will involve live fire exercises.

It is one of a series of recent drills in the Primorye region over the last few months. Russia has effectively practiced bombing near the region, paratrooper landings and other maneuvers since September. Each drill, declared separately from any previously announced war games, has come alongside escalating exchanges in the war of words between North Korea and the U.S.

Russian marines run during a rehearsal for the Navy Day parade in the far eastern port of Vladivostok, Russia, on July 30, 2016.YURI MALTSEV/REUTERS

Moscow opposes North Korea’s nuclear program on principle and protested the regime’s latest missile launch. However, Russia has insisted that the U.S. must shoulder part of the blame for stirring the North Korean regime into a frenzy and “provoking” further tests with its ongoing defense commitments to nearby Japan and South Korea.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov renewed the accusation against the U.S. government on Thursday, saying that recent U.S. drills with its regional allies were “consciously directed at provoking Pyongyang to some new snap actions,” the Interfax news agency reported.

After this week’s test by the North Korean regime, Pyongyang has declared it has the entire U.S. mainland within its missile range, after a summer of testing warheads and rockets. The latest test, purportedly of the North’s new Hwasong-15 missile, was the first in two months.

The U.S. envoy to the U.N. Nikki Haley announced that the White House was urging countries to cut trade ties with the regime in response to the test. Russia is one of the few states maintaining significant trade with North Korea, alongside China. India, the regime's second-largest trading partner in 2015, declared it was banning commerce with the regime last spring.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2017 9:49:07 AM

ONE-THIRD of all Navy brass caught in huge foreign bribery scandal

Hundreds of military officials – including some of the highest-ranking brass in the Navy – are accused of helping a shadowy Asian merchant fleece Uncle Sam for tens of millions of dollars… and you probably haven’t heard a peep about it.

It’s called the “Fat Leonard” scandal, and the investigation into bribes and corruption one of the biggest in U.S. military history. The Navy has investigated 440 people, including 60 admirals, for possibly taking bribes in exchange for phony government contracts and sweetheart deals.

That means the Navy suspects that up to one-third of all its admirals were on-the-take from a foreign agent.

“Fat Leonard” is Leonard Glenn Francis – a 6’3”, 360-pound Malaysian businessman who makes his money servicing naval vessels in the Pacific.

He bribed the Navy’s elite with the finer things in life that only a crooked businessman could provide: Money, the finest liquor, luxurious trips for their families.

And, of course, prostitutes. Lots of prostitutes.

Even tickets to see a Lady Gaga concert or the Broadway version of “The Lion King.”

In exchange, Navy leaders would steer huge government contracts to his firm, Glenn Defense Marine Asia (GDMA).

They’d even reroute ships in the Seventh Fleet away from their original destinations to ports run by GDMA.

It was a mystery why Leonard kept getting lucrative government contracts when his company provided such shoddy service.

Investigators say Leonard covered all his bases. He also bribed people inside the Navy’s investigative unit. They’d run interference for him and let him know when honest inspectors were closing in.

Leonard was so well dug-in that he continued to get huge “no-bid” contracts – even while he was under investigation!

Under former President Barack Obama, Leonard’s ripped off U.S. taxpayers for more than $200 million in Defense contracts since 2009. He admitted at least $35 million of that was total fraud paid for services he never even provided.

The problem goes a lot deeper than money. The lives of 40,000 enlisted men – and the safety of the entire free world – depend on military commanders having honesty, integrity, and putting country first.

Imagine if war had broken out with North Korea or China, and our ships were in the wrong port because a Malaysian multimillionaire bribed the right commander with champagne and hookers?

Naval officers say Leonard’s theft and bribery operation was one of the most deep, vast, and penetrating they’ve seen since the days of Communist espionage.

Even a three-star admiral was taking pay-offs, they say.

Leonard and 17 others have already plead guilty – and under President Donald Trump, the investigation is only beginning.

— Frank Holmes is a reporter for
The Horn News. He is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative. He also talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front,” every Saturday.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2017 10:16:05 AM

Second Amendment Draws Fire As Congress Votes On “New National Standard”

Posted by | Nov 28, 2017

Democrats who have controlled the most dangerous cities in the nation for decades are opposed to the bill.

The House of Representatives introduced a bill which would allow Americans with concealed weapons permits to travel from state to state without having to worry about being harassed or arrested for exercising their second amendment rights. H.R. 38 is also known as the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017.

This bill would allow Americans who have obtained a permit to carry concealed weapons to carry across state lines by enshrining national reciprocity into law. With a national reciprocity law, every state would have to recognize another state’s concealed carry permit. This is similar to the states recognizing an out of state driver’s license. If a driver’s license holder were subject to the same erroneous regulations as concealed permit holders are subject to, one could be arrested for traveling into the wrong state, if they did not acquire a driver’s license from that state first.

Those with permits to carry would still be subject to the local restrictions on where they may carry based on local regulations. In Georgia it is legal to carry a firearm into a bar. If a Georgia permit holder were to travel south into Florida, he would have to abide by Florida law which bans carrying firearms into bars.

Permit holders would be allowed to carry into parks which are maintained and regulated by the federal government, such as any park in the National Park System, land under the National Wildlife Refuge System, public land under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, Land administered and managed by the Army Corps of Engineers, and land administered and managed by the Bureau of Reclamation.

Americans who exercise their second amendment have been subject to complicated and ridiculous laws regarding their right to carry, especially when traveling from state to state. Jeremy Preston was arrested after traveling with a firearm in his glove-box in Delaware, even though he had a Tennessee Concealed Weapons Permit which Delaware recognizes. When he obtained a Delaware driver’s license however, they invalidated his Tennessee permit. It takes far longer for a state to issue a concealed carry permit than a driver’s license.

Meredith Graves from Tennessee traveled to New York and went to visit the 9/11 memorial when she was arrested and charged. Although forty states recognize a Tennessee Concealed Weapons Permit, New York is not one of them, and her charges carry up to a 3 ½ year sentence. She was a fourth year medical school student at the time.

Meredith would even be slandered by the Mayor of New York. Mayor Bloomberg said, “Let’s assume she didn’t get arrested for carrying a gun, she probably would have gotten arrested for the cocaine that was in her pocket.” This statement was an inflammatory lie, and the district attorney would confirm, she had no such drugs on her.

For decades liberals have pushed for stricter gun control laws which do nothing but hamper law abiding citizens from traveling freely and securely in their property and possessions. While many states currently share reciprocity, recognizing other states concealed weapons permits, it is incomplete and imposes undue risk and restrictions on Americans. This is why Driver’s licenses are not regulated in such a manner, and are recognized across the fifty states.

More guns in the hands of law abiding citizens makes for a safer society and several studies have come to this conclusion. Concealed weapons permit holders are less likely to be involved in a crime than citizens who don’t have a license to carry. Studies also show that Americans use firearms to stop millions of crimes annually by law abiding citizens.

Studies consistently show restricting gun ownership from law abiding citizens increases violent crime.

The majority of shooting deaths in the United States are suicides. While this figure is tragic, these deaths are not the type of crime which anti-gun advocates note when pushing for second amendment restrictions. The majority of the remaining on-third are attributed to gang violence.

Gang violence is perpetrated by criminals who disregard the law, and their members are largely banned from ever owning firearms. If someone is willing to shoot or murder someone, odds are they are not concerned with laws surrounding their weapons.

Democrat run cities and states are among the most dangerous in America, in part because their strict anti-gun policies, which have disarmed their citizens. This new legislation could render those who travel to, or through, liberal criminal havens, safer and more secure in their property.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2017 3:10:27 PM

Mandela’s Grandson: Israel Is Forcing the ‘Worst Version of Apartheid’ on Palestinians

November 30, 2017 at 3:22 pm

(ANTIMEDIA) Nelson Mandela’s grandson, Mandla Mandela, is on a “historic visit” to Israel and has not held back in his assessment of the current Israel-Palestine situation, the Jerusalem Post reports.

Mandela, a strong supporter of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) and a member of South Africa’s Parliament, has signaled his intent to meet several Palestinian leaders but made no mention of visiting Israeli officials.

South Africa, a country with its own history of apartheid, has been a staunch backer of the Palestinian movement for years. South Africa’s International Relations Minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, once stated: “The Palestinian struggle is our struggle.”

Nelson Mandela himself also famously believed that his people’s freedom was “incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” Now, it would appear that his grandson has also taken on this strong belief regarding Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian people.

During a joint press conference with Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah on Monday, Mandela said:

“The settlements I saw here [in the West Bank] reminded me of what we had suffered in South Africa because we also were surrounded by many settlements and were not allowed to move from one place to another freely.”

He also added that “Palestinians are being subjected to the worst version of apartheid,” before citing Israel as “the worst apartheid regime.” He called for the continuance of BDS and for South Africa to cut all ties with “apartheid Israel.”

During South Africa’s apartheid-era, Israel actually offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons, suggesting Israel strongly supported the apartheid regime at the time. Now that the apartheid era is over, many South Africans are highly critical of Israel’s behavior towards the Palestinian people.

In March this year, a U.N. report accused Israel of imposing an “apartheid regime” of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people. Shortly after its release, the official who approved its publication resigned amid pressure from the United States and Israel to pull the report. It has since been withdrawn.

“What we have experienced in South Africa is a fraction of what the Palestinians are experiencing,” Mandela said in an interview with Royal News English on Sunday.

“We were oppressed in order to serve the white minority. The Palestinians are being eliminated off their land and brought out of their territories, and this is a total human-rights violations. I think it is a total disgrace that the world is able to sit back while such atrocities are being carried out by apartheid Israel.”

The Post notes that while Mandela is strongly critical of Israel, he still supports the country’s right to exist. In other words, Mandela’s main focus is specifically in relation to Israel’s actions towards the Palestinians.

According to the Jerusalem Post, during an anti-Israel march in July, Mandela demanded “that all ties be cut with Israel… no trade ties, no cultural ties and no travel! We demand that Israel complies with International law and demand the return of six million Palestinian refugees driven from the land of their birth. We demand that all occupied land be returned, and we condemn the continued expansion of illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.”

Creative Commons / Anti-Media

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2017 3:47:27 PM


Stuff that matters


The Trump administration has approved drilling in the Arctic as soon as December.

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement approved Arctic exploration operations in the Beaufort Sea on Tuesday, the first time the federal government has issued an Arctic drilling permit in more than two years.

The permit was granted to Eni U.S. Operating Co. Inc., an Italian oil and natural gas company that’s been vying for access to the Arctic’sconsiderable cache of oil and gas since last August. Exploratory drilling could begin as early as next month at Spy Island, a human-made gravel island in Alaskan waters where the company already has 18 production wells.

Eni U.S. plans to use extended-reach drilling techniques to reach submerged federal lands, a complex technology that allows producers to reach deposits in environmentally sensitive areas more than five miles away from the drilling rig.

This could be the first of many new drilling operations in the Arctic. President Trump has been pushing to reverse Obama-era restrictions on Arctic drilling since April. And with Republicans in control of the House and Senate, the controversial effort to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has its best chance of succeeding in years.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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