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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/10/2017 11:55:49 PM

Harvey Weinstein Scandal: Bombshell New Yorker Piece Alleges Mogul Raped Women

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The New Yorker published a bombshell report on Harvey Weinstein on Tuesday, that alleges the embattled mogul raped three women, including actress Asia Argento.

The story, written by Ronan Farrow, claims Weinstein forcibly performed or received oral sex and also forced vaginal sex on women. It also contains on-the-record accounts from Mira Sorvino and Rosanna Arquette of encounters or business meetings with Weinstein that devolved into being propositioned sexually. The deeply reported story will likely exacerbate Weinstein’s problems at a time when reports of previous instances of harassment have left him ostracized in Hollywood and fighting for his professional life.

“I know he has crushed a lot of people before,” Argento said in the story. “That’s why this story — in my case, it’s twenty years old, some of them are older — has never come out.”

Sorvino, who won an Oscar appearing in “Mighty Aphrodite” for Miramax, Weinstein’s company, told Farrow that Weinstein “harassed her” and pressured her to have a sexual relationship while she appeared in films for Miramax. At the Toronto Film Festival in 1995, she claims he propositioned her, and later showed up weeks later at her apartment after midnight.

In Toronto, Sorvino said Weinstein “… started massaging my shoulders, which made me very uncomfortable, and then tried to get more physical, sort of chasing me around.” Arquette describes encountering a bathrobe-wearing Weinstein in his hotel room, where he tried to intimidate her into sexual contact. Both Sorvino and Arquette claim that after they rejected Weinstein’s advances, their careers suffered.

Through a spokeswoman, Weinstein denied that he had assaulted women.

“Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein,” the statement reads. “Mr. Weinstein has further confirmed that there were never any acts of retaliation against any women for refusing his advances. Mr. Weinstein obviously can’t speak to anonymous allegations, but with respect to any women who have made allegations on the record, Mr. Weinstein believes that all of these relationships were consensual.”

In addition, the New Yorker piece also reports that four women experienced unwanted physical contact with Weinstein, that “could be classified as an assault.” Weinstein also allegedly exposed himself to women or masturbated in their presence.

The story also includes audio of Weinstein admitting to groping Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, an Italian model who went public with her claims that the mogul had touched her breasts and put his hand up her skirt without her consent. Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance, Jr. ultimately decided not to press charges, which a police source tells was a mistake.

“We had the evidence,” the source told Farrow, with the author noting that if convicted of assault, Weinstein could have faced jail time.

The New Yorker story comes on the heels of a piece last week in the New York Times that detailed numerous instances of alleged harassment and financial settlements spanning multiple decades. Weinstein was fired from the Weinstein Company on Sunday. The indie studio behind “The King’s Speech” and “The Artist” will change its name as it tries to move forward from the scandal. That will be complicated by Farrow’s story, which describes a culture of intimidation at the company, in which employees were afraid to speak out about Weinstein’s mistreatment of women.

Farrow, an NBC correspondent, spent 10 months interviewing 13 women who reported they were harassed or assaulted by Weinstein between the 1990’s and now.

A spokesperson for the Weinstein Company declined to comment on the New Yorker piece.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/11/2017 12:23:43 AM

The Dalai Lama Has Revealed His Theory About the Las Vegas Shooting
October 9, 2017 at 4:14 pm
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(ANTIMEDIA) — Despite authorities’ inability thus far to discover a motive in Stephen Paddock’s brutal murder of 59 people in Las Vegas last weekend, the Dalai Lama recently commented on why the attack occurred.

While speaking in India at the Tsuglagkhang temple in Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, on Tuesday, the Buddhist leader discussed the fundamental problems currently plaguing humanity.

He argued that education focuses on materialistic values and sensory pleasures in the external world, and as a result, people pay less attention to their “inner world, to peace of mind and to morality.

One result is that we face problems largely of our own making,” he said. “Because of a lack of compassion wars break out and we witness unthinkable killing.”

He declined to distinguish between governments and individuals, citing the tendency toward violence both are displaying:

We pursue trade in weapons whose sole purpose is to harm and kill. Look at what happened in Las Vegas yesterday where nearly 60 people were killed and more than 500 were hurt.”

The Dalai Lama added that “[i]n other places poor sanitation and a shortage of food mean children are dying of starvation.”

He suggested this is ultimately caused by negative emotions like anger and hatred:

Anger and hatred, seeing our brother and sister human beings in terms of ‘us’ and ‘them,’ limit our outlook and lead to the bullying, exploitation and killing we learn about in the news.

He also spoke out shortly after the gruesome massacre in Paris in 2015, suggesting “thoughts and prayers” alone will not solve humanity’s problems.

We cannot solve this problem only through prayers,” he said at the time. “I am a Buddhist and I believe in praying. But humans have created this problem, and now we are asking God to solve it. It is illogical. God would say, solve it yourself because you created it in the first place.”

He cited the excessive violence of the 20th century, expressing concern it was spilling over into the 21st. “The twentieth century was a violent one, and more than 200 million people died due to wars and other conflicts. We now see a spillover of the previous century’s bloodshed in this century.”

If we emphasize more on nonviolence and harmony, we can herald a new beginning,” he also said, cautioning against failing to work toward this ideal:

Unless we make serious attempts to achieve peace, we will continue to see a replay of the mayhem humanity experienced in the 20th century.”

In the wake of the Las Vegas shooting, polarized factions in the United States are predictably insisting the answers lie in more gun control measures or more guns, but the Dalai Lama believes the actual way to stop needless killing is more fundamental — and rooted in basic human behavior:

We are social animals, who live in communities, who depend on each other to survive. Therefore, we need to respond to each other with love and compassion. Scientists have found evidence, revealed by young infants, that basic human nature is compassionate.

He continued:

“However, our natural instinctive compassion tends to be biased towards those close to us. Since we’re all interdependent, we all benefit if our neighbours are peaceful, whether they are a neighbouring family or a neighbouring country. Therefore, we need to extend our compassion to the whole of humanity.

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10/11/2017 1:30:39 AM
Antifa Group Plans Nationwide 'Deface Columbus Day' Actions for Monday
Antifa agitates against Columbus Day.
R.A.M. anarchist Against Columbus Day via YouTube.

Violent left-wing anarchists have announced a nationwide campaign to deface Christopher Columbus statues this coming Monday.

Five Christopher Columbus statues have already been vandalized in New York City in recent weeks, according to Far Left Watch. In one case last month, vandals defaced a "larger-than-life" statue of Columbus in Central Park, leaving blood-red paint on his hands, and scrawled, "Hate will not be tolerated" and “#SomethingsComing” on its pedestal.

What is coming appears to be a coordinated campaign to destroy monuments all across the country on Columbus Day.

The NYC-based antifa group Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) made the announcement on Thursday, September 21, calling on antifa groups nationwide to “decorate” their neighborhoods.

According to Far Left Watch, RAM is "an extremely militant group that advocates for the violent redistribution of property" and for "the abolition of gender."

The militant group recently hosted an "Our Enemies in Blue" anti-police workshop at its branch in Brooklyn, NY.

RAM posted a video called "Against Columbus Day" on the antifa website It’s Going Down, showcasing destroyed monuments across the country and black-clad thugs strutting around menacingly to psycho synth music.

"The battles lines have been drawn and white supremacists are on notice," the anarchists wrote in a statement on the website. "White nationalist statues are crumbling all over the US as our collective revolutionary power is growing."

A recent poll showed that the vast majority of Americans support a holiday honoring Christopher Columbus, but RAM called Columbus Day, October 9, "one of the most vile ‘holidays’ of the year." The group called on supporters "to take action against this day and in support of indigenous people in the US and abroad who have been victims of colonialism and genocide."

We are calling for groups to “decorate” their neighborhoods as they see fit: put up murals, wheatpaste posters, drop a banner, etc. On October 9th put a picture of your action on social media and use the hashtags below. With these actions multiplied around the country, we will make it unequivocally clear that revolutionaries will always stand with the indigenous!

The anarchists encouraged fellow law-breakers to record and broadcast their crimes by using the hashtags #F*ckColumbusDay and #DestroyColonialism.

As antifa has already announced its illegal intentions well ahead of time, elected officials and police departments across the country should not be blindsided by the rash of vandalism that is sure to come in the next few days.

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Columbus Day Replaced?

Los Angeles City Council replaces Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day. The Council voted 14-1 to remove Columbus Day from its city calendar. This seems to be the one of many times this has happened in an attempt to paint Christopher Columbus as the symbol for the deaths of Native Americans.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/11/2017 11:26:44 AM

From spycraft to tin-foil hats, a brief history of 'false flags'

It’s a term that’s become a common part of the reaction cycle after a mass shooting, right next to politicians tweeting “Thoughts and prayers.” Even before we know the identity of the killer or how many people have lost their lives, websites or social media accounts, often taking their cue from the conspiracy theory-pushing InfoWars, are quick to brand the tragedy a “false flag” attack.

The term refers to an attack carried out under false pretenses, with the intent of whipping up anger toward an enemy or establishing a pretext for retaliation.

The latest use of the term came after 58 people were killed in Las Vegas. InfoWars host Alex Jones laid out a complex theory, unsupported by even a modicum of evidence, that the attack was perpetrated by the U.S. government. His pet theory, dating back at least as far as the mass killings in Orlando and Newtown, Conn., is that the United States government stages such attacks to justify new restrictions on gun ownership. At times, Jones has suggested that the Sandy Hook school shooting in Newtown wasn’t just a “false flag” attack, but a staged event with child actors portraying the victims.

It is not just shootings that are labeled false flags. So-called 9/11 Truthers believe that the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were inside jobs by the U.S. government to justify war in the Middle East. The 2013 Boston Marathon bombing inspired theories that tied together Russian oligarchs, stage blood and Michelle Obama, who was first lady at the time. Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick was asked at a press conference after the Boston bombing whether the attack was a “false flag.”

The variety of “false flag”-style deceptions has grown over the years. It originated as a naval term, referring to ships, including pirate ships, misidentifying themselves to escape capture or prepare for a surprise attack. The flags the ships flew would be, literally, false. As world leaders became more creative and duplicitous, the term evolved to cover a wider variety of schemes. In 1788, King Gustav III of Sweden commissioned the tailor of the Royal Opera in Stockholm to sew Russian uniforms, which were worn by Swedish soldiers in an attack on a Swedish border outpost to instigate a war with Russia. In 1870, Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck edited a telegram in order to provoke the French government, helping to precipitate the Franco-Prussian War. Bismarck achieved his goal by making a conversation between King William I of Prussia and a French diplomat seem far more contentious than it actually was.

Conspiracy theorist and radio talk show host Alex Jones addresses a rally in support of Donald Trump near the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July 2016. (Photo: Brooks Kraft/ Getty Images)

“False flag” also applies to deceptions used in spycraft.

“For intelligence historians, it usually refers to how intelligence services recruit people under false auspices,” said New York University historian and author Timothy Naftali. “In other words, an agent thinks he or she is being recruited to help an NGO [nongovernmental organization], the United Nations or country X, when, in fact, the operation is managed by and for the benefit of country Y.”

Joseph Uscinski, a professor of political science at the University of Miami who has written extensively about conspiracy theories, says that false flag conspiracy theories are nothing new in the United States. One such theory holds that the 1898 explosion of the USS Maine in the harbor of Havana, Cuba — which provided the pretext for the Spanish-American War — was not an accident but deliberate sabotage to inflame tensions between the United States and Spain.

Then there was Operation Northwoods, a proposed plan by the U.S. Department of Defense to stage attacks on American military or civilian targets and pin the blame on the Cuban government, thus allowing the U.S. military to engage with its leader, Fidel Castro. The Kennedy administration vetoed the plan, but audio available at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center records a 1962 conversation between President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, in which they discuss potential options for triggering military engagement with Cuba.

“Well, I want to say — can I say that one other thing is whether we should also think of whether there is some other way we can get involved in this, through Guantánamo Bay or something,” said Robert Kennedy. “Or whether there’s some ship that … you know, sink the Maine again or something.”

The remains of the USS Maine in Havana harbor in 1898. The cause of the blast that sank the vessel was never determined, but the incident inflamed tensions between Spain and the United States, and led to the start of the Spanish-American War. “Remember the Maine!” became an American rallying cry. (Photo: Corbis via Getty Images)

But the question that Jones and other conspiracy theorists tend to ignore is that if the government has been staging mass shootings for years with the sole intent of pushing through strict gun control, why aren’t there stricter gun laws?

“The funny thing is you have these shootings,” said Uscinski, “you have the calls for gun legislation, gun legislation never passes, but for some reason everyone thinks these shootings are some trick to pass the legislation. One way to debunk that claim is that it never works. You would think that after the Sandy Hook or Aurora shootings, in those instances you’d have gun legislation passed because of how horrific they were. But no. So I don’t see a lot of reason for people to think this. If the government had the plan to, it’s an awful plan, and that plan continually fails.”

That’s the advantage a conspiracy theorist has: As Uscinski writes, conspiracy theories are non-falsifiable. The Alex Joneses of the world can dismiss any evidence that refutes them as disinformation, while they argue that the absence of any actual evidence for their imaginary conspiracies demonstrates how hard the government is working to cover it up.

“You have this government that’s on one hand all-powerful, and on the other hand completely inept,” he said in an interview with Yahoo News. “On the one hand, it’s pulling off mass shootings and blowing up buildings and doing all sorts of terrible stuff and never getting caught, never having to take responsibility for these terrible things they’re doing, but on the other hand, they’re unable to pass a freaking law.”

There’s no reason to expect the false-flag claims that roll out in the wake of tragedies to dissipate. Even with the candidate they supported in the White House, people like Jones need to position themselves as outsiders against a “deep state,” a government apparatus whose ramifications extend far beyond the current Oval Office occupant. That sort of paranoia sells with a segment of the population, and with conspiracy theories flourishing on both the right and left, shouting “false flag” is going to remain profitable.

In a protest on Oct. 4 in Newtown, Conn., responding to the Las Vegas shooting and calling for tighter gun control, Mark Barden holds up a picture of his son, Daniel, who was killed in the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. (Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)


(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/11/2017 4:39:03 PM
Black man attacked by white supremacists in Charlottesville faces felony charge

A group of six men violently beat DeAndre Harris, a counterprotester, in a parking garage next to the Charlottesville Police Department on Aug. 12 after a white nationalist rally was dispersed by police. Editor's note: This video contains graphic content.

The black man beaten in a Charlottesville parking garage by white supremacists after a “Unite the Right” rally has been charged with a crime in connection with the incident, even as police arrested a third person accused of kicking him to the ground and pummeling him.

A local magistrate issued an arrest warrant Monday for DeAndre Harris on a felony charge of unlawful wounding after a man, identified by Harris’s attorney as Harold Ray Crews, reported that he was injured by the 20-year-old during the August brawl. Crews, who describes himself as a “Southern Nationalist” and an attorney on Twitter, did not return phone calls seeking comment.

The magistrate’s charge against Harris, who suffered a spinal injury and a head laceration that required 10 stitches, came less than 48 hours after a second rally by white supremacists and white nationalists in Charlottesville and caught the city’s police department by surprise.

“We were not expecting this. We were expecting to do our own investigation into the man’s allegations,” said Detective Sgt. Jake Via, who is supervising the parking garage case.

But alleged crime victims can go to magistrates for warrants after they’ve filed police reports.

Harris’s attorney, S. Lee Merritt, denounced the charge and said it was orchestrated by the League of the South, an organization labeled by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. Crews, who runs the group’s North Carolina chapter, was not injured “in any way” by Harris, Merritt said.

“We find it highly offensive and upsetting,” Merritt said, “but what’s more jarring is that he’s been charged with the same crime as the men who attacked him.”

The brutal attack, which occurred in a garage next to police department headquarters, was captured in a video that went viral in the days after the rally. The confrontation has come to symbolize the racial hatred that was unleashed in Charlottesville on Aug. 12, when white supremacists, Klan members and neo-Nazis clashed with counterprotesters. The violence left one counterprotester,Heather Heyer, dead.

Harris’s beating has inspired a social-media campaign by activists to identify his attackers, two of whom were charged weeks ago. A third man, Jacob Scott Goodwin, a 22-year-old from Ward, Ark., was arrested by U.S. Marshals Tuesday night after being identified by online sleuths, who are led by journalist and Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King.

King, who has spent hundreds of hours poring over photos and video footage of the rally and the parking garage attack, said he was appalled that Harris has been charged.

“I am disgusted that the justice system bent over backwards to issue a warrant for one of the primary victims of that day, when I and others had to fight like hell to get that same justice system to prosecute people who were vicious in their attacks against Harris and others,” King said. “Now, we’re seeing white supremacists celebrate on social media, bragging about Harris’s arrest. They’re hailing this as a victory.”

Indeed, after the charge was announced, Hunter Wallace, a prominent white nationalist, issued a celebratory tweet — along with a photo of the main character from the film “American Psycho” grinning widely.

“Did you hear the news?” Wallace asked. “DeAndre Harris is going to jail. Yeah, he is being booked this morning. His whole story was another race hoax.”

Avnel Coates, the chief magistrate for the district that includes Charlottesville, declined to say whether she issued the arrest warrant. She referred The Washington Post to Kristi Wright, the director of the state’s Department of Legislative and Public Relations, who said Coates cannot comment on pending or concluded legal matters in her office.

Any alleged crime victim can approach a magistrate to obtain a warrant against the alleged perpetrator. The alleged victim must file a police report, and then the magistrate needs probable cause to issue an arrest warrant, based on that person’s testimony.

Via said Harris’s alleged victim did file a complaint with police, who told him they’d investigate the allegations. Crews apparently also went to the magistrate’s office, which needed only evidence of a police report to issue a warrant.

“The arrest warrant was based solely on the victim’s testimony,” Via said.

Once the warrant is served on Harris — probably this week — the decision of whether to prosecute the case falls to Commonwealth’s Attorney Warner D. “Dave” Chapman. The prosecutor told The Post on Tuesday evening that it wouldn’t be appropriate to comment on a pending investigation.

Meanwhile, King and the other online sleuths had been waiting for the police department to act on their evidence against Goodwin, whom they initially nicknamed “Shield” because of what he was carrying that day.

They watched footage of the parking garage attack multiple times from different angles. They noticed that “Shield” had stuffed his large ponytail into the back of his military helmet. They measured his military goggles and examined his plastic, body-length shield. They zoomed in and saw that he wore a twisted, copper-colored bracelet. They also discovered that he wore a Traditionalist Worker Party pin.

“Dear Jacob Scott Goodwin, age 22, of Ward, Arkansas,” King posted on his own Facebook page Sept. 24. “We have looked for you for a month. In the end it was your hair, your bracelets, your glasses, your tattoo on your forearm, the white supremacist pins and necklaces, and your own bragging online that helped us identify you as one of the felony attackers of DeAndre Harris in Charlottesville. Soon, you will be arrested.”

King and his online investigators also gathered information that led to the arrests of two other alleged attackers: Daniel P. Borden, 18, of Ohio, and Alex Michael Ramos, 33, of Georgia. Both have been charged with malicious wounding.

They also identified a suspected attacker from a separate incident during the Charlottesville rally — a man accused of punching a counterprotester on the street. Dennis Mothersbaugh, 37, who lives in North Vernon, Ind., was arrested by police Sept. 28 and charged with assault and battery, and awaits extradition to Virginia.

“It’s me, and maybe 15 people, all Internet volunteers, we’re all doing this together,” said King, a columnist with the Intercept. “We have Facebook messages, Twitter and email conversations, and whenever we find something, we share it. We’re doing it knowing we can’t afford to make a mistake.”

In video of the parking garage fight, the man identified as Crews tries to spear a counterprotester with the pole of a Confederate flag. Harris retaliates, swinging a flashlight at Crews, appearing to strike him. But Harris’s attorney, Merritt, said that the flashlight failed “to make significant contact” and that Crews was injured in a separate incident that did not involve Harris.

Within seconds of Harris swinging the flashlight, he was kicked to the ground by a group of six white supremacists, who began hitting him with wooden sticks and a large board. In the video, the man police have identified as Goodwin, clad in military tactical gear, kicks Harris. At one point, he appears to strike Harris with his shield. As the fight is ending, a counterprotester sucker-punches Goodwin’s helmeted head.

Goodwin did not return a message seeking comment.

In an interview, his mother, Tamera Goodwin, who also attended the Charlottesville rally, confirmed that it is her son in the video wearing military tactical gear and carrying a shield. She asked him about his involvement in the attack that day, she said.

“I told him, ‘It does look like you kicked him,’ but he said, ‘No, Mom, I didn’t,’ ” she said.

“He said, ‘We just tried to get out, but there was no way out other than to fight back.’ ”

King and his team noticed that he was wearing a red pin with the number 88 — code for “Heil Hitler,” because H is the eighth letter of the alphabet. Then, they focused on the pin for the Traditionalist Worker Party, a white nationalist group run by Matthew Heimbach.

Maybe, they thought, “Shield” had attended the Traditionalist Worker Party rally in Pike­ville, Ky., in the spring. They began sifting through the party’s public Facebook pages for photos from the gathering.

Not only did they finally have a name, they took screenshots of Goodwin’s Facebook page: Smiling with his mom. Posing in a camouflage uniform, clutching a long firearm.

Then King did what he always does. He passed the evidence on to police.

(The Washington Post)

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