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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2017 4:33:29 PM



Plans formation of 'special division to liberate Jerusalem'

A major nemesis during the Iraq War is warning that if the U.S. moves its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as President Trump has vowed, it will be regarded as a declaration of war against Islam.

Iraqi cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who led a militia against U.S.-led coalition forces in Iraq, called for the “formation of a special division to liberate Jerusalem were the decision to be implemented.”

Although Congress passed a law two decades ago directing that the embassy be moved to Jerusalem, every president has signed a waiver every six months, citing national security concerns. The U.S. largely has fallen in line with United Nations policy, which does not recognize Israel’s annexation of east Jerusalem after the city’s capture in the Arab-initiated Six Day War.

The Palestinians view east Jerusalem as the third holiest city in Islam and the future capital of a Palestinian state.

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Commenting on Sader’s declaration, Islam expert Robert Spencer, the publisher of Jihad Watch, observed that while Western policy analysts routinely treat Israel’s conflict with the Arabs as a matter of a land dispute that can be settled by negotiations, Muslim spokesmen worldwide treat it as an Islamic matter.

“Al-Sadr and many others are trying to make this move of the embassy into a showdown,” Spencer wrote. “They are trying to make President Trump back down, which would set an extremely damaging precedent.

He warned that “if the administration backs down and the showdown is averted, those analysts would be kidding themselves if they didn’t realize that it is coming sooner or later anyway.”

Caroline Glick, a former assistant foreign policy adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netayahu, wrote in December that there “is no single step the U.S. can take that will do more to rebuild U.S. credibility as an ally than moving the embassy to Jerusalem.”

“By taking the step that none of his predecessors would take to stand in support of the U.S.’s most embattled ally worldwide, Trump will show that America can again be trusted,” said Glick, author of “The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East.” “And moving the embassy will accomplish this goal without placing one U.S. soldier at risk, and will cost U.S. taxpayers no more than a few million dollars for construction and moving fees.”

Sadr, meanwhile, said the Arab League and the 57-member Organisation of Islamic Cooperation should take a decisive stand on the embassy issue or dissolve themselves, Agence France-Presse reported.

Sader also called for the immediate closure of the U.S. Embassy in Iraq should Washington transfer its embassy in Israel.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has said that if the U.S Embassy moves, he could revoke the PLO’s recognition of Israel. His Fatah party, formerly led by Yasser Arafat, warned the move “would open the gates of hell.”

Abbas has asked leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Jordan’s King Abdullah to help pressure Trump to change his mind.

Iraqi cleric Moqtada al-Sadr

‘True friend of Israel’

While Trump promised during his presidential campaign that moving the embassy would happen “very quickly” if he were elected, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Monday that no decision had been made.

“We’re at the very early stages of that decision-making process,” Spicer told reporters.

Spicer later said, CNN reported, that the Trump administration was going to “continue to consult with stakeholders as we get there.”

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said Monday he is in talks with White House officials about fulfilling Trump’s pledge, the Jerusalem Post reported.

“Trump has proven that he is a true friend of the state of Israel, and keeps his promises,” the mayor said in a statement.Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said Monday he is in talks with White House officials about fulfilling Trump’s pledge, the Jerusalem Post reported.

“We’ll help the U.S. government use its authority [and provide] all the necessary assistance to make the [relocation] of the embassy to Jerusalem as quick and smooth as possible,” he said.

Barkat told Israel’s Army Radio that he believes it is just a matter of time until the relocation takes place.

“I am holding talks with government officials in the U.S., and I know that they are serious about their intention,” he said.

Barkat noted the U.S. has various properties in Jerusalem that could serve as a solution.

The U.S. Embassy in Israel has always been in Tel Aviv. The ambassador’s residence is in Herzliya Pituach, about 30 minutes north.

It’s been suggested that Trump’s ambassador to Israel – he has nominated attorney David Friedman – could work out of an existing U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, which would become the de facto embassy.

Law to move embassy never implemented

To move the embassy, Trump would only need to allow the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act to take effect.

Passed 93-5 in the Senate and 374-37 in the House, it declares, “Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel,” and the U.S. Embassy should be established there “no later than May 31, 1999.”

The law, however, was never implemented, because Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama signed a waiver every six months claiming it is in the security interest of the United States to keep the embassy in Tel Aviv.Passed 93-5 in the Senate and 374-37 in the House, it declares, “Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel,” and the U.S. Embassy should be established there “no later than May 31, 1999.”

Clinton and Bush also vowed during their campaigns to move the embassy but backed off.

Obama renewed the presidential waiver in December. It expires at the beginning of June. Whether or not Trump could override the waiver is unclear.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2017 11:03:11 PM

Trump inauguration TV ratings second biggest in 36 years - With online viewings included, biggest ever?

© Andrew Harnik/AP
Donald Trump's inauguration ratings were the second-highest in 36 years, according to Nielsen.

The swearing-in of the 45th president was seen by 30.6 million viewers across 12 networks.

The only inauguration over the last three decades that tops Trump's number in the linear ratings? Barack Obama's first inauguration back in 2009, which had a record-setting 37.8 million viewers. So Trump was down from the last new president to take office.

But before that, to get an Inauguration Day number this high, you'd have to go all the way back to Ronald Reagan in 1981, who was seen by 41.8 million viewers (Nielsen released tracking for inauguration ratings back to 1969).

Trump's numbers are all the more remarkable considering he's entering into office with rather low approval ratings compared to past presidents and sparked protests worldwide along with vows to not watch his inauguration.

Comment: Trump's approval ratings seem to depend on who is conducting the polls and their agenda. Rasmussen Reports have shown a 56% approval rating.

By our estimate, it's more like 70%.

And actually, Trump could have been seen by more viewers than either Obama or Reagan. Nielsen ratings do not account for online viewing, which has grown sharply in recent years and is far more commonplace than even four years, for example, clocked 16.9 million live streams, tying with its Election Day coverage for the site's top event (live stream tallies are typically not apples-to-apples with Nielsen's strict methodology of counting average viewers, but are still additive). Plus, portals like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter offered live streams as well.

Comment: So that's 30 million plus's 17 million... plus the millions on other live streams, plus more around the world who watched it on TV and online... this was very probably the most-watched US presidential inauguration ever.

In terms of linear coverage, Fox News topped all networks, averaging 8.8 million viewers for the day and peaking with 11 million viewers from noon to 1 p.m. This was the highest-rated inauguration coverage in the network's history. While on broadcast, NBC was top ranked with 5.8 million viewers for the day.

Here's a chart from Nielsen of Inauguration Day coverage ratings over the years. The column on the far right, "Persons 2+," represents Total Viewers in millions, which is the most commonly used metric when measuring an event's audience (in addition to the advertiser target demo of adults 18-49, which is not included here).


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2017 11:13:31 PM

70mn cyberattacks, mostly foreign, targeted Russia’s critical infrastructure in 2016 – FSB

Published time: 25 Jan, 2017 01:22

© Michael Weber / Global Look Press

Over the past year, Russia had to repel a whopping 70 million cyberattacks endangering its critical information infrastructure, Federal Security Service (FSB) communications and security spokesman Nikolay Murashov revealed on Tuesday.

READ MORE: Big surge in cyberattacks on Russia amid US hacking hysteria – Russian security chief

“Seventy million cyberattacks [targeted] relevant facilities of the Russian Federation during this year,” the official told a State Duma committee for Information Policy, adding that the bulk of the attacks originated from abroad.

Touching on Russia’s readiness to ward off the mounting number of cyber threats, Murashov insisted that “at present, Russia has sufficient potential in the development of means of information security.”

However, while many major Russian companies, such as state-controlled energy giant Gazprom and those in charge of critical railway infrastructure, are considered well-protected, there are enterprises that remain particularly vulnerable to such attacks.

“There are companies, where, from our point of view, there is not enough attention being paid to this issue,” Murashev said.

The committee’s meeting was centered on debate over a new bill titled “On the Security of Critical Infrastructure of the Russian Federation,” that is designed to ensure that all companies deemed to be a part of Russia’s critical infrastructure are equipped with effective means to fight off the cyberattacks.

The draft bill envisions that a special register of all companies and agencies that control objects of critical infrastructure be drawn up. Once the entity is in the list, it will be obliged to purchase means for detection and countering cyberwarfare, as well as to report all attempts to disrupt their information security to the relevant state bodies and provide assistance in the investigations that follow. The companies will be divided into three groups, gauging the degree to which their infrastructure is critical.

The bill, which is still in the works, was reportedly backed by State Duma’s Committees for Security and Information Policy on Tuesday, paving the way for its final passage by lawmakers, Russia’s Izvestia daily reported, citing State Duma sources.

So far, it is unclear what state agency will be entrusted with the right to choose the companies for the list, although the FSB has been touted as the most likely pick.

Apart from measures to enhance the protection of critical infrastructure objects, the bill aims to deter potential cyberattacks with heavier punishments. Perpetrators who are writing and spreading malicious computer programs with a purpose of attacking Russia’s critical information infrastructure would face up to 10 years in jail.

This comes after a number of Russia’s security bodes spoke of a heightened threat to Russia’s cybersecurity, citing an increased rate of hacking attacks.

Earlier in January, the head of Russia’s Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta daily that Russia has witnessed “a growing number of attempts to inflict damage to Russian information systems from abroad,” by means of hacking attacks and unlawful collection of personal data. Patrushev noted that while Washington under Barack Obama’s administration was constantly accusing Russia of hacking, “all major internet servers are located on US territory and are used by Washington for intelligence and other purposes aimed at retaining [US] dominance in the world.”

In December, the FSB issued an alert, warning of an imminent cyberattack that it said was about to target Russia’s financial system. The FSB traced the planned large-scale attack to servers and command centers in the Netherlands belonging to a Ukrainian hosting company. Russia’s Communications Ministry has worked out potential counter-measures in connection with the threat.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2017 11:22:22 PM
Fireball 4

Brilliant green meteor fireball photographed over Southern India

© Prasenjeet Yadav
While exploring the sky islands of the Western Ghats in 2015, molecular ecologist turned photographer Prasenjeet Yadav shot a rather rare photograph with a green meteor up in the sky and the twinkling lights of the town below. It earned him a plethora of awards, including National Geographic Nature Photographer of the year, 2016, and also an Honourable Mention in the Landscape Category by National Geographic. The photograph was shot on October 9, 2015, and Yadav was at the Nilgiri's near Ooty when he shot the green meteor. The town he is overlooking is Mettupalayam.

"This is probably the only composed photo of a green meteor. No photographer can plan this shot. This can happen for a fraction of second anywhere in the universe, and the fun part is, I was sleeping when my camera captured it. Everything else was hard work but for those 15 seconds, I was the luckiest photographer on the planet," says Yadav, who was working on a story on sky islands of Western Ghats when he shot this. Along with bird ecologist Dr Robin Vijayan, Yadav was working on a project to understand the role these mountains play in the formation of new species.

Born in Nagpur, Yadav went to Bangalore to pursue research at the National Center for Biological Science. In 2013, he moved to photography and began concentrating on environment and conservation stories. He is reportedly the only Indian to be represented by the National Geographic Creative. Although he has stepped away from the academic realm, Yadav considers himself a non-traditional scientist and often collaborates with researchers, policy makers and conservationists for his projects in the world of nature photography. Currently, he is working on a story on the sky islands of southern India for National Geographic and is documenting the unseen species of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals found only in the south Western Ghats.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/25/2017 11:39:49 PM



Israel’s anti-terrorism agency urged its citizens to leave the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt on Tuesday, warning of immediate attacks against tourist sites in the region.

The Counter-Terrorism Bureau at the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office upgraded the risk of attacks to Level 1, its highest level, indicating that there was an extreme and concrete risk of attacks in the region, The Times of Israel reported.

The warning was focused on January 25, which marks the six-year anniversary of the Egyptian uprising that toppled former president Hosni Mubarak.

Tourists during a quad bike tour, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, April 2, 2016. The resort is one of many in Sinai Peninsula that has seen a drop in tourist numbers due to increased militant activity in the region.CHRIS MCGRATH/GETTY

The Sinai Peninsula is the site of an Islamist insurgency against the Egyptian government, which has seen attacks targeting foreign tourists. The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) has an affiliate group—known as the Sinai Province—that is active in the region and regularly carries out attacks on police and army outposts.

The warning is not new—the Bureau already had a Level 2 terror risk in place in the Sinai Peninsula, indicating a high threat of attacks—but reiterated the threat to tourist sites and urged Israelis to leave the region immediately.ISIS also claimed responsibility for bringing down a Russian jet that left the holiday resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in October 2015, killing all 224 people on board.

Israel shares a 129-mile land border with Egypt that runs through the Sinai Peninsula and militants have previously mounted cross-border attacks. Masked gunmen killed 16 Egyptian soldiers beforeforcing their way across the border in an armored vehicle and stolen truck in August 2012.

The region, particularly southern Sinai, has been popular with Israeli tourists, although numbers fell following the 2011 revolution. During the seven-day Jewish festival of Sukkot in October 2016, around 20,000 Israeli tourists entered the Sinai Peninsula via a border crossing at Taba in southern Sinai,
Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported, a 22 percent increase on the same holiday period in 2015.


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