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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/23/2017 4:43:26 PM
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Pirro: President Trump to be the 'biggest change agent' in US history

© Discovery Press Web
Judge Jeanine Pirro
In her Opening Statement on Saturday, Judge Jeanine Pirro said President Trump has been "fearless" in his campaign and predicted he will be considered the "biggest change agent in the history of the United States."

Pirro praised Trump's inaugural address as "straightforward" and "direct", and criticized MSNBC's Rachel Maddow for calling ita dark speech that "you can't imagine an outgoing president giving".

Recounting the perceptibly "dark" portions of the speech, Pirro said Trump was simply speaking of daily life for people who did not asked to be born into underprivileged circumstances, such as living in inner cities and being victimized by gang crime.

Trump will be a leader who does not "put fingers to the wind" to decide what to do at crunch time or "give[s] a damn what nay-sayers... say", Pirro said.

"He's been up and down and back up again. He understands that... changing the Washington machine is not for the faint of heart," she said.

She thanked Trump for being unafraid to admit America's faults and weaknesses and for his stated willingness to face those challenges head-on.

Comment: Trump has a lot to live up to and a lot to 'course correct.' He deserves a chance to do so.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/23/2017 4:52:20 PM
Cloud Precipitation

Widespread flooding, mudslides, evacuations as biggest storm in years hammers California

The storm pummeling Southern California Sunday was likely the strongest to hit Southern California since 2010, officials said, and brought with it a slew of complications for residents.
The third in a series of powerful winter storms unleashed a deluge in Southern California on Sunday, flooding numerous roads and freeways, setting new rainfall records and stranding some in dangerously rising waters.

Forecasters had predicted this storm would be the strongest and several years, and it didn't disappoint. While earlier storms produced periods of heavy showers, this one delivered several hours of sustained pounding rain, with damaging results.

Coastal areas of Los Angeles County were among the hardest hit, with Long Beach Airport setting a new all-time rainfall record, 3.87 inches. The intense rain was too much for local roads. Sunday afternoon, both the 110 Freeway in Carson and the 710 Freeway in Long Beach were shutdown due to extreme flooding that left cars stranded like islands in a lake.

In Long Beach and surrounding communities, dozens of intersections were flooded and some residents reported their parked cars were damaged as the rainwater kept rising. Across the region, several people were rescued from their cars and thousands lost power.

Brett Albright, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service's office in San Diego, said the storm dumped as much as four inches of rain in some places.

"Today was very intense," said Albright. "It's not a normal event. It was definitely a culmination of the perfect circumstances: We had a very intense atmospheric river with a lot of moisture and an area of lift in the atmosphere right over coastal Los Angeles and Orange counties. It forced all of that moisture out."

"It's not often we see higher rainfall totals on the coast than in the mountains," he said.

Southern California has been mired by a 5-year-drought. But this storm is part of a larger shift toward wetter conditions that began last fall. Since October 1, downtown L.A. has received more than 13 inches of rain -- 216% of normal rainfall for this period, which the National Weather Service said was 6.26 inches.

© Santa Barbara County Fire Department
Surfers enjoy the large waves at the entrance to Santa Barbara, Calif., harbor Saturday morning, Jan. 21, 2017. A winter storm is bringing much higher than usual waves to the area.
Officials said much of the Southland remains in drought, although recent storms are helping.

On Sunday, the brunt of the storm hit in the afternoon.

Rockslides closed roads in Malibu and other coastal mountain areas. Up the coast in Isla Vista, a cliff and a patio collapsed into the ocean. Rescuers had to evacuate 15 to 20 residents of ocean-front apartment units, according to Gina DePinto, a spokesperson for the County of Santa Barbara.

At least one fatality was believed to be linked to the storm. A motorist in Pomona was driving about 3:15 p.m. amid heavy rains, lost control of the vehicle and smashed into a telephone pole, according to the Pomona Police Department. The driver suffered major injuries and was pronounced dead by Los Angeles County paramedics. The person's name was not released pending notification of family members.

A homeless encampment off of the Pacific Coast Highway in the Harbor City neighborhood was submerged in several feet of water. Los Angeles fire rescue teams helped three people walk out of the flooded area and brought two others out by boat, officials said.

One of those rescued, a 39-year-old man, was transported to a local hospital. Swift-water rescue teams were still searching the area, a roughly 300-square-foot patch of land with dense vegetation off the highway, for other victims late Sunday afternoon.

Some of the biggest concerns about the storm came from the communities hit by wildfires last year. Heavy rains can cause mudslides in burn areas, and some officials urged residents to evacuate.

Evacuation orders were issued for burn areas in Glendora, Duarte, Silverado Canyon in Orange County and parts of Santa Barbara County.

As of Sunday night, most of the hillsides had held up, to the relief of anxious homeowners.

In the Duarte burn area, many residents chose to stay in their homes. Rudy Fuentes, an elementary school teacher, said he decided to stay behind to protect his home in case things really got out of hand.

"I hope it doesn't come to that," said Fuentes, whose driveway was covered in about two inches of mud. "We just decided to stick it out."

Jerry Katz, a 25-year resident of the neighborhood, wasn't worried at all about the situation. He didn't put down any sandbags or dig any trenches. He blamed the city's orders to leave on nervous lawyers.

"The real problem is I can't take my son to Cheesecake Factory tonight," Katz said.

Orange County officials remained on guard, particularly in Silverado Canyon, which is still recovering from a nearly 1,000-acre fire in 2014. Extra emergency crews have been brought in to help, including a bulldozer operator and two additional swift-water rescue teams.

"The ground still remains pretty saturated and it can be problematic," said Capt. Alan Wilkes, of the Orange County Fire Authority.

The epic rains caused something very unusual at Disneyland Sunday -- a quiet day with small crowds. As heavy rains poured and a flash flood warning was issued, the sparse number of guests hid under the monorail.

Some were clearly unprepared for the rain - wearing jeans, sneakers and hoodies, with some even without umbrellas. "Star Wars" lightsaber umbrellas were selling briskly, despite a hefty price tag of $65.

But the visitors who braved the weather enjoyed short lines - less than half an hour for Hyperspace Mountain, where lines typically can last for 2 hours.

Thunderstorm conditions were expected to ease slightly late Sunday into Monday. But the rainfall is expected to continue until Tuesday.

In all, the storm system is expected to generate 4 to 6 inches of rainfall over the next three days, with the most rainfall in the foothill and mountain areas. Clearer skies and temperatures in the mid to high 60s are expected to return beginning Friday.

The storm also caused problems in Northern California, which has seen a series of major storms over the last few months that lifted much of the region out of drought.

Mudslides and snow closed major roads including Interstate 80. U.S. 395 and Highway 17, the main freeway linking Silicon Valley with Santa Cruz.

Monster surf on Saturday set a new wave height record for the Monterey Bay: 34.12 feet, according to the NWS. The previous record was 32.8 feet, set in 2008. Those conditions smashed the remains of the famed concrete ship, the S.S. Palo Alto, in the Monterey Bay town Aptos.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/23/2017 5:05:11 PM

Israel approves 560 new illegal homes in E. Jerusalem as Trump takes office

Edited time: 22 Jan, 2017 23:17

© Ronen Zvulun / Reuters
Israel has approved an additional 560 housing units to be constructed as part of its illegal settlement-building initiative in occupied East Jerusalem. The announcement comes 48 hours after Donald Trump took office as the 45th US president.

Israel Radio talked to the Chairman of Jerusalem city hall’s Planning and Building committee, Meir Turgeman, who said the permits had been in the works, but delayed until Barack Obama was out of office.

“I was told to wait until Trump takes office because he has no problem with building in Jerusalem,” Turgeman told Israel Radio, adding that there were hundreds more units awaiting approval.

Nabil Abu Rdainah, spokesman Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, told Reuters: “We strongly condemn the Israeli decision to approve the construction.”

After new approval was granted, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced he had decided to lift restrictions on settlement construction in East Jerusalem.

"There is no longer a need to coordinate construction in the Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem. We can build where we want and as much as we want," the PM's office statement read, Reuters reported.

Netanyahu also said he wants to allow construction of Israeli settlement on all Palestinian territories, which Israel has occupied since the 1967 Six-Day War.

"My vision is to enact sovereignty over all the settlements," the statement added.

Obama – especially towards the end of his presidency – was critical of Israel’s settlement expansion on the grounds that it was destructive to regional peace and risked derailing a stable two-state solution. In his final weeks as president, he had to explain to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu why the US had withheld its traditional UN veto to block a new resolution condemning the illegal settlements. The American veto has protected Israel a great number of times before.

Trump, on the other hand, may take a different line, as he edges US policy closer to Israel – most crucially, with plans to relocate the embassy of the United States from Tel Aviv to disputed Jerusalem. This has been welcomed warmly by the Israelis, while sending shock waves throughout the Arab world – with Jordan openly declaring that the move may lead to an explosion in radical Islamism, and Palestine threatening to revoke its recognition of the Israeli state.

Israel’s final approval of the new building permits was issued Sunday, marking a 180-degree reversal in Washington’s policy toward Tel Aviv. But settlement-building was unlikely to stop anyway, given that in 2016 it was revealed that hundreds of projects were still in the pipeline, to be built in the coming years.

The current projects, according to Reuters, had been taken off the agenda in December at the last minute, following Netanyahu’s orders not to anger outgoing US President Barack Obama.

But Israeli right-wingers expect Trump to be far more cooperative on the matter.

Israel has been building in East Jerusalem and the West Bank since 1967. The Palestinians believe East Jerusalem to be theirs. But Israel has been forcefully denying Palestinians the territory.

The construction of these settlements, illegal under international law, has been the subject of growing controversy, mounting criticism from the international community, and a deteriorating security situation between Israelis and desperate Palestinians.

According to Netanyahu, he will discuss the latest with Trump over the phone on Sunday.

“Many matters face us, the Israeli-Palestinian issue, the situation in Syria, the Iranian threat,” the Israeli PM said.

Two days ago, the energy and infrastructures minister, Yuval Steinirt, said in an interview to Army Radio that “we are all praying that, alongside his sense of humor and colorful personality, Trump will understand the weight of responsibility lying on his shoulders and will turn out to be a courageous and serious president.”

He added, “I very much hope and believe that he will move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/23/2017 5:16:37 PM

New US Ambassador Will Live in Jerusalem

“Great is Hashem, and highly to be praised, in the city of our God, His holy mountain.” Psalms 48:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Incoming US ambassador David Friedman has announced that he will not reside in the official ambassador’s residence in Herziliya upon assuming office. Instead, he will live in the large apartment he owns in the Talbiyeh section of Jerusalem.

It is unclear whether the decision is intended to fulfill President Donald Trump’s campaign promise to move the American embassy to Jerusalem. Palestinian officials have threatened to declare the Israel-Palestinian peace process “dead” should the new administration carry through on the promise, and several sources close to the president have said in recent weeks that Friedman may “fulfill” the promise by maintaining the ambassador’s office in the capital but leaving the rest of the diplomatic staff at the embassy compound on Yarkon Street in Tel Aviv.

Media reports indicated that Friedman will take up the role as ambassador in February, but he has yet to be confirmed by the Senate. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and pro-settlement groups in Israel and the United States welcomed the nomination thanks to Friedman’s oft-stated support for right-wing Jewish causes in Israel, but liberal groups in both countries have pressed Democratic and Republican senators to oppose the nomination for the same reason.

In order to block the nomination, all Senate Democrats and at least three Republicans would have to vote against confirmation.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/23/2017 5:44:58 PM

Hacked NYT tweet claims Russia will attack US with missiles
Published time: 23 Jan, 2017 09:25

© Lucas Jackson / Reuters

After apparently being hacked, a Twitter account belonging to the New York Times reported that Russia intended to launch a missile attack against the US. The newspaper is investigating the situation.

The gaffe affected the NYT’s video account, @nytvideo, which tweeted out the hoax on Sunday at around 9:40am ET, citing a “leaked statement” from Russian President Vladimir Putin.

We deleted a series of tweets published from this account earlier today without our authorization. We are investigating the situation.

This is one of the tweets people are flagging that @nytvideo says an unauthorized user sent

View image on Twitter

Though the alarming tweet was quickly deleted, others followed that were claimed by the hacker group OurMine, which has previously taken responsibility for hijacking a number of high-profile accounts on social media.

OurMine said it had “re-hacked” the account in order to stem the spread of misinformation after noticing that it had been broken into by a third party. Their messages were eventually deleted too.

The newspaper later confirmed that it had deleted a number of tweets published by @nytvideo “without authorization,” saying it was investigating the situation without elaborating.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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