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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/22/2017 4:56:47 PM

Up to 11 Russian warships allowed simultaneously in port of Tartus, Syria – new agreement

Edited time: 22 Jan, 2017 13:12

The nuclear-powered heavy cruiser Peter the Great © / Sputnik

An agreement signed by Russia and Syria stipulates that up to eleven Russian warships will be able to dock in the Syrian port of Tartus at any one time. The move is designed to boost defense capabilities, the document states.

The maximum number of the Russian warships allowed at the Russian naval facility at one time is 11, including nuclear-powered warships, providing that nuclear and ecological security rules are observed,” the agreement says.

The agreement has been signed for 49 years and could be prolonged by 25 more years if both sides agree.

The Syrian Arab Republic gives consent to the Russian Federation to expand the territory of its naval facility and upgrade its infrastructure to conduct repair works, restock supplies and give crews time for rest,” the document says, adding that the use of the naval facility will be free of charge.

Under the agreement, signed on Wednesday and made public on Friday, Russian warships will be allowed to enter the port after an appropriate Syrian body has been notified, not later than 12 hours before the planned entry.

However, “in case of operational need Russian warships may enter the port after an appropriate Syrian body has been notified, not later than six hours before the entry.”

Russia is allowed to bring in and out any kind of “weaponry, ammunition, devices and materials” to provide security for the facility staff, crew, and their families throughout the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic “without any duties or levies.”

According to a protocol signed on Wednesday and released on Friday, Russia has also been given the right to use the Syrian Khmeimim Air Base in the Latakia province free of charge.

“The Syrian side gives the Russian side a part of the Khmeimim airbase territory to locate the Russian air group there for the duration of the agreement and the protocol, according to attachment documents 1 and 2,” the agreement says.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/22/2017 11:32:55 PM



It seems taboo when a government official goes against the word of their country, and yet every time it happens, people tend to agree that the truth must come out to promote a better world.

Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has chosen to go against the corporate media’s narrative by accusing the United States of funding and arming terror groups al-Qaeda and ISIS.

This past December, Gabbard introduced the Stop Arming Terrorists Act, the terms of which her website outlines succinctly: “The legislation would prohibit the U.S. government from using American taxpayer dollars to provide funding, weapons, training, and intelligence support to groups like the Levant Front, Fursan al Ha and other allies of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, al-Qaeda and ISIS, or to countries who are providing direct or indirect support to those same groups.”

And Gabbard herself was quoted as saying that the “CIA has also been funneling weapons and money through Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and others who provide direct and indirect support to groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda. This support has allowed al-Qaeda and their fellow terrorist organizations to establish strongholds throughout Syria, including in Aleppo.”

Gabbard, who is co-sponsoring the bill with Rep. Thomas Massie, also tweeted: If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail.”

Though critics are quick to call such concerns mere conjectures, it seems the facts are there.

Anonymous reports:

They can be verified by none other than suspected war criminal Tony Blair. A think tank founded by the former U.K. Prime Minister released a report in 2015 that concluded it was ultimately pointless to make a distinction between the various rebel groups on the ground since the majority of these groups share ISIS’s core belief system (and would impose Sharia law if they came into power).

Gabbard concluded:

The CIA has long been supporting a group called Fursan al Haqq, providing them with salaries, weapons and support, including surface to air missiles. This group is cooperating with and fighting alongside an al-Qaeda affiliated group trying to overthrow the Syrian government. The Levant Front is another so-called moderate umbrella group of Syrian opposition fighters. Over the past year, the United States has been working with Turkey to give this group intelligence support and other forms of military assistance. This group has joined forces with al-Qaeda’s offshoot group in Syria.

This madness must end. We must stop arming terrorists. The Government must end this hypocrisy and abide by the same laws that apply to its’ citizens.

That is why I’ve introduced the Stop Arming Terrorists bill—legislation based on congressional action during the Iran-Contra affair to stop the CIA’s illegal arming of rebels in Nicaragua.

Adding more insult to injury, Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration are said to be entirely aware of the support the Gulf states have provided to ISIS.

The bill passing would ensure the federal agency was no longer able to support a terrorist group, and it would prohibit it from funnelling support through other countries directly or indirectly supporting terror groups as well.

Below is a great video of award winning journalist Ben Swann shares a number of facts regarding the origin and creation of ISIS.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/23/2017 10:26:45 AM

What’s Doubling Brain Tumors In Denmark?

The number of patients is on a steady increase since 2004-2005. Is that coincidental with the increase of smart technology, which uses microwaves to implement instant access and networks? In 1990 the rate was 827 patients, whereas in 2015 it more than doubles to 1807 patients or 2.185 times!

The rise in malignant and non-cancerous tumors is happening in younger patients, those who are more likely to be using smart technology gadgets, e.g., iPhones and Wi-Fi at school or work.

The breakdown according to brain and spinal cord cover (122), brain (123), and CNS spinal cord, cranial nerves (124) tumors is depicted in the color-coded graph below.

The frightening part about what’s going on in Denmark is that CNS tumors are almost as common as melanoma in those aged 0 to 39 years.

I find it rather interesting that conflicting reports exist in countries, e.g., Denmark and the United States. The U.S. National Cancer Institute claims no increase in brain tumors are taking place; the Swedish Radiation Authority argues “cancer rates in Sweden and other countries do not show any increase that might be attributed to the massive mobile phone use that started in the beginning of this century; and the Danish Cancer Registry who issued a report stating under-reporting of cancer cases occurs.

In a 2009 report [2], this was stated in the

Conclusion. The overall completeness of the SCR [Swedish Cancer Register] is high and comparable to other high quality registers in Northern Europe. For most uses in epidemiological or public health surveillance, the underreporting will be without major impact. However, for specific research questions our findings have implications, as the degree of underreporting is site specific, increases with age, and does not seem to be random, as diagnoses without histology or cytology verification are overrepresented. An annual comparison of the SCR against the HDR [Hospital Discharge Rate] could point to hospitals, geographic areas or specific diagnoses where organizational and administrative changes should be introduced to improve reporting.

However, “Case control studies repeatedly show increased risks for CNS tumors from mobile and cordless phone use” [1] and here’s what is said about that:

Ever since 2010 all studies investigating risks for brain tumors from mobile phone use over 30 minutes to one hour a day over several years have found increased risks for CNS tumors (glioma, acoustic neuroma and also meningioma).1 Today 75% of Swedish 16 year old girls use their “smart phone” over 3 hours a day and they have been wrongly informed that there are no health risks observed, often with reference to incorrect claims about brain tumor incidence trends.

– It is unethical to wait for even more people to be diagnosed with brain tumor before the industry, government and authorities warn mobile phone users of the serious health risks with today’s intense and prolonged use, says Mona Nilsson, President of the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation.

1 Hardell et al. 2013 (glioma, acoustic neruoma, meningioma); Interphone 2010 (glioma, meningioma) and 2011; Coureau et al. 2014 (glioma and meningioma); Pettersson et al. 2014 (acoustic neuroma); Sato et al. 2011 (acoustic neuroma)

The Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation report is only one of hundreds, if not thousands, of reports and/or published studies indicating that cancer, whether it is CNS or some other etiology, definitely is on the increase, especially in folks using microwave technology and its ‘smart’ gadgets. The younger generations are most affected too. Probably consumers really don’t understand the ‘mechanics’ and physiology of how microwave radiation works. It’s not as benign as promoters and acolytes would have us believe.

Microwaves negatively impact the human immune system.

EMFWise Health Effects of Wireless Radiation states:

Immune System Dysfunctions and Chronic Diseases

Unlike other particles and pathogens, microwaves can penetrate directly into the body. This is a problem for the immune system which relies a lot on skin as a barrier againstpathogens. Some of the possible consequences found from microwave radiation include: Morphological alterations of immune cells; Changes in lymphocytes dependent on the carrier frequency; Reduced T lymphocyte count; and Hypersensitivity manifesting as autoimmunity.” [3] [CJF emphasis added]

Note what is said about microwaves penetrating directly into the body! The human body on average is between 50 and 70 percent water. Water being impacted by microwave radiation, known as non-thermal radiation, presents a physiological (biological) problem insofar as 90 percent of the body’s water acts as an information system or network for cells.

As an example, just holding an operating smart phone in your hand allows negative waves to travel up the hand, into the arm to pollute the body. That does not take into consideration holding an operating smart phone, which is much less safe than other cell phones according to some researchers, next to the side of your head. Invariably, when tumors are found, they exist next to where a cell phone touched the head or body, e.g., side of head, breast (some females place cell phones in their bras; that’s a huge NO-NO!), and testicles (men carry active cell phones in their trouser pockets).

The current craze of ‘smart’ appliances, gadgets and technologies is nothing short of crazy, in my opinion, since it creates a SEA of electrical pollution impacting everyone. The most vulnerable are fetuses, children and the elderly.

Here are some consumer products you may want to re-evaluate for EMF/RF/ELF exposures: cell, smart and iPhones; Wi-Fi and routers; computers – especially operating laptops resting on your lap or body; baby monitors; cordless phones; computer games for infants and toddlers; smart utility meters.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine explains possible negative health impacts from electromagnetic fields in its report“Electromagnetic and Radiofrequency Fields Effects on Human Health.”

Currently, there’s a huge disconnect between microwave industry-promoted science and those independent scientists who are finding what’s called non-thermal radiation adverse health effects. Here’s where it’s at: Microwave Industry studies find 32 percent harmful effects and 68 percent no effects; whereas Non-industry studies find 70 percent harmful effects and 30 percent no effects. Whoever funds the research really matters.

That reminds me of the cigarette industry’s infamous doctors’ claims in the 1950s that “most doctors preferred Camels cigarettes.” How many doctors today would want to be caught smoking?



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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/23/2017 10:46:40 AM

Incompetent American Doofuses try to start WW3 in Syria?

Are mind-kontrolled, misled USG Officials being used to provoke a nuclear WW3?

by Preston James

On September 17, 2016, so-called “Coalition Forces” led by the US bombed theSyrian Army in Deir Ezzor, Syria, mass-murdering 62 regular Syrian Army and wounding 100 others, according to a credible news report.

It is unclear if there were any Russian Federation Special forces advisors murdered by this attack, which was illegal under international law and constitutes not only an act of war against Syria, but a clear cut war crime.


If Russian Federation Special Forces advisors were murdered, this then constitutes an act of war against the Russian Federation.

This appears to anyone who examines the evidence as an attempt to assist ISIS, which is exactly what happened.

Obviously the US Military has no legal or Constitutional right to be fighting in Syria, assisting ISIS or even in the Mideast at all. This itself is a major war crime.

old glory flag

And it seems pretty clear that this attack on Syrian Army wasan attempt by Washington DC to assist ISIS in their battle with the Syrian Army.

It about time everyone understand that ISIS is the abbreviation for Israeli Intelligence Secret Service. And since Israel has infiltrated and hijacked the USG, the Administration and the Pentagon, it should be very clear to all that the US Military has helped to create, finance, supply and (along with Israel) train ISIS.

It is well known to Intel insiders that the US military has been secretly supplying ISIS while claiming to be fighting it.

How’s that for complete duplicity and a total violation of the US Constitution and all international and US Federal Law?

It is also a gross deception upon the American People who are naïve enough to believe anything the Controlled Major Mass media publishes or broadcasts.

There are well vetted tales of US warplanes bombing deserted buildings when supposedly bombing ISIS and dropping supplies directly to ISIS when supposedly supplying the Syrian Freedom Fighters which are nothing less than another engineered color revolution to destabilize Syria and use it as jumping off point to destabilize and attack Iran.

Samantha Power (file photo)

Samantha Power (file photo)

The attack was intentional. How do we know this attack was intentional and not a mistake? Samantha Power refused an apology and attempted to shift blame to the Russians.

This attempted shift in blame and refusal to apologize shows mal-intentions and criminal leadership in DC. Power’s behavior resulted in the Russian negotiator abruptly leaving the emergency Security Council Meeting.


What was the purpose of this attack?

This appears to be a US attempt to torpedo the cease fire that was negotiated between the USG and the Russian Federation and create a serious conflict with the Russian Federation.

This is a serious war crime and if Russian Special Forces were murdered, this could further provoke the Russian Federation and set off a process leading to an ICBM based nuclear WW3.

The US has no legal right to even be in the Mideast or Syria in the first place, but the Russian Federation does because its long term ally Syria ask it to assist in its defense. The Russian Federation has a lot of money invested in Syria and will not let the USG, the Khazarian Mafia and Israel muscle in.

It appears that the US Administration is attempting to provoke the Russian Federation into a nuclear WW3, hoping they will launch a major first strike.

Another big lie has been fed to the Doofus cutouts running the USG.

It appears that these US Administration Doofus/Cutouts have been assured that America has complete nuclear superiority and can defeat any Russian or Chinese nuclear attacks by stopping their ICBM early in their flights.

This is a big lie and will be used to con these Doofuses into starting WW3 while the real controllers go underground and hide until the fireworks are over and America is defeated and the Russian Federation is damaged and weakened.

Then these KM Chieftains will come out and resume their Globalist NWO agenda. They always like to dispose of their Doofus cutouts as soon as they no longer need them. This of course is a very crafty way to do so, by deceiving them into a suicidal war with the Russian Federation.

It appears there is a very crafty backup plan if this strategy fails.

If this doesn’t produce the desired result of a nuclear exchange with the Russian Federation, there is a backup plan that has been ready to go for well over a year.


That would be for a rogue cell in the USAF to set off an aerial nuke at between 100-200,000 feet while simultaneously shutting down about 9 main switching centers and claiming it was an EMP. The smart-meter network, which was never explained to or consented to by the American people, provides the necessary technology to stage and implement such a mass power outage and can send enough dirty voltage through the lines to start fires and damage appliances.

Experts have claimed that none of these smart meters are UL-approved, and this makes them blatantly illegal and unsafe – actual fire hazards. It’s amazing what serious political power and some well placed “Backsheesh” can accomplish in the utility business, no?

There is allegedly one corporation that operates the smart meter network. When you discover who this is, who works there and their connections, you will understand a great deal.

Cyber-generated bogies can be utilized to fool the USAF to see nonexistent supposedly incoming ICBMs and the USG would order a major launch to combat this. Within seconds of this launch, the Russian Federation would issue counterstrike launch orders from their fixed and movable systems and submarines.

Newly designed nukes are more anti-personnel than explosive, and their fallout decays rapidly.

Because most of the new nukes are anti-personnel, and not anti-building, the victor (if there was one) would be able to easily seize the loser’s nation.


Plato: “And don’t you think that being deceived about the truth is a bad thing, while having a grasp of the truth is good? And don’t you think that having a grasp of the truth is having a belief that matches the way things are?”

Plato: “And don’t you think that being deceived about the truth is a bad thing, while having a grasp of the truth is good? And don’t you think that having a grasp of the truth is having a belief that matches the way things are?”


The best guess would be that Russian superiority would win the day, which is what the Globalist NWO leaders (The RKM Chieftains) who would be hiding in certain Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) want, since it’s likely that a minimum of 30% of the human populace would die in this first round. If there was a second round that would take about another 30%.

Obviously a very good informed guess is that all this is all being driven inside the Beltway by a belief that the US is about to go over a financial cliff and this USG provocation to WW3 is best explained a series of engineered “covering events”.

One thing you can be certain of however, is that very extensive ultra-high tech mind-control (psychotronic and other) has been deployed to shape the beliefs of the Doofus Cutouts and the American populace.

Sadly, most Americans do not yet know that the USG is using ISIS as a proxy force for Israel to destabilize and destroy one more nation – Syria – and then to do the same in Iran next.

How could Americans know, since the Controlled Major Mass Media provides a News Cartel controlled by a major investment house which claims to be on the vanguard of investment and has been financing ISIS, paying for weapons and supplies and oil tankers?

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/23/2017 2:30:18 PM
NEO – Truth or Consequences in Astana peace talks

What Should One Expect from the Syrian Peace Talks in Astana?

by Yuri Zinin, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Will the Turkish people have any say in the peace talks, or are they just along for the ride?

[ Editor’s Note: The sands are shifting in the Mideast, but no one has a crystal ball to see how the Syrian mess will shake out when the dust storm passes. We are all optimistic, but not overly so, as bitter enemies will not take defeat gracefully.

Yuri Zinin, one of NEO’s top analysts, keys in below on the “Turkish Pivot” as being the key to any breakthrough, as it would have physical control over some of the key opposition groups via their direct support out of Ankara. This includes weapons, ammo and all the needed supplies to keep them flowing over the Turkish border.

The coming IS defeat in Mosul has Turkey pulling its forces back from Iraq, and the Kurd’s Barzani signaling his retirement, which we did not see coming. Concern seems to have shifted as to where the surviving and very angry IS fighters from Mosul will be transferred to next, with indications already that this will be Deir-Ezzur, with the US’ hand clearly revealed as facilitating. Trump’s credibility on wiping out IS will sink or swim on whether he continues to pretend that the US has not been supporting them.

And let me make one point clear. It is not a deal killer in having to get all the opposition groups to join a political process, as just a good majority of them need to join. Those that refuse will shift themselves over to the bombing list with IS and al-Nusra, and that should include any of the Turkey-backed groups, or it would in itself be breaking its own deal.

This shakeout would allow the Syrian coalition to concentrate on the dual tasks of cleaning out the remaining opposition groups that refuse to join the political process, where Syria could then concentrate more forces into defeating the remaining groups on the battlefield.

Those choosing not to join the political process would be kissing away having any future influence, as those Syrian people under their control, for now, would have to gravitate to one of the other groups for political representation. The key is to get the various opposition groups competing among themselves for political powers.

Frankly, the Islamic State has crushed the Turkish offensive on al-Bab

To be successful at that will require their being instrumental in improving people’s lives, and the name of the game there is ending the fighting and start the rebuilding.

Anyone viewed as an obstructionist will find themselves left at the altar. If their funding is removed, then they will have zero to offer the people and will find themselves one step away from becoming refugees themselves.

Iran is already moving on some rehabilitation deals; the biggest so far is an agreement to help rebuild the cell phone system. This is Balkanization of a different sort. Iran is not lending Syria the money to do this. Iran will own it.

There is nothing really wrong with this, as Iran has lost 1000 of its fighters, totally ignored in the Western press, and also has funded Hezbollah’s participation, without which more Syrian soldiers would be dead and more of the country destroyed.

But with so much hanging on what Turkey does, meaning Erdogan, that makes him the weak link in the chain, as in his being removed. He has suffered a humiliating defeat at al-Bab, the huge Turkish military not being able to capture a medium-sized town from the IS, who basically has no armor or air defense.

This defeat has exposed the Turkish military as a palace guard one. Questions will be asked if Erdogan’s gutting the post-coup military went too far and rendered the country impotent, other than fighting lightly armed Kurdish guerrillas.

Despite his move to concentrate presidential authority, which is moving through the parliament now, that also is a double-edged sword as a rallying point for the non-Gulen opposition. War and Peace are still both in play, and either one may still win the dayJim W. Dean ]


Will Erdogan’s defeat in al-Bab (so far) take the wind out of his sails?

– First published … January 22, 2017

The international meeting on the Syrian settlement in Astana has been attracting the attention of numerous experts across the Middle East.

Most experts agree that the meeting will be a major international and regional step towards the shift of balance of forces on the ground, transforming a bitter military face-off into a political process. The meeting will clarify the positions and the influence enjoyed by the conflicting parties before a new round of negotiations in Geneva starts.

According to the newspaper “Al-Quds Al-Arabi” that is being published in London, the current balance of forces suggests that for the first time since the beginning of the crisis Turkey gravitates towards Russia’s position on the Syrian settlement, that dictates the need to put all the parties of conflict at the negotiating table.

Who is leading who by the nose now? Is the Saudi influence gone in Turkey?

This view is shared by a prominent Arab media figure and political analyst Abdel Bari Atwan. He stresses the fact that the Russian-Turkish alliance, which became the “dominant driving force” of the Syrian settlement. While Moscow supports the Syrian government, Turkey is in position to act on behalf of the armed opposition groups that has the capacity of applying pressure on them.

In these circumstances, there is a pushing of the political opposition. We’re speaking about the so-called Supreme Negotiations Committee (with headquarters in Riyadh) and the National Coalition of Opposition and the Revolutionary Forces (with headquarters in Istanbul).

According to the above mentioned analyst, the Supreme Committee is losing its “monopoly” to represent opposition groups, which it enjoyed at the previous stages of the negotiations in Geneva, since armed groups are turning their backs, both completely or partially, on the their foreign sponsors, including the Persian Gulf monarchies.

This Arab analyst is convinced that we can be talking about a veritable breakthrough. It is possible, he notes, that the conference in Astana will be the turning point in the Syrian conflict where the previous regional balance of powers will change.

Other Arab authors still warn the negotiators that there is a significant number of militant groups who have not accepted the ceasefire and who still control a pretty large chunk of the Syrian territory.

The majority of the representatives of the so-called Syrian political opposition are warily watching the preparations for the Astana meeting. They carry on their claims that Damascus is getting “increasingly dependent” on its partners, while a number of media sources are making all sorts of allegations about “new contradictions between Damascus and its allies,” etc.

According to the Jordanian journalist Muhammad Khatyn, Astana has become a real alternative to Geneva, opening the road for the creation of a Syrian federal state.

The freeing of Aleppo from the foreign backed jihadis is a symbol for the whole country now as to who the real enemy is

A number of regional media sources perceives the importance of the meeting in Astana in a broader context that goes far beyond the scope of the Syrian crisis. Thus, according to the Lebanese TV channel “Al-Mayadin,” the trilateral statement of the Iran-Russia-Turkey in Moscow opens the field for broader political talks between them to expand the vital economic and other ties enjoyed by these states.

The TV station is convinced that Russia and Iran are happy to get Turkey involved in the implementation of the major Eurasian project, as an alternative to the European Union. The fact that former Soviet republics will get involved in this project will make it easier for Ankara to make a choice, since it has a common linguistic, ethnic and historical background with a number of those.

On the other hand, those states have fully developed ties with Iran, while the latter is also interested in deepening them in the light of the new US administration planning to review the bilateral nuclear deal. However, the ongoing crisis in Syria, fueled from outside, prevents the three states from reaching a higher level of economic cooperation.

This is an important factor to consider when assessing the upcoming meeting in Astana and its results, concludes the Al-Mayadin television channel. It’s pretty symbolic that the name Astana is of Turko-Iranian origin.

Yury Zinin, Leading Research Fellow at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”


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