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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2016 11:49:27 PM

N.Y. Mayor de Blasio warns against rush to judgment in black teen’s death

June 3, 2016

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio emphasized on Friday the importance of waiting until more facts are known before jumping to conclusions about the recent death of a local black teenager.

The New York Police Department is investigating the May 27 death of 16-year-old Dayshen McKenzie on Staten Island as a possible hate crime. According to early reports, notably in the Daily News, he collapsed and died from an asthma attack after being chased by a mostly white group who were said to be shouting racial slurs and waving a gun.

On Friday morning, de Blasio told WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer Show” that the incident was distressingly similar to the highly publicized 1986 death of Michael Griffith in Howard Beach. The mayor said the NYPD handles bias crimes seriously, but warned against rushing to judgment before the details are known.

“I don’t know enough and the police don’t know enough yet, and I want to be very clear about that,” de Blasio said, according to the Staten Island Advance. “We cannot rush to judgment on this one, we need to know more.”

He urged for cooler heads to prevail while the police do their jobs.

“We just don’t know enough yet to determine what happened here,” he told Lehrer. “And I think it’s important that people take a breath while the PD has a chance to really investigate and get right the facts of this case.”

Earlier in the day Friday, the Daily News reported on the alleged racial motivation behind McKenzie’s death. A witness, former NYPD officer Diane Fatigati, told the paper that what she saw leading up to the teen’s death made her consider the incident a homicide.

“To me, it’s murder,” Fatigati told the Daily News. “They were chasing him — that’s a crime. You’re hunting them because they’re black. … You’re calling them a n*****.”

Fatigati reportedly rushed to McKenzie’s side and tried to resuscitate him, but it was too late.

The liberal de Blasio has had a mixed relationship with New York’s law enforcement community. His two predecessors, Michael Bloomberg and Rudy Giuliani, were both law-and-order stalwarts who embraced controversial police tactics like stop and frisks.

De Blasio sparked severe backlash in December 2014 by saying he taught his biracial son to be especially careful when dealing with police. In a silent protest, dozens of NYPD officers turned their backs on de Blasio at an officer’s funeral the following month.

But while de Blasio warned against rushing to judgment, the Rev. Al Sharpton, founder of the National Action Network (NAN), released a statement on Friday calling for the federal government to get involved. Sharpton cited the 2014 death of Eric Garner, a black Staten Islander who died after an NYPD officer apparently placed him in a chokehold, as a reason why the local district attorney’s office should be viewed with skepticism. (The district attorney at the time, Dan Donovan, has since been elected to Congress.)

“On Saturday, during NAN’s live action rally and radio broadcast,” Sharpton’s statement reads in part, “we will call on the federal government to investigate this incident as a possible hate crime because after the Staten Island District Attorney’s office (under the former prosecutor) showed questionable investigative skills in the Eric Garner case, we cannot in confidence rely on the DA’s office to pursue this matter to the degree the community feels will bring justice to the family of Dayshen McKenzie.”

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2016 12:02:14 AM

Why Is There Suddenly Such A Huge Push For “Mark Of The Beast” Technology?

JUNE 4, 2016

By Michael Snyder

We always knew that it was coming. All over the world, governments and big corporations are pushing us toward a fundamentally different way of doing things. They insist that this new way will be more safe, more secure and more efficient. They are telling us that we should embrace new technology and be open to new ways of buying and selling. And they assure us that new methods of identification will not be intrusive and will simply allow them to crack down on criminals such as identity thieves, tax evaders and terrorists. But could it be possible that there is more going on here than we are being told? Could it be possible that we should actually be highly alarmed by this huge push for “Mark of the Beast” technology?

This week, we learned that a new form of identification for the Internet is being proposed in the European Union. When I first came across this story, I was absolutely horrified

The European Union is proposing a government ID for using the Internet which will eradicate both on-line privacy and free speech.

Spearheaded by former communist official Andrus Ansip, the European Commission published a draft document outlining its proposed electronic ID that would not only allow the EU to track what you say on-line, but also what you buy.

When it is initially introduced, this government-issued form of Internet identification may be purely voluntary, but once enough people have adopted it, then it will be quite easy for the European Union to make it mandatory for everyone else. The following is an excerpt from a page on the official EU website that describes this new program

It is recognised that a multitude of username and password combinations is both inconvenient and a security risk. However, the frequent practice of using one’s platform profile to access a range of websites and services often involves non-transparent exchanges and cross- linkages of personal data between various online platforms and websites. As a remedy, in order to keep identification simple and secure, consumers should be able to choose the credentials by which they want to identify or authenticate themselves. In particular, online platforms should accept credentials issued or recognised by national public authorities, such as electronic or mobile IDs, national identity cards, or bank cards.

So what form would such identification take in the future?

Photo IDs are so easily lost or stolen. In order to make identification more safe and more secure, many advocates are now suggesting that we find ways to make identification a permanent part of a person.

One way that this could be done is by using microchips. If this sounds creepy, it is because it is very creepy.

But all over the world this is already being done to pets, and just recently a local NBC News report promoted the idea that we will all microchip our children someday.

I know that I will never allow anyone to microchip me or anyone in my family, but there are others out there who are enthusiastically embracing the concept of starting to merge humanity with technology.

In fact, Tesla CEO Elon Musk insists that we are all going to have to become cyborgs someday

Elon Musk, the billionaire boss of Tesla and SpaceX, has said that humans need to become cyborgs to avoid becoming “house cats” for vastly more intelligent robots.

Musk said that as artificial intelligence advances, people will need to augment their brain power with digital technology to prevent them becoming irrelevant.

He backed the idea of a “neural lace” – a new electronic layer of the brain that would allow us to instantly access online information and greatly improve cognitive powers by tapping into artificial intelligence.

Could you imagine “downloading” an entire set of encyclopedias into your brain in just seconds?

Someday, technology may make this entirely possible.

And in the not too distant future, we may actually have “mind reading machines” that can understand what you are thinking. The following comes from a recent article in the Daily Mail

A mind-reaching machine that can translate thoughts into speech is coming closer to reality.

The research has been ongoing for several years, and recently, scientists successfully managed to playback a word that someone is thinking by monitoring their brain activity.

While there remains a long way to go, they say this could help victims of stroke and others with speech paralysis to communicate with their loved ones.

We will soon be living in a world that looks nothing like the world that our grandparents grew up in. Technology is increasing at an exponential rate, and even now it is hard to grasp just how rapidly our planet is being transformed.

As technology becomes even more important to our lives, there will be even more of a push to move all transactions online. That means phasing out the current system of physical cash and coins, and going to a system that will eventually be entirely cashless.

In fact, in some areas of the world this is already happening to a very large degree

In Sweden, 95 percent of all retail transactions are already cashless, and ATM machines are being removed by the hundreds. In Denmark, government officials actually have a stated goal of“eradicating cash” by the year 2030. And in Norway, the biggest bank in the country has publicly called for the complete elimination of all cash.

In Spain, all cash transactions of more than 2,500 euros have been banned, and in France and Italy all cash transactions of more than 1,000 euros have been banned.

We don’t have those kinds of caps on cash transactions in the United States just yet, but given enough time they would come eventually.

Right now, there are more than 400 billion cashless transactions conducted around the globe annually, and that number may hit 500 billion for 2016.

Of course in a fully cashless society the government would be able to serve as the gatekeeper for who is permitted to use the cashless system and who is not. It would be all too easy for a tyrannical government to mandate that everyone receive a “government identification chip” before being allowed to buy or sell or do anything else online. We are living at a time when the Book of Revelation is coming to life right in front of our eyes, and that is one of the reasons why I wrote my new book entitled The Rapture Verdict. As our world starts going crazy, Bible prophecy is going to be the number one thing that people are interested in as far as the Christian faith is concerned, and so it is imperative that we have solid answers ready.

The stage is being set for the Mark of the Beast, and the time is coming when we are all going to be faced with some very tough choices.

When you and your family don’t have any food and you can’t buy or sell without proper “government-sponsored identification,” will you give in and do whatever they tell you to do?

You may not have to make that decision right now, but if you are able to stay alive long enough someday you will.

Michael Snyder is a writer, speaker and activist who writes and edits his own blogs The American Dream and Economic Collapse Blog. Follow him on Twitter here.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2016 12:15:22 AM

#Anonymous Declares War On Mainstream Media: Attacks Fox, CNN, NBC And More

JUNE 4, 2016

By Nick Bernabe

As of June 1st, Ghost Squad Hackers – the same group leading #OpIcarus – have launched a series of coordinated attacks against leading members of the corporate mainstream media. Giving credit where credit is due, Tec.mic and Softpedia were the first to report the operation. But their reports only tell a portion of the whole story, we will explain why in a moment.

Broadly speaking, the goal of the #OpSilence is to attack all the corrupt major news networks that mislead and censor information from the general public. More specifically, the news agencies who conceal the crimes of Israel, while misleading the population about the mistreatment of the Palestinian people. The operation is off to a quick start, Ghost Squad has successfully” carried out DDoS attacks on CNN and FOX News” already just this month. More attacks are promised, NBC and MSM appears to be their next target.

When Tech.mic and Softpedia presented their coverage of the hacks, they included images and references directly to Anonymous. But upon reading these articles, Ghost Squad had a message of their own that they want everyone to hear:

It is no secret Ghost Squad has a close affiliation with Anonymous; I am sure this is how the group got started in the first place. The group insists they speak for themselves, they are essentially trying to get their own reputation – credibility.

But there is a second layer to this discussion highlighting the recent divide within Anonymous. There has been a “Civil War” of sorts in recent months, and the reputation of the Anonymous collective as a whole has been damaged. Last winter, prominent hacktivist groupGhostsec also cut their ties with Anonymous. In a statement they saidAnonymous has a habit of shooting in every direction and asking questions later.” In other interviews they imply that Anonymous has developed a reputation for behaving immature – more concerned with silly DDoS’ing attacks than changing the world.

Since the quarreling of #OpWhiteRose many people have splintered off, or left Anonymous entirely – just another in the long list of strange effects Donald Trump has had on the entire world. Ghost Squad is one of the groups effected by this ‘Civil War.’ In the time since this happened last March, the group has exploded onto the scene, quickly becoming one of the most influential and talked about hacking groups in the entire world in 2016.

I have no doubt about the origins of this operation though, this goes back to#OpMediaControlwhich began last June. The operation called for the hacking of every major news network in the United States, testing their email systems, DDoS’ing web sites, attempting to hack in teleprompters or live feeds – anything you could think of. Last I heard back in December, they were still trying to recruit people to join them for an event this summer. Sound familiar to what Ghost Squad is doing right now?

The following video was from #OpMediaControl release last June:

For the purposes of accuracy, AnonHQ News reached out to our contacts in #OpMediaControl. We gave them a preview of the article and asked them what they thought. They showed us a press release dating May 28, 2016, a video proclaiming that #OpMediaControl has been re-engaged. Of course, #OpSilence proceeded to begin June 1st. In another interesting note, earlier last month Anonymous Resistance Movement, one of the groups behind #OpMediaControl, conducted an interview with GhostSquad. So as you can see, the two groups are well acquainted with one another – these operations are no coincidence.

Ghost Squad may be stepping up from the pack here, but make no mistake, this operation has been in the making for over a year and Anonymous led the way.

This article (#Anonymous Declares War on Mainstream Media: Attacks Fox, CNN, NBC and More) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. Image credit: AntiMedia. If you spot a typo, email


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2016 12:29:14 AM

Putin Bans Rothschilds From Russia

Putin played the New World Order game long enough to climb as high as the position of President - then he abruptly turned his back on them, prompting Jacob Rothschild to accuse him of being a "traitor to the New World Order."

Posted on June 1, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry in News, World

Brave Vladimir Putin has banned Jacob Rothschild and his New World Order banking cartel family from entering Russian territory “under any circumstances.”

Putin recently reminded his cabinet that he paid off the Rothschild’s debt and “grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and kicked them out Russia’s back door.”

This meeting featured the President pounding his fist on the table and vowing to destroy the New World Order, and according to a Kremlin source Putin is making great strides towards this goal.

They do not own the world, and they do not have carte blanch to do whatever they want. If we do not challenge them there will be other issues. We will not be bullied by them.”

It is understood that the Rothschild banking racket was a noose tied around the neck of the Russian economy. Once the knot was tightened, the economy would struggle and choke.

Early in his presidency he made a priority of uniting Russia socially, spiritually, and economically. He ordered the arrest of the Rothschild backed oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky who had made Rothschild, Henry Kissinger and Arthur Hartman directors of the Open Russia foundation.

He was so upset with the banksters in his temple, he tipped over their tables and drove them out with a whip.

A keen student of history, well versed in world affairs, the Russian President has studied the history of the world’s most elusive organisation and understands the central role their financial collaborators have played in fomenting the major international conflicts of the 20th century.

Now they want to plunge us into World War III.

The New World Order’s invasive roots and branches keep spreading around the world, but President Putin has stopped them expanding into Russia. This is a major blow to their plans for world domination and now they view him as a real threat. He’s got them running scared, which is why he is degraded in the Western media at every opportunity.

The reality is that Putin is leading us towards a multi-polar world, far from the one government, one religion future plotted by the New World Order. When he took his forces into Syria to protect a sovereign state he further enhanced his reputation as a powerful leader.

People around the world have started to wake up and notice.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2016 10:46:30 AM

New Report: Suicide Kills Almost 5 Times As Many U.S. Troops As Combat Does

JUNE 4, 2016

By Amando Flavio

A new report by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) has revealed that suicide death among troops on combat missions on foreign lands, is higher than actual combat death among troops. Actual combat death is death recorded during fighting ‘enemy’ troops. Suicide death is committed by the troops themselves, who take their own lives due to some factors.

The disturbing report is the DoD 2014 calendar year Suicide Event Report (DoDSER), which details the number of suicide attempts and deaths of United States service members. The report only focused on the 2014 calendar year.

According to the details, in all of 2014, a total of 55 United States troops, in both hostile and non-hostile situations, lost their lives in foreign occupations. On the other hand, the number of soldiers who killed themselves is nearly 5 times this number.

The DoDSER revealed that in 2014, there were 269 deaths by suicide among active component service members. This figure was slightly higher than the previous year. In 2013, 259 suicide deaths were recorded among troops on combat missions in abroad.

Since the 2014 report was made public, some observers have expressed grave concern about the increasing rise of suicide death among service members. Observers say that apart from even the active members taking their own lives, when they retire from the service, the situation worsens. This observation made by commentators is true, looking at the statistics below.

In a 2012 report put out by the Veterans Administration, it was estimated that up to 22 veterans a day, kill themselves. That is 8,000 lives a year; almost one per hour. For attempted suicides, the number skyrockets to 19,000 attempts, of which 8,000 result in ending their own lives.

Observers acknowledge that there are a number of factors contributing to this increasing rate of suicides, but they argue strongly that the major cause is the trauma from war. Due to the killings and the destruction of human lives involved in war, the consequence is huge. Some service members (both active and ex) experience nightmares, disturbing them to the point that they have no option than to take their own lives to put an end to the suffering. Many ex and current servicemen have told of some of these horrible experiences.

A honorably discharged veteran of the United States Marine Corps, Matt Agorist who has been very critical of wars waged by the United States on foreign lands, wrote on the Free Thought Project that service members are used and discarded by the few elites who sit in Washington DC, authorizing needless and useless wars for their own selfish gains.

“Our brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, and mothers and fathers are contracted by the state and used as cannon fodder for special interests and the expansion of imperialism. Those who refuse to join are enslaved into the ranks via conscription, and the rest of society calls those who fight this conscription, cowards. When the state is done with its pawns of empire, it disposes of them like spent military gear,” Agorist wrote.

From a holistic perspective, it’s clear that Mr Agorist’s assertion is the hard truth. The Department of Housing and Urban Development estimates that nearly 50,000 veterans are homeless on any given night. Another 140,000 are currently in jail, many of them for victimless crimes like drug possession. The statistics also shows that veterans are often the target of unjust attention from law enforcement.

It is even said that on multiple occasions, the Department of Homeland Security has referred to veterans as potential terrorists, noting that they pose a real threat to national security.

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