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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2016 12:41:59 AM



Alternative cancer treatments are becoming increasingly popular as more and more people begin to question conventional treatments and seek out less harmful options. While many in the medical field claim this is dangerous and can cost lives, many patients know that the success rate of chemotherapy is quite low, and question whether the toll it takes on the body is worth the risk.

According to a 2004 report by Morgan, Ward, and Barton, the contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3 percent in Australia and 2.1 percent in the United States. It concluded that, “it is clear that cytotoxic chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution to cancer survival. To justify the continued funding and availability of drugs used in cytotoxic chemotherapy, a rigorous evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and impact on quality of life is urgently required.”

A recent study conducted by researchers at Stanford University further complicates the issue by noting that approximately 90% of doctors would themselves choose to abstain from chemotherapy if they had terminal cancer, wishing instead for a better quality of remaining days. And a 1985 survey found that only about one-third of physicians and oncology nurses would have consented to chemotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer. Today, willingness to undergo cancer treatment by doctors who prescribe it is still lacking. While some would undergo treatment, many have still stated that they would not. Unfortunately there is little research on these numbers available today.

In 2016, it’s estimated that there will be 1,685,210 new cancer diagnoses in the United States. It’s also estimated that approximately 600,000 of those diagnoses will end in death. And we can be reasonably sure that the majority of these people will be receiving cancer treatment.

Regardless of medical opinion, facts are facts, and the fact that more people are opting out of traditional cancer treatment and choosing ‘natural’ methods instead warrants, as various studies claim, greater investigation into the success rate of these treatments, and more rigorous scientific testing of their ability to heal cancer.

But oncologists’ hands are tied. When they encounter someone with cancer, they are required to recommend the only two approved treatments, radiation and chemotherapy. Even if an oncologist would not enter into treatment themselves, they must refrain from offering different advice and instead stick to protocol.

And it’s not just chemotherapy statistics that have patients searching for other options. Corruption, medical fraud, and corporate funding also have many people running the other way. Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and long-time editor-in-chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ), offers the following observation on the issue:

It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine. (source)

Two-time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry Dr. Linus Pauling, considered to be one of the most important scientists in history, told us that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organisations are “derelict in their duties to the people who support them.”

Then we have science showing how many natural substances, like vegetables, spices, and even cannabis, can completely annihilate cancer cells. Some of these studies are in vivo, others in vitro. Cannabis oil, for example, has been killing cancer cells in the lab for decades — a simple Google search of scholarly publications regarding cannabis and cancer will make this clear — but, as with many other natural cures, pharmaceutical companies refuse to fund human clinical trials. This is disturbing to say the least, given the fact that when a pharmaceutical drug shows half as much promise, clinical trials are instantly set up. The medical industry is not interested in healing people, they are interested in profit.

The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.

–Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014), Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal (source)

We need to make this side of the cancer story known to all. While some people have still died after seeking alternative treatment, people have also died after seeking conventional treatment. But we never hear about the success stories with these natural options, and there are many. We only hear about the unsuccessful ones, and these are glorified by mainstream corporate media.

Related CE Article:

The First Three Things I would Do If Diagnosed With Cancer. (opinion piece)

Candice-Marie Fox

Candice-Marie Fox was diagnosed with stage 3 thyroid cancer in 2011 at age 28. After surgery and radiation, it spread. Then she adopted a radical diet (mostly fruit) and made some lifestyle changes, and her body healed.

Below is an interview that Candice did with Chris Wark, another person who beat cancer using alternative methods (you can learn more about him here). This is a short summation of her story. To hear her story in full, you can listen to THIS interview, which spans more than an hour.

These are stories mainstream media will not share. The only stories we hear of in the mainstream media regarding ‘natural medicine’ are the ones that end in tragedy. We need to shift the conversation and make sure people have access to both sides of the story so they can make informed decisions.

Candice cites the ‘NORI Protocol‘ for her success, which was created by the Nutritional Oncology Research Institute, a centre run by a group of doctors whose primary mission is to provide cancer patients with scientifically sound, nontoxic, and effective alternatives to conventional therapies. They are one of many such institutions.

I would love to see statistics comparing chemotherapy success rates with alternative therapy rates, but these simply don’t exist. If they did, I think the chemotherapy industry would go out of business. But that’s just my opinion.

I joined the CE team in 2010 shortly after finishing university and have been grateful for the fact that I have been able to do this ever since :) There are many things happening on the planet that don't resonate with me, and I wanted to do what I could to play a role in creating change. It's been great making changes in my own life and creating awareness and I look forward to more projects that move beyond awareness and into action and implementation. So stay tuned :)


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2016 1:06:02 AM

US hiring grinds to a near-halt; many stop looking for work

U.S. hiring slowed to a near-standstill in May, sowing doubts about the economy's health and complicating the Fed's efforts to raise interest rates

Associated Press


WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. hiring slowed to a near-standstill in May, sowing doubts about the economy's health and complicating the Federal Reserve's efforts to raise interest rates.

While unemployment slid from 5 percent to 4.7 percent, the lowest since November 2007, the rate fell for a troubling reason: Nearly a half-million jobless Americans stopped looking for work and so were no longer counted as unemployed.

Employers added just 38,000 jobs in May, the fewest in over five years.

Less-educated workers bore the brunt of the hiring slump, with a quarter-million high school dropouts losing their jobs in May. That has perpetuated a long-term trend toward a two-tiered job market, with college-educated adults more likely to be employed and earning steady raises.

"The shockingly low payrolls gain in May provides further evidence that the economy is showing clear signs of slowing," said Laura Rosner, an economist at BNP Paribas.

The much-weaker-than-expected figure raised doubts that the Federal Reserve will increase short-term interest rates at its next meeting in mid-June or perhaps even at its subsequent meeting in July. Many analysts had expected an increase by July.

On Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average closed down 32 points, for a loss of 0.2 percent.

The disappointing report spilled into the presidential race, with Donald Trump referring to it on Twitter as a "terrible jobs report" and a "bombshell." The figures come just days after President Barack Obama touted his economic record in Elkhart, Indiana.

Americans particularly worried about the economy have been more likely to support outsider candidates such as Trump and Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Trump's support has also come disproportionately from adults without college degrees, and Friday's report served as a stark reminder that less-educated Americans have continued to lose economic ground even as overall hiring and growth have picked up since the Great Recession.

Essentially all of the 7 million jobs added over the past decade belong to workers with at least some college experience. The number of high school graduates with jobs is 3 million lower than 10 years ago.

"The high school jobs are gone and they're not coming back," said Anthony Carnevale, director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and Workforce. "It's driven by a fundamental shift from an industrial economy to a post-industrial economy."

Craig Lloyd, 27, has mostly worked part-time jobs in restaurants in Wichita, Kansas, since graduating from high school 10 years ago. Some paid as little as minimum wage, while his most recent position as a sous-chef paid $12 an hour.

Three months ago, he started his own business selling burritos out of a friend's food truck on weekends.

His wife is returning to school to get her degree, but he doesn't plan to do so himself. "I've really put off getting a higher education, because of the debt that you can incur," Lloyd said.

The hiring stall could be temporary, economists noted. There have been hiring lulls before in the seven-year recovery.

But job gains in March and April were also revised downward on Friday, leaving average monthly hiring at a pace of just 116,000 in the past three months. That's sharply below last year's average of nearly 230,000.

The share of Americans who are working or searching for jobs — a figure known as the labor force participation rate — fell in May to 62.6 percent, near a four-decade low.

Separately, Lael Brainard, a Fed board member and ally of Chair Janet Yellen, signaled Friday that the Fed should be in no hurry to act, especially after the bleak jobs report.

The Fed meets next on June 14-15. Economists now see little chance of a rate increase at that time. The Fed raised the short-term rate last December after holding it at nearly zero for seven years.

Fed officials may not keep investors guessing for long: Yellen will speak Monday in a closely watched address that may show how she has interpreted Friday's report.

The May job gain was lowered by the Verizon workers' strike, which depressed hiring in the telecom sector by 37,000.

In addition, manufacturers, construction companies and temporary help agencies all shed jobs. Retailers, hotels and restaurants added jobs, but at a slower pace than in recent months.

Employers probably cut back on hiring after the economy grew at just a 0.8 percent annual rate in the January-March quarter.

Yet Friday's dismal jobs report was a surprise in part because most recent economic reports have been encouraging: Consumer spending surged in April. Home sales and construction have also increased. Sales of new homes reached an eight-year high in April.

Most economists expect growth will rebound in the April-June quarter to about a 2.5 percent annual pace.


Follow Christopher S. Rugaber at

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2016 11:23:34 AM

Floods apocalypse around the world in June 2016: USA, Mexico, Russia, China, France, Germany, Belgium, Ukraine, Romania

The current floods apocalypse isn’t only centered around Europe but is also hitting countries worldwide.

Here a compilation of the worst floodings across the world in USA, Mexico, Russia, China, France, Germany, Belgium, Ukraine, Romania. And the worst is just in front of us!

Let’s start talking about the biblical floods currently sweeping across western and eastern Europe. Days of downpours have caused ten deaths in Germany, two in France and Romania and one in Belgium. The River Seine in Paris is six meters higher than normal.


In Germany, 10 people have been killed, including four in Baden-Wuerttemberg in flooding that hit Sunday and Monday.

floods germany, floods germany pictures, floods germany video

floods germany, floods germany pictures, floods germany video

The German Insurance Association estimated that this week’s flooding has caused some $500m in damage in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg alone.

Here some terrifying videos of the flooding.


Thousands have been evacuated as floods continue to threaten homes and businesses across the Paris region.

paris floods, paris floods june 2016, paris floods picture 2016, paris flooding 2016, paris flooding june 2016 photo

Floodwaters in Paris continue to rise with the River Seine due to hit a peak of up to 6.5m (21ft) later on Friday.

paris floods, paris floods june 2016, paris floods picture 2016, paris flooding 2016, paris flooding june 2016 photo

The world-famous Louvre and Orsay museums have been closed so staff can move priceless artworks to safety.

paris floods, paris floods june 2016, paris floods picture 2016, paris flooding 2016, paris flooding june 2016 photo

Le Château de Chambord is flooded, like in the old days.


Belgium endured a fourth day of heavy rain, with flooding reported in several areas across the country. After widespread flooding hit northern Antwerp and the west of Flanders early in the week, waters kept rising in eastern areas around Limburg and Liege.

floods june 2016, floods europe june 2016, flood paris june 2016, floods paris 2016 pictures, floods worldwide june 2016, apocalyptical floods worldwide june 2016
Floods in Belgium in June 2016

Several neighborhoods have had to be evacuated as cellars flooded and streets were submerged in overflowing creeks and rivers.

floods june 2016, floods europe june 2016, flood paris june 2016, floods paris 2016 pictures, floods worldwide june 2016, apocalyptical floods worldwide june 2016
Floods in Belgium in June 2016

Forecast for the next few days is really bad: Météo: le déluge attendu sur l’est du pays


Two people were killed in floods in the Romanian counties of Vrancea and Bacau.

floods romania 2016, deadly floods romania, flooding romania june 2016

Several hundreds of families have been evacuated. Red alert! Firefighters and police officers conduct rescue operation.

floods romania 2016, deadly floods romania, flooding romania june 2016

Several rural areas are cut from the outside world.


As a result of heavy rain in Odessa, all major highways were flooded with sometimes more than half a meter of water on the roads.

floods ukraine 2016, floods ukraine june 2016, floods ukraine 2016 pictures

Traffic chaos in the city!


The monthly precipitation – 82mm of rain – fell within 3 hours in Krasnodar, Russia on June 3, 2016.

Krasnodar floods russia 2016, floods russia 2016 floods russia 2016 pictures, floods russia 2016 video

This resulted in high level of water in streets blocking transport in the city.

Many houses have been evacuated.

United States of America

Two more soldiers were found and confirmed deceased at Fort Hood after their military vehicle overturned.

texas floods 2016, floods texas photo, floods texas video, worldwide floods june 2016

This brings the total deceased to five soldiers.

The search continues for the remaining four missing soldiers.


More than 500 residential houses in the Iztapalapa neighborhood of Mexico City have been flooded by heavy rains.

IZTAPALAPA mexico city floods, mexico city floods june 2016

According to official, everything is under control.

Iztapalapa is home to nearly 2 million people and is considered as one of the most densely populated areas of Mexico.


The east and central provinces of China are currently experiencing apocalyptical floods. More than five thousands people have been evacuated, hundreds of thousands are suffering material damage.

26 thousands hectares of land have been flooded.

Yes it’s flooding all over the world:

And starts to be very creepy! Who’s next now?


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2016 2:45:35 PM

Iran-Saudi tensions erupt in 'cyberwar'

BBC Monitoring
3 June 2016

Neither government has publicly endorsed or intervened to stop the hackings.

When Iran's top civil defence official said his country was preparing for major cyber-attacks from Saudi Arabia, perhaps even he did not think it would take such a short time for his warnings to become reality.

In mid-May, Gen Gholamreza Jalali, the head of Iran's Civil Defence Organisation, said he saw the mainly Sunni kingdom as his chief threat in the coming year.

Mainly Shia Iran and Saudi Arabia have long been regional rivals but tensions worsened dramatically last year, partly because of the conflicts in Syria and Yemen.

Within days of Gen Jalali's remarks, Iranian and Saudi hackers were attacking websites in each other's countries in what Iranian media called "all-out cyberwar".

On 25 May, a self-proclaimed hacker from Saudi Arabia calling himself "Da3s" apparently attacked the websites of Iran's Statistical Centre and Registration Office, defacing the homepages with a photo of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who fought an eight-year war with Iran in the 1980s.

Many Iranian media sources thought the hacker had misspelled his name and that the attack was the work of the Sunni jihadist group Islamic State - widely known in the Middle East by its Arabic acronym, "Daesh".

Image copyright
Image captionThis Saudi hacker explained his motives

The Saudi hacker said on Twitter - where he identified himself as Salman al-Harbi - that he was not a member of the militant group, and that Da3s was the correct spelling of his nickname.

Since the Stuxnet computer worm hit Iran's nuclear facilities in 2010, the country has invested heavily in cyber capabilities and set up a team of trained hackers known as the Iranian Cyber-Army.

Saudi Arabia has also stepped up its investment in cybersecurity in the past year in efforts spearheaded by its National Centre for Cyber-Security.


A day after Da3s's attacks, a group calling itself "Iran Security Team" retaliated by targeting Saudi Arabia's General Authority for Statistics and King Abdulaziz University, defacing their websites with a jeering message of its own.

Screengrab of a hacked Saudi webpage
Image captionIranians immediately retaliated to the hacking of Iranian websites

Another team of Iranian hackers, calling themselves "Digital Boys Underground Team", hacked the Saudi Commerce Ministry's website.

Over the next few days, a series of apparently tit-for-tat attacks saw more websites targeted, almost all of which were defaced or rendered inaccessible by attacks.

Iran's police and cyber-police force, its judiciary, national postal service and culture ministry were all targeted.

There is no evidence that official organisations in either state have been directly involved in the attacks. Iran's cyber-police chief, Gen Kamal Hadinafar, said the hackers' IP addresses had been traced back to Saudi Arabia but he did not accuse the Saudi authorities.

'Mother of terrorism'

As the attacks continued, the messages left by hackers became increasingly political and hostile.

Tension between the two countries rose further when Saudi Arabia executed a prominent Shia cleric and opposition figure in January.

Protesters in Tehran ransacked and set alight the Saudi embassy. Riyadh responded by severing all diplomatic ties with Iran.

With relations at an all-time low, Tehran announced a few days ago that it would bar its citizens from attending this year's Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) after negotiations over safety broke down.

Last year, more than 400 Iranian pilgrims had died in a stampede, leading to a war of words between Iranian and Saudi officials.

Screengrab of a hacked Iranian webpageImage copyrightTWITTER
Image captionTeam Bad Dream used an image of Saudi rulers to poke fun at the Iranian Foreign Ministry

After hacking the website of Iran's foreign ministry, a hacker group calling itself "Team Bad Dream" branded the Iranian government the "mother of terrorism" and demanded an end to the "killing of children in Iraq, Yemen and Syria".

The group tweeted that a "cyberwar" between Iranian and Saudi hackers had begun.

In his latest attacks, Da3s pointed to the Yemen conflict and castigated the Iranian authorities for boycotting the Hajj.

Screengrab of a hacked Iranian webpage
Image captionThis Saudi hacker pointed to the conflict in Yemen

"Why is Iran forbidding Muslims from attending this year's Hajj? Relations between states are unrelated to freedom of religion!"

Iranian hackers hit back by highlighting the long-standing dispute over the naming of the Gulf.

Some Arab states refer to the body of water as the Arabian Gulf, but many Iranians see the name Persian Gulf as a source of national pride and object to any other form of words, including "the Gulf".

Screengrab of a hacked Saudi webpage
Image captionIranian hackers retaliated by highlighting the naming dispute over the Gulf

(BBC Monitoring)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2016 3:14:26 PM

Thousands of atheists gathering in DC for Reason Rally

Updated 1741 GMT (0141 HKT) June 2, 2016

What happened to God in America?

Washington (CNN)Bill Nye, Lewis Black and members of the Wu-Tang Clan will be part of a high-profile lineup preaching to a mass of atheists Saturday at the Reason Rally at this city's Lincoln Memorial.

The coalition of secular organizations is expecting 30,000 people to descend on Washington, where they will call for a non-religious approach to politics amid a hotly contested presidential campaign. They also hope to flex the political muscles of the religious unaffiliated, turning one of the fastest-growing groups in the country into a powerful voting bloc.
While the rally has scheduled musical entertainment, flashy speakers and late-night cocktail hours at neighboring hotels, the thousands of "nones" -- people who don't identify with any religion -- coming to the nation's capital also have a more serious agenda.
The Reason Rally is "absolutely" a political event, said executive director Lyz Liddell. "That's the reason we're holding this in an election year. "We want to see reason taking precedence over religious-driven ideology."

The rally's major issues of focus are climate change, reproductive rights and LGBT equality, all hotly contested political topics whose opposing voices often come from the religious right.
Larry Decker, executive director of the Secular Coalition for America, said his group has scheduled meetings with more than two thirds of the members of Congress, whom they hope to lobby on behalf of secular values. They also hope to soften some of the social stigma still attached to the "atheist" label.
    According to a Gallup poll, 40% of Americans would not vote for an atheist president, though that number has declined in recent years.
    There is a "small vocal group of people in this country who have really demonized what atheist means," Decker said..
    But while organizers hope to distance religion from the conversation, the rally's attendees and speakers include people of faith, notably such legislators as Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) and Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.).
    "It would be great if we get proportionate representation in Congress, but we are being represented by religious members of Congress and we want to work with them. We want to be heard by them." said Liddell.
    The last Reason Rally, held in 2012, may have had a much more excluding vibe, Liddell said. "Some of our speakers were anti-theists and anti-religion."
    This year, she said, the focus has shifted to secularism. "We need to ally with people who share our goals. It's not an 'atheist vs religious people' conversation."
    Decker himself identifies as an unaffiliated Christian. But even so, "I really feel more comfortable in this community," he said.
    Secularists might be the only group that sees hope in a presidential election so rife with vitriol because religious identity hasn't been a big part of either party's leading candidates, said Reason Rally organizers.
    "It's refreshing to see that we're not looking at one religious group as the primary influence in elections," Liddell said.
    Decker said it was good thing when Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich dropped out of the presidential race because they were among the candidates who had invoked God in their reason to run for president.
    The rally is slated to run Saturday from 10am to 7pm.


    "Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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