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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/16/2014 4:00:10 PM

Hawaii lava on course to hit gas station, stores

Hawaii officials: Lava on course to hit shopping center with gas station in 7 to 10 days

Associated Press

In this photo taken Dec. 12, 2014, and provided by the U.S. Geological Survey, the active lava flow front continues to advance downslope towards the northeast about a mile and a half from the marketplace in Pahoa, Hawaii. (AP Photo/U.S. Geological Suvery, Tim Orr)

HONOLULU (AP) -- Lava from a volcano on Hawaii's Big Island is on course to reach a shopping center with a gas station and a supermarket in seven to 10 days, officials said.

Lava is about 1 mile from the shopping center in the small town of Pahoa, Hawaii County Civil Defense Director Darryl Oliveira said Monday. The shopping center also contains a hardware store, pharmacy and auto repair shop.

There's still a great deal of uncertainty about when the lava might reach the center and what it could hit. The lava could smother one structure in the complex or cover them all, he said.

"It just depends on what the flow does as it comes through," he told reporters during a conference call.

Oliveira says the county has been in touch with the merchants about evacuation plans. The county hasn't yet advised them to leave.

The supermarket, one of the biggest stores in the center, plans to start removing equipment on Tuesday and shut down on Thursday. Malama Market said in a statement it was encouraging customers to keep shopping until its doors close.

The gas station would sell its remaining fuel and pump out what's leftover if it does have to evacuate, Oliveira said. It would then fill its tanks with water and firefighting foam.

This plan has been approved the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and by the state Department of Health, he said.

An earlier idea called for the gas station to put sand into the tanks, but this wouldn't have removed all flammable vapors. It also would have destroyed the pumping system. By using firefighting foam, the gas station may use the tanks again if lava bypasses the area and it wants to reopen.

Lava has never hit a gas station on the Big Island in the past, Oliveira said.

Lava has been threatening Pahoa town, which has a population of about 900, for months. In October, it burned a house and covered part of a cemetery but stalled just before hitting Pahoa's main road.

It later started flowing from a different spot.

The lava could still cross the town's main road and a highway, which would make it more difficult for residents of Pahoa and the broader community of Puna to get to other parts of the island.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/16/2014 4:10:40 PM
Deadly Fukushima radiation up 50,000% as elevated radiation levels seen across North America

Monday, December 15, 2014 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

The ANS store offers the Radiation Shielding textbook for purchase

(NaturalNews) Beta radiation levels are off the charts at monitoring sites all across North America, according to new reports. But experts are blaming these radiation spikes on practically everything except for Fukushima.

Data gathered from tracking units in California, Arizona, Illinois and elsewhere reveal radiation levels up to 50,000 percent higher than what was observed at the same time last year, and in some cases compared to levels seen this past summer. says the impacted sites are scattered throughout the country and aren't just confined to the West Coast. Readings taken near Los Angeles; Chicago; Montgomery, Alabama; and Madison, Wisconsin, reveal total beta counts per minute (CPM) greatly exceeding the 1,000 CPM threshold considered by the government to be problematic.

In Tucson, Arizona, for instance, a 460 CPM reading was recently taken, which is more than 10 times higher than the reading taken last year on November 27. Similarly, Phoenix, Arizona's 735 CPM reading measured more than 21 times higher than last year's reading.

San Diego appears to be one of the hardest-hit areas, with a CPM reading of 650, as of October 1. This figure is 60 times higher than it was last year on the same date, despite the fact that San Diego's normal background radiation rate typically hovers around 20 CPM.

"U.S. Environmental Protection Agency RadNet radiation monitors have detected renewed surges in atmospheric readings of dangerous beta radiation across the country," explains about the seemingly inexplicable phenomenon.

"Over a dozen metropolitan test sites have registered four-month highs in's most recent comprehensive assessment."

Radiation testing site near Chicago records radiation levels thousands of times higher than maximum safety threshold

Commenting on the situation, one reader offered his own assessment that these readings are "astronomically high." He was quick to denounce Fukushima as a possible cause, though, adding that this would only be possible if "something there has changed dramatically."

Either way, the radiation levels being detected are still a major cause for concern. Anything above 100 CPM is considered by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to be a potential hazardous materials situation requiring the deployment of hazmat protocols.

At a testing site in St. Charles, Illinois, located just west of Chicago, a recent peak reading of 7,298 CPM caught the attention of some environmental activists, who chided the media for remaining silent on the issue.

This reading represents a nearly 7,300 percent radiation increase beyond CHP's safety threshold. This site apparently experienced a series of massive radiation spikes beginning at approximately 1:00 am and lasting for as long as six hours.

California official blames plastic eating utensils for radiation spike, insist it can't be Fukushima

Back in California, county officials in San Mateo recorded radiation levels at a local beach measuring 100 micro-REM per hour, or 1 microsievert per hour, which is five times the normal amount. According to the Half Moon Bay Review, local environmental health director Dean Peterson was quick to denounce that this level poses any risk to human health.

When asked where this radiation might be coming from, Peterson admitted that he is "befuddled," but also denied that Fukushima could possibly be a cause. Instead, he says, it may be due to an excess of disposable eating utensils polluting the area.

"I honestly think the end result of this is that it's just higher levels of background radiation," stated Peterson to the HMB Review, adding that red-painted disposable eating utensils can also contribute to localized radiation spikes.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/16/2014 4:35:26 PM

Ready-To-Fire Nuclear Missiles, Putin Cold War Rhetoric Must Be Addressed to Prevent World War 3 – Reports

By Erik Pineda | December 14, 2014 2:02 PM EST

(Photo: Reuters / Rikhail Klimentyev)
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during a meeting at Kremlin in Moscow July 31, 2014.

The world is frightfully a heartbeat away from a dreadful nuclear showdown between Russiaand the United States, which is a scenario increasingly posed by the existence of ready-to-launch nuclear missiles.

And the likelihood that World War III could break out anytime is further heightened by the grim tone that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been sounding off lately. Putin, according to a former NATO head, is practically rattling "his nuclear sword."

Accidental start

In a statement issued by the European Leadership Network, composed of former defence executives from the United States, the United Kingdom , France and other leading nations, it was suggested that a major global conflict - one that involves nuclear weapons - could be triggered by an accident.

"Ready-to-use nuclear arms leave states vulnerable to accidental nuclear strikes, while insecurely stored stockpiles could potentially be targeted and stolen by terrorists," the group was reported as saying.

Specifically, the group is alarmed that Iran is likely in the advanced state of developing nuclear capabilities and world leaders appear helpless about it. Also, the terror group Islamic State has been reported to have in its possession uranium compounds, obtained from Iraq, that can be used in making dirty bombs.

Plus the obvious threat coming from Russia, which to date has the most number of nuclear warheads that are ready to use.

All told, the group estimated that around 16,300 nuclear weapons are strategically deployed around the world, which spells out the grave risk with Armageddon proportion that humanity is facing.

"In a vestige of the cold war, too many nuclear weapons in the world remain ready to launch on short notice, greatly increasing the chances of an accident," the group declared, stressing that a global conflict could be sparked by an unintended push of a button.

Launch from the Kremlin

And such action could originate from Russia, according to retired U.S. navy admiral James Stavridis, who also served as NATO supreme commander in Europe from 209 to 2013.

Stavridis has expressed deep concerns that Putin is getting bolder by the day in challenging and testing the West's resolve over Ukraine, pointing to a recent statement of the Russian leaders that says "Russia's partners ... should understand it's best not to mess with us."

Reading Putin, one would readily conclude that he is all geared up for full-blown stand off or a new Cold War as characterised recently by former Soviet Union premier Mikhail Gorbachev, the one-time NATO chief said.

"The fact that President Putin chooses to rattle his nuclear sword should not cause us to draw back from assisting the Ukraine," Stavridis told The Guardian.

Stavridis called on the West to arm Ukraine for the former Soviet republic to repel threats coming from Russia.

Russia is facing economic sanctions by the United States and its NATO allies following's Putin's annexation of Crimea this year and his alleged support of separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine - flashpoints that many fear would trigger World War III, the highlight of which is a nuclear showdown that could wipe out humanity.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/16/2014 5:07:59 PM

Accused of rights abuses, North Korea urges U.N. meeting on CIA torture


North Korea Wants U.N. Security Council to Discuss CIA Torture

By Michelle Nichols

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - North Korea on Monday asked the United Nations Security Council to add the issue of torture by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency to its agenda as the council prepares to hold a meeting next week on alleged human rights abuses by the Asian state.

The council is due to meet on Dec. 22 or Dec. 23 on human rights in North Korea after two-thirds of the 15-members pushed for the issue to be added to the body's agenda. A U.N. report in February detailed abuses in North Korea that it said were comparable to Nazi-era atrocities.

Once an issue is on the Security Council agenda, it can be discussed at any time. Majority support is needed to add an item to the agenda and cannot be blocked by the five veto-wielding powers - China, Russia, the United States, France and Britain.

Diplomats said it was not likely that enough countries would support a council meeting on torture by the CIA.

"The so-called 'human rights issue' in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) is politically fabricated and, therefore, it is not at all relevant to the regional or international peace and security," North Korean U.N. Ambassador Ja Song Nam wrote in a letter to the council.

"The issue of CIA torture crimes committed by the United States needs to be urgently addressed in the Security Council since it threatens to have an imminent and destabilizing impact on the maintenance of international peace and security," he added.

A U.S. Senate report released last week found that the CIA misled the White House and public about its torture of detainees after the Sept. 11 attacks and acted more brutally and pervasively than it had acknowledged.

North Korea called for the Security Council to establish "an ad-hoc investigation commission mandated to make a thorough probe into the CIA torture crimes and hold those responsible to account for their most serious human rights violations."

A U.N. committee last month urged the council to consider referring North Korea to the International Criminal Court, alleging crimes against humanity. China, likely supported by Russia, would probably veto any referral to the international court based in The Hague, diplomats say.

China's U.N. Ambassador Liu Jieyi said he opposed adding human rights in North Korea to the Security Council agenda.

"The situation on the Korean peninsula is so complex and so precarious (that) what the council should do is work towards maintaining peace and stability on Korean peninsula and not to do something on the contrary," he told reporters on Monday.

Russian U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said the issue should be dealt with by the U.N. Human Rights Council.

"If they have the meeting, I won't be heartbroken over it, but I think it's improper to do it at the Security Council," Churkin said on Monday.

(Editing by Jonathan Oatis and Ken Wills)

Related Video:

Professor: Report on CIA torture could help U.S. over long run

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/16/2014 5:16:17 PM

After police killed John Crawford at a Walmart, they threatened his girlfriend with jail

  1. A newly released video shows Ohio police aggressively interrogating the girlfriend of a young black man officers had shot and killed earlier in the day.
  2. A detective threatened Tasha Thomas, John Crawford's girlfriend, with jail time and suggested she was high during an interrogation that lasted more than 90 minutes.
  3. Throughout the questioning, Thomas can be heard pleading with the detective and swearing on the lives of her relatives that she didn't know Crawford had a gun.

Thomas likely didn't know Crawford picked up a gun until after his death

John Crawford's mom mourns her son's death after telling his story. (Saul Loeb / AFP via Getty Images)

On August 5, police shot and killed Crawford at a Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio, near Dayton, after receiving a 911 call that falsely indicated he was waving a real firearm at people. It turned out Crawford was carrying a toy gun, which looked like an assault rifle, that he picked up at the store.

Police then interrogated Crawford's girlfriend for more than 90 minutes before telling her Crawford was dead, the Guardian's Jon Swaine reported:

Tasha Thomas was reduced to swearing on the lives of her relatives that John Crawford III had not been carrying a firearm when they entered the Walmart in Beavercreek, near Dayton, to buy crackers, marshmallows and chocolate bars on the evening of 5 August.

"You lie to me and you might be on your way to jail," detective Rodney Curd told Thomas, as she wept and repeatedly offered to take a lie-detector test. After more than an hour and a half of questioning and statement-taking, Curd finally told Thomas that Crawford, 22, had died.

Curd promptly asked Thomas whether she and Crawford had criminal records. Already tearful and breathless, Thomas explained that she may have had some traffic offences and had been arrested for petty theft as a juvenile.

The detective then became increasingly aggressive and banged on the table between them with his hand. "Tell me where he got the gun from," Curd repeated. Thomas insisted Crawford had been carrying only a white plastic grocery bag when they arrived at Walmart to buy the ingredients to make s'mores at a family cook-out.

Read the Guardian's full report and watch the video.

Thomas likely never had the opportunity to know Crawford had a toy gun before he was shot and killed. Video footage shows Crawford picking up the fake firearm at a Walmart. In the footage, he never interacted with anyone else at the store as he walked through the store's aisles while talking on a cellphone — reportedly with the mother of his children, LeeCee Johnson. Officers shot and killed Crawford within seconds of arriving at the store.

Warning: Graphic footage of the shooting:

A grand jury on September 24 decided not to press charges against the officers who shot Crawford.

Police are more likely to kill black Americans

Crawford's shooting, like the deaths of Eric Garner in New York City, Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Tamir Rice in Cleveland, have reinvigorated a nationwide discussion about racial disparities in the criminal justice system and police use of force.

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Black Americans are disproportionately likely to be stopped, arrested, and killed by police, according to the available but limited FBI data. These racial disparities remain even in situations in which a shooting victim wasn't attacking anyone else. Some of these victims were instead killed while allegedly fleeing, committing a felony, or resisting arrest.

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