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Linda Harvey

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Blog, Blogger, Blogging
7/15/2010 6:07:01 PM
Several factors determine how powerful your blogging can be in improving your search engine position. Blogs get picked up by search engines quickly, but you need to make sure that your blog is optimized for search engines.

1. First, your blog title and URL structure must be just right! Your URL must be search engine friendly and user friendly. Your blog URL must be short and concise. It is also important for the name of your blog URL to be related to your online business niche.

2. Blog everyday! This is the most important tip. Powerful blogs that attract large volumes of traffic and bring results are those that are updated regularly. Search engines will pick up the new content and this will increase your ranking on search engines.

3. Categorize the content on your blog, making sure that you use your keywords, as this will increase the search engine ranking of your blog and website. If your website blog is about starting a home business, you can have categories like “home business opportunities”, “home business tips for success”, “secrets for making money online” and “make money online examples”. Be creative and have interesting categories for your blog. Using various keywords for your niche improves your search engine ranking for all these keywords.

4. You must tag your content. If you want your blog posts to get high visibility and exposure, it is important that you tag your content. You can do this by using pre-installed plug-ins in your blog script.

5. Ping every time you add new content to your site. Whenever you add new blog posts, ping your blog to alert search engines that you have added new content on your site.
6. Submit your blog to blog directories and niche directories. This will help you to get traffic directed from these directories and also create one way links to your site from these directories. All this increase your search engine position.

Use the tips outlined above to boost the power of your blogging and improve your position on search engines.

Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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RE: Blog, Blogger, Blogging
7/15/2010 6:17:58 PM
Good stuff. Adding to this, qualifying the hits to a blog and turning them into at least prospects and then raising their status to customers and accounts should be the goal. How that is done is the challenge. Having a high ranking has the potential to increase sales etc. but generally hits don't do anything for the revenue side of the blogging until they hit the "buy" button. (I could be wrong)
Linda Harvey

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RE: Blog, Blogger, Blogging
7/15/2010 6:51:12 PM
boost the power of your blogging and improve your position on search engines.
RE: Blog, Blogger, Blogging
7/15/2010 8:39:58 PM
Linda-Don't tell me you are computer ignorant. You are doing great. Some of this I haven't been doing. At least you are challenging me to try
Theresa Day Phone: 318-292-4381 E-Mail:
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Blog, Blogger, Blogging
7/15/2010 9:14:52 PM
You have given some good information Linda and that is nice to see.

I will add that many people do not really have an understanding of SEO and those that tout themselves as experts are also those who do not think nor realize that people have a difficulty understanding the basic concepts of blogging, SEO, SMO and all the other things people will see.

SEO which stands for search engine optimization is a way for people to get their content, their blogs positioned in the search engines so that the everyday person who is looking for information etc., will then be able to see what you have on the first page of Google (traditionally).

When one looks at the search engine as a vast library of data, then being found easily by others is what SEO is all about and you have named a few of the techniques that are required to be noticed.

What is most important over and above SEO is writing not to a search engine but the millions of people out there who are searching for answers. When you write to the everyday person and don't sell them anything, just provide what people are needing and wanting, soon enough you will get your own following, your readers and possibly your own customers if that is what you are wanting.

Finding your niche ( favorite topic) building your blog using a good platform, creating good categories for that topic, finding ways and means to write good unique content, doing the SEO in the process and then learning how to use social media to help engage in a positive manner to all the people you are going to meet takes time, effort and a level of commitment that is not as easy as it sounds but the rewards, once you are bitten by the bug will last you for years to come.

Thanks for introducing and LOL letting me go on and on about the topic of blogging.

Have a great day