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Jim Allen

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RE: Welcome to the club
7/16/2010 10:04:05 PM
Hello John,

You started a good thread topic but you seem to be waiting for others to provide the content. Yet you haven't offered any words of wisdom or resources.

What do you do to advertise without spending a penny. In the real world it takes a dime a or two for anyone to make money. I generally find that the lazy folks are the first to yell scam and yet they have done nothing to help themselves.

Looking forward to your contributions here.

For those that wish to truly learn how to market online check out it is free but requires work and action.

There is my free gift to your readers.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

John Priestley

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RE: Welcome to the club
7/18/2010 6:34:41 PM
Hi Jim,

Thank you for your input.

Well, I was always told you have got two ears and one mouth, so you should be listening twice as much to what other people are saying (smile). I am here to learn, not to preach and was hoping for input from all the experienced marketers out there. Of course, if you are in a hurry to find out what I do, my signature is a great place to start.

As I see it, you have a continuum that involves investment in time and/or money. At one end you can invest lots of money and little time or at the other end lots of time and little or no money with various combinations along the way. For people with a bit of time to spare there are a whole host of free sites and free tools available to promote them. I could list a number of them here, but then it would look like a sales pitch and I was trying to avoid that.

What do you think?

Best regards, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
John Priestley

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RE: Welcome to the club
8/31/2012 10:46:43 AM
Hi there!

I was sitting here on the beach having spent some of my Internet marketing gains and thought how lucky I have been to find things that give a reasonable return for my investment. I used to have lots of time and no money and that is why I started this forum. I do not have so much time now, but have started to generate a nice little income. I am moving along the my previously stated continuum with investing only time at one end and investing only money at the other quite nicely by investing some of my income in selected promotions. And, yes, I still think there is a place for this forum, particularly from people who are just starting out and would love to get lots of postings from people sharing their experiences with us.

Best regards and looking forward to hearing from you soon, John.

PS - Please try to keep to sharing information and not just posting advertisements. This is a forum for discussion. Thanks.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
John Priestley

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RE: Welcome to the club
9/5/2012 6:25:29 AM
Hi there!

Did I mention that I currently in Sri Lanka spending some of the money that I have earned with my Internet marketing activities? Well, I just checked and the great thing is that my marketing is still functioning even though I have not actively done anything for nearly two weeks. How do I know? I am still getting sign-ups while sitting by the pool enjoying the sun (smile).

Stay in touch, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
John Priestley

481 Posts
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RE: Welcome to the club
9/10/2012 11:12:52 AM
Hi there!

Back home now and catching up on my emails. Phwee, there are a lot of them. I hope the Internet is treating you well. It is a great place to do business and sites don't get much better than Adlandpro.

Stay in touch, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...

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