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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2020 12:04:58 AM

Daily Message ~ Friday May 29, 2020

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There will be times when your highest service is holding the space and anchoring new energies. There will be other times when you will be guided to serve in more active and tangible ways.

There are many different service paths on your planet. This is designed to meet a wide variety of needs based on people’s innate skill sets and best ways of contributing. One form of service is not better than another, for all serve the whole.

So how do you know if you are doing enough? If you are surrendered into the flow with the intention of being of your highest service, following the calling of your soul, and consciously staying dedicated to your own evolution and embodiment process by prioritizing your healing and walking your talk, you cannot make a mistake, for all of the above support you in being the change. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2020 12:12:34 AM

GFP Newsletter - 5/28/2020

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My understanding is that whatsoever is given to you is precious. You may know its value, you may not know its value, but it is precious; if it was not so, existence would not have given it to you. So you have to find ways to transform it. You have to make your love more prayerful, you have to make your sex more loving. Slowly slowly, sex has to be transformed into a sacred activity, it has to be raised. Rather than sex pulling you down into the mire of animality, you can pull sex upwards.

The same energy that pulls you down can pull you upwards, and the same energy can give you wings. It has tremendous power; certainly it is the most powerful thing in the world, because all life arises out of it. If it can give birth to a child, to a new life, if it can bring a new life into existence, you can imagine its potential: it can bring a new life to you too. Just as it can bring a new child into the world, it can give a new birth to you.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2020 12:25:37 AM

E.T.s Are Watching: Use Your Superpowers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

e.t.s are watching - use your superpowers - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

E.T.s Are Watching: Use Your Superpowers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exploring the connections that you feel with one another when you have a shared experience. When you know that you have something in common with someone else, that is important to you, then you are more likely to open your heart to the individual or individuals that you have that important thing in common with. You need to find these commonalities right now, even when you are aware of the differences that you have between yourself and anyone out there in the world.

Now is not the time to be drawing lines in the sand. Now is not the time for more separation. Now is the time to be coming together as one human collective. Even when you have different perspectives, and even when those different perspectives seem like enough of a reason to go into an us versus them mentality, you don’t actually have to go there. One of your defining characteristics as a race is your willingness to let go, to forgive, and to see past those differences.

You stand out to the extra-terrestrials in the galaxy because of how many humans have been able to see past the differences, find the commonalities, and come together. You have an opportunity to do that right now, and in the process, you have an opportunity to forgive. Forgiveness is a strength. It is a superpower. It does not make you a pushover or a doormat. It does not make you weak. It makes you strong, and you need all your strengths at this time. You need all of your superpowers. Remember that.

And remember that the e.t.s are watching you. They are watching and they are waiting for enough of you to demonstrate the gift that you have within you, that gift of being able to forgive, being able to love unconditionally, and being able to come together in spite of your differences. These are all superpowers, and they are what will get you a seat at the galactic table. It’s not your technology. It’s not your intellect. It is the heart of humanity that will grant you access to all of the other beings in this galaxy who want so much to co-create with you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2020 12:40:34 AM

The human heart will seek the peaceful way, not in subservience, but in acknowledgement of individual innate Divine Authority and the desire for peace and harmony.

Another precious channelled gem lovingly shared by Tom from his personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Yeshua ~ The Human Heart Will Seek The Peaceful Way

Greetings, I am Yeshua. Welcome, beloved brother! And yes, there are many who have been calling and many that you have beckoned to, and of course we all stand by, for, as you well know, you do not travel alone, you do not sit alone, you do not sleep alone.

Yes, of course, you are always accompanied by your dearest partner and love, K, but sweet angel of light, the room is full and we are with you in attendance during this time, yes, of turmoil but also of rebirth, of reconstitution, of shift, of ascension, however you wish to call it. Because as you know and as you remember, every person is your brother and sister, every person is your neighbour, and you love your neighbour as yourself. There is no room in discernment for judgment; there is only room for love.

And love does not always equate with like, but it is the deep reverence. And it is not just the reverence for the divinity within; it is the reverence and respect for how that person expresses, what experience they bring to your life, what insights they share. Whether you’ve ever met them or not matters not one iota.

So yes, the love is re-blooming, and it is stepping forward in expected and unexpected ways. You have learned long ago how to be the participant-observer and how to stand back when it is either necessary or desirable – and not merely desirable from our perspective but from yours as well, for not all activities are meant to be engaged in.

The one activity that is always meant to be engaged in is prayer, meditation, ritual, and observance of your beautiful sacred self.

Dear brother, we observe and we intervene, we guide and we direct. We do not override or interfere in the unfoldment of this Plan. And yes, while it looks like and is that there is a great deal of chaos upon this beautiful planet at the moment, you have an expression that ‘it will all shake out’, that ‘it will all come out in the wash’, and that is exactly what is transpiring.

There is no singular human holding the truth. There are variations and distortions, information and disinformation, misinformation, misalignment on all sides. It does not change the collective heart desire to create a better world. And not a world that you and I have discussed thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago – not a world, not a planetary system, that is based in ego and greed and abuse and control; that is the death of the human spirit.

We are talking about a world very simply of kindness, of consideration and even commiseration, and most certainly of compassion.

This never has changed. Has it adapted? Most certainly. But it has not changed because the Mother’s Plan, in its billions and billions and billions and zillions of intricate variables, has not changed.

And you say to me: “Yeshua, what can I do?” And I say to thee: “You are exactly where you have need to be, and you have been and you are positioned.” One of the things that I love about you – and there are many – is your sense of fairness, your sense of right, proceeding, not overriding. There is room upon this beautiful planet literally for everyone – yes, all 8 billion.

There are many that are and will choose, as you are saying, to depart and that is a choice; whether it is conscious or unconscious, it matters not. But the point that I am making is that there is room for everybody.

When you and your circle wonder how this will be worked out, how the balance between all the vying interests will be met according to peaceful values, I remind you, my brother: long ago, after the terrible devastation during the intergalactic wars, when planets had quite literally been demolished, obliterated, we sat and we said, “How will we reach the place of peace?” Yes, other than using, as we began, the language of Perro.

But the point is we muddled through. And we muddled through with clarity because it was a process of accommodation, of being willing enough to share the hearts and share the dreams to reach the middle ground.

Even then, there were those who said “compromise will never work” and yet it did, and it brought peace and prosperity to many galaxies. And that is exactly where the human collective is now – and I am not talking about those in power, or those in the know, or those not in the know.

The human heart will seek the peaceful way, not in subservience, but in acknowledgement of individual innate Divine Authority and the desire for peace and harmony. And that will determine the decisions that are made in this restructuring, not by violent overthrow, not by scenic detours – that time is over! – but through human wisdom: the heart intelligence of not only yearning for love but the practicality of bringing it into form.

So take heart, my brother. You are in the midst of it and all the pieces are being put into place – no, calmly, serenely, not by mayhem and chaos but by quietude and certitude – and what in one moment may feel like sacrifice is, in fact, the most powerful act that can be undertaken.

So you say, “Well, Lord, what am I supposed to do?” So I tell you: stay still, heal… yes, it is still underway… and get ready. No, not as in pack your bags. Unpack your heart even more.

And know that I am with you and I am with this planet, as clearly as I am with the Mother and Father, and I love you.

Go in peace, dear friend. Farewell.

» Source – Channel: Linda Dillon

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2020 10:24:44 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/29/2020

will's picture

The stupid politicians and the priests have always been in a conspiracy. They don’t want people to be transformed, because transformed people are no longer under their domination. Transformed people become independent, free; transformed people become so aware and so intelligent that they can see through all the games of the politicians and the priests. Then they are nobody’s followers; then they start living a totally new kind of life — not the life of the crowd, but the life of the individual. They become lions, they are no more sheep.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
