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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
3/31/2020 11:42:58 PM

Let go of fear and be led by the Angels of Light

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messagesto provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel is letting us know that the Angelic Dimensions are here to support us, when we are willing to let go of fear and open to their assistance.

The Gabriel Message Card for this week

Now is the time to let go of fear and reach your hand forward to be held and led by the Angels of Light.

To me, this message represents the epitome of Faith and the essence of Archangel Gabriel's teachings. It provides a coaching for the correct attitude to hold as we take our first steps into the unknown promise of our lives.

I clearly remember receiving the meditation that is part of the practice Archangel Gabriel gave that is available in the expanded message below. It is very unusual for me to have this memory, but the receiving of this message was a profoundly visceral experience. I had a perception of vastness beneath my feet, felt the cool wind of the high mountaintop in my face, and could see the eagles flying below me. The Angels were there in the void space, inviting me to move beyond my fear and into their waiting arms.

Have you heard the spiritual adage that when we take one step toward God, the Divine takes 10 steps toward us? This was that moment. The Angels were looking at me with so much love in their eyes that my heart began to trust at a very deep level and I KNEW I would be supported if I could just take a Leap of Faith.

This metaphoric leap empty-handed into the abyss sounds terrifying, but that is what is being asked of us during these unprecedented times of awakening consciousness. For me, in that Holy Moment, I was told that if I had enough Faith, I could fly with the Angels.

This message seems so perfect for this time of massive change that can feel so frightening. The influx of Divine Light to the planet over the past 30 years has been the greatest in history. We are a part of this change because we are transmuting ourselves from density and confusion to high-frequency people that radiate Light and Love to the world.

You and I are here — now — to use this amazing Light to add value to our own lives. Our Souls were trained to come to Earth at this specific time to be the leaders, wayshowers and teachers. And we are here to bring greater peace to the Earth through our personal evolution. It only takes the willingness to have Faith and walk into the Unknown, totally supported by Angels of Light.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for supporting me as I take these necessary steps into the Unknown. Help me to strengthen my Faith and really know deep within me that I am not alone, and I am safe.

I am asking to have a strong sense of belonging, trust and belief in my heart, so I can have the courage to bring my soul’s gifts into the world. Give me the confidence to share from my heart in every situation that invites me to openly express myself.

May all beings feel greater Faith in their hearts and know they are not alone. Thank you for holding me in your Wings of Pure Love in every moment. And so it is.

March 29, 2020

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/1/2020 12:09:15 AM


The above image of Archangel Michael was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through ©JanineRoseKeall. All rights reserved.

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love! Long have we told you to learn to maintain your centers and now that training must come into play. Many strange, unusual and bizarre events and occurrences will continue to come forth into your lives and into the world scene. Some are so fleeting that you will feel that you imagined it rather than experienced it. Stay centered and be open to change in whatever way is asked of you. Trust that you have all the tools that you need to deal with whatever is presented in front of you. Stay centered in your heart space and trust in your inner guidance. You are being assisted and guided in all that occurs in your lives. Talk to us and tell us your concerns and revelations, for we can give assistance to help you discern what is indeed occurring.

As Lightworkers, you have taken on the task of transmuting the new energies and making them safer for all of humanity to absorb, in order to uplift all into a higher vibrational level. This you are doing at this time. Many of you have high energy running through your brains and bodies and it is rather uncomfortable as it happens. This is why we advise long walks amidst nature and breathing rhythmically, deep into your bellies and out through your mouth without a discernible pause for at least seven breaths. This helps to stabilize you as the energies run through you and assists in creating greater comfort for you. The importance of drinking pure, clean water, at least 8 to 10 glasses each day is of vital importance in order to facilitate the movement of these energies safely through your physical bodies. Daily adherence to your spiritual disciplines will also help with this process.

The energies are being stepped up in frequency level and many things will come forth that cannot be suppressed any longer. You have been seeing and experiencing this in your own lives. At the same time as you do this, you are also assisting with the clearing and cleansing of the Earth’s grids, for as you go through your experiences and realize what is occurring, you help to ground and stabilize these forces into the central core of Mother Earth, which assists her in stabilizing her. There is so much that you are doing that you are not consciously aware of and will only know of it through hindsight. Know that the Ascension process for the Earth and all upon her is now occurring. It is not in a future time, the time is NOW. All that you have worked for is beginning to manifest before your eyes.

Prepare yourselves with this knowledge and stand ready and willing to be of assistance. State your intentions to us to be of assistance each day, in whatever way is required for the highest good of all and trust that it is so. You are being guided in each moment and never walk alone. You are safe, you are protected and guided in all that you do. This is a process that will unify the energies into one cohesive force called LOVE and this will create many wondrous changes upon the face of your planet and within the hearts of all humanity. It is time to unify with all fragments, aspects, parallel lifetimes, and soul extensions of your own Divine Self and this will continue to occur in each individual’s Divine timing, for their highest good and welfare.

Know that we are with you always, that all the Legions of Light stand ready to assist you, do call upon us first thing each morning to guide you to your greater task for that day and know that it is done.

I AM Archangel Michael.

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
4/1/2020 12:46:24 AM

MARCH 30, 2020

To further serve our Love Revolution global community during this extraordinary time, I have some exciting announcements. Included in this newsletter, we are delighted to launch a special YouTube video for your viewing and healing.

Recorded during last year’s Berkeley full-day immersion, this transmission entitled, “Thy Will Be Done” has become one of my most potent and ‘talked about’ offerings. It’s so perfect for these evolving times.

We have also decided to do a first-ever global Soul Gathering through Facebook Live. It will be free and happening on 4/4 at 6:30pm (Pacific) — the original date and time of the rescheduled Seattle Soul Gathering.

The topic will be, “Surviving the Unthinkable” featuring brand-new teachings and healing processes I’ve been channeling from the Universe this past week to help you through each aspect of this intricate journey. For those unable to make the live broadcast, it will be pinned to the top of my facebook page page for continual viewing.

On behalf of all the angels on the All For Love team, I want to thank you for the honor of serving your evolution.

It’s in critical times like these that we get to put into practice all that we’re learning as anchors of light and pillars of grace for ourselves, our family, friends, as well as our local and global communities.

Together, we will come out the other end of this experience more rooted in truth, aligned in love, and grounded in spirit than ever before.

Whether you remain faithful, fearful, or skeptical of what is happening, may we continue to respect the invitation to wash our hands regularly and practice social distancing– knowing in the depth of our soul, there is no way of ever disconnecting our light from the eternal hearts of all.

We are united as One, no matter how far away we stand from one another as we create a unified field of heart-centered consciousness that holds space for the ascension of Mother Earth and the awakening of mankind.

Please enjoy this newsletter and the healing gifts, and evolutionary treasures it provides. As always, I am with you every step of the way.

All for light, all for life, all for love,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/1/2020 7:18:14 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 1, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Being observational rather than judgmental of your circumstances and experiences is what helps keep you in empowered forward movement, for it is your inner wise one that does the observing and navigates by responding rather than reacting. This allows you to stay out of resistance and to stay in the flow. It is the flow that supports you in every now moment, and if there is anything that needs to be adjusted or tended to, it will naturally come up into your awareness.

You can find balance in the midst of any storm by anchoring deeply into your faith and trust and inner knowing, secure in the fact that every single phase of the unfoldment is serving you in some way, even if you do not have the vantage point to fully understand how at this time. Navigating through the unknown with wisdom and presence is the specialty of the heart, Dear Ones, and the skill you are honing right now that will allow you to fully receive the gifts of transformation that are available to you during these unprecedented times. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
4/1/2020 7:20:56 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/31/2020

will's picture

Your freedom and your love have to grow hand in hand, in deep embrace, in a kind of dance, helping each other. And then the total man is born, who lives in the world and is not of the world at all. Then the man is born in whom extremes meet and merge and become complementaries; then the man is rich. Just to love without freedom is to be impoverished, or just to be free without love is to live in loneliness, sadness, darkness.

Freedom is needed for love to grow, love is needed so that freedom can be nourished. Remember constantly not to choose between these two. Both have to be absorbed together, digested together. Love has to become your circumference, your action, and freedom has to become your being, your center, your soul.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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