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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/24/2020 5:32:28 PM

You Are Perfect!

Galactic Free Press's picture

Even with all of what you perceive as your imperfections, you are perfect. You are doing exactly what you should be doing at this very moment in time. Know that you are loved, honored, protected, cherished, respected and thought of very highly by the people you have chosen to surround yourself with at this time in your life. Be proud of who you are. I am. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/25/2020 2:04:43 AM

GaiaPortal 3-20-20.. “Light scenarios come to the forefront”(Coronations are ended)

This GaiaPortal came out three days ago.

A “striking” word is in the last line, “Coronations are ended”. Could that possibly relate to the “Corona virus”? Pretty amazing synchronicity, in my view.


Light scenarios come to the forefront

Light scenarios come to the forefront.

Conflagrations end.

Acceptance is full.

Coronations are ended.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/25/2020 2:12:50 AM

What Is Triggering You Right Now? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

what's triggering you right now? - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

What Is Triggering You Right Now? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in exploring with each of you as individuals what you are feeling triggered about right now. Many are obviously going through this experience with the knowing that it is about their fear of death. Others are accessing their fears about financial abundance. Others experience the fear of shortage coming up for them. And still others are more concerned about who is doing what to whom at this time. The fear of persecution is a very real feeling, and that trauma of being persecuted is one that you carry with you from lifetimes where you have had that experience in an exaggerated way and in a very overt one, like being incarcerated because someone felt threatened by you.

You have had at least one lifetime where you have been killed because of something you said or something you believed. And so, now is a time to notice what about life on Earth at this time is triggering you, because that’s what you need to work on. That’s what you need to clear. You don’t just need a vaccine. You don’t just need governments to issue bailouts. You don’t just need to find out who or what is behind the virus.

We have already told you about the dangers of going down a more mental path from where you are right now. And so, we want to reiterate here and now that this is about getting to the heart of those feelings that you in particular have coming up. For some, it isn’t even fear. For some, it’s anger. For others it’s sadness. But all of you have something that is getting triggered within you as a result of what you are experiencing on planet Earth right now, and that’s what’s important. That’s what you need to dive deeper into, rather than sticking your head in the sand or watching the news or looking at your favorite conspiracy theory websites.

You all need to do the processing that is right there, in front of you, right now. Your chakras are the place to be giving your attention. That’s where you will find the stuck energy that needs processing at this time. That’s where you feel what you feel. We recommend doing more chakra check-ins than looking for the latest updates in all of the various places where you can look in this day and age. Doing a mass cleansing and purging for humanity at this time will help to take you to that next level that we’ve also been talking about.

When people talk about being awake, they are not all talking about the same thing. We want you to awaken to what’s going on inside of you. That’s what you need to know about more than any piece of information, and that is true whether there’s a pandemic going on or not. That’s true in every moment of every day. Now is the time when that truth is just being amplified, and we are the ones who are going to amplify it, so that enough of you get it to do the work, process those emotions, and then be the conduits for positive, loving, healing energy that we know you really are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/25/2020 2:41:21 AM

Saint Germain: The New Dawn of the Aquarian Age

SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Saint Germain. I am here at these moments now to tell you, just as your Dear Beloved Sister KaRa spoke to you. You have arrived! We have all arrived!

These are the moments that you came here for. You are on the cusp now, of many, many changes that are coming to this planet, coming to the consciousness of man, to the Collective Consciousness.

Even though those of you that are on this call, those of you that resonate to these words after: you are the ones that understand. You are the ones that can see between the lines, see behind the headlines of the Mass Media. You are the ones that can see beyond. For you know, each and every one of you know that you have arrived in these moments, that you have planned for, that you have worked for. Not only in this lifetime, but countless lifetimes previously as you volunteered so long ago to be here.

And there are many more across this planet now that are awakening, that are coming into their own, coming into know and remember who they are and realize that everything that is happening now is all happening for a reason.

Yes, of course, there are those that have not awakened. And there are those that will not awaken in these moments. It is not their time. It is not their place. But yet, so many more are. And it is up to each and every one of you, you, the Awakened, you, the Chosen Ones, the ones that chose themselves to be here now. You are the ones to help more and more of those awakened as they are ready. And I can tell you now that many more are going to awaken as a result of all that is occurring now.

This viral pandemic that is happening, have we not told you many times before through many different sources, not just this one I speak through now, but many sources, we have told you that we would not allow a pandemic of any kind, a viral pandemic, or a nuclear war, or anything that would keep you, this planet, from continuing on to becoming what it is destined to be: a fifth-dimensional and beyond planet, and all of the people on the planet to become a part of the expression of the new higher consciousness that is here. All of those that are ready for this.

But as you know, all will not be ready. They are all given the opportunity. But there are those that will shy away from the Light. They are already doing so. They are choosing to remain in the darkness, and that is their choice. But they will receive their just rewards as a result of this.

But I am not here to focus on the dark forces or the removal of such. I am here to tell you to rejoice now, for the Christ Consciousness is being reborn in all of you, in all of mankind now, and in the planet itself. And you are that Christ Consciousness in every one of you if you allow it to be, if you allow it to come forth. You are the way, the truth, and the life, or the Light. Just as Yeshua was and is. He never left.

He is here, just as I am here, Archangel Michael is here, Ashtar is here, the One Who Serves (collective) is here, all of the Galactics are here now. They are preparing for the final phase of their operation.

Do you understand what that means? The final phase of their operation is in motion now, where they can reveal themselves to the majority of mankind that is here at the time of the Changeover. This is not yet the Changeover, but it is the beginning of it. You are moving in to that final operation, even here on this planet.

There have been many phases that you have gone through, and you are entering the final phases now of this third-dimensional illusion, and the Changeover from this, because you have arrived.

And everything is, indeed, being orchestrated just as we have been telling you. The plan is in motion, has been in motion. And you have been told to ‘trust the plan.’ Just as it is being worked out now.

Will it become more rocky yet? Very possibly. That is not yet for sure. Because everything changes in the moment as you look at it. You always have to remember that.

Nothing is written in stone except for this: there is no going back now. The Changeover is coming. The Solar Flash is coming. The Event: it is all coming. And it has already happened in the higher vibrational frequencies of the higher dimensions. It has already occurred.

It now only has to be brought down--not into the third dimension, though. The third dimension cannot hold the Solar Flash. It cannot withstand the event. But the fourth dimension and higher can and will.

So trust now in who you are, who you are becoming. Because you are in those moments. Believe in yourselves. Believe in those leaders that you have chosen to guide you and direct you. Those leaders that are being over-lit now by those of us to help to guide them.

And your one leader of this country, your president, is certainly being over-lit not only by myself, but by those various ones coming as the Galactics that are here to assist in this entire process to make sure that everything goes according to the plan.

Even though it appears at times, and certainly does by many across the planet, that all is lost, that this is the end of the world, this is anything but the end of the world. But to those who remain ensconced within the lower frequencies within the lower dimensional illusion, they may indeed see this in that way. They will see it just as they are believing they will see it.

But you, those of you, and all of the new ones that are awakening, will see it for what it really is: a new awakening, a new dawn. The Blue Dawn of the Aquarian Age. This is it! The New Republic.

And I say the ‘New Republic,’ because it will, indeed, be new. Just as those forefathers, those ones who designed this plan, the Constitution, to lead this country into the Light of the world, to lead the world ahead. The New Republic is coming, along with all of those promises that have been made to you, that you have heard for many years, now, that you have been preparing for, for lifetimes.

And even though I was there at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and I helped those of the forefathers to create this great nation, as I am back here now again to continue to assist in this process. But those who are in motion now are the ones who will continue to lead this forth.

Have no fear. Let fear go. For fear will only hold you back.

Feel, now, the love within each and every one of you rising, the Light within you glowing. As you become the Light that you were each meant to be here. The light to a new nation. The light that will illuminate all going forth now. And how you will find as the New Dawn approaches. Even though it became darker and darkest before the dawn, the light approaches. And the light of the many suns will illuminate all across the planet and the entire solar system.

I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now with the Violet Flame to continue to purge out all the old programming within each and every one of you.

Let that go once and for all. For you are all, we are all, in this, indeed, together! Together as ONE! We shall continue to move forward and become not only the nation of illumination, but the world, the planet of illumination.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/25/2020 4:18:21 AM

Matt Kahn – Energy Update – March 2020

During this time of collective uncertainty, it is helpful to validate your experience to alleviate any form of alienation due to the differing experiences and viewpoints had by so many at this time. For the past month (and even prior) leading up to the COVID-19 announcement, many light workers, empaths, and energetically-sensitive souls had been receiving a deep inner calling to withdraw and go inward. Like an energetic form of cocooning, many of us were being energetically prepared for the light we would be shining and anchoring as coronavirus and economic pressures became known. During this time, you might have felt as if you were more drawn to be in your own space and spend much time alone, and/or in nature, than to be around those who still identified with the densities readying to be healed. For many, this might have brought up feelings of insecurity and inferiority– or feelings viewed as arrogant, judgmental and self righteous by those having different experiences– along with opportunities to face patterns of enmeshment and co-dependency head on.

No matter how ill-equipped you feel in explaining yourself to those who are having very different experiences than you, it is essential to follow the directives of your inner guidance no matter how socially unacceptable, or even offensive, it seems to others around you.

For the past month, light workers have been challenged with being more mindful with their time, often not drawn to spend time or resonate with those who trigger exhaustion versus excitement. Such guidance has been helping many be more decisive and courageous in both their decision-making, boundaries, and communication of needs. More specifically, many people are unhooking from patterns of codependency by separating the difference between choice and judgment. Perhaps you are one of many who were conditioned to cater to other people’s experiences in the absence of serving your needs. As empaths, we are so tentative about triggering disapproval in others due to our uncanny ability to feel someone else’s experience within our bodies. Due to this intuitive gift, we often made choices to keep other people’s egos at bay, while resenting others for the little they gave in comparison to the ‘too much’ or ‘overcompensation’ codependent empaths tend to offer.

As a way of patching up the energy leaks in your field and cutting chords to the unconscious patterning in relationships, you have received many intuitions where you may have found yourself not resonating with the characters who drain you. As a way of seeing this as intuition versus judgment, it doesn’t mean any character is bad or ‘less than’. It is simply the case for those who have not become consciously aware of the infinite flowing life force energy of Source within themselves that such characters tend to balance themselves by ‘plugging into’ and draining your light versus turning inward and connecting within. While others may not appreciate less time around someone they may not realize they are energetically feeding off of, it has been and will continue to be essential for each of us to be true to the guidance of our feelings and mindful of where we spend our time. The more often we allow ourselves to be drained, the easier it is to be sucked into the fear of the collective as coronavirus has manifested to give humanity ample time and space to connect within– so to create a new reality where we connect in our wholeness without draining, or feeling drained by, others.

As a moment of relief for most light workers, through the suggestion of a personal quarantine to slow the spread of coronavirus, we now have the perfect invitation to continue rebuilding our life force energy for the light we are called to anchor in honor of our awakening humanity. I assure you humanity is steeped in a collective awakening, where the opportunity to transcend fear first comes from becoming more aware of it, which this current news headline era of reality has perfectly ushered in. While it is helpful to remind people to not drain their immune system by being steeped in fear, the most compelling way to convey such wisdom is through demonstration. As each of us rebuilds the reservoirs of energy throughout our field, much like the regular charging of a cell phone, we are able to withstand the gravity of other people’s fears without being swept away by patterns of scarcity and survival mode.

This brings up the current predicament most light workers are facing, which can be divided into two distinct categories. You may experience one or the other, or both. There are some empaths, who without time spent recharging their energy field through rest, time in nature, meditation, yoga, reading, deepening their self-love practice, or even creative expression, are lost in the densities of the collective. Instead of having to clear your field several times per day, always know it is your ability to recharge through greater moments of restful rejuvenation that allows your Angels the time and space to clear your energy field for you.

If wanting more tangible support in this area, simply declare out loud:

“Thank you beloved Angels for clearing my energy field and upgrading my reality while I take the time to rest and recharge. Thank you beloved Angels. Thank you.”

The other experience light workers are having involves a leap into greater faith while cultivating the courage to stand for their truth, even when it differs from the experiences of others. As a brilliant cosmic set-up for healing the throat, heart and solar plexus chakras of those in the first wave of ascension, it is purposeful to have characters in your life hypnotized by headlines and lost in the fear, panic, anxiety, and uncertainty of our rapidly changing reality. You are healing your throat chakra by having the right to express your viewpoint without needing to make others wrong in order for you to share what feels right to you. Your heart chakra opens and purges outdated densities while allowing other people’s viewpoints to be equally as valid as yours, even if their experience grossly differs from yours. Lastly, your solar plexus chakra receives healing and is upgraded as you sense exhaustion in the moment any interaction has reached its point of completion. Again, others don’t have to agree with your decisions when what matters is simply the guidance of what is best for the unique evolution of you.

This can be helpful guidance and support when so many aligned heart-centered beings are not steeped in chaos or worry. In fact, for many there is an inexplicable relief or excitement as we are finally experiencing the very Ascension that we have spent lifetimes preparing to explore. Many have felt alienated whenever sharing their experiences with those having a much more tumultuous time with the disruption of life’s rhythm of conditioning. Again, it is not your job to convince other people of anything, but is always essential to represent your viewpoint as equal to the opinions others may share. Even if others don’t agree or validate the credibility of your perception, it’s always a moment of profound growth when such transformation comes through the openness of your sharing, regardless of the response from others — even if their response is no response at all.

Together as One, united by our frequencies of light as the First Wave of Ascension, we break codependent patterns by returning to the truth of our experience, doing everything that is needed for our return to wholeness, while others learn how to rely on the light within themselves, now that we are no longer a space for others to drain. In the coming weeks, I will be providing additional resources and ‘repeat-after-me’ statements to assist the first wave in making these crucial shifts, so not to rely on humanity shifting before setting ourselves free.

Whether you are unsure if its okay to not be worried about coronavirus, despite the epidemic of concern consuming so many people, or find yourself too exhausted to transmute the energies many are purging, our focus remains solely focused on what each of us needs in order to get through the day and continue rebuilding our life force energy, allowing these huge evolutionary waves to carry us from one shore to the next, rather than topple us at every turn.

In service to your evolutionary needs, I will be posting Energy Updates more frequently, so you can focus on the highest spiritual priorities at hand while caring for yourself, your families and watching how this unprecedented event shakes out on so many levels. Please do whatever you can to not look too far ahead. All the options you need in order to awaken to full capacity are always found by answering the question:

What do I need right now?

While the answer may change from one moment to the next, this remains your best line of response to the fear-based patterning that our light is dissolving in all.

As always, on behalf of the Universe, I am with you every step of the way.

Victory of the light I AM now.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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