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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2019 12:19:32 AM

Jesus through John: Love is Always Calling to You to Remind You of Your True Nature.

Jesus: Love is always calling to you to remind you of your true nature

by John Smallman

Although this does not appear to be the case, humanity is on the fast track to awakening. It has always been the collective intent that humanity awaken from the dream or nightmare that it appears to be actually living and experiencing so very realistically.

The realism is because the vast majority of you fully identify with your bodies which are very vulnerable to pain and suffering through disease, accident, and conflict. When you chose to experience separation from Source you also chose to use your bodies as as your main means of experiencing life in form, effectively shutting out the absolute vastness of Reality, and thus reducing your ability to enjoy the fullness of life.

Instead avoidance of pain and suffering became one of your driving motivations, along with the motivation to seek pleasure as a distraction from the seemingly never ending succession of painful realities with which life in form is constantly presenting you.

In this present age, the twenty-first century, as a result of the recent advances in science, medicine, philosophy, and psychology, it has come to humanity’s awareness that by changing your beliefs and how you choose to perceive others and the world around you, you can successfully manage your life experiences so that they are positively uplifting, inspiring, and enjoyable . . . or fear-filled, anxious, and painful.

You do each have the intellectual and the spiritual tools you need to build lives that fulfill you, but very often you allow moods of a negative nature to influence you unduly and unhelpfully. As I have told you before, you are all powerful divine beings who have chosen to place yourselves in situations that are limiting and restrictive.

From that place you then choose how to proceed, either positively trusting your intuition and engaging in life with honesty, integrity, and loving respect for one another, or as victims in an environment over which you believe that you have no control at all.

Life is an aspect of Love, and if you will allow it to do so it will flow as you intended that it should before you incarnated. Your incarnation was not blind chance! You chose to incarnate as a human at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution so that you could participate most meaningfully in the collective awakening process.

Even if you are unaware of this you are, nevertheless, following a path that you most carefully designed in cooperation with other members of your soul family, and in which you were also most divinely guided.

The vast majority of humans do not have a clear picture of their reasons for incarnating or of how their life paths will unfold. However, in every moment, your support team in the non-physical realms is watching over you most lovingly, and is instantly available to answer your calls if you choose to seek guidance from them.

They will not put you on hold if and when you do call, but very frequently you allow yourselves to be distracted by your thought processes, moods, and emotions even as you are calling on them for assistance, and so frequently you do not hear their wise and loving responses.

This is why every message received from those in the spiritual realms continually stresses the need for you to take time out daily to go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, and while there to relax, let go of any judgments, bitterness, resentments, blames, or thoughts that someone, anyone, owes you restitution for their mistreatment or misunderstanding of you. When you engage with thoughts and beliefs of that nature you block out the Love residing within you, which is always there waiting to embrace you, guide you, and comfort you.

Love is always, and eternally, unconditionally accepting, and your true nature is identical to It. However, when you engage with unloving thoughts, judgments, and beliefs, you yourselves shut yourselves off from Love.

Love is always calling to you to remind you of your true nature, but, as humans, you tend to focus on judgment and on being right – it often seems to you that as a human you absolutely need to defend yourself or be on the defensive as the world and its other human inhabitants are likely to attack you at any moment – and just doing that, even if you do not express it to anyone else, is to be in a state of conflict. Conflict and Love cannot occupy the same space. Nevertheless, if you will allow It, Love can and will most gently and efficaciously dissolve any and all conflicts.

Some of you have tried being loving even when it seems that you were under threat, and oftentimes that intent, set very firmly in your heart, has defused the situation instantly. Expect Love, offer Love, and be amazed at the most wonderful experiences that follow from that expectation, when it is firmly backed up by your heartfelt intent to be loving whatever arises.

As you know, if not consciously, then you certainly do know at the depths of your being that you are eternally connected to Source, and that separation from that state is totally beyond the bounds of possibility.

Nevertheless, most humans have great difficulty in accepting that divine truth, because it is almost impossible for them not to buy into or get brain-washed by their cultural upbringing which encourages them to believe that they are not good enough, and attempts – mostly successfully – to persuade them to try to be other than who they are.

This causes intense inner pain and turmoil which is then either denied, or very deeply buried in the hidden recesses of their minds, in order for them not to be driven to despair by a strong but invalid sense of having no value as a person, as they try to imitate or become a copy of someone whom others admire.

Please believe me when I remind you that you were created from Love, Mother/Father God, Source, which is the infinite field of divine energy in which all that exists is eternally present, and that only you can fulfill the infinite potential that arose as a direct result of you being created to be exactly who you are.

You are absolutely perfect for the role for which Source created you, and by fulfilling it, as you will, your joy will be boundless and endless, when you allow yourself to realize and recognize yourself as One with Source. No one can replace you in God’s divine plan, and neither can you replace anyone else. Reality, God, Source, Love is ALL that exists, and every created being fits precisely and perfectly into the position for which it was created, and which was created for it.

No one is misplaced, lost, or abandoned because that is utterly impossible, you are each precisely where God intends you to be in every moment of your eternal existence, and you are infinitely loved and cherished because that is the purpose for which you were created.

As humans, living the dream-life of form, that is not what you experience. However, the unreal but seemingly intensely-real sense of separation from Source that living a life in form provides is too painful to accept and undergo, so you distract yourselves by believing that who you are in form as a human is all that you are or can be. Doing that eases and conceals from you the unbearably intense suffering that separation, were it even possible, would impose upon you.

That is why I and others keep on reminding you of your True, Divine, and forever unchanging Nature. Collectively humanity has chosen to awaken from the insanity of the dream, and you are presently undergoing the awakening process which is bringing into your conscious awareness various aspects of life in form that are not in alignment with your true nature, and which need to be recognized as unreal and released. It is painful but necessary, and it will pass.

Remember this message, and regularly remind yourselves that you are indeed One, One with each other, and One with Source, that your true nature is LOVE, and that you are awakening into eternal Joy. Therefore, as I have suggested to you previously . . . CELEBRATE. Your awakening is progressing unstoppably, and is absolutely inevitable, because you are bringing it to fruition through the infinite power of your loving intent.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2019 1:26:20 AM

Trust Yourself

Dear friends, I am Mary Magdalene. I am your sister, a kindred soul who surrounds you with love and friendship.

You sometimes feel quite alone on your earthly journey, and the separateness seems so real that, at times, you no longer feel connected with the whole: with the light within you; with that which transcends everything earthly and gives life to everything; with the creator, the creative source within you; with the light of your soul that is your soul's deepest essence.

To feel this light more and more in your earthly life is your mission: what you are meant to do. This light that is in you is not something abstract or general, it is unique, it is your light. You are an individual being with your own colors, your own mosaic of brilliant tones, which are made up of a great many experiences on Earth and elsewhere.

Now imagine that you are that mosaic, that you perceive yourself as a three-dimensional field of every color of emotional content and wisdom. There is this light within you that contains all that, and your earthly body is just one expression of this field of vibrating light. You are much more than your present body. You are very old; you have been on Earth many times already, and you have worn many different bodies.

Take a moment to feel this light within your heart and let it descend through your spine all the way down to your root chakra. Imagine that within this field of light you do not see with your physical eyes, but with your inner eyes. You open your inner eyes, and you look at yourself and the field of energy around you, and you focus on the most luminous, most beautiful, colors. Feel the energy and the power and the wisdom of this field within you, and let it all become grounded into the Earth through your legs and feet.

It is your purpose on Earth to channel your inner light and to let it radiate outward. To connect with your unique inner light, and to let it flow outward through you into the world, is one and the same motion, one single movement. At the moment you feel called upon to open your channel and to follow your intuition, listen to your inner voice. You are being called upon to bring change into the world, into your environment, into daily life, because it is the deepest desire of your soul to express itself in matter. And it is precisely at this time that the soul wants to connect with the earthly reality and to flow into it.

However, there are very many people who clutch on to their light. Certainly, they have had glimpses of inspiration – a feeling, a gentle whisper – that nudges them onward. But when it comes to making a choice to share it with others, they remain standing on the edge. That threshold can become a blockage of resistance based on fear, because you have learned to keep things in, or to even tell yourself to be silent

When you actually do make a life decision to respond to that inner voice, to your intuition, to your channel, is when you are breaking through an old pattern of anxiety and fear that is older than this life itself, and you find yourself within a long history. As a soul, you are in a long-term evolution and you are working more and more to become yourself in circumstances that do not necessarily encourage or support that which is in you. It takes a lot of courage to be yourself in an environment that does not really support you or understands.

Listening to your intuition, to your soul, is therefore an act of bravery, of courage. The threshold or the resistance that you experience within you is something that has accumulated through multiple lives. However, at this time, the chance and opportunity is present to gradually let go of this accumulation so you will be free to express who you are. As long as you do not do so, as long as you hold back – in essence, repress it – you feel at some level trapped and unhappy. You feel like a bird that cannot fly or like a caterpillar that cannot emerge from its cocoon as a butterfly.

Meanwhile, you have amassed, through many lives, a wealth of riches in your heart. That wealth consists not only of knowledge, but also of compassion, emotional depth, understanding, and teaching abilities which now want to take form. Have faith in yourself. Put your trust in the fact that the right conditions are now present in order for you to blossom. Imagine that the inner light of which I spoke now moves to your hands and the tips of your fingers, to your legs and your feet. Allow it to flow outward.

There is safety, and things are now secure enough for you to do so. If you are still struggling with fears, they are, above all, fears from the past. It is necessary to begin by taking a small step forward, to more and more move away from the shadows of the past because only that will convince you of the safety and the possibility of letting your light now radiate. Let that light become concentrated in your throat. Feel the light flow through your throat, your center of communication, thereby creating a connection between your heart and your throat.

I now would like to say something about channeling in general. At this time, it is the intention that the act of channeling produces or expresses a heart-based consciousness. It is not about clairvoyance, not a way to predict or provide visions of the future. It is about expressing heart consciousness, giving voice to love through you as a channel. The throat is the middle between the crown chakra and the heart chakra. When you channel, you receive love from a higher dimension and this love and information that flows through your crown is then carried down and through your open heart. Only an open heart can communicate a higher vibration of love. Crown and heart flow together into your throat in order to be expressed, and that means you need to acknowledge the importance and preciousness of yourself as a channel.

When you channel, it is not about receiving spectacular images or the fact that you are a "clairvoyant", in the old sense of the word. It is about you helping to put down a new consciousness onto Earth. You know that as a channel you are an essential part of the process and not just a neutral conduit. Your developed heart – developed through many lives by pain and joy – is the messenger. You are the equal of the teacher, or the one who gives you messages. Have awareness of your own dignity and see channeling as a process of collaboration.

The awareness that comes from a higher dimension to you helps you to see things in a broader perspective that is sometimes difficult to do from your earthly consciousness, andthat is what the teacher or guide contributes when you channel. But you, when present from your heart, will receive this energy and information through your developed earthly consciousness, which is just as important as their established cosmic consciousness. It is precisely through the union of both that you give valuable information to others.

So, do not doubt yourself. Do not put the teacher or guide you channel above you, but see them as your equal partner. How you express the messages you receive through your heart is important. You, as an earthly receiver, and the guide, as a heavenly messenger, each have a unique perspective on life, but they are both of equal value. It is through the merging of both that you can touch the hearts of people, and you can also find courage, joy, and inspiration well up inside you.

Trust your developed heart, your own wisdom, and experience the joy of being connected. You are totally deserving of it; it is your natural state, so open yourself to that.

Thank you so much for your presence here.

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2019 1:50:58 AM

Achieving Goals ∞The 9D Arcturian

Achieving Goals ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have noticed the tendency on the part of humanity to set your sights on a particular goal that you have for yourselves and then to work very hard to achieve that goal. And all of this assumes that you will be happier, more fulfilled, more abundant, or something like that, after you have achieved your goal. The assumption is, of course, not always accurate. Sometimes you will achieve a goal and you will have more abundance, and then it will be time to set another goal, because you will want that feeling again.

You will want the feeling of satisfaction. You will want the feeling of accomplishment. You will create your sense of self-worth based upon whether you are able to achieve the next level of success by your own definition. Less of you than we would like to see are living your lives according to the joy that you feel in the moment. Very few are starting from a place of joy, or satisfaction. Instead, you are seeking it, as though it is contained in something outside of you.

You will always be the experiencer of that joy, that fulfillment, and even that abundance. You can have a billion dollars and look at someone who has twenty-five billion and feel poor by comparison, or a child can have one dollar and think that he or she is rich. It is truly all relative and all created by definition. Reality is what you make of it. Reality is how you choose to experience it in the moment, and so, if you are looking to the achievement to give you what you want, we recommend getting what you want first, and then deciding what it is you want to do from that place.

Get into that state of happiness, love, freedom, or abundance, and then see what you feel inspired to do, and we guarantee you that it will be more satisfying because you are doing it from a place of not needing to do it. We want to see more of you seeking out those vibrations by going within you and letting go of your attachments to someone else’s definition of success or abundance.

Even a person who has one relationship after another, or one marriage after another, can be seen as a failure in relationships by one person, but another may look at that same person and think about how exciting that lifestyle must be. Therefore, we suggest that you broaden your definitions and you allow for any little accomplishment to be something to celebrate. If you are living, right now, in a pain-free body, celebrate that. See it as an accomplishment if all you are feeling right now is calm and peaceful, and see any amount of money that is flowing into your life right now as the definition of abundance. And you will live more joyously from moment to moment.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/Daniel Scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2019 6:18:41 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/17/2019

will's picture

The mind has only a very tunnel vision. The mind is as if you are hiding behind a door and looking through the keyhole. Yes, sometimes you can see a bird on the wing, but for only a split second, and then it is gone. You see somebody passing by -- a beautiful woman, a beautiful man, or a dog -- just for a moment, and it is gone. A moment before, it was not there; a moment afterwards, it is no more there. That's how the mind creates time. It is a keyhole.

You see a bird on the wing, and you see it only for just a second. Before that, it was not -- do you think it was not? It was, but for you it was in the future, because it was not in front of your keyhole. And after a moment it is no more again -- do you think it is no more? It still is, but for you it is past.

Mind is limited, hence it creates divisions -- past, present and future. The present is that which for a moment appears on the screen of the mind, and the past is that which is no more on the screen, and the future is that which is not yet. But let me tell you: all is, and always is. Nothing ever goes out of existence, and nothing ever comes into existence.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2019 6:23:22 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday August 18, 2019

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, not embracing who you really are out of fear of falling into ego is a denial of self. There is a big difference between the bluster of the ego and the authenticity of simply showing up in your beingness and truth, for one seeks to separate while the other honours everyone involved. You, through your awareness, will always have the wisdom to know the difference. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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