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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2019 12:39:00 AM

In Flux

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Over the next few days and weeks it may feel as if everyone is speaking a different language. Yes, you can hear them, they are communicating but, you cannot understand them. As you move forward into this newest energy, paths may diverge wildly, and vibrational levels will change. It may be a bit sad and a little confusing but, do not let it change the work you are doing. For every divergent path, there is another running parallel that will offer new companionship, ideas and connection. You Earth plane is constantly in flux, offering you a chance to change your levels of awareness, empathy, compassion and expression. Embrace these moments and know that all will be well. ~ Creator

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2019 7:46:00 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/20/2019

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According to the mystic traditions of the East, all that you think you are is nothing but food. Your body is food, your mind is food, your soul is food. Beyond the soul there is certainly something which is not food. That something is known as anatta, no-self. It is utter emptiness. Buddha calls it shunya, the void. It is pure space. It contains nothing but itself; it is contentless consciousness.

While the content persists, the food persists. By "food" is meant that which is ingested from the outside. The body needs physical food; without it, it will start withering away.

This is how it survives; it contains nothing but physical food.

Your mind contains memories, thoughts, desires, jealousies, power trips, and a thousand and one things. All that is also food; on a little more subtle plane it is food. Thought is food. Hence when you have nourishing thoughts your chest expands. When you have thoughts which give you energy you feel good.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/22/2019 12:07:04 AM

It Is Done

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My darling child, there will always be bumps in the road. There may even be more than you expect. It is important to remember how to handle them. Yes, it is OK to get upset or angry but, do not let that take up too much of your time. You have much better things to do! (Winking) Instead…give yourself a moment, look at it very closely and choose. That choosing part has always been the most important. It is something you have always had and cannot be taken away. Once you have decided on a path, send Unconditional Love and continue on. It is done and you have done your best. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/22/2019 12:27:24 AM

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message | May 17, 2019

The dark Ones have lost the battle but not the fight and their presence is still noticeable. However, the low vibrations that their kind carry around, can only influence those souls that are of a similar vibration, and it is apparent in many of the younger members of humanity. Nevertheless, it will not have any effect on those who have evolved beyond that stage. The dark Ones are no longer the power that they were, and their aims to take over the world have dismally failed following many centuries of growth. It means that the shackles that have been holding you back have been removed and you are becoming free souls able to take charge of your own evolution. It is entirely expected in the present times and you should now make much quicker progress.

It will be some time before you can fully understand the truth of your being, but it will come to you in all good time. As you journey towards Ascension you will be given much information about your past, present and future. You are breaking out of your cocoon of forgetfulness and it is necessary for your spiritual growth. In the past you dropped to such a low level it was feared that you would never wake up to the truth, but somehow sufficient of you were able to lift your vibrations up and reach the higher level. You could say that the few have helped the many get past the 2012 marker and it is helping others to do the same. As we have mentioned many times, once a soul awakens to the Light many helping hands assist you in making further progress. The purpose of life is to gain spiritual knowledge through experience and live accordingly, so that you increase your vibrations and become more of a Being of Light.

With the many challenges that seem to always crop up, understand that some are important to your evolution and should be carefully noted. Few experiences are without some lesson at the root of them so it is wise to question what that meaning is by looking within. Cleary if a lesson is to be learnt it is wise to try and understand what is meant by your experience. For those of you who personally passed the marker, you should by now be advancing spiritually and incurring little if any adverse reactions. Your experience can be put to good use by helping others who may come to you by being attracted to your Light. Some may personally know about you and your work but others may have been guided to you, so do not be surprised if that happens.

When the Earth and its population have settled down and peace has become the normal state, you will be open to visits from other ET’s who will help you speed up the evolutionary changes. You will learn much from them having been held back for so long. The first hints of growth and understanding must come from you and then you will get help to implement your ideas and desires. You will make progress quickly as you are destined to live on your “New Earth” that shall be of pristine beauty. There are really no adequate words to describe the changes from the old Earth to the new one. It will be a paradise unlike anything you have come across so far, and you will be thrilled by the life energy that exists in everything.

So you have much to look forward to and at long last it is within your sights. It must be so as decreed by the Supreme Creator. You are part way along the path to completion of this phase when you will be rewarded with existence in the higher vibrations of tranquillity and total peace, that cannot be disturbed by those of a lesser vibration. For such souls their time will come when they have accepted God and look for the pathway home, and each one eventually leads back to the Godhead. Since time does not exist in the higher realms as everything is in the now, there is no pressure placed upon those who need to go through another series of trials and challenges to evolve. However, as always help is on hand when a soul becomes enlightened and it will stay with them until that journey is completed. We know that many of you will already be aware of the situation, but may not realise that the present end times are special, inasmuch that every soul is offered the same opportunity to be part of a mass Ascension.

Your many lives have taken you a long way and today you are a versatile soul with many skills that can be called upon to help you through this particular lifetime. Realise that you draw upon your experiences to get the best results, as clearly you need to specifically benefit from those aspects that can help you get through your life plan. Through such arrangements it gets the best out of each generation because progress is “tailored” so that it occurs in increments that carry you another step in the right direction. Obviously in the early stages the dark Ones do all they can to stop you succeeding, but at all times progress is inevitable.

You are emerging from unsettling times so keep your sights on your goal and do not be distracted by outer happenings. There are still pitfalls on your path but if you keep to the straight and narrow you will sail straight past them. Indeed, depending on just how far you have progressed will determine how soon matters settle down for you, so keep yourself in the Light and do not succumb to temptations that will be placed upon your path. Bear in mind that you will occasionally still be tested but at your point of evolution you should be able to deal with it with ease.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/22/2019 1:00:19 AM

You’re Creating a Flexible Foundation

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s June 14, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at** repaired last week’s technical difficulties.*** Perhaps you’ve experienced draining financial or emotional losses. You’re integrating more of new you causing you to let go of those items or people that no longer blend with your new being. Those losses will be unimportant as you step into your new world.

“Your Turn is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

You fear you will never feel at home while of the earth in this lifetime. That you have transitioned so far beyond the expectations of yourself and other earthlings that you have once again become odd.

In truth, you are not the earth oddity you have been in many previous lifetimes; instead, you are a leader. You are The Ugly Duckling of current times.

You have likely been reticent to express your transition feelings, interests, and breakthroughs to most for you knew doing so would label you far outside the norm. For you have been ostracized and violated for similar activities and beliefs lifetime after lifetime.

So it is you kept your transition thoughts and feelings to yourself or a few select others who were in similar circumstances. Allowing you some freedom of speech, but curtailing most activities. A bit like an intellectual genius attempting to fit in with those not sharing his or her interests.

You are different than the norm – just as you wished to be before entering the earth in this lifetime.

Do you realize how courageous you are? For you dared to repeat previous earth life actions that left you with profound psychological and physical wounds – not knowing if this would be the earth life in which your freedom to be was accepted.

You are not like your neighbors, friends, or co-workers for a reason. Your role in this life was to be different, to move outside the norm no matter the consequences. So you have. And by doing so, you shifted the earth, yourself, and now, humanity.

Just as you once thought it impossible to create a bridge between the Old Age and New Age when you initiated this process decades ago, so it is for you now. For you have done more in a few short decades than ever before in your earth sojourns. You are shifting humanity just by daring to be you.

Many questioned the wisdom of past adventuresome humans – the explorers, the aviators, the innovators of your current household wonders with words of wisdom such as, “If God meant for us to fly, he would have given us wings.” Yet, those innovators did not hesitate to complete their dreams despite financial, physical, and emotional difficulties.

You have the same tenacity. The difference is you are not creating one item, you are creating a new society.

So it is you become frustrated at times when all does not seem to shift as rapidly as you would like. For what you are now observing is the inhumanity of your social norms.

Before this dramatic display of what is instead of what people hoped, everyone pretended that all was well. Even though there were a few glitches here and there such as mass murders or financial inequality, overall, you believed society honored the sanctity of humanity and the earth. Now, it is as if bandages have been removed to display festering wounds that never healed. And you and others are appalled. How was it possible to feel that depth of rage without revealing it more within society?

What you are witnessing is the falling away of the rotten substructure that was painted and plastered over and over pretending there was a solid form even though that solid form did not exist.

Your role is to display what is possible once that rotten substructure is removed. Those following you have a choice – something you did not have. They can continue to replaster the rotten foundation or follow you in joy.

Such statements might create fear within you for what if your efforts in this lifetime have achieved nothing other than your shift into self-love?

Accepting and acting on self-love is more than you have ever achieved while of the earth in all your previous lifetimes.

But then, this is not like previous lifetimes for others are no longer labeling you odd. Something you have not necessarily noted in your diligence to reach this level of achievement. For you are so comfortable with that label that you have neglected to note the wonderment and emulation of you by others.

No one is stoning or burning you at the stake. Or excommunicating you. Or likely, ostracizing you. You are becoming mainstream even though you do not yet note that such is so. For you are so involved in your transition that you have not acknowledged others are letting you be. Even though the same is not true for many others within your society, your transition cohort is relatively free of the hate displayed for other groups.

So it is you are becoming part of the mainstream. Perhaps you counter that such does not make much difference if others are being treated as you were in previous earth lives.

Ah, what you have forgotten is that you are the new flexible structures that will rebuild the earth for you have been given the freedom to be. In truth, you are far more dangerous to the status quo than is any other group. Yet, you are allowed to function with few, if any restrictions. Such is your indicator that you are rebuilding earth’s humanity – one self-loving action after another.

Allow yourself to know that you are different than most others.

Because you are different, you are reinventing earth one love bomb at a time. Those love bombs start with the self-love readily displayed to others. Giving all humans a view of the possibilities.

Failing, crumbling structures versus flexible structures of love. The choice has already been made by those directly following you.

Earth society is now similar to a pyramid shape with you and your 5D cohorts at the top and the next layer already committed. So it will be, layer after layer with each layer forming more rapidly than the layer before.

In just months, you will no longer question whether the earth has shifted from a crumbling structure of hate to a flexible foundation of love. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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