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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/20/2019 2:54:27 AM

Arcturian Group Through Marilyn Raffaele

Marilyn Raffaele

June 16, 2019,

It is with Love and Light that we greet you dear readers, you who are paving the way for the those prepared to awaken. You are guide posts for the many now questioning the status quo and searching for answers. However, most are seeking these answers from the old belief system that holds nothing new or higher.

Opportunities for love and service are increasing as many suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The collective consciousness has begun to shift beyond beliefs that are rapidly becoming obsolete. Because the majority as of yet does not understand what is taking place, they can only interpret current events in terms of good and bad (duality), often viewing change and the disintegration of what is familiar as being bad.

Accept that it is a time in which every one (if they choose) can evolve to a higher level of awareness. Many still consider the idea of ascension to be an interesting topic for discussion, not to be actually taken seriously. In many ways the world may look the same, but it is not. The old is completing its usefulness and as more awaken they contribute to the higher resonance that will replace it. Stand back and observe rather than fretting and worrying over appearances. Know that the “train has left the station”.

All there is is God. Ask yourselves; “Do I really believe this or is it just a comforting concept in my mind?” All life, substance, and idea is in and of Divine Consciousness for nothing else exists. Human eyes interpret Reality through the level of their attained state of consciousness which for the vast majority still consists of low resonating and false third dimensional concepts and beliefs. There is nothing but God–Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient Divine Consciousness.


Your very bodies are made of Light. What the human eye sees is a material physical sense of the Divine qualities embodied within the Light body. As you attain the realization that there is absolutely nothing outside of Divine Consciousness, the illusory creations formed of duality and separation consciousness begin to fade out of your experience for you will no longer be creating them.

You are ready and must begin to accept and identify yourselves as a Divine beings rather than as Mary, Joe, or Bill. As long as a person continues to identify with a concept of themselves and all the problems that go with being physical, they will continue to experience that belief.

There comes a time in which one can no longer continue to live with one foot in both worlds if they are serious about their spiritual evolution. The choice must be made–“Do I really believe the truth I have learned or do I want to continue thinking of truth as being a nice concept that is too impractical for actual living?”

You all chose to be on earth at this time, well aware before coming of how energetically powerful these times would be. You brought with you your whole list of things needing completion and release rather than just the one or two issues usually brought into a lifetime. You wanted to be able to ascend with Gaia into the higher dimensional frequencies and knew you would not be unable to carry any still active old energy with you.

In order to integrate the Light frequencies of higher consciousness, dense energies still active in cellular memory or in the present must be cleared. This is why many of you have had many intense experiences in this lifetime and wondered why. You are doing a lot of inner work at night as well as throughout daily living and are doing it more quickly than ever before.

Not all were allowed to be on earth at this time, for it was known that it would be a powerful time of change and spiritual evolutionary experiences for Gaia and those upon her. You wanted to be a part of it and knew you had already attained a consciousness level that would be able to assist the process.

Learn to live in the now moment, rather than in the human state of continuously plotting and planning for the future or regretting the past. When you dwell upon the past or the future, you are in the illusion for the only time that exists is now. As you do your best, living up to your highest sense of truth in each now moment, that moment becomes the now and you begin live the awakened life.

We are not saying to ignore events of the past that need to be healed or addressed in some way, nor are we saying that the ordinary planning required in three dimensional living is not necessary. What we are saying is that spiritual living is doing what you are guided to in each now moment which very well could be making plans of some sort but doing it without attaching power for good or bad to the outcome.

You are in charge of you. In your quiet time state your intentions (In the presence of my Higher Self and my guides, I choose…) but never make intentions for a particular person or experience to be your concept of how it should be. Rather let your intentions be for the highest good of self and all involved. Example;” I choose to find employment that most closely resonates with my energy and where I can serve on a high level…” Then let it go. Intentions are always heard for they are self speaking to SELF.

The concept that love is always accompanied by emotion is the three dimensional concept of love. All love is in and of God. It is the energy that flows between the many within the ONE. Human beings in and of themselves do not have love to give. Only in the degree that a person allows God’s love to flow through them can he/she love. As a person evolves and their consciousness fills with Light and truth, the person automatically becomes more loving because Consciousness is always expressing, there is no unexpressed consciousness.

Give up expecting and looking to others for love or appreciation and seek it from the only place it exists–your own Divine Self–allowing it will then flow to you from where you may least expect it.

In difficult situations where you are simply unable to love some person or persons who have deeply hurt you, don’t try. Don’t struggle and attempt to personally feel love in the belief (three dimensional concept) that in and of yourself you have love and forgiveness to give. Simply stand back from the situation, let go, and allow God to love through you.

Unconditional love is the realization everything exists within the ONE and therefore every person is a Divine Being in spite of appearances to the contrary. The recognition of another’s Divinity can lift them out of their personal illusion if they are receptive. This is true healing and is how Jesus did his healing work.
When you attempt to “heal, change, or fix” someone, you are coming from the belief of separation, that they are not Divine beings– the myth of “original sin”.

Let your first step when interacting with others always be a silent recognition of their divinity, then proceed to take whatever human footsteps you may be guided to take in accord with the situation and the consciousness level of the person you are trying to assist. There may be times when you must use harsh words for a person only able to hear in that form. However, if the words are prefaced by your silent recognition of the other’s Divine nature, they will flow on a higher level than if they came from separation.

Teachings of Oneness are often misunderstood to mean that all human beings are equal. In Divine Reality they are, but in the third dimension they are not. Many states of consciousness exist and continue to express within the belief system of duality and separation that exists on earth. Oneness must be understood as being a spiritual reality–the Oneness of the many ( all life forms) within the ONE Divine Consciousness called God which is all there is.

Much of what we give you is absolute truth. The absolute is first understood on an intellectual level and then with practice gradually becomes one’s state of consciousness. Because consciousness is the substance of form, nothing can permanently manifest outwardly just from the intellectual knowledge of it. Rather, it must become one’s state of consciousness. People often say; ” I have been stating the truth about — for years and nothing happens.” Truth must be embodied in consciousness before it is able to express as form.

Each truth realized and lived automatically becomes your state of consciousness. Many of you are beginning to notice a synchronicity and harmony in daily living that was not previously there and which you did not consciously plan. Your years of spiritual study and practice are quickly becoming your attained state of consciousness.

For those of you who do energy work, always remember that you are a tool, the gentle breeze that is helping to clear the energetic residue of present and past lives in order to expose an already present reality. “Healers” who hope to work on a high level must attain a state of consciousness that knows without doubt that their “patient” is already complete, perfect, and whole, that they are simply brushing away the fogs of illusion that the person in ignorance allowed to settle over his reality.

Today’s powerful energies are dissolving fear, becoming the impetus for many to complete, act, or do something that they have been afraid to do. Accepting and embracing one’s personal power means no longer being afraid to love, to do, or to be, and allowing intuition to guide in spite of the opinions of those around you.

It may manifest as having the courage to start the business you have dreamed of having, going back to school, or quitting the secure job you hate and replacing it with one that may seem less secure but you love. It means speaking up for yourself and no longer being a doormat for the expectations, rules, and concepts of others.

Empowerment does not mean that you disregard all common sense or refuse to take the human footsteps that may be important in some particular circumstance but rather it means that you allow your intuition and inner “knowing” to lead the way rather than putting your trust in the concepts and beliefs of persons and the three dimensional collective.

The high frequency energies now pouring onto earth are pushing everyone to look within. Most of you are now at a level where seemingly innocent beliefs hiding in the corners of your consciousness are being revealed. You are “fine tuning” the state of your consciousness as you begin to understand what many seemingly innocent beliefs actually represent.

As an example, in our last message we spoke of revenge. Revenge is often thought of as killing another or as intense actions of retaliation. However, the energy of revenge can be very subtle with tentacles that reach into all facets of ordinary life such as being happy when another falls flat on their face–physically, emotionally, mentally, or even spiritually because you believe that they deserve it.

We are not saying that you can no longer engage in a bit of fun with others, laughing with them rather than at them when they or yourself fall flat on your face, but we do say that at this point in your journey you must become very clear and honest regarding the intentions behind your actions.

You are to enjoy life, living spiritually does not and never has meant that one must suffer. God is not and never has been glorified through anyone’s suffering in spite of what some organized religions still teach.

Allow the process, go with the flow, and trust that all is proceeding according to plan.

We are the Arcturian Group 6/16/19

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/20/2019 11:55:02 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday June 20, 2019

Galactic Free Press's picture

We understand that due to past experiences you may react to times of energetic intensity with trepidation. But what you need to understand is that you enter every major energetic shift differently than you did the last, because you have been shifting and evolving every single day.

Do you see? Not only does every shift contain its own unique energetic stamp, you enter into it with a little more mastery than before. This means every shift will affect you differently than the last based on the natural evolutionary process you and the planet are going through.

Now this is not to say that certain events won’t affect you at all. We highly advocate keeping an energy journal so you can track of how your body typically responds to certain events. This is empowering information and eventually you will be able to know what is happening by how you feel, not by depending upon another source to tell you or confirm it. Your journal will also help you keep track of what you have found most helpful to you as you navigate certain shifts.

How intensely you experience symptoms will change on a per case basis based on the meld of your unique energy with the specific energy of the particular shift, as well as how adept you are at moving with the energies rather than against them.

So flow, Dear Ones. Trust. Enter each shift with curiosity and presence. See the evolution you are going through as a grand adventure and proof positive that the ascension process is really happening. Look for the magic that comes with transformation and bring the gratitude your soul has for being a part of it all into your human awareness, and you will be moving with the energies with far more comfort and joy than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Shelley’s note: There will be no daily message on Friday, June 21, as my husband is having major surgery that day. This is very different than how I usually spend the solstice, but I trust in the divine timing of it all. I’m wishing you the most beautiful solstice! I hope you take a moment to celebrate all the work and healing you have done and remember that the solstice serves to save the progress and lock it in energetically. Thank heavens! :D I should be back to the daily messages on Saturday, June 22. xo


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/20/2019 11:57:38 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/19/2019

will's picture

People have their prejudices, their ideas. Rather than seeing into reality, rather than looking into an enlightened man, they come ready with so many concepts, and unless he fits them he is not enlightened. And let me tell you, no enlightened person is going to fit with your unenlightened prejudices; it is impossible.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2019 12:00:15 AM

May the Light of Divine Radiance shine through your heart and
bless all of the Earth with Light.

Shanta Gabriel

Dear Ones,

As you recognize that Divine Light has the power to create change and bring more blessings into the world, it becomes your ever-present companion.

How does Light become a catalyst for change? Why does it bless all in its presence?

It is the coding inherent within the Light that activates the spark of Divinity within each being. Infinite Intelligence activates the Wisdom, the Creative Solutions and the empowering Presence of Divine Love in the codes. Within these components is the spiritual Life Force surging forth within your being. You can feel the acceleration of this Prana within the very idea of this power. This frequency is the Original Intention of spiritual practices.

This Force of all creation is working with you, firing the synapses throughout your nervous system to enable you to thrive. It is this spark of life being activated that reminds you that you live in a benevolent Universe. You are loved and supported in your life now and always.

You are being blessed with loving compassionate guidance in every moment. As you open your heart and allow yourself to trust in the benevolent flow working for you, an expansion occurs in your energy system. More resources suddenly become available, help comes from unexpected avenues. You know you are in the Divine Flow of God’s Light when Creative Solutions abound. Signs and signals will show up everywhere you put your attention. It may feel like magic but it is the most natural thing in the world because this is your essence. You are a part of this flow of Light filled energy.

Divinity is what makes up you – its Light is the essence of who you are, the spark of life. When you trust in this flow, you are lifting your frequencies to activate more connection. When you take time to receive Love from the deepest resources of your spirit, you are letting the Universe know that you are ready to open to more – more Love, more Alignment with Source, more Abundance and Wellbeing. All manner of Good floods the fields of Light in which you live, move and have your being.

You are re-establishing the connection and depth of Divine Presence that is your Soul’s gift. This connection is always there waiting your permission to infiltrate your perception of life and lift you into a more expanded perspective. This means that in every moment you have the capacity to sense an empowering Energy working in and through you, guiding your way. It is your inner frequency tuner. What channel are you listening to? In your Anusthan you are fine-tuning the frequencies so you can receive from the Highest Source of Light there is.

There is a Communication at work at all times, guiding your soul, empowering daily life. Every small act of Devotion is energizing this link.

You can imagine that you are calling in and honoring the Light whenever you light a candle. In every moment of devotion to Spirit you are crossing the bridge from Heaven to Earth. You become a conduit for the Divine Flow and life takes on a new sense of meaning and purpose. In your spiritual practices you may notice that there is a growing inner peace stealing into your heart to take up residence.

Divine Light makes your heart into a Temple of Peace where you can come again and again to drink from the never-ending well of Nourishment, Compassion and Love

You are a part of a massive Wheel of Light active in the world through the hearts, minds and spiritual focus of millions of Lightworkers. With each prayer, you are blessing all humanity and adding radiance to your own life. You are being blessed in every moment. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

June 15, 2019

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2019 12:26:41 AM

A Message to Lightworkers – June 18, 2019

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

We see many of you viewing life very differently than you would have even six months ago.

Viewing it as not so much an obstacle course, but a place of challenges that are only appearing so that you may release all that you are not—all the presences, memories, trauma, and belief systems you carry that are not yours to carry.

You release many interferences—technological and purely etheric—in the process of solving and resolving these challenges, disengaging your spirit from them and reaching higher in your requests and requirements for inner strength and increased growth as you tunnel through these situations.

We are aware that this is taxing, even angering and depressing some days.

For you are releasing those aspects of yourself that you once thought (and were told) are simply who you are.

They are not.

You are currently releasing old ideas and beliefs that in the end, serve no one, as you take in new forms of Light data that inform your cells that it is time to exist on a higher level—in a higher dimension in fact—than the one they originally came into.

This can feel earth-shattering to the ego-mind, as we have noted in other Messages.

The heart-mind may be thrilled that these changes are finally occurring, but that part of your psyche that is ruled by the left-brain mind and ego/personality will feel some days that the roof is falling in.

We will give you an example: Many are you are natural caregivers.

You care for yourself and for others—for whole families, workplaces, organizations, and communities.

In a sense, you came into this life to care for the entire Earth and all Her children.

Photo by Lynne Newman

In order for you to operate at such a high level of functionality, you have had to tunnel through numerous obstacles in life, including your own pain, trauma, and aloneness many days.

You have learned to move outer events and even people with your focus, direction and sheer force of will.

This is not “all bad” as some would think—in times/places of war, whole populations have been saved by the sheer determination and vision of natural caregivers.

But what you are being called up to now differs by far from how you have lived before now.

Unlike other Earth lives, you will no longer accomplish so much in life due to sheer force of will and mental focus.

Your ego-mind and personality must step down from reigning supreme, and bow to the greater good—the higher good—of the heart-mind, the spirit, the soul.

Unlike the ego-mind, these are eternal, and unlike the ego-mind, they are not threatened by the Ascension process.

They are in fact leading it.

It is not uncommon these days for many to experience disturbing dreams or restlessness as they sleep at night.

Many battle insomnia or receive strange visions or powerful energy downloads at night.

Some recall images upon awakening that haunt them, of persons or places they intuitive recognize but cannot name.

In other contexts, many are finding that the work they are doing would be best performed by an entirely different person than who they are, as they awaken to their true selves.

Or they are finding that their partner or spouse is not someone they can relate to at all anymore.

Others are moving along calmly enough in life, only to turn a corner and face the shock of an unforeseen crisis—in health, finances, relationship, beliefs, or all of that combined.

What is occurring there is similar to what we have described before now—that though you have welcomed in these Ascension energies and are overjoyed that such transformative times are upon the Earth, you did not realize what it would require of you, and that realization is hard to take some days.

Photo by Dan Mathews

Is it possible to jump timelines in the middle of the day? Yes, and you have all done it.

Is it possible to be someone who is very different, maybe entirely different, from who you think you are? Yes, and that would be true of nearly all of you.

Is it possible, in other words, that even the most nervous, unhappy, scattered-energy person is actually a beautifully grounded being who has simply been battling shadow energies all their lives that were meant to dim their Light and inner power?

Yes, and millions of you have lived exactly that.

We don’t say this to dismay you, or to describe your situation as too difficult to travel.

It is simply that there is more happening than what can be described as “cellular transformation into the crystalline energy body,” powerful and astounding though that is.

The forward movement of Light overcoming darkness on your planet, both etherically and outwardly, has reached critical mass.

As a result, you are all swimming at very deep levels in that great sea of confusion that is a time of Changeover.

In your refusal to submit to the dark any longer, whether consciously or unconsciously, you have birthed a new form of human consciousness that does not automatically bow to those ideas it has been trained to “fear and respect.”

This is why so many millions are leaving organized religion, learning to work for themselves, living in off-grid housing, using free and clean energy, homeschooling their children, achieving far lower levels of consumption, turning to natural remedies, meditating, eating organic produce, and so on.

And yet—the transition, as we have noted many times, is not for the faint at heart.

Your self-care as it is called must be strong and constant in these times, or you risk losing heart as you travel this sometimes-exhausting path.

You are used to pouring out energies physically, emotionally, and etherically to assist others and yourself, yet this will not do in these times.

As you learn to visualize what you would like to create, rather than jumping out of your chair to go make it happen outwardly, you save yourself many hours, days, and weeks of outer effort.

As you release times of crisis and hardship to your higher self, your soul, the Universe, you require Divine help in forms far higher than your immediate conscious mind is able to grasp.

You open to levels of wisdom and understanding that may have eluded you thus far.

And you begin to actively contact that community of soul family, Spirit team, twin flame, that is always around you, always desiring to be of assistance, always calling to you and hoping you will hear them rather than once more take the long way, the hard way to resolving an issue.

Photo by Michelle Kidd

Over time (and Time is fast disappearing!), you will come to see that the old way of doing things is no more.

It is only human thought and expectation that keep the old third dimensional forms in place.

There are countless Light Beings from around the Universe and the higher dimensions working with you now, to assist you in releasing the old, hard ways of doing things.

Can you imagine yourself accepting only ease, Joy and the ingenuity of higher thought and realization as you move through your day?

Can you image an easy flow to your days in which you don’t react to life’s events (and therefore draw to you far fewer difficult ones), but respond in measured ways, even to that which seems too much to take at first?

Can you accept that you are one of those higher beings who does not need to take on the weight of the world, or even the weight of their own Earth life, in order to witness improvement in either?

Yes, of course! You can do all this and far more, and you are.

We only ask that you consider the possibility that there would be Joy in these days for you, and not only struggle and hard work.

That you release the hard work and struggle paradigm for good, and come to see that it means fewer experiences of Abundance, fulfillment, Joy, and Love—not more.

And that all of us desire you to claim your true self in ways that mean you must release the tendency to stress, to try to manipulate outer events before you first sit quietly and receive wisdom on them.

We desire this, because we call you forth to your Joy, your true power, your true selves!

Now and always, dear ones. This is a great part of why you came.

And in this, as in all moments, you are never alone.

Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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