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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
6/14/2019 12:12:22 AM

This Is a Very Large Playground

Peggy Black and the ‘team’,
June 13, 2019,

We’re here to honor you in your magnificence. You continue to move up the spiral of evolution with every conscious thought and action, especially in the midst of the chaos as the old paradigm is dissolving.

You’re witnessing the collective shadow of negative and misqualified emotions rising to the surface of world events.

These shadow emotions are being seen, witnessed and transformed by those of you who understand the principles and the Universal Laws. The light that you carry and broadcast is making a tremendous difference.

You’re not alone in this task of transforming the negative and misqualitied energies. The entire Galactic Community of Divine Conscious Starbeings, Ascended Masters, Avatars, Ancient Ones, and Archangels and Angels are always available upon request.

The transformation of consciousness on this planet is a cosmic event that’s been taking place for eons of time. This is the result of timeline experience after timeline experience. No matter how dark or hopeless it all seems, that can all change in a moment of the collective breath.

So, with this transmission we’re inviting you to begin to reconnect with your own star or galactic heritage.

Begin to consider that even though you have a physical body, there’s an energy that’s animating that form and that life. Just as you might consider your physical body your genetic heritage, consider that you’re also a part of a galactic heritage of energy.

Allow yourself to imagine for a moment that you have Star Essence, that you do carry the traits and the abilities of a galactic heritage. What might that be? How would these abilities or this divine lineage manifest in your life and actions?

What if these intrinsic gifts, these star and galactic abilities were awaiting the activation of personal codes? What if you could activate the codes or stimulate or quicken these intrinsic gifts? These are questions we’re inviting you to begin to consider.

You know yourself as a physical presence. Now, we’re wanting you to begin to engage with the idea that you’re also an energy presence. Perhaps you can begin to engage in some form of energy exercises.

Use your imagination and begin to allow time to play with the possibility that you might be able to travel time. Imagine yourself visiting other time frames in your history. Imagine that you might be able to travel even to other dimensions.

Allow yourself to see or sense what that might feel or look like. We invite you to leave any expectation aside. Remember you’re just playing in your imagination.

You can use the quantum field to create a space in which you’re safe to travel, to explore and adventure.

Let yourself relax into the process and just observe how this might manifest for you. The use of sound can also trigger a state of mind in which you can experience other realms and realities.

We’re just inviting you to consider the possibilities and give yourself the grace to explore what your star heritage might be. What star system has always interested you? Or perhaps this is an entirely new concept to entertain and think about. You can do some searching and investigating. Study the star systems and the galaxies. Does one interest you more than another?

Consider for a moment that there are something like 300 billion stars in your Milky Way. There might be around 30 billion planets in your galaxy alone, and there are over 100 billion galaxies in your observable Universe. Many of you have heard of some of these systems Antares, Pleiades, Arcturus, Betelgeuse, Sirius and Andromeda.

This is a very large playground.

We’re inviting you to create a sacred space, an Alchemist Chamber. The space is created in your imagination. Make it as real as possible. There are no limits here. Remember, you’re a Creator.

Once you have the space, the chamber, allow yourself to close your eyes and sense or feel yourself there. This is the place where you can invite information about your Star Essence, your galactic heritage. This is the place you might meet other energy beings that come as colors or geometric forms or patterns. Be open to the possibilities.

Remember, You are a Divine Multidimensional Being. You are, in essence, star energy. You carry a galactic heritage in your very DNA. We’re just encouraging you to begin to access this information.

It’s this connection to the bigger picture of who you are which will allow you to step more fully into your personal power as a Master. As a Divine Starseed Being, you have unlimited energetic abilities. You’re so much bigger than you’ve ever allowed yourself to consider.

You just happen to be playing in an unconscious field and dimension that’s limited. So, as an empathic being, you match the energy of this unconscious limited third dimension.

Now is the time to begin to stretch your awareness, to honor and call forth your personal abilities and gifts. It’s time to quicken and stimulate the latent legacy you carry.

We invite you to begin to simply invite your Star Family, your Star Tribe, to make themselves known to you. Decide that you’re going to watch movies or programs in which the subject may be Starbeings or ET’s. Notice how new information appears. Notice what you decide to read or what program you’re guided to watch. That will offer clues to your questions.

Be aware of your dreams and the images that come forth while you sleep. The opportunity is happening now for you to awaken more fully to who you are and your connection to the stars and all the galactic energies. Find a place where you can watch the stars in a relaxed setting, and make a practice of observing the night sky. Imagine or even pretend that you could talk to the stars.

We realize that what we’re suggesting here might feel a bit far out or even silly. Notice your reaction to our transmission. Do our words and invitations intrigue you? Or do they feel impossible, or even feel like nonsense?

You can call upon the Divine Ones, named or unnamed, to assist and support you in this discovery. We assure you that once you begin to investigate the possibilities, doors of awareness are going to open and more will be revealed. It’s time, and codes are being activated within many of you Earthwalkers.

Step into the truth that you are truly more than your physical body and form.

We’re always available to support and assist. Please call upon us in your journey to your true revealing. You are Star Seed. You’re part of the awesome and amazing galactic unfolding. You are creators of worlds.

~ The ‘team’

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
6/14/2019 6:51:06 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/13/2019

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You are in love with a woman or a man and immediately you start thinking of getting married. Make it a legal contract. Why? How does the law come into love? The law comes into love because love is not there. It is only a fantasy, and you know the fantasy will disappear. Before it disappears settle down, before it disappears do something so it becomes impossible to separate.

In a better world, with more meditative people, with a little more enlightenment spread over the earth, people will love, love immensely, but their love will remain a relating, not a relationship. And I am not saying that their love will be only momentary. There is every possibility their love may go deeper than your love, may have a higher quality of intimacy, may have something more of poetry and more of God in it. And there is every possibility their love may last longer than your so-called relationship ever lasts. But it will not be guaranteed by the law, by the court, by the policeman.

The guarantee will be inner. It will be a commitment from the heart, it will be a silent communion. If you enjoy being with somebody, you would like to enjoy it more and more. If you enjoy the intimacy, you would like to explore the intimacy more and more.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2019 7:05:38 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday June 14, 2019

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Dear Ones, the most vital step in your healing and enlightenment journey is to create a safe space for you to flourish. Are you willing to treat yourself with the love, care, and respect you deserve? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2019 11:39:15 PM

Intensified energy – The Council

Intensified energy – The Council

We would like to speak today of the intensified energy field that your planet has entered. You are experiencing this as ‘incoming energies’. Many who are empathic or otherwise quite sensitive are struggling with this.

Perhaps the best thing we can do for you today is to offer you yet one more different image to work with.

Firstly, the image you have of incoming intensified energy is just an image. The reality is more accurately described as energy that you are entering. This is compounded by your individual and collective opening up to energy that seems to surround you. We say ‘seems’ because it is actually the greater field of which you are a part. You are becoming awake and aware of new things, new vibrations.

Some of these, as we have said above, are quite a bit more intense than what you are accustomed to. This will continue to be your experience. It is a part of what you have signed on for and of that which you have named ‘ascension’. Therefore we say, it will be of benefit to you to find a way to navigate these changes in the easiest way possible.

Now, as we have pointed out, and we admit to using the image ourselves just now, you think of this as intense and uncomfortable energy that you are newly encountering. We propose that you decide to, and then learn to, think about this in a new way.

As we said, you are the ones entering the new, and even becoming the new by raising your own vibrations and opening to the awareness of that. It is something that cannot be avoided given the destination you have chosen. So what can you do?

This energy is a field phenomenon. A field is rather like a sea or an ocean. Now what happens if one enters a sea and struggles against the experience? One sinks, do they not? What happens if one relaxes, lays back, and determines to enjoy the feeling? One floats, correct? And this is infinitely more enjoyable.

Now, we have said this before several times in our past messages. But even though it was just as true then, the change had not yet reached this magnitude. Well, now it has. So we advise that you fling your mental arms open wide, and feel the deliciousness of what you are entering. Feel yourselves adjusting to this new vibration that you are in and that you are becoming. You are becoming that which you have desired. Keep that in mind, as well.

This is not something that is being done to you. It is something that is being done for you. And the truth is that it is also something that you are doing. Keep in mind that there is, as we have been at pains to stress, no separation. You have infinite possibilities of things to learn, but your greatest lesson and opportunity lies in the remembrance of that. No separation. No separation. I am that. Tat twam asi. It is a field. It is only a viewpoint that you are seeing it all from. And you are free to choose a different viewpoint whenever you like, as often as you like.

Please enjoy your journey.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
6/14/2019 11:58:09 PM

You Know You…

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The Universe is aware that you have been doing some deep releasing over the past few days and, with more on the way, it may feel as if you are running a marathon. (Smiling) One thing to keep in mind; you control the pace! If you want things to move slower, ask. If you would like it to speed up, okay. The choice is yours but, keep this in mind; it may be tempting to release things as quickly as possible to ‘get it over with’ but, check in and see if it is really the best thing in this moment. You know you better than anyone else, know exactly what you can take and how your inner self accepts change. Listen to your body and soul and all will be well. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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