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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/11/2019 5:51:16 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 11, 2019

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Dear Ones, you are always, always being provided with exactly what you need for your expansion and evolution. If there is something you need to experience and someone else is not ready or willing to have that experience with you, another will come in to serve your growth.

You can rest assured if another is resistant to evolution it will never stall your own enlightenment journey. Their free will is always respected and supported, as is yours, and the universe will shift to provide you new circumstances that allow you to continue your own growth and expansion.

Do you see? Everyone is honoured in whatever choices they make, in a beautiful flow of love and support that is always shifting to meet everyone’s needs. Your desire for your own evolution is always heard and supported and can never be derailed by another’s lack of participation.

Sometimes souls will decide to break apart for a time to learn individually and then reconnect in the future. In fact, there are times when that is the only way the next phase of growth can occur for one or both of the people. Again, this is part of the beautiful dance of the universe – souls lovingly moving together and moving apart, all depending on what is for the highest good of everyone involved. From this perspective you can see that love and expansion is at the heart of it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/11/2019 6:17:21 PM

Archangel Gabriel on Being Grateful, No Matter What


Shanta Gabriel

By Shanta Gabriel, June 9, 2019,

Be grateful for all that you have and all that you are.

You have so much to be grateful for. At times it may feel as though life is hard, and yet if you can pull back from its drama, you’ll see how fortunate you truly are. Even the lessons you’re now going through are a blessing.

Though it may feel as if you don’t have enough — whether it’s time, money, health, or love — you actually have been blessed with a tremendous gift. That gift is your life. A physical body is a wondrous blessing.

Take time to observe the miraculous occurrences in your body. It’s a miracle that messages are transmitted from your brain so there’s movement in different parts of your body. It’s a miracle that you don’t have to tell your heart to beat or your stomach to digest.

The physical body is a constant source of awe when you consider it a gift from God. You are to use this body to learn your lessons in life and to help bring Heaven to Earth. You’re here to create a better world for all. You’re here to learn to find peace and harmony within yourself so all people on Earth may experience this. One person finding inner peace helps to bring Peace to the entire world.

You’re a part of a wondrous Presence in whom you live, move and have your being. Divinity exists beneath all your tumultuous thoughts, and between your breaths. You are here to remember this fact, and to live in this awareness at all times.

This Presence is constantly giving, and you can consistently receive the blessings available by focusing your attention on the truth of who you are. You can know that whatever situation is occurring in your life, or in the world, God is in the midst of it all.


Be grateful for this gift of Universal Presence within you. Be grateful for your body and for the lessons you’re learning which assist your spiritual progress. Take the time to see the beauty in Nature — a flower, tree or bird — and be grateful for the beauty of the Divine there and within all things.

Be grateful for the presence of the Angels in your life. These messengers from God are a powerful force for Love and Wisdom in your world. You can call upon them at any moment, and their assistance is available for you. This is a supreme gift.

And be grateful for all that You are. You are a spark of Divine Light radiating God’s Presence on the Earth. You are God’s Love expressing to others. You are God’s Wisdom remembering the truth of Divine Order in every situation. You are so much more than what you seem. Remember the expansiveness of your true nature, and be grateful.

Your gratitude opens the floodgates for Heaven’s blessings. Gratitude creates an energy that beckons Good into your life. When you are grateful, you feel more peaceful and more fulfilled. It is easier to remember that God is within all people and situations. And you can begin to be a witness rather than being embroiled in life’s dramas.

You hold the key to Peace on Earth. As you gratefully focus on the truth of your Divine Nature, remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Be grateful for all that you have and all that you are.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/11/2019 6:32:52 PM

Ready To Go?!

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Now that you are well into the shift, how are you feeling? It may still be a little rough, things may still feel ‘topsy-turvy’ and a little out of control. But The Universe believes these are things you can handle. The heaviness you have been experiencing will fade and a new feeling will begin to take its place…excitement! Imagine what it was like when you were young, and your teacher said it was time to line up for a field trip. Sure, there was a little chaos at the beginning when everyone was jostling to find their place but, soon after, all was neat, orderly and you were ready to go! (Smiling) Dear one, it is time to step into your new experience…are you ready? ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/12/2019 5:44:44 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/11/2019

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The man who can say yes with tremendous freedom and joy, with no hesitation, with no strings attached, with no conditions -- a pure and simple joy, a pure and simple yes -- that man has become a sage. That man lives in harmony again. And his harmony is of a totally different dimension than the harmony of trees, animals and birds. They live in harmony because they cannot say no, and the sage lives in harmony because he does not say no.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
6/12/2019 5:50:27 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 12, 2019

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The moment you start looking to define something is the moment you start to constrain its flow. There is a human tendency to want to know where something is going. We see this with your relationships, with your desired manifestations, with your careers, with your lives in general. If you don’t have assurances, you don’t allow yourselves to fully commit energetically.

We understand that you do this because you want to be safe or feel a sense of control, but it is an incredibly limiting approach to life because it is playing within the very small pool of what you have already experienced. The moment you try to put something in a container you limit its growth. By allowing yourself to stay present and your manifestation to take on its own unfoldment, you step out of your limited viewpoint of what is possible into the greatest manifestations you can’t imagine.

Dear Ones, be open. Let the things that matter to you take on their own form and expansion. Resist the need to label and micromanage. The key to creating your grandest life expressions moving forward is getting comfortable with the unfoldment and letting the most important aspects of your life get as big and beautiful as they want to.

You can do this by replacing fear and distrust with curiosity, wonder, and the delicious anticipation that comes with embracing co-creation and the endless potentials that exist just slightly beyond what you have already experienced. Our wish for you is that you will be brave enough to move into the discovery of what you couldn’t imagine but has been possible for you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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