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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2019 2:16:51 AM

Your Lighthouse Phase is Complete

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2019 6:53:10 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 19, 2019

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During times of energetic transformation it is common for people to feel some discomfort. How can you lead yourself with gentleness today? How can you bring gentleness into your interactions with others? We cannot stress enough how much the energy of kindness and gentle, supportive love are appreciated by those who temporarily cannot shift into those energies for themselves. Give it while you can, and receive it when it is offered, Dear Ones, for that is how you balance and support each other during these remarkable times. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2019 7:07:02 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/18/2019

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If you can say yes with totality, with no strings attached to it, with no conditions, with no desire for any reward, if you can simply enjoy saying yes, if it is your dance, your song, then it is prayer. And all prayers reach God -- whether God is mentioned or not, whether you believe in God or not. All prayers reach God. To reach him, a prayer has only to be an authentic prayer.

But I would like to tell you that your yes should not only be a prayer. It should become your very lifestyle, it should become your flavor, your fragrance. Down the ages, religions have been teaching people life-negation, life-condemnation. Down the ages, religions have been telling you that you are sinners, that your bodies are the houses of sin, that you have to destroy your life in order to praise the Lord, that you have to renounce the world to be able to be accepted by the Lord. This is all holy cow dung, utter nonsense.

Life-affirmation, not life-negation, is religion -- because God is life, and there is no other God. God is the green of the trees and the red of the trees and the gold of the trees. God is all over the place. Only God is. To deny life means to deny God, to condemn life means to condemn God, to renounce life means you are thinking yourself wiser than God.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2019 11:00:08 PM

Saul via John Smallman: You Find Peace and Self-Acceptance as the Love that You Are Arises into Your Awareness

Audio version.

The rate of change that is occurring worldwide in human attitudes and behaviors is truly amazing, and is extremely uplifting and inspiring to observe. In fact it is way beyond wonderful as more and more of you become aware that Love is the only meaningful energy with which to engage as you pursue whatever you may be thinking, saying, or doing during your daily human activities.

The effect that you – and your numbers are VAST – who consistently and daily set the intention to be only loving, whatever arises, is fantastic. Before you incarnated you knew that you could do this, but you did not know if you would do it, because the state of amnesia into which you slide as you embody yourselves as humans is rather like being incarcerated in a highly fortified prison or correctional facility, one that totally blocks all information from outside that might be of interest or of use to you.

You knew this would be the case, but you also knew that you had enormous power available to you if you could remember how to access it.

And many of you have now remembered! There is nothing physical that you have to do. The walls, veils, shields, or blinds that you experience as limitations on your ability to know or conceive of new ideas and possibilities will just dissolve, dissipate, and disassemble, as you allow your consciousness to expand its area of awareness.

It is just a case of fully opening your hearts to Oneness, to your natural state of consciousness, in which knowledge or information flows freely into your awareness as intuitive knowing or guidance, precisely when you need it or could use it for the highest good of all. Love always serves the highest good, so when you set and hold the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you are effectively Love offering Its service in the way that is totally right for you.

Although all are one, you each, while in human form, operate in a manner that is individually perfect for you, and which provides, in the moment, precisely what is required in the physical environment in which you are present.

You are all, each individual human being, precisely where you are meant to be at any given moment, because that is how you all planned your lives, with the guidance of divine Wisdom, before you incarnated. In the state of amnesia, that is a major aspect of your human condition, that is very difficult for you to conceive of, believe, or understand.

Your egos want to believe, and want you to believe, that you are small and insignificant beings in an environment of enormous size that is, and remains, totally unaware of you, and which you will never be able to understand, let alone feel safe in. And because your bodies can be easily hurt or damaged, your egos have for the most part convinced you, and themselves, that this is the way things are, and that you must always move with great caution in order to ensure your survival during the very short human lifespans that your bodies are capable of enduring.

You are all aware that life as a human is extremely short in relation to the length of time that the universe has been in existence, and this, due to an almost constant stream of input from your egos on the subject, does tend to lead to the belief that you are, individually, of practically no significance whatever in the grander scheme of things – if indeed there even is a grander scheme of things!

Your egos want to be listened to constantly, and will do anything in their power to hold your attention, and to direct your attitudes, opinions, and behaviors. Most of you believe that your egos are absolutely essential to your well-being, because they are always on the alert to register the expression of the slightest hint of a negative judgment or offensive opinion of you by anyone in your immediate vicinity.

And if you are alone, then they fill your minds with memories of past hurts or offenses that you have experienced, even from decades ago! Or they offer you thoughts and ideas of possible future disasters that could befall you. And, of course, it is your egos that fill you with the sense that you need instant gratification of whatever “your heart desires” – but of course it is not your hearts that have those desires, it’s your egos.

Most of you are well aware of the large variety of problems that your egos can invent instantly for your immediate attention which, in truth, have very little validity as it is most unlikely that you will experience any of them. However, you accept this as being one of the conditions of living in easily damaged human bodies, and you all have had experiences where their input has been invaluable.

Nevertheless, you mostly would prefer it if you could be less instantly responsive to them, less inclined to respond to their urgings with knee-jerk reactions, which you often later come to regret. Your egos are part of your real, true, or higher Self, but they have totally forgotten that; and they are also the part of you that experiences the sense of separation from Source, and are therefore split off from You. That experience, even though unreal, is terrifying.

There is only God, Source, Love, the eternal energy field in which ALL that exists, all of creation, is contained in an infinite and eternal loving embrace. To even imagine not being in that Presence is absolutely terrifying, because there is absolutely nowhere else, and therefore that would be a state of non-being, a state in which your life would have been terminated – eternally!

It is very hard for you to imagine the terror that this inspires very deep within yourselves, because it does seem that you have mostly accepted that, as humans, you live lives of very short duration that end naturally and normally in the death of your human bodies.

And if you do not believe that life is eternal, and therefore believe that one physical life as a human is all you get, you block from your awareness that unacceptable and unchangeable truth – the inevitability of your human death. Consequently, many live with the apparent reality of their own personal death denied for as long as possible.

You live your lives from day to day, enduring the drudgery it often involves, and hoping for something better and more enjoyable in the future, such as a vacation or a new and better relationship. Your egos, however, live in almost constant fear of many different kinds of unpleasant or painful events that might occur, that they use to hide away any thoughts of death, which they prefer to avoid thinking about.

BUT, what you are really hoping for is to awaken from the dream or nightmare in which your life as a human appears to be the only life you will ever have. Deep within yourselves resides the absolute knowing that you are indeed divine beings.

However, due to the severe limitations that being human imposes on you, that knowing is extremely difficult for you to access. It is accessible if you will allow yourselves the essential quiet time in reflection, contemplation, or meditation that massively reduces the noise of the distractions with which your egos are constantly presenting you.

In that quiet time, as more and more of you who choose to spend time in this way are now realizing, you find peace and self-acceptance as the Love that you are arises into your awareness. When that happens your fears fall away because, in that quiet space, your knowing that you are One with God, Source, All That Is, can no longer be hidden or denied because the absolute power of that knowing dissolves the limitations of your human condition.

And that is the state of enlightenment that so many are consciously seeking, while, in truth, all are seeking it even though they remain unaware.

All attempts or striving for something more in life, something much, much more, although mostly ego-driven, are from that still small voice within, the Voice of the Holy Spirit, calling you to awaken. The ego hears and thinks that something of a physical nature appealing to your human senses is what is required. It totally misidentifies the Source from which this longing arises.

And, as you are all well aware, none of the delights or pleasures that you enjoy as a human ever last, they are but temporary distractions that momentarily provide satisfaction, leaving you lost and disappointed when they inevitably fade away.

God, Love, Source, the oneness of Being eternally in the divine Presence is what you all seek, and the way Home to that state has always been available to you. Now, finally, as the collective awakening process proceeds apace, more and more of you are becoming aware that This is what you seek. And you are now choosing no longer to deny yourselves your Divinity, your eternal ONENESS with God. You have chosen to awaken.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2019 11:02:46 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: Life is Meant to Be Enjoyable for All, and it Can Be

Audio version

As humanity’s awakening process progresses rapidly and most effectively, it is producing amazing changes all over the world in the way that business, industry, politics, religion, and society in general everywhere deals with the issues that are arising, presenting them with difficult problems that need to be addressed.

Many hidden scandals and corrupt practices, that have been ongoing for many decades, are being revealed and publicized, further emphasizing the intense need for essential changes in every area of human activity, so that honesty, integrity, and love replace the odious and self serving agendas that have been common practice for such a long time.

This is a time of great changes, changes that must be put into effect swiftly and competently, so that the billions living in extreme poverty may be provided with the means to rise out of this intolerable state and live in peace, comfort, and harmony as is the right of every human being without exception.

The means are available, they have just been withheld by those who believe it is their right to control and direct the lives of others in order to maintain living standards of unconscionable luxury for themselves. This insane, self-centered, and egotistical set of behaviors and attitudes, embraced by a tiny minority, is changing and needs to change.

People are no longer willing to submit to the indignity, disrespect, and abject poverty imposed upon them by an elite that is supported by regulatory systems and enforcement agencies that have been created solely for this purpose.

Life is meant to be enjoyable for all, and it can be. For this to be so people must come to understand that everyone is connected to everyone else, that there is no separation, and that what anyone does affects everyone else. Every thought, word, and action has an effect beyond the person who has it, it is felt throughout the whole universe.

Nothing is ineffectual, even though the individual effect may not be readily apparent – an ocean is made of many, many inestimable trillions of drops of water all interacting with each other at all times to create the ocean. Nothing is lost, ever. No, not even thoughts, words, or actions that you might wish you had never conceived of or delivered.

That is why it is so important to live in awareness, that way you can intend that every one of your thoughts, words, or actions has only a loving intent, the intent to be for the highest good of all. And when that is your intent it is extremely powerful and effective, so keep on resetting it.

As you have been told so often, so often that it may even be quite irritating to hear it yet again, you are divine beings, and, therefore, you are centers of enormous power. However, most of you have been enculturated to give that power away, and have grown up believing yourselves to be not good enough and not deserving of it. You give it away to those you admire or fear – everyone does this to a greater or lesser extent, because everyone knows people who they admire or fear.

Your awakening process is a process of reclaiming your power, of honoring yourselves as the divine beings that you are, and once more trusting yourselves as the beings of honesty and integrity that you truly are. To believe that you are less than this is to believe something that is blatantly untrue, and that could never be true.

However, your egos are constantly trying to persuade you of your unworthiness, and they are continuously drawing to your attention the errors and mistakes that, as a limited human, you have most definitely made. Errors and mistakes are learning experiences to show you that you need to do something differently, they are not meant to be used as opportunities to judge, blame, and shame you.

When they are used that way, and, as you have all experienced, that occurs very frequently in human societies, they reduce your sense of self, your sense of self-worth, the value of your sense of identity and of your right to exist. Right now, as part of your awakening process, all these myriad forms in which feelings of inadequacy can occur are arising in the awareness of all of humanity to be acknowledged, recognized as utterly invalid, and then released.

Initially this awareness can be quite overwhelming because, although everyone has these feelings, they have for the most part denied or ignored them as they are too painful to deal with, and can mightily distract people from attending to the daily chores that life as a human entails.

So, if you are experiencing these unwelcome feelings and sensations, and very few of you are not, allow them into your awareness, thank them for their service to you, and then release them completely because now they no longer serve you. You know this is true, because in your awakening process you are also realizing that as divine beings, as children of God, that they are completely invalid. Everyone presently incarnate as a human is absolutely doing their best to evolve spiritually and cease being driven by their fear-driven egos.

Oftentimes this does not appear to be the case, but refrain from judging any others negatively, because there is no way that you can possibly know why they are as they are. And everyone of whom you are in any way aware is, therefore, presenting you with lessons that you have chosen to learn.

You do know that operating from fear, as directed by your egos, always leads to conflict, pain, and suffering, because this is one of the great awakening realizations that has occurred to humanity over the last five or six decades. Consequently a powerful and collective intent has been set to avoid making the kind of knee-jerk reactions that your egos so often demand of you, and which so often cause pain to yourselves or to others.

Now the collective has made the decision to resolve all the issues and problems that arise, and which appear to separate you into opposing camps, by engaging in inspiring and provocative discussions. Discussions during which all participants are heard, and where all truly understand that solutions can and will be arrived at that work for everyone, if that is their intent, and I assure you that it is. This is an enormous step forward for mankind.

Nevertheless, as you attend to the mainstream news reports, it can easily seem that things are worsening everywhere. What is actually happening is that “stuff” is arising in many places and in many areas of human endeavor, all at the same time, so that it may be released, and initially this may well appear to be unresolvable. It is presently causing much fear and confusion – which is also part of humanity’s “stuff” – as those involved learn on the job how to deal with it satisfactorily.

You can all enormously help this process along by setting the intent, at least once each day, to be personally loving in every thought, word, and action in which you engage, knowing, as you really do, that this is why you are incarnate at this moment in whatever place you happen to be.

In case you have any doubts about your abilities to do this, I would remind you that indeed you are incarnate right now to assist mightily in humanity’s massive awakening process, by availing of the enormous power within you to extend Love to everyone without judgment or exception.

Do make sure to go within, to your holy inner altar where Love resides at all times, to refresh and renew yourselves frequently for brief periods throughout the day, because the energies being released everywhere can easily exhaust you temporarily. When you go within, intending to be renewed and refreshed, that is what occurs, and as a result you become increasingly effective as you continue to assist most powerfully in the awakening process.

Know that you are all highly honored for undertaking the task of assisting in this process. You knew you were fully capable of carrying it to fruition when you made the choice to incarnate at this point in human history, but it is frequently very difficult for you to access this knowing.

That is why it is absolutely essential that you go within daily to receive spiritual fortification and loving encouragement which you can feel flowing into and through you. Congratulations on your wondrous and most effective efforts, you are achieving what you set out to do, so all honor to you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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