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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2019 6:33:56 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/17/2019

will's picture

Theists, atheists, both are victims. The really religious person has nothing to do with The Bible or the Koran or the Bhagavad Gita. The really religious person has a deep communion with existence. He can say yes to a roseflower, he can say yes to the stars, he can say yes to people, he can say yes to his own being, to his own desires. He can say yes to whatsoever life brings to him; he is a yea-sayer.

And in this yea-saying is contained the essential prayer.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/18/2019 8:52:33 PM

You find peace and self-acceptance as the Love that you are arises into your awareness.

Galactic Free Press's picture

The rate of change that is occurring worldwide in human attitudes and behaviors is truly amazing, and is extremely uplifting and inspiring to observe. In fact it is way beyond wonderful as more and more of you become aware that Love is the only meaningful energy with which to engage as you pursuewhatever you may be thinking, saying, or doing during your daily human activities. The effect that you – and your numbers are VAST – who consistently and daily set the intention to be only loving, whatever arises, is fantastic. Before you incarnated you knew that you could do this, but you did not know if you would do it, because the state of amnesia into which you slide as you embody yourselves as humans is rather like being incarcerated in a highly fortified prison or correctional facility, one that totally blocks all information from outside that might be of interest or of use to you. You knew this would be the case, but you also knew that you had enormous power available to you if you could remember how to access it.

And many of you have now remembered! There is nothing physical that you have to do. The walls, veils, shields, or blinds that you experience as limitations on your ability to know or conceive of new ideas and possibilities will just dissolve, dissipate, and disassemble, as you allow your consciousness to expand its area of awareness. It is just a case of fully opening your hearts to Oneness, to your natural state of consciousness, in which knowledge or information flows freely into your awareness as intuitive knowing or guidance, precisely when you need it or could use it for the highest good of all. Love always serves the highest good, so when you set and hold the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you are effectively Love offering Its service in the way that is totally right for you. Although all are one, you each, while in human form, operate in a manner that is individually perfect for you, and which provides, in the moment, precisely what is required in the physical environment in which you are present.

You are all, each individual human being, precisely where you are meant to be at any given moment, because that is how you all planned your lives, with the guidance of divine Wisdom, before you incarnated. In the state of amnesia, that is a major aspect of your human condition, that is very difficult for you to conceive of, believe, or understand. Your egos want to believe, and want you to believe, that you are small and insignificant beings in an environment of enormous size that is, and remains, totally unaware of you, and which you will never be able to understand, let alone feel safe in. And because your bodies can be easily hurt or damaged, your egos have for the most part convinced you, and themselves, that this is the way things are, and that you must always move with great caution in order to ensure your survival during the very short human lifespansthat your bodies are capable of enduring.

You are all aware that life as a human is extremely short in relation to the length of time that the universe has been in existence, and this, due to an almost constant stream of input from your egos on the subject, does tend to lead to the belief that you are, individually, of practically no significance whatever in the grander scheme of things – if indeed there even is a grander scheme of things! Your egos want to be listened to constantly, and will do anything in their power to hold your attention, and to direct your attitudes, opinions, and behaviors. Most of you believe that your egos are absolutely essential to your well-being, because they are always on the alert to register the expression of the slightest hint of a negative judgment or offensive opinion of you by anyone in your immediate vicinity. And if you are alone, then they fill your minds with memories of past hurts or offenses that you have experienced, even fromdecades ago! Or they offer you thoughts and ideas of possible future disasters that could befall you. And, of course, it is your egos that fill you with the sense that you need instant gratification of whatever “your heart desires” – but of course it is not your hearts that have those desires, it’s your egos.

Most of you are well aware of the large variety of problems that your egos can invent instantly for your immediate attention which, in truth, have very little validity as it is most unlikely that you will experience any of them. However, you accept this as being one of the conditions of living in easily damaged human bodies, and you all have had experiences where their input has been invaluable. Nevertheless, you mostly would prefer it if you could be less instantly responsive to them, less inclined to respond to their urgings with knee-jerk reactions, which you often later come to regret. Your egos are part of your real, true, or higher Self, but they have totally forgotten that;and they are also the part of you that experiences the sense of separation from Source, and are therefore split off from You. That experience, even though unreal, is terrifying.

There is only God, Source, Love, the eternal energy field in which ALL that exists, all of creation, is contained in an infinite and eternal loving embrace. To even imagine not being in that Presence is absolutely terrifying, because there is absolutely nowhere else, and therefore that would be a state of non-being, a state in which your life would have been terminated – eternally! It is very hard for you to imagine the terror that this inspires very deep within yourselves, because it does seem that you have mostly accepted that, as humans, you live lives of very short duration that end naturally and normally in the death of your human bodies. And if you do not believe that life is eternal, and therefore believe that one physical life as a human is all you get, you block from your awareness that unacceptable and unchangeable truth – the inevitability of your human death. Consequentlymany live with the apparent reality of their own personal death denied for as long as possible.

You live your lives from day to day, enduring the drudgery it often involves, and hoping for something better and more enjoyable in the future, such as a vacation or a new and better relationship. Your egos, however, live in almost constant fear of many different kinds of unpleasant or painful events that might occur, that they use to hide away any thoughts of death, which they prefer to avoid thinking about.

BUT, what you are really hoping for is to awaken from the dream or nightmare in which your life as a human appears to be the only life you will ever have. Deep within yourselves resides the absolute knowing that you are indeed divine beings. However, due to the severe limitations that being human imposes on you, that knowing is extremely difficult for you to access. It is accessible if you will allow yourselves the essential quiet time in reflection, contemplation, or meditation that massively reduces the noise of the distractions with which your egos are constantly presenting you. In that quiet time, as more and more of you who choose to spend time in this way are now realizing, you find peace and self-acceptance as the Love that you are arises into your awareness. When that happens your fears fall away because, in that quiet space, your knowing that you are One with God, Source, All That Is, can no longer be hidden or denied because the absolute power of that knowing dissolves the limitations of your human condition. And that is the state of enlightenment that so many are consciously seeking, while, in truth, all are seeking it even though they remain unaware.

All attempts or striving for something more in life, something much, much more, although mostly ego-driven, are from that still small voice within, the Voice of the Holy Spirit, calling you to awaken. The ego hears and thinks that something of a physical nature appealing to your human senses is what is required. It totally misidentifies the Source from which this longing arises. And, as you are all well aware, none of the delights or pleasures that you enjoy as a human ever last, they are but temporary distractions that momentarily provide satisfaction, leaving you lost and disappointed when they inevitably fade away.

God, Love, Source, the oneness of Being eternally in the divine Presence is what you all seek, and the way Home to that state has always been available to you. Now, finally, as the collective awakening process proceeds apace, more and more of you are becoming aware that This is what you seek. And you are now choosing no longer to deny yourselves your Divinity, your eternal ONENESS with God. You have chosen to awaken.

With so very much love, Saul.


John Smallman

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2019 12:54:30 AM

Monday, March 18, 2019

Benjamin Fulford Update - March 18, 2019

“Battle to free humanity from cabal control reaching vital turning point”

The battle to free humanity from a cult of human-sacrificing Satan worshipers (Ba’al, Molech, etc.) is reaching a key turning point as intense battles rage on multiple fronts. In essence, the battle is between the masses, allied with the military of most countries, against a deeply entrenched top-level elite.

People who are wondering why no mass arrests have taken place need to understand that we are dealing with a millennia-old control system that does not intend to go quietly into the night. To understand how deep the rabbit hole runs, please take a look at the diagram below.
high tech freemasons.docx

This chart is not just about ancient history, but rather represents a system that still to this day controls most top world rulers.

For example, last week Russian intelligence provided us with evidence that not only German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, but also British Prime Minister Theresa May and Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite are “all three the biological daughters of Hitler Rothschild and the Kasners.” “Salamon Rothschild shags Ms. Anna Maria Schicklegruber. Alois Rothschild Hitler then makes love to Clara Polzl Hitler and out pop the babies at Braunau am Inn where Pope Benedict from the same bloodline was born,” the sources say. As evidence, they provided this photograph alleged to be of the three from their days of leadership training at the Tavistock mind control institute:


They also note that May, who is trying her hardest to block Brexit, makes the same satanic “eye of the pyramid” hand sign as Merkel.


Then in Canada, we have Prime Minister Justin Castro-Sinclair, who may have murdered his half-brother Michel Trudeau (whose body has never been found). Castro-Sinclair’s mother, Margaret Sinclair, is the daughter of James Sinclair of the bloodline that founded Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Castro-Sinclair has revealed his true colors by betraying decades of Canadian foreign policy with blind support for Nazi regimes in the Ukraine and Israel and by refusing to take the Bank of Canada out of cabal control.
In unexpected move, Trudeau commits Canada to defending Zionism

It is also well documented that French President Emmanuel Macron is a Rothschild slave. In fact, most so-called world leaders are slaves, as we have written about previously.

So who do all these people ultimately report to? The answer is not fake Jews like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu is just a sub-boss who reports to the Black Sun worshipers in Italy and Switzerland. This was proven by his well-documented involvement in the Fukushima mass-murder attack against Japan. This attack was directed by former top Jesuit Peter Hans Kolvenback, who claimed he was Satan right after it happened in a telephone conversation recorded by the NSA, Japanese military intelligence sources confirm.

So, if we are to liberate humanity, we need to understand exactly who we are dealing with, and that means we have to go down another deep rabbit hole and look at one of the secret ruling families: the Farnese. The images below show their family fortress, the original pentagon, the Pentagon in Washington—whose creation they masterminded—and a 16th century map showing that way back then they had already made plans for Washington, D.C. to be the center of a world Roman fascist, Babylonian government.
Vatican/Jesuit War Rooms

Okay, at this point we need to show readers just how relevant all this is to current events. Let us start with the slaughter at the mosque in New Zealand last week. The shooter has a Black Sun emblem on his backpack.


We are not going to go too deeply into the true nature of this attack (because it has been well documented elsewhere), other than to comment it was a sacrifice to Satan that was intended to invoke power for the cabal.

BREAKING: New Zealand False Flag by Zionist Israel with New Zealand Police & Freemason Complicity UPDATE 4: Second Shooter, Zionist Funding, Training, Travel

Now let us look at the involvement of the Italian Mafia, who take orders from the Black Sun worshipers, in recent events involving North Korea and U.S. President Donald Trump.

Notice that after the summit meeting between Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un failed, Chinese President Xi Jinping postponed his planned March visit to the U.S. to meet with Trump. Instead, he is flying this week to Italy, to meet the real bosses.

Related to this was the murder last week of Mafia Gambino family boss Frank Cali. A P2 Freemason source says Cali was killed because…

…“The Italian-American Mafia promised success in the meeting between Trump and Kim Jong Un because they had carried out a money-laundering operation in favor of North Korea.” However, the source continued, “The meeting failed because the ideological geopolitics of the power blocks was stronger than the money.” As a result, the Gambino family was forced to pay for the huge losses incurred, as they found themselves stuck with piles of worthless North Korean currency, he said.

Also connected to this was the raid on the North Korean embassy in Spain that took place just before the Kim/Trump summit. The raid was by “North Korean dissidents,” according to the U.S. press and “by the CIA,” according to Spanish papers. What is not disputed is that computers and mobile phones were seized in the raid, and Japanese military intelligence say these contained information about Mafia/North Korean money-laundering operations.

In any case, the P2 Freemason and Black Sun worshiping sources say they are now trying to negotiate the creation of a “world federation government” with Asian secret societies.

Meanwhile, the war of the people against the cabal continues to rage. The most damaging of these attacks were directed against cabal-controlled high tech companies. Criminal and anti-trust charges are now being prepared against Google, Facebook, and many other high-tech companies, as has been widely reported. These companies are all going to be broken up and many of their executives will go to jail, Pentagon sources say. Take a look at this image below to get a hint of who really controls these companies:

These high-tech companies are, like the rest of the cabal, not going to give up without a fight. Last week two whistleblowers came forth to warn us they were planning to use 5G technology to maintain their control over, or possibly even murder, most of humanity.

One whistleblower, an executive at a major technology company that produces 5G equipment, says it is extremely dangerous technology. Unlike when 3G and 4G were introduced, this source says the top management are pushing hard for 5G implementation without any proper safety testing. The “5G wavelength is very similar to that of the human brain so that it can be used for mind control,” he said. He also said that while 3G signals hit people like a basketball and 4G like a golf ball, 5G was more like a needle and could cause brain damage. Also, he warned that 5G would require transmission towers every 100 meters and would be extremely intrusive and saturate the environment with dangerous electromagnetic waves. He said no living creature, even microbes, could survive in his company’s 5G testing laboratory.

This executive also advised me to not carry my 4G smartphone on my body and to put it in airplane mode when I went to sleep. I took his advice and can report I slept longer and deeper as a result.

We were also contacted by a former South African intelligence officer who said the South African apartheid regime had used electromagnetic carrier frequencies to manipulate the behavior of black Africans. At one point they were used to make them attack each other, he said. A discussion of some of this can be seen starting at around the 45:31 mark on the video linked below:

British intelligence sources say the Anglo-Saxon Five Eyes Group is aware of these dangers and that is why they are putting the brakes on 5G and also why they are asking the Chinese to do so as well.

In other news, there was a series of fires hitting U.S. oil refineries last week. This was almost certainly Venezuela’s revenge for the cabal-directed attacks against their country. It is a good bet there will be a lot more revenge attacks on vulnerable U.S. infrastructure. Perhaps someone should remind the U.S. ruling class of the old saying, “People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.”

The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency also noted the huge blow-back against the cabal-controlled Boeing Corporation last week. “The 346 [victims of the Lion air and Ethiopian air crashes] did not die in vain,” the Pentagon sources say. Their death “put the bloated, wasteful military-industrial complex under assault when Trump was forced to ground the 737 planes despite Boeing’s lobbying by its CEO and a corrupt Federal Aviation Authority.”

“The FAA was so owned by Boeing that Trump had to ground the 737 himself with an executive order, and Ethiopia had France examine the flight data and cockpit voice recorders because nobody trusts the U.S.,” the source continued. “The FAA has been severely discredited and the gold standard of aviation safety is now in the EU and China,” he noted. The Pentagon sources say there are now “moves to revoke 737 safety certification and remove Boeing’s BHUAP remote hijack feature that allows Mossad and the CIA to carry out events like 9/11, Lion Air, or Malaysian Air Flight 370/17.”

“The other military-industrial complex stalwart, Lockheed, is losing sales of the crappy F35 to allies like Turkey, Taiwan, and Germany,” the source notes. The Pentagon sources added, “Russia builds better and cheaper weapons,” which was another reason Trump needs to continue to drain the swamp.

The Pentagon source also noted that the ending of the Robert Mueller probe, as well as “FISA declassification to take down the Deep State, the foreign agent registration of Zionist organizations, 9/11 disclosure,” and other moves were continuing to “make America great again.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2019 1:23:51 AM

The Process of Ascension – The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie 3-17-19

Nothing in Nature travels alone. All Life is intertwined.

We all work on an elemental level. The elementals are the foundation of all matter. The elementals create the frequency of matter, which is the frequency of our thought forms, the frequency of our brainwaves, the frequency of our consciousness, and the frequency of our perceptions.

Floating thought forms flow through the air, float on the water, dance in the fire and settle on the earth. These thought forms are trying to enter the 3D Game. There are dark thought forms created by the lost ones that saturate your world with indoctrinations of anger and fear.

Fortunately, there is an ever-increasing amount of loving, multidimensional thought forms that you, our volunteer away team to Gaia, have created while being grounded members of planet Earth.

In order to shift Earth’s 3D Matrix, a certain percentage of Earth inhabitants must be willing to create the ‘antidote’ to the thought forms filled with anger and fear. Sending out multidimensional thought forms that are filled with unconditional love and multidimensional light create that antidote.

It is, of course, tempting to meet darkness with anger and fear. However, that reaction only “feeds the beast.” Also, fearful thought forms can easily manipulate one’s third-dimensional brain.

Hence, it is vital that you connect with your Multidimensional Mind. Your Multidimensional Mind can easily expand your consciousness beyond the reach of the negative thought forms that can only survive in the third and lower fourth dimensions.

Unfortunately, many brainwashed humans are like children sitting in front of their computer, television and/or newspaper ready to soak in the daily reports from the dark ones. These fear-filled messages from the dark ones invade their consciousness and cast them into fear, anger, and revenge.

You, our dear ascending ones, have the responsibility to focus your attention on Unconditional Love and the Violet Fire of transmutation. Our Awakened Ones send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire onto the lower frequency thought forms to love them free and transmute them into LIGHT.

Unconditional love and the Violet Fire are your best tools for the transformation of life on planet Earth. Unconditional love is NOT like conditional love. Conditional love is easily influenced by darkness because it wants to get something.

On the other hand, unconditional love only seeks to give something. Conditional love creates a thought form of fear wrapped in the illusion of love. On the other hand, Unconditional Love creates a thought form of selfless love wrapped in multidimensional light.

Those who have only received conditional love don’t even know that unconditional love exists. In fact, many humans have even had the experience that spiritual love is filled with fear, anger, and revenge.

Fortunately, many members of our Galactic and Celestial Family have bi-located into human forms to re-direct humanity back to the message of true Unconditional Love and clear Multidimensional Light.

Because conditional love often is manipulative and seeks to GET something, that thought form may “look” like love, but if feels like anger or fear. On the other hand, unconditional love is free of all manipulation because the giver only wants to GIVE something. Thus that thought form makes you feel confident and empowered.

You, our ascending ones, have returned to Earth to wear an earth vessel to play out the 3D video game for each lesson that is still uncompleted within your personal earth matrix. There are also many of you who have volunteered to take an earth vessel so that you can better assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension.

It is the NOW to finally “win” this “video game” of third-dimensional illusions. As you begin to win your personal video game, you begin to realize that this “game” is a “unity game” in which the entire planet is preparing to transmute beyond the 3D Game of conditional love and into the 5D Reality reality of unconditional love.

This 3D video game has been playing too long and it has become corrupted with conditional love, which has made many humans very easy to manipulate. It is for this reason that we, your galactic and celestial family, have sent the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF to log in to the 3D game.

Your human self is the video’s “Avatar,” and YOU are you in a higher frequency of reality guiding your avatar to win the game by transmuting conditional love into unconditional love. As you suddenly, or slowly, download the unconditional love of your Higher SELF into your personal 3D Matrix, you also download that unconditional love into the planetary 3D matrix.

While you move through the process of transmutation from conditional love to unconditional love, you also assist the third dimension planet to transmute into a fifth dimension planet. The key to transmutation is unconditional love because as it fills the 3D Matrix, it transmutes that matrix into its higher expression.

While you are logged into Earth’s 3D Matrix, you are attached to that matrix. Hence, as you transmute your personal energy field into its higher dimensional expression, you also transmute Gaia’s planetary energy field. It is for this reason that we have asked you to, our volunteers, to take a third-dimensional earth vessel.

You see, as you expand into your personal higher dimensional SELF, you facilitate Gaia’s ability to expand into Her planetary higher dimensional SELF. Just as the third dimension is too low of a frequency to maintain unconditional love, the fifth dimension is too high a frequency to accept conditional love.

Also, the unconditional love of your fifth-dimensional SELF serves as a magnet to those who can contain that multidimensional energy field while still wearing an earth vessel. As this personal and planetary transmutation slowly crosses the threshold of humanities conscious awareness, each of you will have different signs of high-frequency overload. It behooves you to identify your personal symptoms.

When you recognize the feeling of the higher dimensions entering your earth vessel, you can more easily identify the components of your third-dimensional thought, emotions, actions, habits, and indoctrinations that are resisting that download. In this manner, you 9 will discover what component of your third-dimensional self is blocking your transmutation by putting you into energetic overload.

Once you recognize your own inner saboteur, you can send unconditional love to any components of your self that has become lost in the third dimension. Sending unconditional love to your wounded ego will expand your consciousness beyond the frequency of those old energy patterns and reset your intentions from third dimensional to multidimensional.

However, somewhere in the flurry of 3D life, your Higher SELF can get lost and your wounded ego can jump back in the driver’s seat. That is not bad, bad being a 3D term, but you must keep checking in with your ego.

Your third-dimensional self is basically your inner child, as it was the first vision of your Multidimensional SELF who entered into your current 3D Game/Matrix. You could not understand as much “human language” then, but you could read thought forms much more proficiently than you can as an “adult.”

Unfortunately, most of you forgot your innate ability to understand, read and enter thought forms because you went to third- dimensional schools. Fortunately, many of you wrote into your “pre-birth contract” that you are ready to expand beyond the third-dimensional frequency of the reality that you initially entered.

Because of this “expansion of consciousness” you will need to remember whom you chose to BE and what you will need to release in order to be that person.

In other earthly incarnations, you could just store components of your ego that were too difficult to change while in that reality. Then you could “pick them up” and change them in another incarnation.

However, in the NOW of this incarnation, you will need to release and/or heal all versions of your ego self, as the entire 3D Matrix is transmuting into the 5D Matrix.

There is a certain amount of “time” that you can ignore this transmutation and release process, but eventually, the process will begin whether or not you are prepared.

If you remain attached to your many third dimensional habits, possessions, desires, ambitions and even some people, you will not be able to “Let GO” of that which ties you to the illusions of the third dimension.

By ascending you will not lose anything, as all life is multidimensional. Thus you will only be releasing the third-dimensional versions of what you need to release so that you can expand your consciousness into the higher dimensional versions of those persons, places, situations or things.

Likely you will begin by visiting the higher dimensional realities while you “live” in the physical world. Then you will incrementally begin to “live” in the higher dimensional versions of reality while you briefly return to the third dimension to assist.

You will make these choices by identifying the higher dimensional thought forms as they flow into and through your reality. Then, just as you experience the third-dimensional indoctrinations that constantly barrage you with fearful events, you will increasingly experience multidimensional thought forms entering the edges of your awareness.

Initially, you may not be able to see or hear them, but you will be able to feel the unconditional love in which they are encased. However, if your consciousness is restrained to the third dimension, you cannot even perceive the multidimensional thought forms. On the other hand, as your consciousness expands to encompass the higher states of consciousness, your perceptions also expand to encompass higher dimensional realities.

Within your Planetary Consciousness, there is NO time because the entire planet includes all the possible 3D “timelines.” Once your consciousness resonates to the entire planet, your awareness naturally expands to embrace Planetary Consciousness.

Furthermore, as you begin to remember your, true higher dimensional SELF, your consciousness will expand to embrace your galactic expression of SELF who volunteered to take your current earth vessel. Then your consciousness will more easily expand into your innate, Galactic Consciousness,

As you remember your own Multidimensional Self, who is a member of the Galaxy in the same way that your earth vessel is a member of Earth, your consciousness will return to your innate Galactic Consciousness. Within your higher dimensional consciousness, you can perceive both the collective and the individual expressions that make up your whole.

While resonating to a fifth dimensional, or beyond, reality, you experience the unity of the group while you can simultaneously choose to visit the illusion of separation into an individual.

Via this higher consciousness, you can see how all polarities merge with that which was once in-between. When you allow your consciousness to enter this “in between,” you will discover your voice of unity that is the elixir that calls forth your unity with all collective, planetary and galactic consciousness.

If you can sing that voice into your life, you will transmute your perceptions beyond third-dimensional separation and into higher dimensional unity of your Multidimensional SELF. Then, your Multidimensional SELF can easily perceive the Multidimensional Matrix that glistens just beyond the illusions of the 3D Matrix.

Can you see, hear, feel and unconditionally love these shinning fifth-dimensional thought forms into your life? Can you recognize that more and more changes are occurring within the NOW of each day?

Simultaneously, can you recognize the third-dimensional thought forms that beckon you to return to that which is known and familiar? Therefore, can you reach out into the unfamiliar feel of unconditional love and trust that within that thought form there is a higher dimensional reality?

If you make that choice, you will remember how to perceive the Multidimensional Matrix in which each grid of the Matrix is connected via unconditional love.

That one decision to “reach out and perceive”, that one risk to believe in your own SELF, expands your consciousness beyond the manipulation of fear and expands your consciousness into the memory of your innate Multidimensional Matrix of reality.

There are uncountable “rungs” within that matrix, and a version of your SELF exists on many of them. Within each reality, YOU are all your expressions in ALL the frequencies of every reality.

Therefore, every action and reaction of your Third Dimensional Self is echoed into ALL your myriad expressions of your Multidimensional SELF to be perceived and lived via your many, innate frequencies of reality.

All of these multidimensional versions of reality are functioning within the same NOW. Every offshoot of every reality is constantly spilling down into the lower dimensions to be perceived by the many frequencies of consciousness that are resonating to each of your many realities.

These realities are perceived in the third dimension as “separate” multidimensional thought forms. Fortunately, your physical self can still feel the resonance of Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Light that is emanating from these multidimensional thought forms.

But how do you enter these thought forms, which are also realities? How can you enter a thought form, which is a possible reality, by matching your state of consciousness with the resonance of each thought form?

The answer is that you can choose to live a reality that matches the resonance of your consciousness because you are aware that YOU created the frequencies of your brainwaves. YOU create the frequency of your brainwaves with your every thought and every emotion.

These thoughts and emotions are the manners in which you interact with the world around and within you. If you can remember to “just listen” to your thoughts and emotions without judgment, you can remember how to create a centered and loving state of conscious.

A centered, empowered state of consciousness is the result of loving your self. When you love your self, you can more easily center your thoughts and calm your emotions. Of course, you cannot do that all the time because third-dimensional life can create many challenges and fears.

Your thoughts and emotions generate the state of your consciousness, which influences your brainwaves, which affect your thoughts and emotions, which create your state of consciousness and your behavior, which create the reality in which you live.

Remember, all the many versions of your reality are functioning within the same NOW! But, if you can Love your self UNCONDITIONALLY, your third-dimensional perceptions and experiences will be guided by that unconditional love that you give to your self.

The unconditional love that you give to your self will guide you to give unconditional love to others. When you surround your self with unconditional love and acceptance, you will resonate to that frequency of reality.

We, your Galactic Family, realize that life can be very difficult on third dimensional Earth. Therefore, we lovingly remind you, our brave ones who chose to take an earth vessel within this NOW on Gaia, that:

Just call us, and we will answer. In fact, we will answer each one of our grounded ones in the manner that you each need so that you can recognize and believe that, “Yes, I am NOT alone.”

Sue Lie

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/19/2019 2:02:17 AM

The insights of The Council regarding The Divine Yes

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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