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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/17/2019 7:13:24 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday February 17, 2019

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/17/2019 11:57:14 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/16/2019

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Whatsoever good happens to you, immediately share it. This is one of the most fundamental things in Buddhism. Don't hoard it, don't be a miser. If love has arisen, share it, shower it. If you cannot find people, shower it on the trees, on the rocks, but shower it.

Don't hoard it -- because if you hoard it, it turns into poison; if you hoard it, it goes sour and bitter. Share it.

And the more you share, the more will be coming into you from unknown sources.

Slowly slowly, you will be able to know the ways of inner economics. The outer economics is hoard if you want to have things. And the inner economics is just the opposite: hoard, and you will not have it. Give, and you will have it; give more, and you will have more of it.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/18/2019 12:20:22 AM

God Knows Everything

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God said:

Beloveds, Godwriters who write down for Me know only what they hear Me say. I, God, on the other hand, have the whole picture all at once in what could be called in an instant. A fine, deep Godwriter who hears me well may pick up a piece at a time and then another piece of the puzzle as he or she waits for Me to plop more down. Therefore, even the most sentient of Godwriters knows the short of it and not the long of it. It may be like this, yet not always. One or another Godwriter may hear me in one long patch.

However a Heavenletter reaches a Godwriter, the Godwriter is glad just so long as it comes. I am glad, too. Anything can occur in Godwriting.

As you Godwrite, sometimes you may feel as though you are like a detective pulling clues together. Something or another occurs to you, and you notice it begins to fit in somewhere. A thought pops into a Godwriter’s head. You hadn’t asked for it, yet isn’t it an everyday occurrence in regular life, too, that one thought climbs in after another? What is inspiration but one thought climbing in after another or one thought skipping away, and you don’t know how, where nor why?

No matter, every single Heavenletter is a written Heavenletter. I give it to you, and you write it down at My request.

Surely, I am whispering into your ear, sometimes lickety-split, and you can hardly catch a breath. Each Heavenletter, or part of a Heavenletter you write down, writes itself as it gets stirred up. A Heavenletter may be whipped up by a magic blender all at once. Who but I can do this?

Sometimes a budding Heavenletter feels it is overly short, and you may discover, to your surprise, that it is much longer than your initial experience of it. You remember days that would speed by and a whole morning that might take forever. This is the relative world for you. An hour can be a minute. A minute can last an hour. What in the world cannot be topsy-turvy, and any which way? Yes, let a Godwriting be what it wants to be, not a way you might prefer.

A Godwriter isn’t a numbers counter or an engineer. A Godwriter takes what comes.

A Godwriter is more like Einstein when Einstein would lie on his back in a rowboat and go where the stream took him until he reached his beautiful destination. This may, indeed, be how Einstein’s ideas came to him. Einstein knew how to idle and come out ahead.

I may well advise you to go as fast as you can in Godwriting. This is to get you away from trying too hard. Beloved, I mean for you to leave the left-brain world where you may not know how to get out of town from. This is something like moving out from the hum of busy New York City into a vast quiet meadow lane. Have I made the point?

The way to be bring forth great Godwriting is just by letting go without an ounce of having to do anything to it. Letting go is the way. Einstein was more laissez-faire and easy going.

I would say the surest way to feel frustrated with Godwriting is to strive to be the greatest. A positive attitude is fantastic. Having to be the super best Godwriter in the world may well incite you to be frustrated. It’s one thing to be Muhammed Ali, who wanted to be the Greatest boxer in the world. He can exercise his muscles. He can keep picturing his success. In contrast, a Godwriter's practice or training for Godwriting is his or her whole life.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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2/18/2019 12:23:24 AM

Do Not Feed…

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As the next wave prepares to arrive, The Universe is asking you to prepare as well. It may feel as if chaos and fear are growing. It is important to remember that when something is afraid or backed into a corner, it will do its best to appear larger and more fearsome than it really is. What is your role in all of this? Keep your thoughts/actions focused unconditional love and compassion. Do not feed chaos with more chaos or fear. Those of you that know your power are the ones that will bring your Earth plane out of what it is experiencing now. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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2/18/2019 8:01:10 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday February 18, 2019

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Many of you are sensitives and empaths, and as such, have developed various ways of diminishing the intensity of how much you feel. One approach to this is to spend more time connected to the higher realms, where it is more comfortable to feel due to the subtleness, peace, and safety of those energies.

One of the major themes you are currently experiencing on your enlightenment journey is learning how to be fully in the body and feel. This will mean many of you will be learning how to be in charge of your own energetics. This will result in stepping away from the many ways you have distracted yourselves from feeling.

There is a pervasive belief amongst those who are empathic that their depth of feeling is somewhat of a curse. As you move forward in your mastery you will come to see it as a great blessing and will learn how you can fully enjoy your time in the body, on the planet.

It will become what you lead with, how you navigate, and most of all, how you finally allow yourself the presence to experience the vast beauty and joy that is available to you, and embrace the fullness of the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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