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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/22/2019 8:37:43 PM

You’ve Crossed the Creations Rubicon

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/22/2019 8:42:51 PM


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God said:

Beloved, where is there you and I cannot travel to with or without an airplane as a motif? Ah, Beloved, so is it, Oneness is One. Oneness is solid, yet definitely not rigid. Hurray! Oneness is Infinity Itself. This is how, at every moment, I hold your hand, and you hold Mine. Forever is Our One Tryst, as a Valentine Card might say it is so true as can be.

I tell you one thing: You don’t go anywhere without Me, and I don’t go anywhere without you, for you are My Beloved and I am yours.

Bright, solid, mobile is this Oneness. Hallelujah! Oneness forever and ever. Ever on the same path has Oneness been sewed up and freed up in love so ardent and so singular and so beautiful.

Love comes from everywhere and anywhere.

Let Me tell you something.

When Christ first walked on water, Christ wasn’t thinking about it. When Christ first parted the seas, he wasn’t pondering it. He wasn’t debating it. When Christ first turned water into wine, Christ wasn’t asking himself: “Shall I or shan’t it?”

A need appeared, and there Christ was, walking on water, parting the seas, changing water into wine. This was Divinity. There was need. Christ was here. Christ answered a need. Filling a need is usually the act of a moment without preparation.

To walk on water isn’t a thought-out decision. The same is true for parting the seas and turning water into wine. It is a spontaneous need that the moment calls you to fulfill. It isn’t a big deal. The act arises. Before you know it, it is a done deal. It isn’t not a labor of love. It isn’t a labor at all. It is love, and it is done in the doing. It isn’t a self-conscious exercise.

If Christ had taken time to figure it out, the moment might have past. You understand an impulse. It is like eloping. You can wait too long and the moment is past. You may be swept off your feet in eloping, yet you decide it. In terms of creating a miracle, it is done before you know it, and there you are.

It is a miracle for every child to walk, to speak, to understand, and so is a baby’s first smile. It isn’t scheduled. It is opportune. The child has no planned curriculum, and how the child discerns and grows without deliberation. A child learns to stare at the stars and to respond to his mother’s voice naturally. A child doesn’t have to look up any of this in an encyclopedia or on Google.

How is a discoverer led to discovery? How is a sailor led to the sea? Instinct may even be too disciplined a word. It must be My instinct, Beloved, highly mixing and matching love and strewing it everywhere.

Nature sets the seasons, and the seasons come forth and live to display themselves as if they were patented. When a season has its joy come forth, can it be said that the season disciplined itself? It came of its own accord in the same way a child opens up his life to joy.

Suddenly, like spring, a child moves ahead. The child has not been watching the clock.

It's like this. Einstein had an inner mechanism, and so do you. Something comes on its own time. Einstein learned how to speak when he was six years old. He was a late bloomer. He must have had so much to think about before he was ready to speak. Probably he could have written books if he had known how to write or do a mathematical formula by then.

All is in its good timing, Beloved.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
1/22/2019 8:54:48 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/21/2019

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Your innermost core has always been pure; purity is intrinsic to you, it cannot be taken away. Your virginity is eternal; you cannot lose it, there is no way to lose it. You can only forget about it or remember it. If you forget about it, you live in confusion; if you remember it, all is clear. Again, I will not say "certain," but just "clear." All is transparent. That transparency is freedom, that transparency is wisdom. This transparency is your birthright; if you are not claiming it, nobody else is responsible except you. Claim it! It is yours. It is yours just for the asking.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
1/22/2019 11:33:24 PM

A bit more discussion of ‘illusion’ – The Council

A bit more discussion of ‘illusion’ – The Council

Several of the questions that have been sent prompt us to have a bit more discussion of ‘illusion’.

Currently, it is often said to you that all is illusion. In former times and other cultures, it was called Maya. It seems hard to understand, but it is actually very simple. Let us dive right in.

Pick something that you can see in front of you right now. For ease of discussion, we are going to pick table. We pick a coffee table made of wood and glass. You may pick a chair or anything else that you can see and apply everything that we shall say to that.

In your current perspective, which is to say in the illusion, we would be looking at a wood and glass table. Is it a wood and glass table? Yes. So then, how is that an illusion?

First, and most important, is the linear perception that it is an unchanging object. You do love your unchanging conditions. It is what it is, you say. Well, it is what it is, BUT… you are not at all seeing even a tiny bit of what it is. For instance, it is a system of interacting fields of energy that is temporarily holding the appearance and function of table. Table itself is a word that you apply to flat surfaced objects upon which you can place other objects. This table will, at some point, not be a table. And these components of table will continue to evolve and shift in their forms and functions… forever. We said it is wood and glass. It is also former trees, former sand, former space dust, former star stuff. Even the subatomic particles that make up its form are constantly winking in and out and also being exchanged.

Someplace, at some time, another person, lost in antiquity, decided to create from his environment a convenient object on which to place something. He called it a name. its usefulness was agreed upon by others, and the practice of creating these things spread. All over the world, those objects were called something. Finally, in your part of the world, it became called table. And then even its use further evolved it into coffee table. But it is just a useful, temporary collection of matter in constant motion.

Do you see how it is an illusion? We do not mean that it is unreal. We mean that your perception of it is woefully incomplete. We also mean that nothing that you look at is in any way permanent… or complete.

Further, let us point out that you only perceive in three dimensions. But you live in many more than that. You, your table, your cat or dog, that person over there are all existing in much larger ways than you are able to understand. Although you most likely have only the smallest of inklings, or no inklings, of that. This is in the process of changing.

There have always been those in your world who have seen what others could not see, heard what others could not hear, went where others could not go, etc. But the numbers of these are now growing. And every one that awakens these abilities, every one who expands the consciousness, contributes to the evolution of all. Even as you do when your own perception expands.

You say “Maybe. But it’s not happening for me.” And we say yes, it is. It is happening for humanity on this world, and therefore, it is happening for you, as well. There are a great many things you may do that will help you expand your consciousness, but one of the most effective will be your more frequent realization that you are a part of a whole. You are not just a human, you are human. Human is a collection of fields of consciousness that, combined, are a field of consciousness.

The same is true for everything. It is true for families, for neighborhoods, for cities, states, countries, worlds, even galaxies. You have a lot to explore as you become able. But begin by exploring yourselves.

Perhaps you might wish to begin by asking yourself, “What am I, really? What am I beyond what I have been told?” You could spend a great deal of time on that question alone. But don’t forget that you are NOT a permanence of any kind.

Love and blessings on your journeys.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
1/23/2019 6:12:35 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 23, 2019

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Dear Ones, if you lost something and were trying to find it, you wouldn’t keep looking for it in a place that you had already thoroughly searched. You find what you are looking for by choosing to keep seeking until it is found.

The same it is for your life. If you are looking for a new, more satisfying way of living, you cannot find it in energies that are already expired for you.

As you continue to move forward in this new year of creation, you will come to see that growth, expansion, and exploring the unknown, while you once may have found it scary, will become your greatest adventure and gift, for that is where there the magic is found. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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