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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2019 12:29:48 AM

GFP Newsletter - 1/22/2019

will's picture

Ecstasy is our very nature; not to be ecstatic is simply unnecessary. To be ecstatic is natural, spontaneous. It needs no effort to be ecstatic, it needs great effort to be miserable.

That's why you look so tired, because misery is really hard work; to maintain it is really difficult, because you are doing something against nature. You are going upstream -- that's what misery is.

And what is bliss? Going with the river -- so much so that the distinction between you and the river is simply lost. You are the river. How can it be difficult? To go with the river no swimming is needed; you simply float with the river and the river takes you to the ocean. The river is already going to the ocean.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2019 12:32:27 AM

The Age of Miracles

By Judith Kusel, January 20, 2019,

The Age of Miracles has dawned.

The Age where the Power of Love is more than any other power, and only equal to that of Wisdom – for it is Age of the sages, the philosophers, the visionaries, who will lead humanity into the New Golden Age when we finally, after many thousands of years of sleeping, wake up to our truthful cosmic heritage.

Love is a miracle and when we finally stop resisting its power and allow ourselves to be swept away with its force that miracles happen.

It is when we allow our hearts to open, our mind to synchronize with the heart, that the soul blossoms forth and genius, vision, insight, wisdom soars and flies. We step into co-creatorship, we start using our manifesting powers wisely, and love steeps our creations, our actions, our every word and deed.

2019 is a catalyst year. It is the year when the new rises with full force. It is the year when visionary and wise leadership is called for. For it is the visionaries, the new world teachers and wise ones who will have to now step up and forth and lead humanity in a profound way.

The old has and is disintegrating. It serves humanity no more. It has lived its time.

The cosmic forces are sweeping in. The greatest clearing and cleansing, disintegration has begun now with full force. The cosmic gale force winds are sweeping away the old, followed by the fires which transmute and bring new life and new beginnings in all forms. It is a powerful regenerative force and it is here for the next hundred years. A total rebirth is occurring – and it is immensely powerful!

The regenerative force will sweep through our relationships with self and others and in the most intimate ones. The power of love will sweep through our illusions, our fantasies as we return to the ultimate truth. We stand naked, stripped to the core of our souls, where we cannot hide anymore. We cannot lie to ourselves and we cannot lie to others. The truth ultimately sets free – and how! The regenerative force teaches us that only Love is real and all else is illusion.

The deepening of love occurs when we finally come home to ourselves and in coming home to ourselves, we can find the ultimate deepest love the Divine Other.

To see the Divinity – the perfection, the beauty within – and we are then profoundly, sublimely touched. It is true love which ever renews itself, and ever draws closer to the Beloved for it can do and be no other. True love is the greatest gift of this time, for those who are prepared to open the heart and soul to ever greater levels of love and being loved and not shrink away from it.

The Power of Love is a regenerative force as much as it is a force of expansion, of rebirth and ever greater levels of soul growth.

The Age of Miracles brings new and higher ways of life and living. New science steeped in the metaphysical for will no longer be able to deny the soul/spirit within all, the greater Divinity/Mastermind/Universal Laws/Grand Master Design, and finally science will expand into the All-Knowing, and be reinvented to the core. One cannot take the soul of science!

New technology which works with the cosmic energy resources and needs not to strip the earth and works on inter-stellar levels. Telepathy, teleportation, and immense expansion in space. It is all there, waiting for us to wake up to our galactic heritage and finally reclaim it.

It is the age where we will learn to live and let live. To allow ourselves to return to the ultimate understanding that we create what we live. We reap what we sow. We are co-creators – yet how we use that force is what ultimately makes or breaks us.

We will return to the wisdom of balance, knowing that all balance first comes from within ourselves, before it can manifest outwards.

Allow the Power of Love to bring that regenerative force into your heart, mind and soul and embrace a much higher and more profound way of life. Remember, that all of this starts within you – and then manifests outwards.

You are the creator as much as you are the creation you live in.

More than this – miracles mostly come silently, softly and almost happen upon us. Indeed, miracles are happening even now, yet most of humanity is still sleeping the sleep as the greatest transformative power is sweeping the earth, the solar system and the galactic core.

Judith Kusel

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2019 12:51:16 AM

GaiaPortal 1-23-19… “Perturbations in the matrix are felt by all”

New GaiaPortal came out just now.

Very important message, in my view, just after the meditation on 1-20-19.

I may add more later, but I’m currently horizontally at rest (aka, “flopped out”) after returning from the Mission on Maui.


Perturbations in the matrix are felt by all

Perturbations in the matrix are felt by all.

Planetary awakenings are near completion.

Fairy tales are abandoned.

Dark forests are cleared.

Nature Spirits rejoice.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2019 1:20:10 AM

Beyond Description

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloved, world expectation goes down a different road from the aspects of spirituality as they deliver themselves to you in an instant. Beyond description does not begin to reveal the possibilities of what may exist directly in front of you that you do not yet see. Whatever you think you already know, go beyond. Beloved, go ahead and step into the Unknown where there are no limits.

I come back again and again to what is called beyond the veil. Spiritual perception is not beyond you. It is near you, just as near as I am, yet spiritual perception is beyond your expressing in language as it is. Spiritual perception is more like a new language or pre-language and goes deeper than language as you know it.

There is nothing you cannot perceive when you open up to a blank slate. You are light of wing in what you do not carry over in assumed or learned language or anything at all.

O, yes, be as a new-born babe without all you have picked up by the wayside. Be a book you have not yet read from cover to cover. Don’t be all-knowing. Come from an island deep in your heart filled with innocence. Know less. Know nothing instead of everything. You have no need to know everything that ordinary mortals aspire to know. You have more going on than what’s going on in the front burner. Who told you that you have to be a limited Being. Don’t believe everything you hear.

There is far greater revolving within you than meets the eye.

Overlook the presumed known. I speak of a greater horizon beyond the next bend.

Hold My hand. Follow Me. Why follow some arbitrary little wood wagon when you can be far seeing and follow a Great Star?

Long ago, you were smitten by the world, whereas the world is the least of life as it is. Don’t misunderstand Me. The world has its merits, Beloved, yet the world is far from all there is. I will go so far as to say that your foot isn’t yet in the door.

Why do you require introductions or a maître-di to introduce you to Me? Who on earth is to be what the past says it’s supposed to be? Introduce yourself to Me.

You have no new lease on life. You have a new view on life. There is no need to brace yourself. Lead yourself, or, rather, let Me lead you. What is this about following the crowd when you can follow your own heart? Let your heart take you where it wills, and I will accompany you. My heart is yours. Follow Me to your destiny. Your destiny awaits you. Here, let Me show you the way to go Home.

Today is a new day. Today is better than good enough even as, in one way, no day is quite good enough for you. How do you know that the best red apple on top of the tree is good enough for you? There is a greater tree and a greater apple. You don’t have to have them, yet they are yours for the asking.

Today, as marvelous as today is, it is not yet quite good enough as when a new day is dawning for you.

I ask you to take a jaunt higher and wider and easier and in your stride. Beloved, will you kindly do this for Me without looking back, only looking forward without any grand aplomb? Especially important doesn’t do it. Easy does it. Here I am, and here you are in fine fiddle!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/24/2019 9:14:34 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/23/2019

will's picture

Meditation is the source, compassion is the overflow of that source. The nonmeditative man has no energy for love, for compassion, for celebration. The nonmeditative person is disconnected from his own source of energy; he is not in contact with the ocean. He has a little bit of energy that is created by food, by air, by matter -- he lives on physical energy.

Physical energy has limitations. It is born at a certain moment in time, and it dies at another moment in time. Between birth and death it exists. It is like a lamp that burns because of the oil in it -- once the oil is exhausted, the flame goes out.

The meditative person comes to know something of the infinite, becomes bridged with the inexhaustible source of energy. His flame goes on and on, his flame knows no cessation. It cannot disappear, because in the first place it never appears. It cannot die, because it is unborn.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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