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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/16/2018 9:18:30 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/15/2018

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The heart does not know fear; it only knows love.

It is the mind that knows fear; it never knows love.

The mind is the center of fear and the heart is the center of love.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/17/2018 1:34:42 AM

Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness

AAMichael once said that we weren’t going through an expansion in the meaning of humanness, but an explosion:

“The horizons of what it means to be human, of what it means to be Gaian … comes to the forefront in redefinition, expansion and, might I even say, explosion of what it means to be in human form – Angel in form – at this time upon this beloved planet.” (1)

“Yes, we know that we have used this term ‘expansion’ time and time and time again and expansion in this instance does mean explosion.” (2)

If you can be with and savor the distinction between “expansion” and “explosion,” you have the difference between Third/Fourth Dimensionality and Fifth, as I’ve known it in my brief excursions.

Expansion is gradual. Explosion is sudden. The heart exploding, for instance, creates a spiritual pipeline where before there was only blockage and no flow. Some obstruction is blown away and now love flows. It’s wordless so we’re left to wonder, after the fact, what just happened.

As Michael is indicating, Ascension is both gradual and sudden. The expansion part is gradual, going on all the time.

The explosions, which result in brief excursions to the higher dimensions, are the sudden part. These events may come decades apart:

1977 – Lost fear of death after OOBE.
1987 – Was shown the purpose of life. Now knew what to do.
2015 – Had my heart blown open. Etc. First experience of transformative love.
2018 – Had a glimpse of the Self. First knowledge of my own innocence at essence.

Each event repays years of peeling off the layers.

Sometimes the way things appear to me these days is as if I’m in a mine where there’s been an explosion. A wall of dirt now separates me and my rescuers. And we have miners on both sides of the wall digging furiously.

When there’s the slightest glimmer of light, that light brings increased freedom. Right now for instance, working with the metaphor of miners digging, I see intellectually that I am that Self that I saw. That is a glimmer of light, that I will need to nourish, if I want the light of freedom to break through.

The only direction worth going in right now is inwards. The only place for me to go is to master every thought and feeling. And the only game worth playing is to move from being what Werner Erhard called “at effect” in my life to being “at cause.” (3)

I am the Self that I saw. I really have been dreaming. And having a bad one at that. Hence I feel agitated and resentful upon awakening.

If I’m to honor who I really am, rather than perpetrate against and obstruct it, then I need to master every thought and feeling.

It used to be a favorite saying among spiritualists that, when we come to know the workings of the Law of Karma, our lives gradually begin to straighten out. Karma = causality so I’d extend that and say when we learn the true causality of things, our lives straighten out.

I see more clearly every day the degree to which I cause my life. When I see that, I also see my need to take command of my various bodies and selves, (4) to emerge from unconsciousness into consciousness, from immaturity into maturity.


(1) “Archangel Michael: Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness,”

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) At effect = Powerless, victim, subject to forces outside myself that determine my choice of words and deeds.

At cause = Empowered, not a victim, determining my own choice of words and deeds.

(4) And that’s all i get to take command of.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/17/2018 1:49:11 AM

Peggy Black and the Team: Small, Subtle, Conscious Shifts

I wish I had written this. If I had the Team’s knowledge and understanding, I would have!

Small, Subtle, Conscious Shifts

Peggy Black and the ‘Team,’ by Email

We are here to acknowledge and empower you. We are here to remind you that you are a divine being of light energy vibrations. This is the time to begin to step into that awareness and actuality. This physical dimension that you are focused upon and within is demanding, addictive and alluring.

We understand that the physical reality needs attention to be maintained. We understand that the physical reality offers sensations and pleasures of being in form. Having a physical body and relating to this dimension is the game. How you translate the events and the emotions colors your experience which serves to support and awaken you to your highest self.

Your physical body is a requirement for this dimension. It is your physical consciousness that observes, interfaces and makes judgments about all the experiences you have. Being physical is busy; it requires almost all of your attention. This physical illusion has many distractions and pulls for your focus; remember you give your energy to whatever you are focused on.

We are not saying that you need to shut down or disregard your physical aspects. We are inviting you to make small, subtle, conscious shifts several times an hour or the several time a day.

These small, subtle, conscious shifts begin to open the door of your awareness to a wider more expansive self. The goal is to become aware that you are aware. The goal is to understand that the physical experiences are only tools to activate, to stimulate your personal understanding of yourself as the creator.

When you begin to practice ways to refocus your energy throughout your day you will be amazed and rewarded with the results. We understand that your life can be demanding with family, work, projects, interests or just the maintenance and requirements of your body.

These are all important to your experience and we encourage you to participate in all these areas of your life from a place of gratitude and appreciation. However what we are suggesting in this message is that you develop a protocol that nurtures your body of light and energy.

We invite you to be willing to recognize that you are a divine multidimensional being residing within a human form, experiencing this dense unconscious field of limitations. You are here to uplift and transform those very limitations you encounter. You are here to transform the misqualified or negative energy you encounter.

Begin to nurture your energy self with new conscious practices. The first we would suggest is to simply remember to take long slow deep breaths as often as possible. Just this basic action will reset your physiology.

This action sends a signal that all is well and more, so muscles relax releasing tension, heartbeat slows down, adrenals lower their vigilance of fight or flight. This tool is free and easy to utilize, we invite you to begin to use this method as a way to refocus from the stress of being physical to the sacred space of your higher knowing.

This pure humble practice creates a link, a portal. You are encouraging the real connection between the physical consciousness and your divine consciousness. It is in this gap that you will experience your wholeness and begin to connect to the universal field of energy

We also invite you to begin to practice sitting in silence for five minutes several times a day. In the beginning this might be difficult. We encourage you to continue. There are no requirements other than you show up. Over time the universe will begin to share its secrets.

You can also meditate for longer periods of time, you can walk in nature, practice slow conscious movements, dance, sway, and also remove yourself from all electronics. You can also open this portal through listening to pure tones or sounds. These practices, even for a few minutes, open your receptivity to a conversation with the universe.

Your goal is to invite stillness, even for a short period of three deep conscious breaths. You are meant to be in conversation with the universe; you are meant to receive messages and guidance from your highest divine self. Stress and busyness shut off these subtle messages.

The universe is within. You do not need to look elsewhere, it is within. As you begin to invite quiet moments, when you begin to invite stillness, you begin to touch the truth of who you are in the most magnificent infinite awareness.

This is just a matter of some simple practices that will allow you to refocus. These practices support the well being of the physical body. These practices will bring a balance between your physical self and your energy self.

We are inviting you to honor your connection with the universal energy field of all creation. We are inviting you begin to have an open clear dialog with the other physical and non-physical divine beings.

In order for this to occur, first you need to be willing.

Second, create a sacred space which will allow this conversation to take place.

Third, engage your imagination; allow images, and ideas to flow.

Fourth, stay in a coherent vibration of gratitude and appreciation for these vibrations are the key to allowing good reception between the dimensions.

Fifth, be aware of and acknowledge all the signs, messages, and synchronicities that you observe. Sixth be spiritually amazed at the process of experiencing more than one dimension.

We are reminding you that you are meant to be in contact with the other realms and dimensions.
You are the liaison, the bridge between the physical and the non-physical realms and realities. This is the time for you to step into that role and begin receiving information, ideas, solutions meant to support the evolution of consciousness and the ascension process taking place.

However in order to make this connection and receive these messages you must open the channel. This means you will need to give yourself time to connect, offer and invite this shift.

We know that many already have a conscious connection to the non-physical realms and beings of love and light. These beings of love and light are awaiting the invitation to participate in this dense 3D experience. Together in this partnership you will assist the collective consciousness in truly shifting and awaking.

We are honored to interface with you upon request; this is true of all loving beings of light consciousness; an invitation is required in this free will reality. We acknowledge you for the exceptional expansion that you are calling forth and anchoring.

The ‘Team.’

©2018 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute it as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: FREE 88 messages available

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/17/2018 1:54:36 AM

Everything That You Want Is Available To You

Everything That You Want Is Available To You

Many of you spend great amounts of your time each day searching for, yearning for, asking for things that you are sure will make your lives better. Many of you are asking for things that you understand as being able to make yourselves more complete. And you think that perhaps you are doing something wrong or perhaps that you have not yet discovered some magic key.

We will say to you that the yearning is in great part a knowing of what is possible for you. We will say that whatever you need will be yours when it is needed. Is there something wrong with desiring to have it before such a time? No, there is not. In fact, less likely would be a better term than wrong. Does that mean that you may not have it? No, of course it does not. When you were young, did you not have a bicycle even though you could have done without one? So, what’s going on?

You are learning. You are learning who you are. You learning what you are capable of. You are learning now what you are becoming – another little added piece of your life’s puzzle. You have been told recently that you are now becoming multi-dimensional beings. You have new tools, new abilities. What in the world does that mean?

As usual, we will point out that it will mean different things to each of you, even though there will be many similarities.

There are those among you who truly miss having capabilities that you know very well are a part of you. You feel as if they are misplaced in a wrong pocket. There is no question in your minds that they exist. You ask us over and over to help you claim them. You see them all around you, and yet…

We do not have control over your gifts, you see. Who would have that control? Why, of course that is you. So, what are we saying?

We are suggesting that you turn your sight, your intentions, your ‘manifesting magnets’, and your requests inward. Speak with your Self with the full understanding that you are a part of her, a part of him. And have a sure understanding of how you intend to use those manifestations when they arrive.

Be ultra-sure that having them pop into your reality suddenly would not be, shall we say, disconcerting. Suddenly you hear conversations all around you. Suddenly you see people walking through your doors and walls. You should realize that you are awakening gradually not because you have done something wrong, but because your comfort zones are being worked with. Come to an agreement with your Self. And magnetize. You know how to do that. Only point your magnets inward. Now, when you see these things emerging for others, is a time of possibilities.

It is a time of possibilities because of the current energies of the world you are living in, not because we say so. So it is rather like looking in all the pockets of your jeans instead of on the floor around you. You know those things are not on the floor around you, so stop searching there.

Now if we may, let us take a quick look at the current state of your surroundings. Things appear to be a bit chaotic and unpredictable. So allow us to make a small prediction. We predict that everything will be all right. You would not have thought so at a great many times in your history. Is that not so? If you were standing in front of the gates when the Huns approached the city, would you have thought everything would be OK? And yet, here you are, living in world that you could not have imagined then – could not have imagined a few scant years ago.

Everything will be all right. How many times have you been told, “Be not afraid?” Quite a few, we think. You will be afraid if you believe that the world is happening to you. You will be unafraid if you understand that you are its co-creator. Your thought, your emotion, your intent, your beliefs have as much effect on the outcome as anyone’s. And everyone’s has an effect. Smiling we say, “Your vote counts.” And the system is rigged. How many times do you open a door and see the dark rush in and make a lit room dark? So, the force is with you.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
10/17/2018 2:01:59 AM

The Illusion of Separation – The Council

The questions that you have asked us are excellent ones. You have given us many wonderful opportunities. Today, however, we ask your indulgence as we explore a topic that will provide many of you answers as you consider it deeply.

First, in answer to many, please revisit the idea that everything is only energy producing responses in your minds. Difficult. True. That thing that you are sitting on is only a chair because you have agreed to that concept. It is just as much a collected field of plasma frequencies, as is your foot. Now, when we make these sorts of statements, please understand that the ‘you’ that we speak of is collective. Do not continue to blame your individual selves for the state of the world. Do understand that you are, in large part, accepting of it.

Everything is in separation. Nothing is separate. The separation exists, as much as it truly exists, only to allow for experience and learning. Physics has shown for over one hundred years what humans knew thousands of years ago. Everything is in instantaneous contact with everything else. Everything. Always. No here. No there. No then. No other place. No other time. Only I Am.

So many of the questions that you have asked, and that we will address further, are only questions that occur due to losing sight of that fact. Much of what you ask about is easily explained when you see that you are really asking about differing levels of consciousness. Consciousness will allow whatever it needs to experience and know itself more fully.

If having an experience of 3D versus 5D versus 7D is needed, you may indeed construct that. Is there a boundary fence? Or is it more likely that some no longer need to experience certain things. Is it true that once one experiences a “higher” level, one never again experiences a lower?

On the way to a different state is it an instant and total shift? If it appears to you that it was that for someone, consider the many lifetimes that have been lived that you do not see.

If it seems to you that you are not making any progress, or that you keep falling back, we suggest that you are simply not giving yourselves credit. That is one factor. But, most importantly, you either have not learned, or have forgotten for the moment, that the part of you that is measuring you is only a very small portion of who you really are. And that portion sees itself as ‘less than’, as ‘unworthy to’, as ‘only human’.

You, the TRUE YOU, is not less than, is not unworthy, and although human for the moment, is not ONLY anything.

So, if you really are intent on getting answers to many of your questions, begin by really trying to jettison the baggage that you have been taught about yourselves, and learning who and what you absolutely, truly, are.

Now, we fully understand that you have been very carefully taught that you must not ask these questions, that asking them has, in the past, caused you a great deal of pain and suffering, but that was never due to any actual error on your part. In fact, it was due to others’ fear of your getting the answers.

Again, we will answer many of your specific questions separately, but here is the answer to almost all of them. You, each of you, are a divine son or daughter of The All, Source, Creator, God. We do not care one bit what you call It. You do not understand It anyway. You are of it, by it, and you are a part of it. You cannot be anything else, and neither can anyone or anything else be.

Now, many in this age can agree to this. Not many yet truly can live in this state. But that is changing. As you begin learning to ride this bicycle, you will frequently fall off. Just get back on and stop beating yourselves up for having fallen off. Give yourselves credit for learning to ride. Understand that we are overjoyed at your efforts and your progress.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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