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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/15/2018 9:36:24 PM

What Wondrousness Will Today Bring?

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God said:

Beloved, is it possible that you, a Child of God, wake up each morning, and the first thing you ask yourself is:

“What is the biggest difficulty I face today?”

If you answer, “Yes, God, this is true.” – you well know I will tell you to cut that out.

Reverse your early morning strategy. Wake up and think more along these lines:

“What is the most wonderful thing that could befall me today?”

“Once upon a time, or even today in a country that may be war-torn, my answer would clearly be: ‘An end to war.’

“If I am blessed to live where there is no war, I will celebrate.

“I have an opportunity to set a better timbre to my day, and so I do. I anticipate a windfall. I take it to heart.

“What I most want is Peace on Earth, Peace on Earth today.

“May everyone on Earth eat a good meal today.

“May everyone on Earth be blessed today and know that they are blessed.

“May everyone bless everyone today.

“May everyone be grateful to be alive this day.

“May everyone who is alive today bless himself and everyone he meets or thinks of.

“May I make room in my heart for everyone I meet or think of.

“May I say silently today to everyone I meet or think of: ‘Have a good day. Be blessed. Thank God.’

“May I say over and over again: ‘Thank God. Thank God. Thank God.’

“May I think like God and open my heart to all. May I break open my heart and remove all debris.

“May every step I take today bless the Earth.

“May I be One with God and plant only seeds of love today.

“May I inspire even one Soul, and most certainly my own.

“What I have to know today is that God is.

“If my heart aches today, my heart will start opening itself again tomorrow.

“If the Sun has not yet dawned, I know that it will.

“If I set the tone of my day, I also set the tone of others’ days.

“There is only one tone for me to set. I ring the bells of love and laughter.

“I am an emissary of God alone. God has entered my heart. God lives in my heart. Trouble and worry do not.

“My life and heart are full of God. When God fills my heart, what lack in life can there be? Oh, and no more room in my heart for hurt or hard feelings. They have to go. There is too much love in my heart for anything else to exist. My day is full of somersaults and rejoicing. I learn joy well. I throw joy to the world like cherry blossoms. My joy reaches high and far and wide. My love lands on everyone – including myself.

“Every day I learn new ways of thinking and feeling and pursuing all that is good for all. The Sun shines on me. The Sun accompanies me. I will say that God precedes me, and God helps me to keep up with Him. I progress toward God. God is with me, and I am with God, and what can I do but smile?

“My cup is full, and no matter how much I drink from it, it is never empty. In fact, how it works is that my cup spilleth over. All hearts are full. All hearts swell with love overflowing. There is love to spare.

“God hears my every word. God loves me. There is no me any longer. I am all and, therefore, One with All and One with God. So help me God.”

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2018 1:40:44 AM

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, June 15, 2018

15th June 2018. Mike Quinsey.

Once again I have found a message from Kryon, “Trump will Change the World,” a title that bears no relationship at all to the message. It is the best one I have read so far, as the whole content is about the changes that Humanity can expect in the near future.

I have copied those sections I feel would be considered the most important. I would recommend reading it in full for more about our DNA and the coming shift. If you would like a full copy I will Email it to you.


The biology starts to cooperate, you live longer, a lot longer up to three times longer, not only that, the elimination of disease by itself, because the body is able to fight it, where something called Innate in your body talks to you on a regular basis intuitively, a self-diagnostic that is intuitive and is about time.

Can you imagine what that might do to your medical industry, it is actually going to help them, because when you show up on their doorstep you will know what you need and they will be able to help you far better, and in your country (U.S.A.) they are keeping people sick for money, and all that is going to fall over, get ready for the demise as you know it. A big Pharma – it is not going to continue, it cannot any more than tobacco did for the same reason, any more than Banks can continue doing what they did, for the reasons they did and you took care of it and it hurts, it still hurts.

Dear Ones, because the planet needs your Light, could it be any clearer all of the things given to you can be used appropriately in combination. Biology is going to change, life expectancy will become longer, and then there is a Human Being who says “I do not think I want to live that long that long – my goodness I know what it feels like at 70 years, why would anyone live to 300 years”. We would say to you how 3D of you, would you wish to feel like 35 years until you are 298 years old, and that is what is at hand.

Dear Ones, the body rejuvenates itself much better than it does now. Can you conceive of this where the stem cell blueprints are picked up over and over and you do not make a copy of a copy, you make the original over and over last a long time, and you last fresh and young, this is what is possible. This is where it is eventually going and the potentials. Kryon you mean that is no, an absolute no. Humanity is a free choice, you can turn it around if you want to but the steam roller is fired up and moving, it is hard to stop it. The ball of snow is rolling down the hill, it is hard then to make it smaller.

Finally there are those who are going to say alright how about the big one, what are we going to do about religion. There are those who would sit well with the mind set of what you would call metaphysicians or New Agers who would say it is all going to have to go away, because they will realise the truth – No it will not! Why should something go away that has the seeds of love of God.

For those he saw the Master in all his glory and wrote about him, did they throw that away, one of the only Human Beings on the planet known to have met with an Angel face to face in a cave and had dialogue and instructions, and became a prophet – would you throw that away? “No.” – let me tell you what is going to happen with that which is being developed in your DNA, which is the same thing that will keep Humans from warring, and is also going to give them a different opinion as to how they should look at various belief systems on the planet, and they will continue to have those organisations under certain names that you even know now.

But there will be big differences and what I will call as “allowance of compassion”. One will look at the other and see it as a branch of the same tree, coming from the same source and they will respect one another. Just like you eat different foods for your different ways of worship, respect for the other, not anger, not war and that is not what some of you expect either, and you are going to see the seeds of it. Sometime in your generation you may even see the seeds of it, it starts to appear as a gentleness between belief systems.

Do you really think you are going to have a planet where all those thousands of years of reading will simply vanish? It is not practical, is it? No. Instead expect them to morph into something that is cooperative, that is beautiful and the differences are celebrated, instead of warring over them and it is about time, this is the practical. The Human Being will change in attitude in the conceptualness of what is correct and not correct, and what creates survival will be that which is compassionate. This is the new Human Being, this is the future, you are starting to turn the corner. I have just given you a snapshot of what can be and what we say will take place.

There are two things you should celebrate. Some of you will have an Akashic remembrance because firstly inheritance will start to surface, and you will come into the planet absolutely knowing that you have been here before, that even the religious that do not believe that will see this, acknowledge it and see it as a part of a grand system that fits into their belief system, that gives credibility to the divine in you, that is taught by all the religions.

A monotheistic God is here on the planet and that is the belief and that is the first thing and it should be part of it, and the second thing, Dear Ones, even for those of you who do not believe this, that the children of your children are going to see a better Earth, not a worse one. I want you to know this and that is worth celebrating. You sit in the cusp, you sit right where the seeds are being planted, not even harvested. Seed planters who may not see the harvest in their lifetime can now celebrate the harvest which will be good.

The Love of God, that is why I Kryon am here, it is why the channellers are here. If you hear a message that is not like this I want you to examine it carefully, because there are more of us giving you this one than the other. The chances are that if you hear those who would warn you of the upcoming doom they have an agenda, take a look because it is not the potential that is actually there. Old energy dies hard, it may be more difficult to come because it is that way.

My worker, old soul, do not fear the change you have brought. There are hundreds of lives that you have lived. It is about time that this occurs. Flow with it, understand and celebrate it daily and thank God you are part of it, for it is the fruition of everything you have done, the very reason we are here, it is no wonder we wash your feet, ponder these things for they are the things you created – and so it is. Kryon the Magnetic Master.

Back to Earth and amidst the chaos and uncertainty, progress is nevertheless slowly being made, and peace rather than war is top of the agenda. Trump and Kim are making an historic change that not long ago would have been thought impossible. There is no doubt in my mind that the new energies are bringing world peace about.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message has been prompted by my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2018 11:55:46 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday June 16, 2018

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Self love is not an act of exclusion. It is an act of inclusion. It is finally treating yourself with the same love, care, and consideration you have been so mindfully giving everyone else. It is simply shifting into fairness and balance, which serves the wellness of everyone involved. If you have been feeling like there is a missing piece you must find in order to move into wholeness, it is entirely likely that what you have been looking for all along is your own love and attention. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Shelley’s note: Due to the positive feedback I’ve received, I will be holding another draw for the month of June! In fact, there will be TWO draws! If you make a donation of any amount you will be entered in both draws. The first prize is winner’s choice – you can choose whether you would like to receive a private channeled session (a $140 value) or the course of your choice (a $149 value). Second prize wins whatever the first prize winner didn’t choose. :) Your donations help me to continue to offer free channeled content on a daily basis. If you feel guided to donate, you can do so at by clicking on the donate button at the top right of the page or you can donate directly to via PayPal. If you are in Canada, you can donate by e-transfer to the same email above and make the answer to the question gabriel. Of course, there is never any obligation, this is simply something you can choose to participate in if it feels right to you. *no purchase necessary* I also wanted to thank all of you for your wonderful well wishes on my recent marriage. Your beautiful messages of congratulations moved me more than you could possibly know! I’m so grateful to be part of such a wonderful community.


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2018 12:18:06 AM

GFP Newsletter - 6/15/2018

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Enlightenment is not something superhuman, it is your basic right. But your ego goes on postponing it, goes on bringing itself between you and your enlightenment. And in such subtle ways that unless you are very alert, you are going to be deceived... Feel the heartbeat of the whole universe and let your own separation be dissolved into it.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2018 12:37:06 AM

FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2018

The Arcturians ~ Timeline Bridge ~ Via Méline Lafont

Hi Beloveds,

Before sharing this intel, I want to explain what is going on and how I obtained this information. It is crystal clear that something has occurred last night (European Time). My heart suddenly shifted its frequency and was held into a cocoon – this was how it felt. Leeway was granted so that High intelligence and Light frequencies could enter and be passed on. The heart is brought into a space where it is held safe and protected, beating on itself of course, while the whole body is receiving huge downloads.

I went to sleep early experiencing headaches, going into a deep sleep and waking up differently. No appetite, feeling tired, experiencing nausea but full of inspiration and energy. I noticed something was different, something had changed. I became aware of this and now it has shifted over to an irrefutable knowing.

My heart is more at ease, like I am. A more trusting feeling and being at peace.

The Arcturians came through to inform me, but in order to receive the intel I had to lay down with my hands on my heart, underneath a clear quartz. They said that in order to receive what is going on, I had to integrate the light codes first as the message into my cells so that I could later on channel it into words.

Doing so, I saw myself traveling through a wormhole, which warped me into a Universe. Here I was shown my heart which had now 6 streams of Light energy coming together as to where it were only 3 before. The Arcturians explained that this was the Multidimensional portal activating in full body (physicality).

The word “timeline bridge” was the only word that was given when suddenly a surge went through my heart, my third eye started to experience a high pressure and pulsating vibration. I saw the particles of the Universe along with a huge white Dome.

I see us in a stream of accelerated speed. But we do not notice this, we do not feel it as it appears to be the same pace as before. YET we are on an accelerated speed and our bodies DO notice and know this. It is not in our awareness at this point but our bodies will show us this to be the case more and more as time passes by.

What happened next was a shock that went through the left side of my body. It was pulled down and then up while my right side did not move. Alignment...

Then a huge field of white and Seafoam green light entered my body and I was receiving the Light codes. What followed next was the intel which I share below.

My heart feels different, I feel different in a positive way. I would Love to hear your experiences.

Much love

Timeline Bridge
By the Arcturians through Méline Lafont

On June 14th a Timeline shift has occurred. It was a shift in time, a change of momentum during the bridging of the Solstice. This Beloveds, is an activation, a start, a point of acceleration which instigates this momentum of the Now.
Energies are building up and as these come into an acceleration, a shift point breaks through as to where a bridging momentum suddenly shifts into Higher gears. So you are, as of now, evolving into an accelerated modus. Although it may appear to your human eyes that all is the same, nevertheless your ears are receiving high pitch tones and you are all catapulted into an accelerated speed.
You are as of now traveling into a High speed of Light which is propelling you further into the God consciousness of ALL and ONE.
What does this mean? It means that collectively you all have reached a level of integration that is called the Superhuman consciousness. As of now, you are receiving the God/Source codes of Light which initiate and activate your Super human consciousness to become embodied.
You have collectively reached a state of consciousness that is ready to rebuild your cellular system into super light and into super modus which unlocks the super human abilities.
You are as of now Multidimensional Beings birthed onto this Earth. You always have been Multidimensional but NOW, through this timeline shift, a portal was opened to activate the Superhuman consciousness onto the plane which lies in your physicality reality.
Things will turn out to be more present in the physical, starting from now on, as this is the plane and the reality that was consciously opened collectively. The Light workers have worked with endurance and perseverance these last few years, and this has payed off. Continuous focus, dedication, self connection and self realisation are the key characteristics to this.
The heart has started to unlock the multidimensional aspects of your being, as you will probably already sense that you have become more Multidimensional over the last 4 years of your time in physical body. This is indeed so in the heart/your Being. What has added is that the heart unlocking this all , will propel you all collectively into the Higher spheres and notion of being more Multidimensional in form.
When going into your meditations, you will notice that your heart stream has changed. More colors are added and flowing through your already colorful ‘De-Light’. A different heart stream has been initiated and is being birthed into physicality. From now on you will receive more Inter Galactic and Stellar influences as Light codes from us and from other Stellar Brothers and Sisters.
You have now entered the Stellar consciousness, collectively on a Higher level. It now takes for all of you to start embodying this energy field into your systems, into your cellular representation and into your heart as the human temple.
The more you ground and embody this energy field – which flows through your heart stream and as your renewed heart stream – the more the collective will be infused with this all simultaneously.
What are the physical signals and symptoms? Some experience insomnia during this passage – others are sleeping double of their usual time. This depends on how easy you can cope with this energy field upgrade. The heart has a different tone and level of beating, piercing tones and high pitch tones in the ears. A body change sensation: your cells are being upgraded. High and strong third eye pulsation. The inner Crystals are activating, bringing you Higher awareness. This means that you will notice you are more sensitive, you can see the veils lifting up and all is more detailed.
You will feel new information and Light codes entering your awareness, even so that you are sensing it direct from Source. Instant insight, instant knowing, instant seeing. Your telepathic abilities will now start to take off and become stronger aligned with the Galactic planes.
Nausea is a deliverance of Higher frequencies replacing the old lower frequencies. Release and drink plenty of water to facilitate “the change of the guards”. (old being replaced by new)
You will now have to remain silent, in retreat and connected to your SELF to facilitate and bring in as much Light codes as possible as you are being informed continuously and bombarded with our Stellar Light codes and Being.
We shall speak more of this later.

It is a bridging time of 3 months towards the Equinox Gateway. Investing in yourself through weekly guidance and coaching sessions assists you to go much deeper and to achieve things much faster. Nothing is achieved and transformed over night but after investing your time and energy into it and yourself ! Repetition and remaining in focus is key: therefore weekly sessions during a timeframe are best as it prevents you from falling into old habits and repetition during that time while building up the new templates of your creation. Book now your session package of one on one personal guidance and spiritual coaching by Méline on skype or in person. This is on discount rate for a few days!

Universal created gift 2012-2018. We co-create together and share with Love. All Rights to share, blog and use excerpts are permitted by Universal law provided the content is copied unaltered, is distributed freely, and the author + website is mentioned. Méline Portia Lafont

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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