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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2018 8:45:50 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/20/2018

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"Easy is right." Nobody has dared to say it ever. On the contrary, people make the right as difficult as possible. To you, who have all been conditioned by different traditions, the wrong is easy, and the right is arduous. It needs training, it needs discipline, it needs repression, it needs renouncing the world, it needs renouncing the pleasures....

Lies are easy, truth is difficult - that is the common conditioning of humanity. But Chuang Tzu is certainly a man of tremendous insight. He says, easy is right. Then why have people been making right difficult? All your saints have been making right very difficult.

There is a psychology behind it: only the difficult is attractive to your ego. The more difficult is the task, the more the ego feels challenged.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2018 9:03:22 PM

Saul via John Smallman: Truly, There is Nothing to Fear Because There is Only Love

Saul Audio Blog for Sunday May 20th

As humanity continues to grow in wisdom and maturity, and it has always been in the process of doing this, changes of an amazing nature will continue to occur. You chose to build the illusory world of separation in order to experience aloneness, abandonment, and loss of meaning and purpose in your lives so that you could then evolve spiritually and return from that experiential state to the Source from which you have never been separated.

This endless journey back to Source is your life purpose and gives it meaning. It is endless because time is endless . . . until you choose to be aware that time is illusory, that there is only the ever-present now in which all of creation has its permanent and endless existence at One with Source, Love, Mother/Father/God.

Time is a tool that you use so that you can evolve in meaningful steps that suit each of you individually. There is only the One, but that One expanded and extended Itself in Love that gives and shares and extends Itself limitlessly. Everyone who is conscious, sentient, alive – and everything in form in the visible universe, from rocks to humans, has some consciousness – is evolving spiritually and purposefully!

But because you chose to be unaware of your permanent and unbreakable connection to Source, to Love, you are struggling with a sense of insignificance, inadequacy, and often intense worthlessness because in physical form you are so insignificantly small compared to the vastness of the universe around you.

Source, God, Love, is utterly perfect, complete, and totally without needs or desires of any kind, because . . .IT IS! You, humanity, evolving spiritually as humans have forgotten this, and are evolving in order to remember and know this. Every now and again one of you does, and then attempts to share that knowing, but, unless a certain level of awareness or wakefulness has occurred in those whom that one is attempting to share the knowledge with, the message is incomprehensible.

What that one is trying to explain is not rational by human standards. Only the physical seems real, and science believes it needs to be able to measure things with the senses or with the instruments that they have constructed to expand the ability of their senses and then repeat those measurements and identify it physically.

Therefore, as it cannot be measured or replicated scientifically, it is judged unreal, imaginary, or a psychological disturbance in the one trying to share. And, of course, as there are many who are psychologically disturbed, it is very convenient to discard anything that appears to be rationally inexplicable into the insanity container.

However, over the last six or seven decades, many more people have come to an awareness that there issomething conscious, alive, alert, intelligent, and aware that is beyond form and that cannot be rationally – that is scientifically – measured. That “something” can only be experienced. Sometimes it happens to a person spontaneously, out of the blue, and can be so shocking and terrifying that they try to block it out out or deny it, thinking that they are going insane.

Or it can be intensely uplifting and inspiring, leading them to make enormous changes in their lives and let go of any dogmatic and severely limiting beliefs that they may have held up to that moment. Near Death Experiences are one now well-known form of this kind of awakening to a Reality far vaster than anything the experiencer had ever imagined was likely or possible.

As more and more people have spiritual experiences and attempt to describe and share them with others, and as others hear and read about them and seek them out for themselves, the way opens for increasing numbers to start becoming aware and acknowledge that the physical world as you each experience it in your own individual way is unreal, a dream, perhaps.

Awareness that everyone perceives the world and their environment in a unique and never to be repeated fashion has grown enormously over the last few decades, and this has led to the realization that everyone is at the center of their own individual universe. And yet there can only be the one universe that everyone experiences slightly differently, therefore they are asking “what holds it all together? Surely there must be a Supreme Intelligence that designed it, built it, and runs it?”

There is . . . it is YOU! Collectively, of course, but You, the divine progeny, designed it and built it to experience separation and prove to Yourself that you had no need of Source – a little like teenage rebellion as the young human learns to become independent.

But of course there is no such thing as independence, all is interdependent, and this is very firmly brought back into your awareness when the systems on which you all depend break down or fail. And humanity’s awareness of its total dependence on Source, which is the field of divine Love in which all exists eternally in the endless now moment, can no longer be denied, because It is All that exists.

Your awakening will be the full realization of this, of the fact that you have never been separate and never could be separate. And this realization will bring you untold, unimaginable Joy! You are One with Source, and in that state of oneness all your needs, desires, and fears dissolve, because there is only utter Joy, the infinite Joy of endless and unbreakable Oneness with Source. Rejoice in this divine Truth, and remind yourselves of its validity whenever doubts or anxieties assail you.

You will not die, you cannot die because, like your Source, you are eternal beings forever at Home in the illimitable field of divine Love as, fully Conscious and Aware, you join in the ongoing and ceaseless expansion of God’s creative Intent. Together with All That Is, you, as an inseparable and essential part or aspect of That, are engaged in the constant expansion and sharing of Self in an outpouring of creative energy as Love unfolds eternally and boundlessly.

Truly, there is nothing to fear because there is only Love, and nothing exists that is not in perfect and complete alignment with It.

You will awaken because that is your intent, and that intent is most certainly completely in alignment with the divine Intent. Your awakening is inevitable, unavoidable, and the moment for it to arise is approaching.

You can all feel that enormous change is imminent, so when you go within, for your daily or more frequent visit to your holy inner sanctuary, to be embraced by the Love residing there and to reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises – because, as you well know and have at times experienced, Love changes everything – also reset your intent to awaken.

Your set intent is extremely powerful, even if you cannot sense it, so it is essential to reset it regularly because bad moods and emotional upsets can weaken or collapse it. That is part of being human, of the separation experience, it is when you feel alone and lost, and there seems to be no-one in your human life to whom you can talk about all this.

Therefore go within daily and allow yourselves to know that you are One with Source, with Love, with God, for if you were not you would not exist, and you do know that you exist because you are conscious.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2018 9:05:20 PM

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie: Cycle One of Planetary Ascension

What if your imagination was the truth? What if, for all of your life, you have been a living human with only one incarnation, and then slowly, or quickly, began to remember one, then three, then more and more of the many incarnations that you havehad on Earth, a Starship and/or other planets?

What if you remembered the “cycles of ascension” of your Galactic Self? When you finish all of your cycles of your ascension, you will be able to understand and remember what is occurring on your fifth dimensional Ship, your fifth dimensional reality, and many of other incarnations when you were third/fourth dimensional.

In these incarnations, you were, and are now, on the edge of, or just beginning to, consciously perceive that you are within your “ascension process.”

As you progress through this process of remembering, you will gain an understanding ofwhat is occurring on your fifth dimensional Ship and/or your fifth dimensional planetary based reality. When you first begin to have these memories you areentering your “Ascension Cycle ONE.”

Ascension Cycle ONE is the first realm of your fifth dimensional frequency of awakening consciousness. In other words, you are beginning to have flashes, memories, dreams, and imaginations of a NOW in which you are resonating to a higher frequency of reality.

“Is this just a dream or my imagination?” you may ask. However, the mere fact that your dreams and imaginations can remain in your third dimensional consciousness means that you are beginning to include the higher frequencies of reality into your perceptual field.

You may be “unconscious” to this process of “multidimensional perception,” and may say, “This is just my imagination. It is not real!” However, more and more of you are beginning to experience more than one reality in your consciousness, within the same NOW as your current incarnation on Earth.

It is in this manner that you will gradually, or quickly, remember that your “base state of consciousness” is no longer limited to the third dimension. In fact, your “base state of consciousness” NOW includes your fourth, and sometimes, your fifth, dimensional consciousness.

It is for this reason that so many of you “regular, normal” people are having very unusual dreams in which you are in another world or on a Starship. You may also have a sudden interest is “science fiction,” and may even come to realize that you resonate more with “science fiction” than with daily life.

To make you even more confused, you may also be experiencing quick flashes, words, noises, and/or emotions of remembering something that you forgot, or never knew before?

However, it is not that you forgot and are now remembering. Instead, it is that you have slipped into a higher frequency of reality that is JUST like the third dimensional frequency, but simultaneously, different. You may even have the experience of feeling that you’ve done something before and are weirdly doing it again.

The reason for this “remembered experience,” is that your consciousness is increasingly resonating to ever-expanding frequencies of reality. These frequencies will expand into higher dimensions to incorporate the higher dimension.

But then, they must be grounded into Gaia in order to be usable to Earth and all her inhabitants. Therefore, the older operating systems of reality are continually separating and re-converging with higher and higher frequencies of reality.

Whether you know this or not, you are shifting your consciousness to resonate to these ever-expanding frequencies of reality in order to experience better alignment with Source.

The process of “aligning with Source” can, sometimes, make it more difficult to align with, and function, on only one timeline, as you have an innate need to experience Multiple Timelines. However, when you are experiencing “Multiple Timelines,” you may feel as though you are having an experience that you have had before.

What is actually occurring is that “multiple” timelines are going “into and out-of phase” with your third dimensional reality. When a timeline goes into the fourth dimension, that reality is often experienced as a long dream, or a flash of creativity.

Then, as your consciousness returns to the third dimension, you may, or may not be able to remember what just occurred. The reason for this is that higher dimensional timelines often remain in a state of flux.

Therefore, these higher dimensional “possible realities” may waver into and out of your consciousness, as they shift between different polarities and amplitudes in order to allow the ascending ones to create and experience “free will creations.”

“Free will creations” are one of the primary reasons why one chooses to have a third dimensional incarnation. With a free will creation, there are myriad possibilities that arise from your past, present, and/or future.

These possible realities increasingly merge with your third and fourth dimensional polarities to better understand them. However, once they are fully understood, they are transmuted back into the Timeless NOW. It is through that Timeless NOW that one can move into the ascension process of resonating to the higher dimensional frequency of reality.

As your consciousness expands beyond the third dimensional polarized reality, and through the fourth dimensional creativity and dream reality, you will begin to move into the fifth dimensional ongoing reality of the Eternal NOW.

This “now” is unique to the time-bound structures of the third dimension, as well as to your fourth dimensional perceptions, emotions and thoughts. Fortunately, your fourth dimensional dream life and meditations give you the opportunity to “practice” different types of reality.

In fact, you are practicing every type of higher dimensional reality in your nightly visits to the higher dimensional worlds. Often, you are not aware of these higher dimensional realities while you are resonating to your third dimensional consciousness because that state of consciousness does not allow your consciousness to expand into the fourth and fifth dimensions.

However, when you are engaged in meditation, service to others, and deeply creative endeavors, your consciousness activates both your fourth and your fifth dimensional brainwaves.

When you activate your fourth and fifth dimensional brainwaves, your daily life consciousness and activities slowly, or quickly, align with creativity and inter-dimensional communications.

Then, you will be increasingly able to be more creative in what you do, and are much more able to consciously communicate with higher dimensional beings, such as we the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Venusians and other higher dimensional guides.

We, the members of your Galactic Family, often, and happily, serve as “higher dimensional guides to humanity.” Yes, we are YOUR Galactic Family. Many, if not most of you, have forgotten us in the midst of your daily life. In fact, too often, you may even forget your higher dimensional experiences, which you may call “dreams.”

Therefore, we wish to ask you again, “What if for all of your life you were just a living human with many unknown incarnations? Then, slowly, or quickly, you began to remember one—then three—then more and more of the many incarnations that you have had on Earth?”

As you accept that you have chosen to take these many, or few, earthbound incarnations, you may be able to allow yourself to remember your visits to your Ship. You may feel that there is no one with whom you can share this information, but as you gain confidence in your SELF and in your Higher Guidance, you will be able to answer this calling.

When you admit to yourself, as well as to others, that you are speaking to higher dimensional beings, your consciousness begins to expand beyond your third/fourth dimensional Earth consciousness and into your fifth dimensional Galactic consciousness!

We will now address some of the “Cycles of Planetary Ascension.” Cycle ONE of Planetary Ascension, which is much like an adult nursery school, is the “threshold” into the fifth dimensional frequency of reality. This is where those with a “young multidimensional consciousness” first go to learn, and they learn how to teach others what they have learned.

In this manner, these ascending ones can experience the support of their higher dimensional home on the Ship, while they also interact with the third dimensional humans on Earth. Their Inter-dimensional Ship, which is within their consciousness, keeps an “open line” between their fifth dimensional and beyond SELF on the Ship and their third/fourth dimensional self on Earth.

Hence, some of the “Volunteers to Gaia” choose to enter third dimensional Earth, and then return Home to the fifth dimension as soon as they have learned/remembered what they wanted to gain from that incarnation.

In this manner, they can better assist with Planetary Ascension when they return to the higher realms. In fact, many of YOU are “teachers” in the higher dimensional ships and realities. What you “teach” on the Ship is what you have learned about being a human on third dimensional Gaia.

We Galactics are very invested in assisting Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension. Humans are the primary cause of most of the obstructions to this Planetary Ascension. It is for this reason that we often contact humans, not just so they can assist us, but so that they can assist us to better understand humanity.

On the other hand, “Nature Beings,” as we call Gaia’s Elemental Beings that inhabit Her planet, can easily, and often do, communicate with us. Of course, the Nature Beings do not speak a third dimensional language.

Instead, they telepathically send their message out to those who love them enough to hear them. Yes, the key to communicating with a Nature Being is LOVE. One cannot give love away if they do not have it within their own heart and mind.

Therefore, the Nature Beings can feel the LOVE, and know that they are safe to communicate with us, as well as more and more humans. When we say “us,” we mean any being, Galactic or Earthbound, that has a deep love and commitment to Planet Gaia. By taking an earth vessel, we Galactics can more deeply understand how humanity is advancing with their “Mission of assisting with planetary ascension.”

Yes, as you may know, many of the “humans” that you meet in your daily life, are actually Galactics who volunteered to take an earth vessel to better understand and assist with the process of Planetary Ascension.

Then, we fifth dimensionals are able to return to the fifth dimension to share what we have learned during our excursion to being a human on Earth. Also we are primarily visiting the timeline that most of your readers are on.

We are visiting that timeline because it is a crucial “time” in which Gaia could begin Her ascension process, or fall into destruction. This “destruction” is NOT from a Galactic Source, The Sources of this destruction would be from the “Protectors of Gaia,” which is HUMANITY.

Humanity has experienced difficulties from the Dark Ones, who have been trying to take over Earth from the very beginning of Gaia’s “Earth Civilization.” Therefore, more of us, your higher dimensional SELVES, are choosing to take Earth Vessels in order to assist our volunteers to Earth.

Fortunately, we are beginning to perceive that more and more humans who are ready to join us Galactics, as we work as ONE Being, to assist humanity to discover how they, in their own way, can best assist with Planetary Ascension in a manner that humans can best understand.

When one first begins to communicate with their fifth dimensional self, while wearing your third dimensional form, you are entering Cycle TWO. We will return to share Cycle TWO with you.

Blessings from the Arcturians, Pleiadians, and ALL your Galactic Family.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2018 9:07:29 PM

Hello, I AM Here, God!

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God said:

Beloved, if the beautiful created world We live in has been taken over by outside sources or wayward inner sources, We, the lovers of life, are reclaiming the world now. We reclaim the extant world with simple grace and truth. We rise with Our hearts attuned to love, and that’s it.

Love is Our motivating factor, or forget about it. To prove anything is not Our purpose. To receive can’t be Our goal. Our aim is to give back to the Universe the joy that may have been eclipsed and hidden away for one kind of misinterpretation or another – from foolishness or short-sided importance of less than truth when love is Our straight goods. It’s clear now that individual self-importance is no kind of importance at all.

There are directions to go in, and there are directions to leave behind. Reclaiming the world in no way is a coup. We certainly aren’t kidnapping the world. We take love seriously and not rule to heart. We supply nutrients. We give the world back to its origin. We do not have to be very serious, yet nor are We frivolous. No one here with Me today lacks awareness that the world, as it was created, may have been somewhat tossed aside. It may be that ignorance was exalted, whereas goodness and mercy may have been fragmented. There may have been awareness, yet lack of alertness.

Always, who is responsible for anything? No pointing fingers elsewhere. Reclamation begins with all who are here today. Now, look, this is no big deal. This is no grand sweep. We set Our intention to the return of generosity to all the world – which means for everyone. No one is singled out for more, nor is anyone singled out for less.

We speak of constituents of a world that somehow unzipped themselves from Paradise when no one was looking. This happened without full realization. Too many were snookered. Those who led the list were also snookered. Now, let’s return to rebuilding and restitution. We are talking about loving your brother as your Self or more.

This is not an all-at-once action. This isn’t ganging-up. There aren’t any factions. This isn’t splitting anything in two. Everyone is a winner, and there are no losers. This is reassembling and realigning. Start off on your right foot aligned with Mine. This is all it takes to uplift the world. Come with Me. We are on a Peace March. We are right out in the open. This way to Heaven. Return to Heaven.

In truth, We go forward. Peace and love are on the rise. Make a commitment to give your heart to the truth of goodness and mercy. You do not try to make up for anything nor to placate anyone, least of all not anyone’s little self. Simply now, all are lining up for peace on Earth and Good Will to all. This is what We do. We are speaking of this wonderful Room at the Inn. Beloved, what else is so fitting as to make more room for all? Frankly, I know of no other way.

Somehow, Room at the Inn was being cramped. As this was happening, too many were not looking. This isn’t about having regrets. Now We are about an upsurge of more rooms being built. This is all. This isn’t stretching boundaries. This is using the space there always was and building anew. Perhaps there was hesitation for the mistaken idea that you or someone would be left out. Come, return to the land of milk and honey. This is where your Consciousness rightly belongs and has belonged all along.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/21/2018 9:09:12 PM

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Therapist and Client

Dear friends,

I am Jeshua, I greet you all today. I am close to you in my heart, because we are deeply connected to each other. There is a level at which we are one in undivided consciousness, a free, grand, and creative consciousness that is our true haven.

You are here, manifest in a bodily form, localized in time and space, but there is so much more that you are, and I ask you to connect with this larger, undefined, and wider consciousness that connects you with your origin, your Home.

Feel God within you, and feel how simple this energy really is. God is not high above you, it is an energy that flows through you, through all life on Earth, and even through the material objects and things with which you are surrounded. God is everywhere, and God does not feel limited by forms. God is pure and unadulterated consciousness. However, the divine power wants to experience through all these different forms, all these manifestations in time and space.

Now feel for a moment who you are in the whole of that flow: a spark of light in an immense sea of consciousness, but nevertheless an imperishable spark of light that makes a unique contribution to the whole.

Feel that indestructible power within you that always is, always has been, and always will be the spark of eternal life. And in that spark of light, you are part of the Creator, part of God. You have a creative consciousness, and you choose for your life experiences, for the life path to which you commit. Very deep within your being is a central point from which you are aware of the design of your life and you attract the things you want to experience in order to grow and to learn.

That is why you are essentially never a victim of the world. In essence, you are never completely powerless or vulnerable, because deep inside you that God spark is present, that God spark that says “yes” to everything that you are going through in your life, and which also knows you are capable of learning and growing from these experiences and become greater and more inclusive.

Say “yes” to that strength in yourself, that source of light through which you have drawn to yourself the life you now live, with everything that belongs in it. You once before said “yes”, and you know within yourself that you have the power to fulfill that life, that destiny – in a good way – by remembering who you are in the midst of your earthly worries, in your daily life in which you meet problems and resistances. To come Home to yourself, and to share that knowledge and light with others, will give you your deepest satisfaction.

You who are present here desire to be spiritual therapists, which means you have the desire to spread light and consciousness on Earth from your soul, and this is a pure and authentic desire in your heart and soul. This comes straight from the God spark that you are, because it is natural for God to share joy, wisdom, and understanding. That makes God happy, and it makes you happy, because you are God in your heart and in your soul.

And now you ask the question: “How do you do that exactly: ‘spread the light’, offer healing to another?” This is what I want to talk about today, because in your society, there is a strange dichotomy between sick and healthy, whole and broken. The therapist supposedly stands on the side of the healthy, the one who is whole and gives light or healing to those who are broken or ill.

Seen from this viewpoint, the therapist is bigger and farther ahead, and the client or patient, is lagging behind, is smaller. And the bigger one has something that the smaller one does not have, which is then shared with the one who is smaller. However, from a spiritual perspective, this is a false image. What then happens, even before someone is treated by a healer or therapist, is that person is already being depicted as smaller than the one who treats them: the client has a problem and comes to the therapist for a solution.

This image of the relationship between therapist and client permeates all conventional health care. The doctor to whom you go has the “knowledge and expertise” and you, as the patient, are therefore smaller and their inferior, because you have need of their knowledge, of something outside you, so you can get well. Unintentionally, this model is often also used in what is called “mental health.” I would like to suggest that you pull up this image “by its roots,” because it is a completely false idea of how it is in a relationship between client and therapist.

The truth is rather the other way around: you are a good therapist if you know how to make yourself small, and to give back their greatness to the one who comes to you for help. It is something that person has unintentionally lost.

Someone who has severe spiritual problems is somehow convinced they are powerless, that they cannot stand up against the resistance, the negativity of life, so they feel small and helpless. You, as a spiritual therapist, are the one who invites that person to again find and experience their strength. You encourage them to re-discover their own greatness, to keep the inner spark of God awake.

And how do you do that? Not by giving that person something that makes them feel better, something that comes from outside, but by your believing in the power of that person’s soul. You do it by connecting with their soul, and from there to show your client through your eyes, and your words, gestures, and gaze that you believe in them.

Show them that you know of the strength, beauty, and wisdom of their soul. And because of this knowledge, and through your faith and trust in what they really are, the client also receives hope and trust.

This is the way of spiritual healing: you give back to the other their greatness. You try in all sorts of ways to again connect that person with their own soul power and in this way also to put the responsibility completely back onto them.

The great strength of spiritual work is that you show the other person they have the sole responsibility for their path in life, and their need of healing is not a point of weakness. That what they are confronted with is not something they cannot handle, but it is exactly their acceptance of responsibility that can help to free them of their burdens.

To return the responsibility for their own life to someone is not to say that you abandon them to their own devices. It means that you encourage them to discover and experience the power within themselves; to experience that they are much greater and wiser and more powerful than they imagine themselves to be. Being a spiritual therapist means that you meet the other soul to soul.

Looked at from just the human perspective, it might appear that you are stronger, or know more than the other person, and they are in trouble and need your help. But looked at from a soul perspective, both of you are on a path and one soul currently has more pain than the other, which says nothing about the path you are on as a soul, or the level of accomplishment you have. The one soul has made a different choice than the other, so there is no judgment to be made, and it is also not helpful to do so.

You do spiritual work because, from a soul level, you desire to share the light. What happens when you do this work is that the light within you is going to shine more powerfully, and you experience a deep fulfillment when you do so. In that sense, it is not so much something you do for others, you do it because it is your destiny to do so, just as a flower in the bud wants to bloom and emerge. That is why do you do this; it is the natural course of events. Light always wants to radiate and increase.

True lightwork thus means that you radiate your light to the other, and without judgement. You do not try to solve their problems, because this you cannot do, and that is not the intention. You allow your light to radiate on their essence, and in that way you help to awaken a person to their own essence, their own light. That is the most powerful thing you can do for another human being.

And when that becomes available through you, you will immediately find there is an increase of joy in that person because they can get closer to their own essence, their own life force, which gives them courage and confidence. Nothing can instill as much courage and confidence as feeling you are the master of your own life, and that you are able to give form to your life from your own inner strength.

And I would like to add one more thing: I see that you who do this spiritual work, or want to do it, sometimes have difficulty letting go of the negative energy in the other person, their pain and suffering. So much so that you can sometimes be overcome by the suffering of another person and even feel weighed down by it.

At that moment, you slip out of your own greatness, your God’s spark, into your human side. You jump into your old mode: “Gee, that person needs my help, I cannot bear this, I have to reach out a hand to them.” Observe then what that approach does to the other person: you consider them to be small and helpless, a victim you have to save. But by doing that, you do not really do anyone justice, and in the end, it is of no help.

To truly stand in your power as a spiritual helper means you take a backward step. As a human being, you might be tempted to take a step forward and want to soften their pain, but as a spiritual helper, as a soul, you take a backward step. You are fully present, you have compassion for them, and you often understand very well the process that person is going through, but you are not going to get involved in it, you keep outside the problem.

You are the beacon of light, and by stepping back, you demonstrate that it is possible not to be drawn in by thoughts about smallness and weakness and helplessness. By taking a backward step, you allow the other person room to come into their own strength. You invite them in, although doing this can go against everything you have learned as a human being.

This approach may seem hard or cruel, but it is not, if you view it from the perspective of the soul. Imagine you are in a very weak moment, in which you experience a lot of grief and you feel quite powerless, or when life just seems too much to bear.

What is it that helps you the most? Someone who extends their help from the vibrational level at which they are, and from there gives you a pat on the back, or someone who is trying to help from the idea that you cannot do it yourself? As a helper, you often give well-meaning advice from a vision you have about how to solve the other person’s problem. But you do not really reach the soul of that person, because you are not connected to them on a soul level.

Think about the times when you feel extremely vulnerable or gloomy or anxious. What helps you the most at those times is someone who continues to believe in your power, who still continues to perceive your soul-force, your being, even if you do not completely see yourself in that way. That is the true work of a spiritual therapist. And that can sometimes mean you have to hold on to the image of that person as a powerful, creative, free, and loving being, even though that person is not able to do so themselves.

It may mean that you have to wait, patiently, while you hold on to this image. But it is essential, at the level of the soul, that you remain as equals. If you do not, then you slide back into the old image: the bigger compared to the smaller, the helpless before the powerful, and this is a destructive image. It keeps people away from their true power.

At the time when you yourself feel weakened by the pain or negativity in others, remember what is really happening. Dare to step back, and do not see doing that as heartless or cruel, but as a reappraisal in which you put the true relationship between you and the one who suffers into perspective.

Stay present in your own power, in your own light. Doing this benefits you, not only your mind, but also your emotions and your body. And it also benefits the other person, because in this way you hold up a beacon of light for that person in which they can mirror themselves.

Spiritual work, where you relate to the other person, soul to soul, asks that you make an inner connection with them, especially with them in their greatness. And it means, at the same time, that you completely release the other person to be their greatness. And the latter is very important for you all to remember, because releasing the other person is an act of trust and is just as important as making the connection.

I believe in you all. And although I am not here to solve your problems, I am here to tell you that you are a powerful star of light, all of you. That your light, and radiating it, is unlimited and that you can believe in it, and enjoy it and live fully here on Earth. That is the lightwork for which you came. Thank you for your presence.

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan

© Pamela Kribbe

“Jeshua: Therapist and Client,” Channeled by Pamela Kribbe, May 20, 2018, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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