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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/11/2018 9:38:43 PM

Label Nothing

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God said:

Beloved, whatever happens in your life, refrain from assigning it a name. Often you make assumptions. You might wake up one morning and suddenly feel sad, even finding yourself crying, and you really don’t know why. You don’t understand why and why now? You didn’t know you had buried so much sadness. You hadn’t realized you were still carrying it around with you. You see no point in bothering to think of it now. Alas, it never really did amount to anything. Or, in fact, it broke your heart, and you have never fully recovered from it.

It hadn’t sunk into you that you had run out of love until just now. There had been a time or two when you thought you had loved deeply. Then one morning, here you are, waking up feeling no love at all, perhaps just brief snatches of love that are vague or impossible or even, in the best of times, may not have been worth speaking of.

This morning, the absence of love in your heart hangs heavily on you. There is no reclaimed happiness in the past to find now. There are no sketches of the past in your heart. “Why not?” you almost beg. Then, in the next moment: “Good riddance,” you say to yourself.

You are sorry to confess that the big loves you once thought were yours were unrequited.

You don’t recall that you had unrequited anyone’s love, not that you can think of, not anyone who would wake up years later and think of you, and what do you care now anyway? At best, the loves you once held were passing fancies and no more than that.

No wonder you are sad. All the love you once thought you knew turned cold. Warm embers no longer exist. Somehow, cold water has been poured over them. Once you had the illusion that you loved and cared about love. Now, no ghosts remain.

What do you care? Despite the depth you once had held these dribbles of love in, now you see clearly that they really were nothing at all to write home about, certainly nothing at all to wake up to thinking about a thousand or more years later, more or less.

It’s clear to you that lost loves held no real meaning then and less now.

Beloved, it is My desire to tell you that, despite what you may or may not feel, you are not poor in love. Love you once felt or thought you felt never was so specific as you thought or as you had wanted.

There is no way you have to feel or not to feel. No one said you had to look back and sift your fingers through the ashes. You don’t have to feel sad or glad or anything at all. Label nothing.

You do not have to identify anything. There is no requirement to make something of the past or not to make something of the past.

So, you feel distant from your life. You may have made too much of it at one time.

Your life, no matter how you perceive it, is not your God. And so-called time has nothing to do with Oneness.

You have been walking through rooms you once thought you lived in. You were a passerby.

You are aloft now. You are not of the past. You are Soul. Anything less than Soul isn’t worth the time of day. Your life is not yours to weigh. Has the intellect taken over your heart these days? What for? To cause you ersatz woe?

Go back to sleep then. We will talk anon, you and I, and you will re-awaken to love.

Love, God

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/12/2018 6:07:54 PM

FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2018

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner May 9, 2018



I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I work full time with the Earth Council and am focused on the ascension process.

You are proceeding rapidly with your Ascension Process. We are with you every step of the way. You are pulling your energies away from the third dimension. You are focusing on moving through the fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension.

Some of you are still quite attached to the material world. You are beginning to understand the lessons that you came to learn from the third dimension. We know that you would like to retreat from some of these lessons, yet they still require your completion. If you look at what you are going through you will see that you are putting the finishing touches on the karma so that you can be free to ascend. You will not have to go through these lessons again. Then you will be able to pat your self on the back. If you like, we will even give you a diploma so that you can put it on your resume when you apply for other planetary service.

You are reaching new levels of understanding of yourself and the world in which you have been living. It is like none other. You are a special needs planet due to extreme diversity and the energy vampires who have settled on your planet. Their energy scavenging is nearly over. Their reign of terror will no longer be allowed. You will be dancing in the streets perhaps singing “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” Then you will be singing “Let the good times roll” and the streets will be paved with gold.

Please mark my words. They are filled with love and truth. They are a predictor of what lies ahead. Do not let these challenges overwhelm you. You are spiritual warriors filled with light, power and truth.

I proclaim that the time is now. You are ready for the Golden Age. Change is at hand.

I am Mira saying good bye today with bountiful love.

Source: Valerie Donner

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/12/2018 6:09:36 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday May 12, 2018

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/12/2018 6:10:55 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/11/2018

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It is an existential reality that if you drop all clinging, your whole life will disappear and you will find yourself a totally new life - with new visions, new longings, new desires, new light, new challenges, new stars calling you for the pilgrimage.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/12/2018 6:21:21 PM

FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2018

Selacia ~ Wesak Blessings - Next New Energy Threshold -

The weekend's Wesak is the next in a series of new energy thresholds humanity must move through in the global awakening process. Everyone is impacted, even if unconscious to energy and the long process of awakening underway. Most likely you are feeling this, and moving through a number of life changes now. Continue reading to better understand what this means in general, the blessings involved, and what's important to know now.

As a reminder, we move through energy thresholds that call for choosing what we want - for ourselves and for the planet. You've been through a number of them already. Each time you are facing a new crossroad - needing to choose how you go forward. That usually involves a series of choices.

Big Choices Being Made

A big choice for all of humanity now relates to how people are living together on the Earth - with one another and with other living things. It's about how people are caring for the Earth - not only for now but for future generations to come.

It's about people revisiting what is important to them as they make choices, respond to others, and set goals for the future.

In a simple sense, it involves taking a deeper look at the life foundation each person has in place - and making adjustments as needed so that the eternal and big picture are factored in. Blessings occur during this process - sometimes subtle and not recognized as such until later, and other times quite obvious and immediately appreciated.

Knowing What Needs To Change

It's not always simple to discern what needs to change in one's life. Know the feeling?

An initial part of the process to take a deeper look can be catalyzed by frustration, a romantic breakup, a stuck feeling, a sense of boredom, some element of life not working like it worked before, or even a sudden seemingly random event. Dreams often give clues.

Indeed, the energies of this Wesak season are the impetus for a new and deeper look at values and what people feel is important in the long term. To be sure, humanity is at a crossroads on many levels, and without a personal and collective deeper look, the Earth is at a crucial precipice. I speak more about that in "Earth's Pivotal Years."

Issues involving values are now front-and-center in society. Norms are being challenged, justices brought out into the light for healing, and power abuses coming out of the shadows.

The Role of Women

One of the biggest power abuses now coming center stage involves women. For so long, women were objectified, dishonored, and denied opportunities. In the year 2018, the world is waking up to the positive power of women. In my "Predictions 2018" I address this and related themes of this year, helping with an understanding of what's unfolding - and your role, whether you are male or female.

The issue of women is more than women's rights and women's role in society so long dominated by men.

Return of the Divine Feminine

The bigger picture involves a return of the Divine Feminine energy to the Earth.

For humanity to awaken and the planet to ascend, it's essential that the Divine Feminine be fully restored. One way this happens is on an individual level as people awaken and begin to balance their male-female energies.

Each person houses both a Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. Each is necessary for self-realization, balance, wholeness, and full enlightenment.

Because of events unfolding across the planet now - waking people up to the need for including feminine principles in all things -2018 can be a very big turning point for the Earth.

In some places like the US, this weekend people celebrate Mother's Day. Consider for a moment the importance of this. Without mothers, there would be no children. You would not have been born.

This half of the population births into being the new generations that will continue humanity's enlightenment progress and ability to join with others in the cosmos.

You as a Cosmic Being

You are human, but you are also cosmic. You come form the stars after all.You are either male or female, but an an inner level, you naturally house both qualities.

A planet such as Earth that can bring feminine principles of compassion and cooperation into human interactions is a place with the higher consciousness needed to be full partners with other evolved beings across the cosmos.

This is your destiny. To fulfill this is an important part of your path.

Those who master the housing of both Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine qualities become whole beings. The Divine Feminine is not weak and quiet. Expressing this energy involves empowerment - speaking up for truth, social justice, and fairness.

It is a caring, tempered energy - but also very strong and fiery in ways that precipitate beneficial social change.

Divine Changemaker Role

As you read this, you likely feel the call to embody these qualities and to be the powerful divine changemaker you are meant to be this life.

At this Wesak, then, put yourself in the vicinity of others focused on these principles and the overall path of enlightenment. Invite a knowing of the blessings you already have, and how you can be an increasing blessing to the world. Accept your power to change the world to the loving one you want. Trust that the universe will respond and that you are loved more than you know.

Copyright 2018 by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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