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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/21/2018 2:04:09 AM

A Secret to Happiness

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God said:

Do you want to be happy? I never knew anyone who didn’t. Wanna know One Secret to Happiness for happiness? A Trigger to set off Happiness?

Don’t be disappointed when you see it. There is more than one secret to everything. In any case, if your happiness quotient seems to be dragging its feet, try this out:

Anticipate happiness.

Look for happiness around every corner.

See happiness.

Be happiness.

Go ahead and hug happiness to you.

That’s it. This is a good start. Wind yourself up. Be open to happiness. Invite it. You never know where and when happiness will show up. Have happiness on your mind and in your Heart. Where can your happiness be hiding right now? Where does your happiness lie? Happiness longs to be with you before it has arrived and settled in.

I don’t say that wishing makes all you wish for come true. What I am suggesting is a little different from wishing. Wishing for happiness seems to state firmly that you are lacking happiness and therefore affirms that you are barren of happiness. You are not petitioning for out and out World Happiness. You would be grateful for a little everyday cupful of happiness.

Beloveds, if you have a half teaspoonful of happiness today, be delighted with that half teaspoonful of happiness. Lick the spoon well.

Say: “Glory be, here I am licking this marvelous half teaspoonful of honey. This is quality honey. Happiness is the nectar of the Gods.” The more you say, ‘Thank you,’ the more honey flows to you.

Think of getting up in the morning as you did when you were a child on Christmas morning. You were all agog at what was to come.

Maybe before you go to bed tonight, write a list of what might make you happy tomorrow morning. Sure, go ahead, and make a lot of the material objects that might make your Heart leap. Also make a list of the non-material happiness that could come running through your heart and bloodstream.

Whose knock at your door would your Heart be thrilled to see? To begin with, think of only those who are still alive on Earth. I suggest this so you won’t be inviting a whole line-up of sadness and nostalgia to you.

You might even like to think of someone who might be annoyed with you. A light and easy reconciliation could make you happy; why not?

Now, foresee when the dear people arrive at your door, what do you want the first words they say to be?

What will you say then, or will you be the first to speak, or perhaps you simply throw your arms around your friends and perhaps say: “Son of a gun, where have you been all this time?”

It’s like this. You don’t start baking a cake until you have the idea of baking a cake first. At first you may think of baking a pineapple upside down cake like your mother used to. Then the thought of a cranberry nut bread like you used to bake occurs to you. And then another thought peeks in.

Usually, first, before something comes to fruition, a thought of it arrives on its own.

Continuing with this theme:

Whose voice would you most like to hear?

What good news about this person would you like to know about?

What three words might you like to hear today?

What three words would you most like to say today?

What book might you like to reread today?

What surprise would you like to find in your mailbox?

What headline in the newspaper would you like to read tonight?

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/21/2018 8:50:33 PM

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn ~ Equinox March 2018: Diamond Light, the New Earth, Sacred Clarity and the Opening of Conscious ReGenesis

Image by Jean-Luc Bozzoli at

Beloved Ones, the Equinox on March 2018 is a powerful moment in the Spiral of the Sacred Year. The Equinox Star Gate is an 8th Dimensional Solar Gateway and it is transmitting waves of Diamond Light to the Earth along with powerful magnetic waves of Light Codes and Water Codes.

What does this mean for you and for the Earth?

These powerful waves of Light that are being received at the time of the Equinox transition (change of seasons) are assisting you to release and clear away remnants of old Time Lines and to focus on the New Earth Time Spirals that are being activated in this cycle. Whatever is leaving your life at this moment is not necessary for your New Earth creations and journey.

As the old Time Lines collapse and merge, old feelings and memories may come up. Fragments of what was or what might have been will surface to be experienced and then released. Do not hold onto old dreams or old wounds, simply let them go and bless them for what they have given you or what you have learned.

As you let go, you are making space for Dreams and Creations that have more clarity and are in resonance with the Higher Frequencies of the New Earth.

Diamond Light and Water Codes: Transmissions of Divine Love to New Earth

The powerful waves of light that are being received from the 8th Dimension and higher are transmitting the Diamond Galactic Codes for Light and Water.

In both cases, the Codes carry information from Source to create Clarity and Transparency on all levels of life. When the Light is Clear and the Waters are transparent, then all life can exist in a state of Diamond-like clarity and purity that reflects the pure essence of Spirit through the Soul and into Matter.

As you ascend and evolve to higher levels of consciousness, you will embody these Diamond Codes for Light and Water and you will become more “pure” and translucent, more crystalline and more capable of being a transmitter of the clear radiance of Compassionate Divine Love.

To receive these codes, Beloved Ones, you will need to focus on the Heart and to breathe from the Heart. For these codes, which are received via the Soul Star and sent to the Heart, are then spun out from the Heart into the manifestations of Time and Space that you call Reality. In the Diamond Consciousness, the Creations of your Hearts will be Clear and Light and Beautiful.

And, the power of the Diamond Codes will cleanse and clear and regenerate life on Planet Earth so that Earth may become a multi-dimensional Paradise Garden.

Conscious ReGenesis: The Next Step in the New Earth Manifestation

Since 2012, the Diamond Children have been incarnating on Earth.

These are children with a very High Frequency and who are born fully aware of and connected to their Galactic heritage.

They have a very clear mission, which is to lift Earth into the Diamond Frequencies of the 9th Dimension so that these energies can be felt and anchored into the Fifth-dimensional New Earth.

At this time, these beautiful children are assisting many of you to rapidly upgrade your personal frequency to the 9th Dimension (Galactic connection), so that you may also begin transmitting the Frequencies of Clarity and Light to the Earth.

Soon, there will be many of you including Light Warriors and Light Workers and Diamond Children, who will be anchoring and holding these frequencies of clarity in a conscious way to assist the Earth to regain her Luminosity and her Sacred Clarity.

Beloved Ones, the process begins with you. As you recognize that you have lost your sacred and clear connection with the Earth and with nature, you will seek to heal that within yourself. You will relight the Sacred Earth Fire in your Heart and you will clarify the Sacred Earth Waters in your body so that Spifrit may move through you in its pure and clear essence as Divine Love.

And then you will begin to see the miracles of the New Earth that will happen around you.

The Diamond Beings will come forwards as warriors of the New Spirituality to transform the Earth into a garden and to clarify the waters of the Planet.

One by one they will come forward as their Hearts motivate them, to be part of the conscious process of ReGenesis. That is, the new beginning where the Diamond Light and Water Codes will spark waves of Creativity and Abundance in the Hearts and Lives of those who are holding these frequencies.

The process of ReGenesis starts with you Beloveds. As you turn inwards and look at the deserts and the arid and barren places within, you will seek to heal these and once again create an inner Temple Garden of the Heart and Soul on Earth.

And, once you have created your inner Sanctuary garden, you will begin to create this on Earth.

The Earth is ready. She is simply waiting for the Creators of the Diamond Frequencies to sing a New Song and speak the Languages of Light that will acgtivate New Spirals of Creation. Waves of Magical Sound and patterns of Light Dancing will weave the New Earth Reality accross the Dimensions of Light and Magic on Earth.

ReGenesis is Now.

It is waiting for you to open your Heart and to receive the Light and Water Codes of these powerful waves of Equinox energy. It is waiting for you to send forth your dreams and creations on a new Time Spiral in these New Frequencies of Light and Clarity.

What was before is over.

What awaits you is a New Creation.

Beloved Ones, open your Hearts and sing with your Souls. Become Conscious Creators of the Planetary and Personal ReGenesis.


From Celia :

Please join us on the 21st March for a free online Equinox Broadcast on Blog Talk Radio to learn more about these energies.

You can also purchase my book, “The Diamond Codes”, if you would like to learn more about the Diamond Light.

Information below.

Equinox Broadcast Link Here for More Information : http:/

You can read Celia Fenn’s book “The Diamond Codes: Light Information for the New Reality,” available in E Book or Print format, for a better understanding of the Diamond Light Codes and how you can work with them.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/21/2018 8:54:05 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 21, 2018

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Your encouragement for however another human being wishes to express themselves is a powerful support to help people expand and discover their own gifts, preferences, purpose, and mastery. It is honouring another's free will and exploration of self. Your faith in their ability to guide themselves helps them deepen their own faith in their own divine capability. Doesn't that sound much more empowering than the old rescuing patterns you used to call love? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/21/2018 8:59:14 PM

Conversation with the Arcturians Part II via Suzanne Lie: What Are You ‘Tied Into?’

Conversation with the Arcturians

Align to the Reality of Power Within

PART II: What Are You ‘Tied Into?’

This is a continuation of our conversation with the Arcturians.

See Part I.

Shawnna: Well, it is interesting how all of the information that you’ve shared follows this harmonious theme, and as we choose to resonate and choose to align to the frequency of service to others, then we radiate that Unconditional Love. So we embody that Presence that we desire others to adopt as they become aware and connected to their Multidimensional Selves.

That just naturally expands into what you mentioned about Planetary thinking. In that way, we don’t necessarily rise above the chaos, but we’re able to serve as role models for those who lack that feeling of self-worth and Unconditional Love within themselves to make that shift to power within.

Sue/Arcturians: Yes, absolutely. It is your role as a role model that is of primary importance, for it takes quite a lot of humans to work as One being to allow Gaia to move into her transitional process. Gaia, your Mother Earth, is a very loving mother in the transitional process of birth. Just look at humans. When humans give birth, it is painful.

However, there are species of animals that are deeply aligned with the Earth, and they don’t have pain when they give birth. So why is it that the lesser evolved beings do not have pain over something as vital as birth when humans, who are supposed to be the more evolved, have great pain when they give birth? This has not always been the case.

There have been societies in which women were taken away from the herd, the tribe, the others, and with their husband or whoever was there protecting them, and they would just lay down their blankets, go behind a tree, and give birth to their baby, and they wrapped up their baby and went back home. And so it has become a belief system that rebirth includes pain, and rebirth does notneed to include pain.

Shawnna: That’s an interesting perspective. I suppose that in a way that is a metaphor for the paradigm shift that is required, the letting go of the old and embracing the new and just imagining the possibilities. It’s not always easy when we are tied into a system such as we find ourselves in and all of the indoctrination of our society. It is in a way difficult, it’s a challenge.

Sue/Arcturians: Yes. And we like the analogy of being tied into, and so we invite anyone who might listen to this message…..

Visualize yourself and see yourself and what you are tied into.

Are you tied into a job that doesn’t work for you?

Are you tied into parenting, which has lost its joy?

Are you tied into a negative marriage?

Are you tied into a living situation that you don’t wish to explore?

So now take this moment and feel yourself as being tied into something.

Now how are you tied into this?

We recommend that you see this invisible rope that ties you to that which you wish to experience freedom from. And as you feel that, feel that which you wish to release, that you have been tied into.

So begin with just one thing within this Now.

We ask you all to take a long moment, and what would you like to release within your reality?

Now, first we would like to ask you to release something within your personal reality. Because you do deserve this.

If you are here, if you are listening, if you have come this far within this conversation, and you are still listening, then You are amongst those who are here to serve Gaia and to communicate with your Higher Dimensional Self who can be Arcturian, Venusian, Antarean, any other beings that you might be.

And now feel how you are tied into your Higher Being.

And now that changes the whole concept of being tied into, because it is a good tying. It is a good connection. It’s a loving and kind connection.

Now feel how loving and kind, good-feeling the connection is, and now take it and send it from your Higher Self who is listening to us into your physical self.

And assist your physical self to unbind any part of your life, and say to your physical self, “You needn’t be bound to this, because if it’s yours, then you will do it from love, and if you feel that you must do it, then please don’t do it.”

Because the energy you put into doing whatever you do is actually much more important than what you do.

So if you have a job that you dislike, stop that job. Find a job that you like, because then you will spread like, enjoyment, fulfilment, and security. You will spread that.

Whereas, if you have a job that you dislike, then you will spread,“Oh I have to, and I must, and I can’t, and how do I get out of it. It’s not enough for me.”

It’s not what you wish to share, but whether or not you realize it, you share who you really are, you share what you are really feeling and what you are really thinking.

And, therefore, to be a conscious sharer, you must take some time within your daily life, and we mean daily life.

Take some time within your daily life, and go inside and feel yourself.

Feel that which you love, and send it more love.

And feel that which is challenging, and send it love and endurance and courage.

And feel that which is hurtful, harmful, distracting, unhappy and……

Blaze, blaze, blaze the Violet Fire, transmuting all shadow into Light, Light, Light.

And as you see that component of your reality blazing with the Violet Fire, send it Unconditional Love. And that Unconditional Love automatically sends it up into that next octave of reality.

And that lower frequency of reality that once was the rope has now disappeared. It’s no longer visible. It’s no longer audible. It is no longer a component of your reality.

Now we ask each of you to take a moment, and if there is one thing that you would like to expand, encourage, raise the frequency of, indulge in, live in, feel the Unconditional Love that you have.

And if it’s a mate, feel yourself loving your mate. If it is a child or a family member, feel yourself loving that child or loving that family member. If it’s a job or something that you are learning or a place that you are living in, something nonphysical, love it completely, and surround it with your love.

And in all of those cases, say thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thanksgiving for the substance at hand will duplicate the substance indefinitely.

And Unconditional Love and Violet Fire will transmute that which you do not wish to experience into that which you wish toexperience.
Listen to the full message

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/21/2018 9:01:47 PM

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation, March 20, 2018

Selamat Balik.

A new day is being born. Lightworkers and their allies now understand that victory approaches. For a very long time the prophecies foretold this now-inevitable victory. It is a time when your prosperity is to be released and a new way of doing things is to become the least of your worries. Lightworkers understand this new scenario and welcome the demise of the cabal with ease and with grace.

This is a time for new governments, as well as for another stage in our forthcoming ascension. In this new age, the nature of corruption is quickly changing our ways of doing things. Consciousness is moving toward peace, prosperity and freedom. An ever-expanding consciousness is now bringing about a new way for humanity to look at itself. The old ways are no longer working. The Light has prevailed and is now forcing prosperity out into the open. More and more, people are waking up and no longer choosing to serve the old system.

The intent of these new frequencies is to make impossible the old ways of starting a war. It is creating a fresh approach to an old diplomatic art. Geopolitics is not working anymore. Consciousness is growing exponentially. In so doing, it continues to alter our former view of ourselves. Consciousness is moving ever closer to a revitalized way of perception. These new frequencies are to allow the old cabal to fade away, ushering in a glorious Victory, and new-found freedom.

While these are still ongoing, your victory is assured. It is yet another sign of your growing consciousness and the new-found powers of your heart/brain connection. As consciousness grows, the modus operandi of secret societies and dark governments, of keeping the people in the dark, slowly fades as the new way of transparency becomes the norm.

This new reality is sinking in. The key to everything is your constant growth in consciousness. It is bringing in chakras and building a new consciousness that challenges the old. Humanity wishes us to experience the wonder of a society that cares for each other, is prosperous and creative. Recently, we mentioned your throat chakras. The throat chakra integrations with your well of dreams is now almost complete.

The next step is the integration of your throat chakras with the upper heart or thymus. Upper heart chakras affect the continuous pace of our ascension. The thymus regulates your immune system. As the thymus system activates and increases in size, it may cause many of you to develop ‘growing pains’. The key to all this is your constant expansion of consciousness, which is bringing in the chakras.

The changes of your thymus and throat are affecting and strengthening the heart, adding to our consciousness growth. As the heart strengthens, the parallel growth of consciousness is leading us to a new start based on love, unity and the heart’s new-found powers. This new unifying heart is beginning to discover its relationship to the brain. Researchers in consciousness know that, as consciousness grows, the heart’s love function becomes stronger and more important every day. Your true nature is coming online at a breathtaking rate. Enjoy the process!

Greetings! We are your Ascended Masters.

We come on this day to discuss an essential part of your growing civilization…mainly the need for mutual respect. The importance of seeing another as having the same feelings and energies as oneself is often taken for granted. Humanity has long prided itself on this need to respect the needs and wants of the other.

We need to cultivate a deep inner desire to understand and respect the wishes of every person in society. From a galactic perspective, it is an honor to be of service to all living things. We encourage you to consider the consequences to all around you before you act.

As you grow in consciousness, respect for each other takes on new meanings. Respect is not for personal gain. It is your sovereign right. Unity consciousness honors and holds every soul in high esteem at all times. It is often easy to bless another, and then leave it at that. Respect enables you not only to acknowledge one another, but to demonstrate how much you deeply care for each other. Respect is a key ingredient as humanity’s consciousness expands from duality to Unity.

Your society is changing precipitately. It is growing and shifting beyond service to self by embracing service to all. The new collective consciousness of humanity is graciously forming the ‘warp and woof’ of your new galactic society. Society is re-weaving the elements that morally guide you. With mutual respect, you let go of judgment. You let go of negative emotions like hate, discrimination, anger, blame/shame, etc.

The goal of respect is to foster a trusting environment for honest and open communication. A new way of looking at respect is to reform society and push it blessedly toward a new outcome. Respect for every individual will be the norm. It is the lynchpin for your new and transforming society, based on Unity consciousness.

Today, we continued our messages! The time approaches for a great change in this reality. It is time to transform pain and suffering into joy, peace and prosperity! The dark cabal has had time to change gracefully and failed. A new day is dawning that will bring in a caring and respectful epoch for humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, March 20, 2018

Source link: Sheldan Nidle PAO Update for March 20, 2018

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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