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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2018 12:02:23 AM

The Forgiveness Road: Asking for Divine Help with Apologies

Voice of Freedom

In this time of new beginning, Nova Being and Nova Earth, apologies are not something to be afraid of.

From my experience over the last three years, working with myself and others with apologies and forgiveness, my only fear was fear itself.

F alse
E xpectations
A bout
R eality

Holding onto false expectations, being right, allows old ways of being to persist.

I’m here — we all are — to create the New.

Deciding to consciously heal, to offer an apology or to forgive, oneself or another, is a Divine Creation.

As we do this within and without, we change our reality.


Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, tells as we step forth doing this, knowing our boundaries — Who We Are, I Am Love, I Am Peace — is very important.

“Now, more than ever in this time of new beginning, in this process of creating, and co-creating Nova Earth, in this time of a unified grid, boundaries are more important than ever. Because as you are progressing what you are saying — passively, actively, silently, or in heart speaking — you are saying, ‘This is acceptable, and this is not acceptable. And invading my values, my heart, my love, my sacred being is not acceptable.’

“As Yeshua has often said, and I will repeat, ‘Turn the other cheek,’ which is forgiveness, does not mean that you will allow that individual, or that group, or that energy to beat you up.

“That is not acceptable. And that is why we say, ‘Forgiveness is never permission.’

“It is simply lightening your load, your burden. So, when you dig deeper, beloved, when you say, ‘I really am having trouble forgiving this or that person, and what will happen if I do extend an apology?’ And the apology does not always need to be in person, or even spoken. But what will happen?

“I ask of you. All of you. What are you afraid of?

“It comes back to where we have started this conversation. And it is that those that are reluctant and recalcitrant are in fear.”


Yeshua knows a thing or two about fear and August 2013 he talked to us strongly through Linda Dillon, about this and also about doubt, asking, just like Archangel Michael, ‘What are we afraid of?’ ‘What are we afraid to let go of?’

“Fear has nothing to do with what is truth. And when you are in fear, what happens is your entire energy field freezes. So it is as if you have been flash-frozen and are ready for the supermarket, ready for somebody else’s consumption. And you are absolutely not helpful or useful in your own life, in your own process, in your own journey and you are not useful to anyone else either.

“In fact, fear is a contagion. And so when you fall into fear, not only are you frozen, it spreads to those you love and because you are frozen there is nothing you can do about it. It is a very, very dangerous element to carry. And you say, ‘But Lord, I am not fearful’ and I suggest to you that one of the greatest obstacles to humanity assuming and fully anchoring in the 5th is this issue of fear and doubt.

“And that is why I am speaking so strongly and some might even say stridently, this day. What is it you are afraid of? What is it that you are afraid to let go of. What is it, what is the fear that haunts you? Well you know the answer. And it is the fear of the unknown, it is the ‘what if.’ It is the ‘but.’ It is staying in what you believe is the present, when in fact your current reality and the current reality of Gaia is elsewhere.

“Now, I give you an example. You have all known or had situations where you have observed someone living in an illusion. There is a very derogatory expression of someone living in a fool’s paradise. What does that mean?

“It means that they have simply chosen to live in a reality where they do not wish to look at what is going on around them. And everybody on the planet at one point or another, whether it is in this life or a thousand lifetimes, has done this. I have done it. And there are times when this form of illusion is useful. It allows you to carry on in very difficult situations.

“But it cannot be a permanent state of affairs. Sooner or later you are required to look at what truly lies in front of you. And very often because you have been ignoring what is the truth, it is even more painful to embrace. But this is not about criticism; this is simply about us, you and I, brother and sister, brother and brother, speaking about fear. So do not fall into that frozen state.

“Now, before I go any further, I also wish to speak to you about doubt. Because doubt is even more destructive than fear.

“Fear freezes you. As I say, it is like being flash-frozen. But doubt, doubt my beloved friends, gnaws at you. It is cruel and it does not really have a heart. It is based in disbelief, and lack of faith and hope in your sweet self. Now you have come in many societies to think that doubt is a sterling quality, that it helps you with discernment. And what I suggest to you this day is it does not. Discernment is the ability with your heart consciousness in tandem with your mental and emotional bodies, your radar, to discern what is truth, what is love, what is the correct pathway and how to proceed in ways that are kind and gentle and loving.

“Doubt is dismissive. It does not build, it simply cancels and dismisses and it is very dangerous. The most dangerous element of doubt is doubt in your sweet self. Doubt in your power, doubt in your ability to discern, doubt in the wonder of love, or whether you are loved. Doubt gnaws at you like a rat with a rope. And it will never serve you. And it is more dangerous than fear because it eats away at your very soul.” (2)

No wonder we feel it’s difficult to let go, to apologize, to forgive.


There is a solution.

Asking for help, calling on the Divine, is a guarantee recommended by Archangel Michael:

“Now I have this new mechanism that I would like to suggest to each and every one of you who may be caught in this tricky recalcitrant position. And I will share it with you.

“Ask for help.

“Yes, my friends. If you feel stuck, this is not about you always demonstrating Herculean strength, determination, fortitude. This is not about flexing your divine muscles.

“Ask for help. We are Legion. When you say to us, when you say to the Mother, when you say to Gabrielle, or Raphael, or Uriel, ‘I am stuck. It is too much. I am giving this to you. Help me,’ it will be over in an instant.

“If it takes a little time, it is because there is an understanding not lesson, understanding, a comprehension inside that situation that you need deeper insight into. But when you ask for help, my beloveds, it is a guarantee, we’re there.”

Love and peace with help from the Divine,
the healing of apologies and forgiveness
is a wondrous creation in this New Time.

Facing fear and doubt
within and without
we create the New

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2018 12:10:03 AM

Daily Message ~ Saturday February 24, 2018

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So many of you feel you need to develop mediumship in order to communicate with spirit. While that certainly is one way, it is far from the only way we communicate with you!

Please don’t put off the joy of working with spirit thinking you need certain skills in order to begin. There are so many ways we interact with you! A simple heartfelt desire and being open to how answers show up are all that are required.

There are so many ways you can connect with us! Sit quietly and with your inner voice ask us to come make our presence known to you. Make sure to check in with yourself first so you know how you are feeling so you can discern if there are any differences. Spirit works with subtle energies so it is important to really use your awareness.

If you feel nothing, it doesn’t mean you have failed! It simply means that the easiest way to connect with you is by another means at the moment. Know that every time you intend to connect with us, you are supporting that energy, and it will get stronger and more pronounced over time.

Watch for signs. We love to leave you presents in the form of coins or feathers or anything else that would have meaning to you. It brings us so much joy to delight you with song, with cloud formations, with other gifts from nature, or by creating divine intersections where you are in the right place at the right time for something amazing to occur. Being in a space of flow and open acceptance makes these connections very easy to orchestrate.

Ask and be ready to receive! You may just be amazed at how we can show up for you in so many ways, and all of them are equally special and valid. In fact, your attitude of gratitude for however things show up paves the way for even more connections to happen. If you haven’t already, you can start your very own partnership with spirit today. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2018 12:13:30 AM

GFP Newsletter - 2/23/2018

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Relax, know first who you are. In that very knowing you will know you are nothing but a part of this immense universe, and the universe takes care. Even if it takes care through you it is existence that takes care. You cannot take the credit for taking care of yourself. The ego desires that, the ego wants to be separate; it wants its territory to be demarcated. But you are so one with existence that ego is just an idea, a figment of your mind, it has no reality anywhere. And the moment you understand it, experience it - that there is no ego - you will be as happy as the birds singing, the trees taking a sunbath. All around you everything is immensely joyful.

Ego makes you sad, serious; responsibility takes away your smiles, your laughter - and to me laughter is the essential religion. The capacity to dance and sing, not separate from existence but as part of it, is the very foundation of a real religious man.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2018 12:30:26 AM

Are You Listening?

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If you are looking for words of wisdom, look within. If you are searching for calm, look within.
If you are in desperate need of solace and quiet, look within.
If you want a sense of wholeness and peace, look within.
Situations (both positive and negative), the actions and reactions of others and feelings that accompany them will always be a part of your Earth plane existence. But you, dear one, choose what kind of impact it has on your life. Each of you was gifted with the ability to hear (and understand) what The Universe is saying to you during this challenging time. Whether you choose to listen or not is completely up to you. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/25/2018 12:40:37 AM

When You Forgive, You Improve Your Health, and Science Repeatedly Proves It

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by Anna Hunt, Awareness Junkie

Resentment. Arguments. Grudges. Disappointment. Anger. All of these have something in common. Not only do they make you feel cruddy, they also negatively affect your physical body. When you forgive, you let go of these emotions. This can have a very profound impact on your well-being.

Harboring unresolved conflict can have a much deeper impact on your body than you may realize. Just because you cannot see emotions and thoughts, doesn’t mean they won’t leave a visible mark on your health.

“There is an enormous physical burden to being hurt and disappointed.” Karen Swartz, M.D., Johns Hopkins Hospital

We are social beings. Although many people value solitude, as humans we still seek love, acceptance and companionship. Yet, relationships are not simple. We have little control over the words and actions of others. What we do control, our thoughts and expectations, often get away from us especially in an argument.

What’s hard to realize is that negative emotions like anger don’t really hurt the person who wronged us. In fact, by being angry, we only hurt ourselves. Here’s what the John Hopkins organization has to say on the topic:

Chronic anger puts you into a fight-or-flight mode, which results in numerous changes in heart rate, blood pressure and immune response. Those changes, then, increase the risk of depression, heart disease and diabetes, among other conditions.

This is where forgiveness comes into play. To forgive seems like a simple concept on the surface. However, actually forgiving someone may be more challenging than one would think.

Instead of telling you that you’ll feel great when you’ve let go of any grudges and resentments you may be holding onto, I thought we’d first look at the science.

In a 2014 study from Florida State University, Ross May PhD et al evaluated the trait anger and the trait forgiveness in 308 healthy female volunteers. The researchers conducted three related, yet distinct studies that assessed cardiovascular health. They concluded:

In conclusion, these results demonstrate divergent cardiovascular effects of anger and forgiveness, such that anger is associated with a more cardiotoxic autonomic and hemodynamic profile, whereas TF is associated with a more cardioprotective profile. These findings suggest that interventions aimed at decreasing anger while increasing forgiveness may be clinically relevant.

A second study by Toussaint et. al, published in 2016, examined how forgiveness, stress, and mental and physical health symptoms change and relate to one another over 5 weeks. The researched recruited 332 adults, with the median age of 27.9. They published the following result:

This study is the first to provide prospective, longitudinal evidence showing that greater forgiveness is associated with less stress and, in turn, better mental health. Strategies for cultivating forgiveness may thus have beneficial effects on stress and health.

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Finally, Loren Toussaint was involved in another study on forgiveness, which he published in 2012. This one examined multiple types of forgiveness as predictors of mortality. The researchers found that conditional forgiveness was associated with increased mortality risk. Therefore, if you choose to forgive someone, don’t make that forgiveness conditional to another person’s actions. The authors write:

An unconditional perspective on forgiveness allows the process to begin whenever the offended party chooses, without the necessity of waiting for particular responses from others. Placing conditions on offering forgiveness to others adds barriers that can translate into extended duration of unforgiveness and/or decreased frequency of forgiveness, both of which may ultimately yield poorer health and greater mortality risk.

Forgiveness is not just saying the words, “I forgive you.” True forgiveness means that you have made the conscious decision to let go of negative feelings. It doesn’t matter if the person who’s wronged you deserves forgiveness or not.

If you find forgiveness challenging, or feel like you need to let go of a grudge, then here’s a short forgiveness meditation by Jack Kornfield, author of The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace. Enjoy!

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This article (When You Forgive, You Improve Your Health, and Science Repeatedly Proves It) is copyrighted by Awareness Junkie, 2018. You may not copy, reproduce or publish any content therein without written permission. Feel free to share this article on social networks and via email. If you have questions, please contact us here.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Moreover, views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Awareness Junkie or its staff.


Health & Wellbeing

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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