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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2018 12:31:54 AM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 21, 2018

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The area of your life that you feel most blocked in is likely the one where you feel there are little to no options for improvement. While it may seem that way to you from where you are, this is never true. To believe so is much like painting yourself into an energetic corner, Dear Ones. It is settling for constriction and constraint, which is a very uncomfortable place to be, indeed.

It is not that there are no options for improvement, for there is a vast and varied universe available to you to pull from. It is just that you cannot see those options from your vantage point, and for most humans, seeing is believing. Take a moment to stop and really examine your self talk about that topic. Is it so limiting that you there is no room for you to allow new solutions to come forth?

You are part of a team. You are a member of the ground crew. Your team of helpers are there, always, to assist you in the areas beyond what you can see. As a human being, your first response is to navigate within what you see are potentials. When you have exhausted those options, it is time to pass the baton to your team who can see all the potentials and possibilities that you simply cannot see from your vantage point. Further, they can lead you to those potentials the most direct way possible.

Do you see? You work within the realm of physicality first, and when you have gone as far as you can go that way it is time to shift into the energies that exist beyond. Allow your experts to guide you. It is their greatest joy to assist you in discovering the magic and wonder of all that is possible through co-creation. Starting to play with the energies of surrender, faith, flow and trust, will allow you to make the empowered shift from seeing is believing to believing and then seeing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2018 1:09:46 AM


The Bringer of the Dawn - The Arcturians through Sue Lie


The Bringers of the Dawn

The Arcturians through Sue Lie

You, that is all of you, are standing on the edge, but you may not be sure what “edge” you are standing on. Sometimes, it is difficult to determine what “edge” you are on, as you are quickly, or slowly, moving through the process of transmutation from your third/fourth dimensional expression of SELF to your fifth dimensional expression of SELF.

The shift into the higher frequencies of your SELF begins by your moving into a higher frequency of CONSCIOUSNESS. More and more of our grounded ones are beginning to feel deep within their selves that something has changed. First they look around to see what has changed within them, but often they cannot find anything.

The reason for this is because this change must begin with you own “perception of self.” If you perceive your self as a victim to your outer world, to your body, to your family, you boss etc. etc. you have surrendered your “right to change your SELF” into the hands of another.

A huge component of change, which our grounded ones often miss, is that your own “sense of self” begins to change into your “your sense of self combing with your Higher SELF.” We, the Arcturians, wish to remind you that you ALL have a Higher SELF.

It is when you realize the YOU can easily and naturally combine your 3D self with your 5D SELF, merely by allowing your consciousness to expand, that you will begin to remember that you are your SELF.

You are the Higher Dimensional Being that you commune with. You are the Inner Guidance that you call on. However, this YOU is of a higher frequency of resonance. This resonance is more like a cloud than a tree, although humanity is quite similar to both.

“How am I like a cloud or a tree?” you ask. We are happy to answer this question and even happier that you thought to ask it. Actually, you are like a cloud AND a tree, which is dependent of your “state of consciousness” and your “choice of perception.” In fact, the higher your state of consciousness, the broader and higher your perceptual choices. We, the Arcturians will explain this concept more completely.

When you are “like a cloud,” it is because you have chosen to direct your perceptual field to be centered on the sky, which is representative of the Mental Plane. On the other hand, when you are a “like a tree,” it is because you have chosen to ground yourself deeply into the physical plane on which you have chosen to incarnate.

When you shift your choice of perception to be focused on your interactions with your physical world, you have chosen to focus on the Physical Plane. Then your attention is placed outside of your body.

On the other hand, when your choice of perception is focused on your emotional world, you have chosen direct your attention on your thoughts and decisions on your Emotional Plane. Then, when you meditate and/or attend to your inner world, you are focusing on your own Spiritual Plane.

All these components of your own Mind, Body, Emotions and Spirit simultaneously call your attention toward what is occurring in your Multidimensional Life. However, too often your Multidimensional Life becomes your Physical Life because your physical life call you more often and in a more demanding way.

“Is it even possible to attend to all four of these aspects of myself at the same time?” we hear you ask. The answer is NO. In order to focus on all four of these aspects of your self, you will need to “leave your 3D time” and expand your consciousness into your Multidimensional Perceptions.

Yes, we the Arcturians, are quite aware that you can only achieve this expanded perception when you “take some time” out of your daily life, your daily duties, to choose to focus on your own Inner SELF.

We the Arcturians are aware that this task to “find time for your SELF” can be quite difficult and seemingly impossible for many of you. Therefore you must be able to honor your self enough to put aside some time in your daily life for your own SELF.

However, we Arcturians, wish to remind you that as Gaia continues with the transmutation of Her Planetary SELF, those who have awakened and aligned with their own Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual aspects of SELF will be able to participate in, as well as personally experience, the shift into the higher frequencies of reality.

We realize that many of you are living within “the darkest night before dawn.” However, this darkest night is a symbol that the DAWN will come. Also, this darkest night represents that it is the NOW to go deep inside your own self to gather ALL the many versions of your SELF into a “well oiled” Ascension Machine.

However, we ask you to remember that “energy that is shared with loving intent” is greatly amplified as it moves through the Earth, Air, Fire and Water of your world, as well as your body. It is the duty of the awakened one, many of whom are NOW remembering their fifth dimensional SELF on the Starships and on their Home Worlds.

Once a grounded one begins to remember their SELF in the higher dimensions of reality, everything begins to change, starting with their frequency of consciousness, the frequency of their body, and the higher frequencies of reality with whom you are beginning to consciously connect.

It is within that NOW that you will begin to feel, and know, things that you never felt or knew before. However, it may take a bit of your “Earth time” to remember what you already know—which is that YOU came from the higher dimensional Ships and Realities to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension.

If you can share your process with others, then you can begin to form a “consortium” to better feel change in the wind, above you, inside you, and deep within the Core of Gaia. These feelings and sensations will assist you to remember that you ALREADY members of the “Galactic Consortium.”

What is a “consortium via the Dictionary?” Consortium:
Combination of organizations for common purpose
Right to marital company and affection
(dictionary meaning)

What does “consortium” mean within our own consciousness? That answer is, of course, for every person to discern. In what areas of one’s inner life do you feel that you are “on the edge of change?” You likely do not know what that change is, but if you meditate on it, you will find that this change is not just about you, but about the entire planet.

In fact, the first important change that humanity will confront is the realization that the “round ball of earth, air, fire and water—their planet” is actually a living being. Not just living because humans live there, but living long before there were humans, as well as long after the humans have moved on.

Some of these humans will “move on” with Gaia into the fifth dimensional frequency of reality because they have allowed their human body to transmute into higher frequencies of reality, just as Gaia has allowed Her planetary body to move into higher frequencies of reality.

“What is a higher frequency of reality?” we hear some of you ask. We are happy to answer you question, but please remember that “a higher frequency” is dependent on what frequency you have chosen to resonate within that NOW. We hear you asking, “What do you mean by choosing? We don’t feel like we have chosen anything.”

That last statement tells all. For those who believe that they are NOT “choosing their life,” it is a rather long journey to be the creator of their life. The seed, the beginning and the secret of “choosing your life” is that YOU are in the driver’s seat. YOU are not the “victim of your life.” YOU are the creator of your life.

It is when your realize/remember that YOU are the creator of your life, that you life begins to Flow into the Mission that you chose before you took this embodiment. From your position in your Starship or Homeworld, you chose to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension.

You then studied, visited and learned about Earth and found that many of Her human creatures were unable to remember their true Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, they fell into fear, anger, sorrow and despair. It was then that we, the higher dimensions of the grounded ones needed to speak directly to our “grounded ones,” especially the ones who had “lost the memory of their SELF.”

It was then, we searched the Astral Dream World for those who were beginning to remember, or who had already remember their true multidimensional nature. In fact, some of this group where remembering how to communicate with us, the fifth dimensionals.

It was through these vital communications, which the grounded ones were happy to share with their physical reality, a process of awaking began to occur. Of course, the forces of darkness tried everything they could to stop this process of awakening as it would cost them money and position.

Some of these dark ones are still active within their flash behaviors, but more and more of them are being revealed by the awakened ones. We are joyous to see that many of these awakened ones are teenagers or slightly older. They have not yet been dashed against the rocks of failure, greed and obsessions with power over others.

We also see that more and more of adult humanity is beginning to remember their own “childhood aspiration” that too often could not be fulfilled. However, if one is “fulfilling a need” for others, or better yet for dear Gaia, we, your higher dimensional expressions of self have been given permission to assist you.

YOU, yes YOU, the ONE to whom we speak. Feel how YOU are being called. And, better yet, answer that call—not because you are afraid, or because you want to get something.

We can perceive selfish reasons and easily differentiate them from actions and desires that are based Unconditional Love for Gaia and for ALL Her inhabitants. If you are among that group, and see that so many of you are, please ask us—your own higher expressions of SELF:


Think about, "What can you do? What are you doing?"
In fact, "Where and When are you performing YOUR Higher Mission?"

We the Arcturians are here NOW to assist you. Just call, and we will answer.
YOU, yes YOU, are the Bringers of the Dawn

The Arcturians

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2018 1:22:05 AM

GFP Newsletter - 2/20/2018

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I am neither for anything, nor against anything. My whole approach is that you should find a deep, relaxed contentment with yourself and existence. Then whatever else happens is just differences in your individualities.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2018 1:38:50 AM

The Theory of Relativity

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God said:

No matter how much you may yearn or even mourn for something you don’t find anywhere you look, remind yourself in Truth, nothing is really lost. You may not know how to bring your precious jewel up to the surface, yet it exists somewhere hidden to you on the surface of the world. With know-how, you would know how to find it, whatever it make be -- the lace tablecloth your mother loved, your check book, a lost love letter, a lost phone number, a lost thought, a lost love.

Of course, you always have an important reason to seek its return to you right where you can pull it out whenever you want.

The Essence of Truth is never lost, which isn’t to say that you are promised to have it safe and sound in your hand and to possess it in your preferred way. Of course, the return of what you lost matters very much to you. Beloveds, I do not hold this out to you as a guarantee just like that Certainly, what you lost is stored in your Heart.

Of course, there are other matters that matter more. Life Itself matters more. Your Loved Ones matter more. Even your bank book may matter more.

This is the thing. In the world as it appears to you, everything is relative. Therefore, everything in the world comes in a varying perspective. The most important thing to you today may appear as small potatoes tomorrow. Or vice versa.

You are well aware that your mind changes. You stand on an illusion of stability that more like air under you. The relative world is a mix. It is water boiling.

Ah, now God’s Truth, the Absolute Truth is a different story. True Truth does not change. You may well not be aware that Infinity is in your hand, that you yourself are Infinite. Therefore, I vow to you that Death does not factor into your Life. Death seems True to you, yet death is a myth, a myth you believe in with all your Heart, whereas Life Eternal appears more like a myth to you, a nice one, yet more like a spoof when you come down to it.

On occasion, you may sometimes begin to perceive Me as a Mere Myth when in True Reality, you can’t get Truer than you can get with Me. Beloveds, I am Truer than the ground you walk on and numbers you write.

The fact is that the Five Senses are not True at all. Facts may be factual, yet factual does not mean True. Do you remember studying in junior high school that your eyes see, in fact, from the vantage of an upside down image? Seeing, Beloveds, is not Believing.

Are you reminded of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity as perceived from two different spots on a train? Perhaps Relativity may mean that anything is possible. Therefore, anything may be fiction. What I, God, see as I see it from the angle of Heaven, which I most certainly do, is the Absolute Truth.

Beware of standard thinking as a model. Why? Well, Dear Ones, because, with standard thinking, you may miss out on what is Absolutely True. Of course, what appears as True to you appears from where you are sitting. This is another good reason why you don’t want to be so certain that you are as smart as you think you are. Think of it this: You may be far smarter than you you think!

Beloveds, I do bet on you. Open yourself to your own openness and even go so far as to change where you come from and sit.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2018 6:42:35 PM

"Are You Using The Law Of Attraction To Your Greatest Benefit?"

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic: The Law of Attraction. There has been a very large expansion in what many call “new age” thinking. It has been gaining some momentum for some time now. Many of you are familiar with The Law of Attraction. In short, what you put out is what you get back. But there are quite a few misconceptions about this Universal law in particular that we want to take some time to clear up if we may.

Let us begin by sharing our perspective of how this Universal law, the Law of Attraction, actually works. Many become intrigued when they learn of the Law of Attraction; when they learn that they are projecting in every moment a vibration that reverberates throughout the Universe and undoubtedly comes back to them. In other words like attracts like.

Few if any of you have much difficulty in identifying things that you desire, things that you want to create, your dreams, your hopes and your preferences. You each know what you like and what you don’t like.

What we see so often is those that become aware that their thoughts create their reality, feel compelled to decree to the Universe exactly what they want and expectantly await their highest dreams and desires to arrive. This works, but only on one condition. Allow us to clarify in greater detail to ensure you understand what we are sharing with you.

It is first imperative that you know that the Universe never responds to your wishes, to your dreams, hopes or even fears. The Universe responds to one thing, and one thing only. It responds to your vibration that you are emitting. You all have come to this planet with an inner compass to help you better gauge, exactly what you are pulsing out at anytime. It comes neatly packaged within your emotions, your feelings. How you feel is a direct indication of what you are pulsing out at any given moment.

You know when you are pulsing out or emitting positive vibrations because you feel good, you feel happy, excited, optimistic, exhilarated and all of the wonderful feelings that you have at your disposal. Comparatively so, you also know when you are emitting a negative vibration, you feel fearful, worried, anxious, and many of the other negative feelings that you have at your disposal.

So the question remains, do positive affirmations really work? Do they bring you what you are decreeing to the Universe? It depends. If you are simply reciting the words because of a strong desire all the while you are feeling desperate, fearful, worried, concerned or even frustrated then the answer is no. And here’s why, the universe doesn’t respond to your words. It only responds to the emotions and therefore the vibration that you are emitting at any time.

What we see so many humans do is yearn for change, yearn for their dreams and desires to come true all the while remaining completely focused upon what they have in front of them, what they do not like. What you focus upon will always expand.

If you are affirming to the Universe what you desire, all the while believing it is true, feeling the abundance that you are proclaiming then the answer is yes. Affirmations do work in this situation. The most important part that so many are missing is that you must feel what it feels like to have what you want; as if the circumstances around you have already changed.

Some will say, well how am I supposed to do that, I don’t have it yet. To this we would say, you do it often, you simply use the powers of the Universe against your wishes and dreams when you feel what it feels like to have the concerns and biggest fears manifest. This is what each of you have done at some point when you think of a scenario that you do not want, your fear will come true and you place yourself in the vibration of what it would feel like if it actually happened. But the wonderful aspect of this, is that you can do this in a positive way as well. What does it feel like to have your most valued dream come true right now?

When you place yourself in that feeling place, you are emitting the exact signal to the universe to conspire in every way to bring to you what you desire most. Not because it is responding to how much you want it, but because you are matching the exact speed of vibration that you desire most. To feel abundant, to feel happy, at peace, in joy, in love, exhilarated, a sense of great optimism for what else the Universe can bring you.

The Universe is simply a mirror. It cannot bring you what you want, anymore than a mirror’s ability to give you the reflection you prefer. They both bring you what you are in that moment. Use your feelings as the powerful tools they were meant to be. Not to berate yourself for feeling negatively but to be used as a gauge or a rudder on a ship to help you steer more directly to that which you desire for yourself and away from what you do not want.

So we leave you with this last question, what does it feel like right now to have the dream you desire most, come true?

We hope that we have helped you some way.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides.

Much Love,
Dr. Taryn Crimi

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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