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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/11/2018 6:48:03 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday February 11, 2018

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It is perfectly normal to feel some discomfort and anxiety when being presented with new, fast moving energies. It is much like being on skates and being propelled forward before you have established your balance.

But if you don’t panic and start testing out how to move with the energy, getting your body to relax and find where the balance points are, before you know it you will be gliding along with a level of skill and ease you couldn’t have imagined possible.

You have assimilated and shifted a tremendous amount of energy over the past several years. You are embodying energies that simply would not have been sustainable in the body a mere decade ago. You have this skill!

Trust in the fact that you have the divine intelligence within your body to evolve – your body and your lightbody know exactly what they are doing. Your job is to support them in that evolution by being non-resistant, letting them take the lead, and honouring what they ask for.

So flow, Dear Ones! Celebrate whenever you are presented with new energies because it indicates success in integration and the fact that the next level is now available to you. Have faith in your incredible competency, and know that your energetic mastery just continues to grow and hone itself, as you continue to move forward in the most remarkable ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/11/2018 6:52:28 PM

GaiaPortal 2-11-18… “Primary Light Stations Complete the Process”

This GaiaPortal seems to call out to those manning (woman-ing) the Light Stations. Sounds like final steps are in process. And the “new works” are beginning.


Primary Light Stations Complete the Process

Primary Light stations complete the process.

Favorites are eliminated.

Shadow violators are eliminated.

The Light Worker Alliance commences the new works.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/11/2018 11:25:52 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/10/2018

will's picture

If existence accepts the person, who am I to be judgmental?


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/11/2018 11:41:05 PM

Days of Glory

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God said:

How’re you doing today? What’s your horoscope? That is, what I mean is, not really your horoscope. I mean: What are you gearing yourself up for today? How are you going to capitalize on Today and more than that, make Today the best day of your Life. Chum, let’s go for the Gold!

Let’s go for a glowing day today. A baseball over the fence day. A Glory Day. The very best day so far in the Midst of Your Glory-filled Days. A Bonanza Day. A Day of Hand over Fist. A Day of Sunshine. A Day of Insight. An Outstanding Day. A Day of Dreams Coming True right in front of your eyes. A Heart-warming Day. The Best Day Ever.

Why not? While you are at it, do some somersaults. Limber up.

A New Kind of Day. Spring has sprung, and you are young. What a Day. Life is Play. Let’s have some fun under the Sun.

Let’s fly high on the occasion of Today.

The pay-off for today is hats-off.

This a day to be remembered for its Wonders.

This a day to set a trend of Joy right and left.

This is a day to make well of. Heigh ho.

This a day to let go of symptoms. That is, unless We’re talking about symptoms of Joy. Mount them up. Joyful Days, Here We Come.

No longer do you sit on the fence. Today you leap over the Moon. You peek over the stars. The stars are medals I pin to your jacket. Know your merit. You are a star in your own right. There are no nights that are not starry-eyed.

There are no lacks for a sentinel to report. Every star ends in diamond points. You pluck diamonds from the stars and you toss the diamonds to the High Heavens. You toss yourself along with the stars, and you land exactly where My Heart is. You cannot miss.

Today and this evening are that kind of Prize, aren’t they, aren’t you?

Hey, you whirl the stars. You discover you are a star that shines to brighten the Universe. Good going, Kid.

You know Whose Light you shine, Beautiful? You cheer the Heavens and all the Glory in Heaven and on Earth. You sing to beat the band. You are the band. You are the music sung and all the music not as yet sung. You are the Universe you celebrate. Celebrate today. Take the roof off the sky. Take your hat off like a ceiling. There is no distance between you and starlight. Your eyes reflect the stars. Your eyes are stars in the firmament. There are no dimmers. There are no weights to carry, or they are weightless like True Love unlabeled, and that’s all there is, Love ever mounting in the Sky for all to see like a new Sunrise or Sunset.

Who can really tell Sunrise or Sunset apart out of context. They both just risen as you are risen. You have reached the peak. You are the Sun that shines. You are the revelation you reveal. You are a torrent of Love. You blast Love all over the place, inseparable from the Love you are. I flung you Heavenward for all to see and all to be.

Where did you journey to? What happened to loneliness and all that which used to be called pain and suffering? Where do they hide now that they are no longer your medium, and you are no longer caught in their web?

Now you fly into My Heart. Disguise and pretense have flown the coop in exchange for a day like today. No more substitutes. Now full-fledged days fresh from Heaven for the Glory of All.

Come right up. Help yourself to this unprecedented day. It is all yours which means it is all Ours, One on One.

Three cheers. Hail, hail, the dawn has come.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
2/12/2018 12:01:54 AM

Crystal Kingdom: You Are the Light Bearers

crystals eraoflightWe of the Crystal Kingdom, of light refracting and contained, wish to honor you, Humanity, tonight for your service to the great Mother, to Gaia. We bend light, much like you. We purify and we intend for purity of all things. We amplify, as do you, human transmitters of the Christed light, (which is) currently raining down like liquid crystal light rays warming your hearts, our hearts, the hearts of all things.

Let this liquid crystal light deep within your core and connect with the mother Gaia’s liquid crystal of light and of energy. We say liquid because it is a few dimensions up from yours and shimmers in a sort of liquid state from your perspective, but we assure you it is is a very real place. We know this for we are there also, as are you now and have been. Many of you visit this secret heart of the Mother often to lend your light, your energy, in support of the great awakening of the ascension of Mother Earth, and all upon her.

It is a privilege to witness the transition of transitions. Allow us to comfort you in the process. Surrounded yourselves with us, and let us send healing energies of the highest purity light to your innermost places and assist with the balancing of the most intense energies of late. In turn, would you please do the same for us? All it takes is your intention to be all that you came here to be, Gaia transmuters of light and love.

This transmutation process is something many of you do all the time, and it is an integral process of your both individual and collective missions. You are the light bearers, the light holders and we assist with amplification of these encodements. We store information, we store love. We speak to those who will listen. It is true when Master Jesus said that truly we could cry out – of course this is true. Humanity has but forgotten how to listen to the nature that surrounds them due to the endless distractions.

And so, we encourage you that allow yourself to listen. To feel. To truly be alive. To feel the heartbeat of the Mother as it connects with your own. We offer comfort and support and healing, yes, for much is fore coming regarding crystal healing, and this excites us. We long to be of true necessary service to the All. We invite you into one of the many crystal caverns deep within the Mother, our Mother for healing and purification. Feel the blast of heat ignite your kundalini. Hear the humming of the crystals surrounding you, some as big as your sky scrapers. Feel their the energy of excitement and cleansing and be healed. Be healed Humanity, of all of your pain from this game of separation. Be healed and be at peace.

We are your friends of the Crystal Kingdom. Many of you have worked with us in the past and you will so again. There is much to relearn and remember. We are happy to assist. We are here for you, friends. You are much loved and supported.

» Source – Channel: Galaxygirl

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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