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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/8/2018 9:02:11 PM

GFP Newsletter - 1/7/2018

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Give me your dreams, and I can give you reality.

Reality is already with you; your dreams are like clouds, hiding it. Just give me your dreams. I ask nothing from my disciples except their dreams, their lies, their falsities.

And once they are without any falseness, they don't need anything from anybody. They have everything within themselves. They have brought it with their birth.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/9/2018 12:04:52 AM

The Arcturians: Learning and Remembering Inter-dimensional Light Language

arcturiansAgain, you may find your heart and mind hanging around our higher dimensional group of the Masters, Angels, Elohim. You see, “The beginning of the Beginning” is beginning. We, the Arcturians are always with you and are playing an increasingly different role in what was once known as your “time.”

As the frequency streamers of the emergence of the “fifth dimensional concepts, feelings, and memories” come forth to integrate within your consciousness, you are beginning to release many of your third dimensional emotions and reactions to your Time and Space Operating System.

As you release your attachments to your Third Dimensional, Time/Space Operating System, you will find that gradually, or all at once, you will return to your innate, fifth dimensional, Here/Now Operating Systems.

We know that “you,” meaning any person, place, situation, or thing that is on the Path of Ascension, are coming closer and closer to the experience of consciously perceiving the frequency expansion of your reality into the fifth dimension.

It is within this fifth dimensional reality that the third/fourth dimensional energy fields merge and transmute into fifth dimensional energy fields. As you feel these streams of energy advancing towards each other, like two streams rushing towards a reunion, you can feel that something is changing, or is ittransmuting?

“Changing” means that something is different than it was before the change. “Transmuting” means that something has expanded into a higher frequency of resonance.

Right NOW, the ascending ones, as well as the ascension process, is in between the frequency of your fifth dimensional consciousness of your fifth dimensional Lightbody and the third dimensional consciousness of your earth vessel.

You note that we say, “consciousness of earth body,” as it is your state of consciousness that dictates the frequency of your earth vessel, rather than your earth vessel dictating the frequency of your consciousness.

Of course, your consciousness and your physical body have a very deep relationship and a greater interaction than most humans understand. However, please remember that:

The frequency of your consciousness determines your perceptions, and the reality that you perceive is the reality that you live. Therefore, the highest frequency of your consciousness will be the first component of your SELF that will return to its innate fifth dimensional resonance.

Then, once your consciousness has fully accepted the resonance of the fifth dimension, your physical body will begin to slowly transmute into higher and higher frequencies of resonance.

Of course, some areas of your body will transmute quite quickly, while other areas of your body will take longer to transmute, as they will need to complete their healing and/or the release of old “effluvia.”

During the NOW in which you are in-between…

The YOU who has NOT YET completed your visit to the third/fourth dimensional version of Gaia, AND the YOU who hascompleted your many visits to third/fourth dimensional Earth, are ready to return to your fifth dimensional version of Earth.

Your visits to fifth dimensional Earth, your fifth dimensional Starship and/or your fifth dimensional Homeworld, have often been when your earth vessel is sleeping, or when you are in such deep meditation that you expanded your brainwaves to “Gamma Waves.”

These Gamma Waves resonate to the frequency of the fifth dimension. Therefore, they assist your third/fourth dimensional consciousness to expand into your fifth dimensional consciousness.

At first, your fifth dimensional streams of consciousness will be invisible to your physical self. However, as you continually activate your fifth dimensional brainwaves, you will gradually re-calibrate your brain to send these fifth dimensional energy waves to the language area of your third dimensional body.

Each of you, according to your desire and experience, will translate these fifth dimensional brainwaves into the language area of your third dimensional brain. At first, you may experience these “messages” via visions, which you will “translate” into messages.

When you “read a picture”, you innately use your fifth dimensional consciousness because a picture can contain many messages at once. “Light language,” which is “fifth dimensional language” is best sent to another via a mental picture which can have many meanings within the same NOW.

When you tune into Light Language, you do not experience separate words lined up individually. Instead, you experience the gestalt, which is the entire message regarded as a whole.

At first, your experience of Light Language may feel very “emotional” because your body FEELS it, but your eyes and ears may, or may not even be seeing or hearing it.

It is for this reason that humans often have a difficult time with Light Language, as it calls on different areas of the brain to receive it, as well as different areas of the brain to translate the message to your third dimensional communication system.

For example, if you read information, you will be able to consciously experience it because you are accustomed to “reading” information written on a page. Your physical eyes have been trained to combine efforts with your physical brain to understand the words that are written before you.

You are also accustomed to “hearing” information via your physical ears. The information that enters your hearing is routed to the area of your physical brain which has been trained (by you) to read. You can also use your motor skills to write or type this message because you have trained yourself to do so.

You may also recognize when “Beta Wave Messages” are routed to your physical body. In this case, you will likely feel a physical urge to “attend” to inner or outer stimuli, so that you can understand the message that this “physical feeling is giving you.”

With practice, you will remember to allow your body to tell you that there is something that you it wants you to do. An example of this would be that your body tells you that it is hungry and wants to eat, or is thirsty and wants something to drink.

You physical body may also tell you that you are very tired, or you are having an emotional reaction to something. As you attend to the many different types of “light language,” that your body is “speaking to you” via the synaptic, light flashes from neuron to neuron, you will learn the “Light Language of YOUR body.”

As you begin to “listen to your body” you will become more familiar with the manners in which your body gives you messages about its needs or your safety. These “silent messages” are Light Language messages that travel through your body via your synaptic firings, waft through your consciousness and activate certain areas of your physical body.

The more you are aware of these incoming messages, the more you will learn/remember how to more clearly identify them and to “speak the language of your body,”

As you feel more and more comfortable with recognizing the different waves of energy, you will be able to more quickly and accurately identify the frequency of reality that is attempting to communicate with you.

Sometimes, it is your “inner child” who wants to send you a message. Other times it could be your inner teenager, a unspoken message from a parent or friend, or even a message from an animal with whom you have a close relationship.

Also, if you enjoy Nature and spend time with the plants, trees, insects, wind, sun, sky, etc., you will learn/remember how to talk with Nature. Those who love to garden can always tell when a plant is saying, “I need water.” or “Can I have more fertilizer?”

Please be aware that you are the “unconscious” creator of frequency waves that you “send out” and/or “attract” to your earth vessel. The challenge is to consciously attend to energy waves, plants, animals and even the atmosphere, in order to speak “light language” with these beings.

“How is this light language?” you may ask.

These forms of inter-species, and even human to human, communication do NOT include using third dimensional words. There is a great deal of information that can be gained and shared within a single human word, but the emotions that carry that word to the receiver of the message is often more important than the words that are spoken.

Ask a farmer or a fisherman how they know what they know about inter-species communication. One of their answers is that they have been taught, or learned, how to deeply observe Nature in order to communicate with it.

What if humans first observed other humans before they began a conversation? That would be a form of Light Language because they are NOT using individual words, sentences and paragraphs that are written or typed on a page. Nor are they using language that is spoken or written in words and sections.

Instead, they are “hearing” and “seeing” energy fields. When you can calibrate your consciousness to the higher fourth and fifth dimensional energy patterns, you will learn/remember how to identify energy fields.

In fact, you will remember how to consciously identify the frequencies of reality to which YOU have CHOSEN to relate andmerge your consciousness.

It is best, and easiest, if you begin this process by learning/remembering Light Language, which is the language of “inter-dimensional communication.” By being conscious of the difference between a third dimensional energy stream and a fourth dimensional energy stream.

Then you can progress into recognizing a fifth dimensional energy stream, which can lead you into recognizing the “Inter-dimensional Light Streamers.” The fifth dimension is the “cross-over” dimension from the third/physical and fourth/astral energy fields.

The fifth dimensional, energy streams are often identified as “Light Streamer” because fifth dimensional streams of information have a great deal more Light, then the other energy streamers.

These Inter-dimensional Light Streamers, have been increasingly creating, maintaining, and guarding YOU, our brave warriors, to take an Earth Vessel within this VERY difficult now.

Fifth dimensional Light Streamers are increasingly creating, maintaining, and guarding our Ascending Ones. We, your Galactic Family, are also assisting you to fully remember and complete your assignment of opening and protecting the Fifth Dimensional Light Portals.

There are many portals around Gaia’s Earth, but they can only be perceived via a fifth dimensional and beyond state of consciousness. Therefore, the Lost Ones will NOT have access to these portals, or to any of the ascending ones who are using and/or protecting them.

We wish to state again that many do not realize that these fifth dimensional streamers exist. They are also unaware that these fifth dimensional energy streamers, are opening within this NOW to guide the Ascending Ones to initiate, repeat and continue all the many stages of “Remembering Your Return.”

Remembering your Return includes “remembering to share the story of your own Inter-dimensional experiences. We also ask that you remember that rather than thinking of ascension as a “reality shift,” think of it as a “Frequency Shift.”

It is not that it is your entire reality that will need to transmuted, as that is more than is possible given the current status of your planet. Instead, we ask that you think of this transition as a FREQUENCY SHIFT.

A Frequency Shift is a means by which you can expand your consciousness, and hence expand the experience of your present “Earth Reality.” It is getting closer and closer to the NOW when you will need to choose the frequency to which you wish to resonate.

The “Frequency Shift” is getting closer and closer to the NOW in which you will need to choose. What you may not know, and no one will tell you as they do not know either, is that YOU will need to find the answers within your SELF.

We say “SELF” because we mean your own Multidimensional SELF is the only ONE who can guide YOU. Each of you have a piece of the “puzzle of ascension.” Therefore, each of you are called on to find, hone and protect your puzzle piece so that you can share and combine it with ALL the other personal, puzzle pieces.

In closing, we the Golden Ones, Arcturians and/or the Ascending Ones, have been coming to the consciousness of humanity more and more. Therefore, they all want to remind us, those wearing a 3D earth vessel, that:

When you stand before the Ascended ONES at the threshold to the fifth dimension, you will have feelings that you cannot remember having before because within that NOW, there is definitelysomething different about your Earthly consciousness.

Surrounding dear Gaia, there is a “place” or “energy field” that is beginning its transmutation from the time/space of the third/fourth dimension, and into the fifth dimension of the HERE and NOW.

Therefore, remember your Light Language,

As it is the Golden Path that will guide you HOME.

Blessings from the Golden Ones, the Arcturians and the Ascending Ones.

» Source – Channel: Suzanne Lie

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/9/2018 12:09:28 AM

When Love Takes Over

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God said:
How big can a heart of love grow? There is no limit. There is no limit on love. Let your heart be a ripe peach, bursting with juice. Or a pomello. Or a luscious watermelon! Let your heart be a giant fruit of love. Feel your heart filling up with love right now. As your heart fills with love, you are rising. Like a balloon, you rise to Heaven. The love in your heart brings you here.

I pump love into your heart. The more love, the lighter your heart, and the higher you rise. Love is self-propelling and self-perpetuating. Love is the sap of the universe. It runs through everything. It runs through you. It nourishes your blood. It oxygenates you.

Anemia can only come from a lack of love, a tightening of love, a contracting of love. And so now you let your love out so your lifestream is enriched. Good red blood comes from love. What do you think vitamins and minerals are but love? What are all blessings but love?

The house that Jack built is love. The anvil is love. Daisies in the field are love. Love is on the lookout for you. Be you on the lookout to see and give love. There is nothing else for you to do. Until the world is overflowing with love and naught else, consciously emanate love. As love fills the Earth, love will not have to be thought of. You will simply breathe it in and out the way trees and plants emanate oxygen for you, and you carbon dioxide for them. No needs will arise because love will have filled all hearts, and love will have precluded need. Love will reign. Love alone will reign.

There will be desires filled the moment they are uttered, filled even before they are uttered. The cry of the world will be Thank you, Thank you. Love will nourish the soil, and vines will grow as you look at them. Yet whose love is this? Where does it come from?

There will only be eyes of love, and vines of love. There will be no imitation of love, only love revealing itself everywhere, revealing itself as the natural effortless energy it is. No effort to it. No resistance to it. Only love flowing much like a revolving door that catches everyone within its portals. There will be no getting out of love, for it will be rampant everywhere. There will be nothing but love circumferencing the Earth, and nothing else within it, so filled with love it will be.

Everything on Earth will be just right for everyone. Hearts will beat as one, and the Truth of Oneness will be known. There will be such a sweet exchange of love that it will overwhelm the stock exchange. What a different energy there will be. Everyone will give everyone else diamonds, for everyone will be engaged in love.

What can remain in the presence of love but love? What can withstand it? What place can there be for anything but love when love is all? Not even a remnant of hard feeling will remain. Everyone and everything will become soft like the soil in spring, and there will be a bounce in every step. Your feet will be off the ground, beloveds. Your heart will be flying high, and your feet will try to reach high as well. You will certainly be on a higher plane than you have been standing on. What can stay the same when love takes over the universe, love unabashed, love simply being what love is, the energy of God?



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/9/2018 6:00:22 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 9, 2018

Galactic Free Press's picture

Do you automatically so no to things? How many times a day do you say no with little to no thought? The more no is your go-to response, the more resistance you are in to life.

This is not to say that you should say yes to everything, because some things will not be your energetic match or for your highest good. We are simply suggesting you stop and fully consider things before you decide whether you wish to proceed with something or not.

So the next time you are asked to do something, why not feel into it? Is it really a no? Are you responding out of habit or in ways that matched who you used to be and may not necessarily match who you are today? Why is it a no?

There are so many times the universe attempts to bring new experiences to you that you may find very enjoyable that you simply won’t allow. If you check in with your body you will get a true answer. A true no will be felt by a lot of resistance or tension in your body, usually felt in your abdominal area. A yes will feel like flow.

If you are in between, why not give it a try? It may just end up being fun. A human being who consistently is open to saying yes to life is much easier to surprise and delight. Your yes responses make you cooperative with a universe that adores you, and add immeasurably to your expansion and experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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1/9/2018 6:08:22 PM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - January 8, 2018

Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, dear ones, and welcome to this astounding and co-Creative year of 2018!

Our writer has a question to ask, which is utterly relevant to all Lightworkers’ situation at present . . .

COR: My friends, over the past year I have received numerous emails from people who are at their wit’s end.

They are feeling so ill and exhausted from a disorder or illness that is often not properly diagnosed, that they say they are are ready to just let go of their physical body.

Or they are so tied up in financial debt and lack, so unable to manifest what they need to live their lives on a basic level, that they are feeling increasingly desperate, and feel to be sinking lower by the day.

Or their self-esteem and feelings of self-worth, and disconnection from their life purpose, is such that they feel have no voice, no vision, no reason to be here.

I feel strongly that all of this is related somehow, even though these seem to be separate maladies.

The worst part is when they say they keep trying to hear their Spirit team, but can’t, and muscle testing doesn’t seem to be working for them either.

Please give us your viewpoint on what is happening!

The Collective: What is fascinating to us, and quite positive and exciting, is that all that you describe here, dear one, are exactly the experiences lived by a race of people passing from one era of evolvement and consciousness into another.

We are aware that you have often heard people refer to “Ascension symptoms,” and we would say, that one could call these that, if needed.

But what we see goes well beyond symptoms in the sense of “something’s wrong, and I need to fix it,” and even beyond the need to blame everything on the Ascension process.

None, and we mean None of the situations you describe have very much to do with what they are apparently about.

You read many years ago a declaration written by a wonderful Light Warrior known to you as Louise Hay, who stated, “The problem is never the problem,” and we could not agree more.

We will give you an example: When you see two children out at play, and one is clearly bullying the other, you can if you wish step in and stop the bullying.

Yet in your heart, you will know that there is a much greater issue at hand than the outer manifestation of any one moment of bullying.

You know inwardly that that child has internalized destructive behavior from someone in their home, or from images in the media, or a friend.

Or that they have carried past life tendencies into this life, and that these are part of the lessons they came to face in this current life. Or several of these.

And so you have the satisfaction of knowing that you rescued one child from one unhappy situation, but you do not kid yourself that your role as a peacemaker, as one who instills higher self-esteem, compassion, and empathy in young people is completed and done.

There is far more to your role than you expressed in that one moment, just as there is far more to both children’s life paths.

In the same way, the issues you name are not “one-offs”—they are not simply about money or health or love or life purpose, however large these issues may be.

These are all outer indications of a greater energy pattern that is being revised from the inside out—sometimes, on behalf of thousands or even millions of Earth beings, and not only for that one person.

The person involved will experience the bumpy ride of that transformation as it evolves, until they turn to fully look at the deeper issue and accept the transfiguration of it.

This is why, when one illness is cured, or one set of debts paid off, another debt or illness will in time come to take its place—because the deeper issue still has not been addressed.

Let us look at these issues—money and health and self-worth are some of the very great “triggers” that alert people to the fact that their entire being, from etheric essence to heart-mind to cellular structure, is undergoing an astounding, miraculous remaking.

Yet if one is suddenly out of money with no new income in sight, or experiences a prolonged, severe money shortage, as if Lack itself had pulled a chair up to the table and made itself permanently at home, that person will not feel to be a walking miracle.

They will only feel to be in a terrible situation that they cannot shake their way out of, no matter how hard they try, using manifestation techniques, meditation, visualization, or just plain hard work, to revise their situation.

All of that inner and outer work is fine, but they are not the journey itself.

The actual journey has to do with uncovering the essence of the challenge that the money shortage represents.

You will not be surprised when we speak of the vital importance of a flow of thoughts, objects, feelings, and energies in life—of releasing the need to hold on, to cling to any one outer condition.

Of the vital need to forgive yourself for the times you took up the aggressor or victim role in life.

Of the vital need to release those who were brave enough (on a higher level) to be willing to play a terrible, dense, unpopular role in your life.

You will not be surprised (because you know it already) when we speak of the need to just Allow some days—to sit with the problem and send it Love and thanks, even before you extract positive meaning and growth from it.

At that moment, you realize what you have called a problem is not a problem.

It is simply an outer condition, an expression of something that feels to you to be an energy imbalance and a blockage between what you prefer to have and what you have now.

And that like all outer conditions, it is constantly revising itself.

So that the moment you stop calling it Bad, or out of alignment with what you want, you free yourself from feeling defeated by it.

The moment you bless and thank it and stop blaming it or yourself, you free that condition to leave you, because it has nothing more to show you.

Though experiencing wealth, health, love, and outer accomplishment are all fine and good, for the most part, you did not come here for these.

You did not come to admire the outer conditions of your life as constantly smooth and satisfactory.

You came to dive head first into outer conditions that would require you to forgive and love them no matter how difficult and taxing they seemed to your logical mind.

No matter how annoying and unthinkable they are to your ego-based need to survive, to your need to distinguish yourself as “separate but safe.”

And to your need to “accomplish something” in outer terms.

And so, we are willing to bet as they say, that those who are unhappy with their finances have not lately put a hand over their bank statement or their wallet, and proclaimed, “I Love you and thank you for all you do for me! I AM blessed beyond my most beautiful visions. Multiply and be fruitful, my friend!”

We are willing to bet that those who are unhappy with their bodies have not lately blessed and thanked their body for all it does for them, spending entire days concentrating on what IS going well with their health, instead of investing constant energy and focus on what is not going well (thereby extending the condition).

We are feeling that these ideas, practiced daily and often throughout the day, are mainly untried by them.

Likewise, saying to the body part or illness or system that seems to be failing, “What have you come to tell me, friend? I AM listening. What message do you bring?”

Consistently asking such, until the heart-mind hears and reveals the answer.

No, the answer will not always be immediate. That takes a bit of practice, and a quiet mind that is actively expecting and receptive to higher wisdom.

We guarantee you, each and every one of you has a beautiful Spirit team, full of Love and empathy for all you travel through in this life, who are Constantly sending you messages of encouragement, wisdom, and understanding that would not naturally occur to you.

We say constantly to Lightworkers, “If you do not hear your team inwardly, tell them to send you Outer signs, symbols, signals, and messages.

Outer indications of what path to take for greater Healing or increased Abundance or your life purpose—and the patience, self-Love, and thankfulness it takes to Accept those things.”

You will not find the solutions you seek while in the same state of mind that created the challenge to begin with, as one of your great scientists noted some time ago.

You must, within yourself, move to a level of acceptance, of no longer struggling against, of releasing resentment toward money or lack of life direction or your current job or relationship or physical state.

Acceptance and Love, with thanks for all it has brought you.

These challenges are not blocks along the road, dear ones. They ARE the road itself.

“But what if I want a peaceful life, free of these pains and distractions and feelings of loss?” you ask.

We would say, you can have it, the moment you actively choose such.

Are you willing to release the drama, the pain, the complaints, the expectation of trouble?

Because the third dimensional human is quite complacent and happy to stay in a rut on that front—another reason why these problems are squawking at you so loudly now, now that your vibration is moving so powerfully out of the third dimension.

The interesting, and quite challenging part of being willing to release your problems and no longer call them problems, is that the bully only loses interest when the one they are trying to upset doesn’t mind, and even enjoys their presence.

Where is the fun in that?

“Why should I stick around and be a thorn in this person’s life, when all they do is Love and accept me? That is too high a vibration for me to stand—I’m getting out of here!”

Do your “problems” or challenges love your resistance? Do they love your disdain and hatred of them?

Most assuredly—that is the gift.

They came to reveal that vibration, that resistance to What Is, so that you would become aware of it.

And they shall remain with you, for as long as you refuse to bless and Love them, and release them on their way.

For as long you, a powerful co-Creator, name them “problems.”

And so you will today inwardly ask your health or body part, your debt or your current income, your feelings about your spouse or lover, or other challenge:

“What have you come to tell me, dear one? I AM listening. I AM willing to learn. What I AM no longer doing, is feeling at a loss, as if I have been earmarked for trouble and suffering.

“I release the need to complain and resist my life circumstances. I loosen my grip. I release anger and resistance. I let go. I release, and flow down the stream of Life.

“I Love and accept this new higher vibration, and celebrate the Sat Yuga as a time of my highest visions coming to Life.

“And I remember now, Why I AM here, and What I have come here for, in the most joyful and fulfilling sense.

“I AM here to become my higher self, and I welcome him/her into my consciousness fully now. I give thanks!”

As do all of us, dear ones.

You cannot know how much you are Loved, and as we have said many times, very nearly envied (and greatly admired) for the bravery it took for you to incarnate in these powerfully transformative, often rocky and tenuous-looking times.

Namaste, powerful co-Creators in this Universe of Nebadon!

We love and are with you, always.

You are never alone.

Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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